Operation story: IS-5

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Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Loyal Mafioso
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Radical Mafioso
Siracusan Mafioso A icon.png
Saluzzo Mafioso
Siracusa Manor Guestroom
Siracusa Manor
Siracusa Streets
House Room
Volsinii Streets
Siracusa Park

Before operation

Wallach is infuriated at Texas's decision. Lavinia proposes a meeting with Bernardo, intending to question him about his decision.
<Background 1>
[Wallach is having a talk with Texas.]
Wallach Though I considered the possibility that Leontuzzo was trying to pull a fast one on me behind my back, my suspicions were confirmed the moment I saw you.
You're the real deal, a flesh-and-blood Texas.
Texas ......
Wallach Allow me to introduce myself. I am Wallach of Famiglia Rossati.
Texas You're Columbian?
Wallach Of course. Most associates of Famiglia Rossati are.
So, how did you enjoy prison life here?
Texas There was nothing special about it.
Wallach Strange. Logically, you never should've spent so long in jail in the first place. Just what was Bellone thinking?
Texas Is there something unusual about obeying the law?
Wallach The law? What do the courts here in Siracusa have to do with the so-called law?
Look at it this way. In most Siracusan cities, standing trial and going to jail is a common coming-of-age ritual for a young mafioso.
After that, his famiglia associates go pick him up, like a warrior returning home triumphant.
Everything on the surface here is meaningless to those who live by the underworld's ways.
Texas What's your point?
Wallach You grew up in Columbia. Do I need to spell it out for you?
"A complete joke." There's no other way to say it.
But that's why we were able to establish ourselves here so easily.
Texas Do you enjoy talking politics?
Wallach You obviously don't.
To be honest with you, I'm not a fan either.
I'll get to the point then. Why aren't you dead.
Texas None of your business.
Wallach Fine. Let me ask you a different question then. Why did you come back?
Texas Didn't Leontuzzo tell you already? I owe the Bellones a favor.
Wallach So, let me get this straight. You knew the Bellones wanted to bring you back to deal with us Rossatis, but you still went along with it.
Texas I didn't know that until I got here, but... you could say that.
Wallach Your bluntness makes me wonder if there's something wrong with me, last of the Texases.
Are you going to tell me you forgot the Texas name used to rule all of Columbia's famiglie, large and small?
That your grandfather, Salvadore, was the lodestar for every associate of every famiglia in Columbia?!
Texas ......
What the Texases left behind... has nothing to do with me.
Wallach Nothing to do with you?!
Wallach smashes his fist into the coffee table next to him, and fresh blood begins to seep from his fingers.
He does not seem to realize it.
Wallach You are Cellinia Texas! The granddaughter of Salvadore!
As long as you live, those things have everything to do with you!
The mere mention of your name at a Rossati table forces us to change the way we do things!
Texas was our pride!
Do you know how much effort Giovanna put in to reunite the remaining Columbian famiglie so that Salvadore's blood and sweat would not go to waste?
Do you have any idea what it was like to finally give in to Signora Sicilia, traveling thousands of miles to go from Columbia to Siracusa?
In order to survive, we even gave up the technology to build a nomadic city, basically letting Siracusa construct a new one for free–
That was all because of the fall of Texas. It left us no choice but to accept this reality.
And now you, the last Texas, deign to set foot here like you own the damned place.
Claiming that you have nothing to do with all this, that you're just here to pay off a debt.
You even go so far as to stand against us!
You owe the Bellones?
That you're even alive means you owe a much bigger debt to the Columbian famiglie!
Texas I might owe Giovanna an explanation, but I don't owe a thing to the Columbians.
After I settle my accounts with the Bellones, I'm leaving Siracusa.
Wallach You think we'll take your word for it?
Your very existence shakes the foundations of Famiglia Rossati.
Texas ......
Where's Giovanna?
Wallach What?
Texas I'm asking, why are you here? Instead of Giovanna?
Wallach I speak for her.
Texas She wouldn't, for example, grovel at Signora Sicilia's feet.
