Operation guide: Flying Thief

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One of three possible Dreadful Foes in Chapter III of Ceobe's Fungimist, Flying Thief pits the player against the Jetman, a self-proclaimed master thief who wears a DIY jetpack that allows him to fly in the event he is blocked for a short time, during which he is treated as an aerial enemy (thus he can move over friendly units) and moves faster, but cannot attack, thus he will become harmless as Monsters. The Jetman's flight ability have the following implications:

  • If the Jetman is stunned, he will be forced to land, interrupting the ability.
  • The Jetman takes extra damage from friendlies deployed on the two Anti-Air Runes.
  • Marksman Snipers will attack the Jetman over other enemies.

The Jetman is supported by invisible enemies such as Lurkers, Invisible Crossbowman Leaders, and