Same as she wouldn't send a representative to meet me.
Wallach You think you know her so well?
Texas Judging from your expression, looks like I'm right.
Wallach ......
Hah... Isn't that unlucky.
Turns out I'm the one who doesn't know enough about the legendary Texas.
I always thought I was a pretty good actor.
Texas You're not bad.
But, you speak eloquently and at great lengths about Siracusa, as if you've seen through the country for what it is. It feels... very familiar to me.
I wouldn't keep doing that, if I were you.
Wallach Why not?
Texas Because it proves... you don't understand this place well enough.
Wallach ......
Texas But, you are right about one thing. Now that I'm back, I should go have a chat with Giovanna.
Wallach You won't be seeing her.
[Several mafiosi reveal themselves behind Texas.]
Wallach Sorry about this, last of the Texases.
You're too much like a Siracusan. No, you are a Siracusan, through and through.
So I cannot let you see the Donna.
You'll shake her. And you'll shake others too. You'll bring ruin to a great many things.
So, please turn back.
Go close the deal you have with the Bellones, and then crawl back wherever you came from.
You're free to do what you want from here.
But, I'll ask you to bear one thing in mind.
Famiglia Rossati does not welcome you.
Texas stands up and walks to the door.
Unconsciously, the would-be assassins part and make way for her.
She looks around, reading anger, bewilderment, disgust, confusion, and other emotions in the eyes of the Columbians.
That is what her surname brings to the table.
She lets out a sigh and exits the room.
<Background 2>
[Lavinia opens the door and enters.]
Demetri What an unexpected guest.
Lavinia I want to see Bernardo.
Demetri I've already warned you several times before not to call the Don by his first name, Signorina Lavinia.
Lavinia You know where he is, don't you?
Demetri Give me one reason why I should tell you.
Lavinia If standing here listening to you mock me from your position as the big winner is enough to get you to tell me, I'll gladly play along.
Demetri The big winner, huh...?
It's not like you knowing will do any harm. The Don already left for the Saluzzo mansion.
You won't be able to see him.
If you want to stir up trouble in his household, that's on you.
But if the Don has decided to open discussions with the Saluzzos, I suggest you don't stick your head where it doesn't belong.
Lavinia ......
Don't need to tell me twice.
[Lavinia starts to walk away...]
Demetri One more thing, Signorina Lavinia.
[...but turns back after Demetri calls him.]
Demetri I don't care what you think about me.
But, I hope you do remember this.
Leon is a made man in this famiglia, and he was the first to deviate from our path.
We are all one famiglia, and a famiglia ought to stick together.
Lavinia Your path?
That's a nice euphemism for craven ambition.
Demetri Heh.
[Lavinia leaves.]
<Background 3>
A droplet of rain strikes the ridge of her eye socket and rolls down like a teardrop.
Never in her life has Lavinia experienced rain so frigid and biting in Siracusa.
But she promptly wipes away the streaks.
It's too soon for that.
[Lavinia makes a call toward Texas.]
Texas Who is it?
Lavinia I'm looking for Penguin Logistics.
Texas That's me.
Lavinia Do you have time right now?
Texas I have a moment.
Lavinia What services does your business offer?
Texas We deliver letters, messages, goods, and... people.
Rain or shine.
Lavinia Perfect. I have a job for you.
<Background 4>
[Sora returns.]
Exusiai Oh, Sora, you went to Caterina's place after all?
Sora There are tons of resources here, and Miss Caterina even left her notes in a lot of these scripts.
She's really passionate about her job, huh?
Croissant Stop sighin', won'tcha?
Everybody knows yer actin' thingy ain't just another way of chasin' Texas. Leastwise, you don't want it to be.
Sora Right. But, finding her is still our top priority...
After all, Lappland is back in Siracusa, and she's been doing some pretty crazy stuff.
Exusiai If you think about, it makes perfect sense.
It always feels like she's there, wherever Texas shows up.
Sora Do you think she's doing it to help Texas?
Croissant Lookin' at the scoreboard, Texas sure as sunshine got her name cleared. But ain't that kinda strange, whichever way ya look at it?
Sora Yes. I'm sure she has her own goals.
Croissant Gaaah, I don't have what it takes to deal with that woman.
Anyways, she ain't no friend of Texas, don't take a genius to know that much. But her attitude ain't much like an enemy, neither.
End of the day, I just can't figure out for the life of me what it is she wants outta Texas.
Exusiai But, the mille-feuille she gave me earlier was really good.
Croissant Don't wanna hear nothin' outta that hungry mouth of yours.
Exusiai It's kind of like how I used to look at Mostima. I couldn't figure her out, but after I gradually stopped thinking about her, she actually started to make sense to me.
I feel like it's the same with Lappland.
For people like her, there's no point trying to guess at what they're thinking. It's better to just accept what they say at face value.
Only if every word they say is true can you start to figure if they're ultimately trying to weave truths into a lie.
Sora Hmm...
Croissant Time for me to get some chow. Exusiai, you watch over things, okay?
Exusiai You got it~
[Caterina opens the door and enters.]
Caterina Sora, are you practicing your lines again?
Sora Oh, hi there, Miss Caterina.
We're about to start our performance of Act II of "La Morte di Texas," so I have to step it up.
Caterina Oh, I completely forgot. Time sure has a way of sneaking up on you.
Exusiai, would you like some pizza?
Exusiai Sure would!
Sora By the way, Miss Caterina, since you're the playwright, you'll be coming to watch the show, right?
Caterina Hmm...
I actually wanted to tell you that I'm going away for a while.
Sora Huh?
For how long?
Caterina Well... It shouldn't be too long, if everything goes as planned.
Don't worry, it's nothing major. Something happened back home, and as the eldest daughter, I have to go back and get everything under control.
Exusiai Being a big sister is hard work, isn't it?
Caterina Haha. It's not so bad.
Unfortunately, I'm still not sure what to do for the climax of Act III.
*sigh*... Maybe I can find some inspiration back home this time.
Sora Alright...
Caterina Come on, don't look at me like that. We just won't be seeing each other for a bit. I should still be able to find the time to come watch Act II.
Who knows, maybe I'll surprise you backstage and invite you out.
Sora Really?
Caterina After all, I rarely get to make new friends, and I wouldn't want to miss the performance of a script I wrote myself.
Sora Right. That settles it then. If you're coming by, you have to let me know!
Caterina Of course!
I'm off then. Goodbye.
Sora Bye bye~
Exusiai See you later~
<Background 5>
Wallach Donna, you didn't bring any luggage?
Giovanna After we're done here, I have to head back to finish my script. What's there for me to bring?
Wallach Alright.
Giovanna How have the Saluzzos and Bellones been reacting?
Wallach The Saluzzos invited Leontuzzo to a banquet, and the old wolf Bernardo agreed to it.
That banquet may end up very interesting, and everyone has eyes on it now.
Should we respond in any way?
Giovanna ......
Wallach, help me make some travel plans.
I'm going to go watch the opening performance of "La Morte di Texas" Act II.
Wallach Is the script you wrote that important to you?
Giovanna Of course. It is the product of my painstaking labor.
Also, didn't you just ask how we were going to respond?
That is my response, seeing how Bernardo Bellone is about to step away from his own theater.
Naturally, I, Giovanna Rossati, ought to return.

After operation

The heads of the two famiglie decide to join forces. For the first time during her years in Siracusa, Texas scores a kill that she deems worthwhile. Lavinia is unable to find the answer she seeks.
<Background 3>
Quartiere Saluzzo
[While walking through the streets...]
Bernardo Leon.
I've never been one to tell you what to do. I've always hoped you'd come to your own decisions about everything.
You've done well, all these years.
Leontuzzo If you really think that, then why...
Why did you suddenly decide to act now?
Why are you telling me this?
Why... did you betray Lavinia?
Countless questions swirl around Leontuzzo's mind, but none of them leave his lips.
What he just saw and heard seems to contradict his cognition. He suddenly feels as if the man before him is not his father. He's like a stranger.
Bernardo Because this is the best, and only chance.
Leontuzzo What do you mean by that?
Bernardo You'll find out soon enough.
[Rubio walks by.]
Rubio Signor Bernardo, Signor Leontuzzo, it's a pleasure to see you.
Bernardo Hmm? You're not one of Saluzzo's associates.
Leontuzzo Segretario di Sicurezza Alimentare,[note 1] Rubio. Why are you...?
Rubio My dipartimento is catering tonight's banquet. I'll be cooking, personally.
Bernardo Oh?
I've heard that in Volsinii, no event worth its salt can be held without the endorsement of il Dipartimento di Sicurezza Alimentare[note 2].
Rubio You speak too highly of me.
I'm just hoping to make food that satisfies the fine men and women of every famiglia.
Bernardo Yet another reason to look forward to tonight's banquet.
<Background 6>
[A car stops by and Lavinia came out.]
Lavinia You came.
Texas Where is he right now?
Lavinia He went to the Saluzzo mansion.
Texas Okay.
[Lavinia stands beside Texas.]
Lavinia You're not going to ask why?
Texas I can tell that Bernardo is very important to you.
Lavinia ......
When I became a judge, he didn't ask me to abuse my position to protect the famiglia backing me, like all the other judges.
He let me do what I wanted to do.
Leon, too.
As the Bellone boss in this city, he respects my work and the brand of justice I seek to uphold.
Even if I rule against the Bellones, he sees it as strictly business.
In his words, my justice is more effective than blind violence.
I don't object to his understanding of justice. He even spends some of his spare time reading law literature.
Even so, as a judge, I still have to come face-to-face with the injustices that constantly plague this city.
The power struggles between the famiglie, their oppression of the common folk, and the silent rage of the masses...
The more I tried to uphold justice, the more difficult I realized my path was.
I used to comfort myself that "at least I'm not the tool of some famiglia."
But how could that be true? My hands are already dirty.
I just didn't want to want to admit it. It's impossible not to get your hands dirty.
Even if this seems silly to you...
The promise Bernardo made to me was the only reason I was able to remain a judge in Siracusa.
Texas Promise?
Lavinia He once told me that after Famiglia Bellone emerged victorious, he would carve out a piece of land in Siracusa.
There, the law I placed my faith in would no longer rely on pure power, where the justice I sought could truly be realized.
He's hoped I could be patient until that day comes.
Every time I start to think I can't bear it anymore, I think of his promise.
Tell me, if all of this was a lie, then what purpose has my life had for the past ten years?
Texas I think... given his power and status, he wouldn't need to lie to you like that.
Lavinia Right? That's why–
Saluzzo Mafioso Who is it?
Huh? You're–
Lavinia I am Judge Lavinia. I would like to speak with Don Alberto regarding the murder of Carracci.
Saluzzo Mafioso Your Honor... The Don is entertaining an honored guest right now and doesn't have time to...
Lavinia By honored guest, do you mean Bernardo Bellone?
Saluzzo Mafioso ......
Lavinia Please inform the two dons that this matter is of great importance.
I will not leave until I see them.
<Background 1>
Rubio Please try this one. I learned it from a Leithanian chef.
Bernardo ......
Not bad, not bad.
Alberto Times have really changed, Bernardo.
In the old days, whenever we wanted something, it was all: "I must have it, and I'll kill anyone who gets in my way."
But now?
I need to find officials or businessmen who are on good terms with me, and ask them to get it for me. Be discreet about it too. Wouldn't want news to get out.
Isn't that right, Rubio?
Rubio Ah... Anything you desire, can be yours, Don Alberto. For one to be called upon to get what you want is his honor.
Alberto Hah.
Bernardo Segretario Rubio, you must've been plenty lucky yourself to fill that position.
Rubio I didn't have that kind of luck, which is why I had to go about it this way. I'm just a clown, currying favor with the bosses.
Alberto Heh. Look at this guy, always talking himself down. The fact that you're even here today is enough to prove your worth.
Rubio You're right, Don Alberto.
Alberto Alright, Bernardo. We've spent enough time exchanging pleasantries, so let's get down to business.
You want to do what the Dodici Famiglie have always wanted to do, but never had the guts–take her down.
And sure. You have my support.
But you've only just muddied the waters. If you really want to overthrow her, you're a long way away.
The fact that you even dared to come to this dinner shows that the cards are still in your hand.
So tell me, what exactly do you plan to do?
Bernardo ......
Alberto, what do you think about Famiglia Rossati?
Alberto Rossati?
They've got ambition.
Bernardo Famiglia Rossati isn't alive today just because Giovanna's standing up as Salvadore's successor.
Someone must think the legacy of the Texas name–old Salvadore's knack for unification, was an invaluable asset.
Alberto If you ask me, it's a liability.
Charisma this, charisma that. In the end, money is what talks. It's the only thing that'll get anyone to give a damn about you.
Bernardo You're right. And also wrong.
From where we stand, there are always methods of convincing people.
And to be fair, I do somewhat admire Giovanna.
While the Texas legacy did make for a liability, she took it up willingly, and managed to make it her own...
It's true that the Rossatis have depended on the wealth and connections they've accumulated.
But, they've gone too far.
Alberto In what way?
Bernardo Do you really think she wants to hand over the key to the new city to either of our famiglie?
Alberto ......
Bernardo We've been jostling for power here, but the Rossatis haven't shown the slightest interest in participating, as if they're not even here in our world.
But, they are the same Rossatis that took up Salvadore's legacy. They handed over the technology to build that city to Siracusa. Do you really think they're bystanders in all this?
To a new city built to commemorate Salvadore?
A new city that could change the trajectory of Siracusa?
Alberto You mind putting it in plain Siracusan for me?
Bernardo How could I possibly be more direct, Alberto?
The Dodici Famiglie have been battling here in Volsinii. And to her, this is nothing more than a beast-fighting exhibition.
[A mafioso approaches Alberto.]
Loyal Mafioso Don Alberto... (*whispers*)
Alberto Hmm? Judge Lavinia, and Cellinia?
They want to see me and Bernardo?
What's the meaning of this, Bernardo?
Bernardo They're not with me.
Alberto Oh?
The Saluzzos have never been anything but hospitable to our guests.
But, to those who are not guests–
Bernardo You can deal with them according to the Saluzzo way.
Leontuzzo ......
Alberto Haha, alright then. You heard the man?
Loyal Mafioso Yes, Don Alberto.
[The mafioso leaves.]
Alberto Bernardo, I know you enjoy chatting about plans, and the future.
But I like more practical topics, myself.
Bernardo Because you know those like the back of your hand.
The people know the Saluzzos never place a bet lightly. But few remember that when a Saluzzo does place a bet, he doesn't let it go lightly either.
Alberto Heh.
Rubio, the rest is not meant for your ears.
Rubio I get it–
Bernardo Segretario Rubio, do you have any interest in opera?
Rubio Oh... I sometimes go, when I have the time.
Bernardo Perfect.
Take this.
Rubio This is... a ticket to "La Morte di Texas" Act II?
Bernardo Yes. If it sounds like something you'd be interested in, feel free to go check it out.
Alberto I told you, Bernardo. The time for pleasantries is over.
Bernardo I'd also like to invite all Saluzzos and their associates to enjoy the show together.
Alberto What are you talking about?
<Background 2>
Loyal Mafioso It's time to go.
This is a private party.
Lavinia ......
And what if I told you I must see the dons today?
Loyal Mafioso The Saluzzos have a particular way of showing hospitality to unwelcome guests.
[A group of mafiosi joins the loyal mafioso.]
Lavinia I'm sorry, Cellinia.
Texas This is what I'm here for, isn't it?
[Texas unsheathes her swords.]
Loyal Mafioso You dare pull your sword on a Saluzzo? Cellinia, last of the Texases, are you outta your mind?
Texas Flip that one around.
To kill, not for the sake of killing, but for an honest and sincere hope–since her return to Siracusa, this is the fight that has felt the least empty to her.
That is what Texas thinks.
<Background 1>
Bernardo My theater manager informed me that Famiglia Rossati has reserved a VIP box for tomorrow night's show.
Alberto Oh?
Haha, staging a hit in a theater? Is that how the esteemed artistic director of Compagnia dell'alba operates?
Bernardo It's just sprinkling the dressing of truth onto a play.
Alberto But, there is one thing I still have doubts about.
Giovanna has heavies from Columbia among her associates.
Especially her boss in this city, Wallach. I've heard rumors of his methods.
How are you sure we'll be able to bring her down together?
Radical Mafioso Don Alberto... (*whispers*)
Alberto Haha, sounds like fun.
Bernardo, the judge and that Texas... very much want to see us.
They've already wounded some of my soldiers.
They are both close friends of yours, Bellone. Care to explain?
Bernardo ......
The associates of Famiglia Saluzzo have always been known for their bloodlust and combativeness.
Alberto, if the Rossatis came to attack your home...
What do you think their chances would be?
Alberto Zilch. They wouldn't stand a chance.
Bernardo Cellinia will be the blade that runs through the heart of Famiglia Rossati.
Alberto Oh?
Bernardo Where Rossati soldiers can't go, Cellinia can.
So, what are you worried about? Can the Rossatis stop her?
<Background 2>
[Texas easily slashes down the mafiosi surrounding her and Lavinia, incapacitating them, before pointing her swords to the last one.]
Texas I remember you.
Loyal Mafioso I thought you totally gave up on this place, like you never even lived here.
Texas My time with the Saluzzos wasn't so bad.
Loyal Mafioso Then, you gotta know what it is you're doing.
Texas I do.
[Texas knocks the mafioso out.]
Lavinia Texas, you...
Looking at the unconscious mafiosi strewn around her, Lavinia can't help but be briefly lost for words.
Even with all this, Texas was still holding back. She thought she had seen it all in her time dealing with the famiglie, but this is still beyond her comprehension.
Lavinia I'm glad I'm on your side.
Texas Unfortunately, it looks like this is as far as we'll get.
Lavinia Huh?
[Leontuzzo shows up.]
Lavinia Leon?!
Leontuzzo Lavinia... you shouldn't have come.
Lavinia I have to ask Bernardo something, face-to-face.
Leontuzzo The assassination of the boss of Famiglia Rossati has already been decided.
Saluzzo and Bellone will join forces.
Lavinia That's the decision they made?
Leontuzzo It was our decision.
Lavinia ......
Where is he?
Leontuzzo Dinner just ended. My father is upstairs.
You can see him, but nothing will change.
Along the way, Lavinia keeps running over a million different things to say.
There are too many questions she wants to ask Bernardo.
She imagines the countless arguments she'd have with him, as well as their outcomes.
She thinks she has mustered enough anger.
However, when she steps through the door, the scene she encounters shakes her to the core.
Il Capo e il Giudice.png
Bernardo sits upright in a luxurious chair.
In his hand rests a legal codex adorned with thorns.
The very same as the one she holds in her hands.
He lowers his head and rubs the tome lightly with his palms, as if completely unaware–of the thorns digging into his hands, of the bright blood trickling down.
Her chaotic thoughts all freeze in this moment.
In the end, thousands of words condense into one–
Lavinia Why?
[After a pause...]
Bernardo The game is over, Lavinia.
That sentence alone is already enough for her.
Only a few moments of silence pass, but she is already sapped of all her strength.
Lavinia turns to leave and does not look back, frightened of the tears about to roll from her eyes.
Bernardo remains in place, uttering not a single word as a few drops of his blood dye the floor.


  1. "Secretary of Food Safety" in Italian
  2. "Department of Food Safety" in Italian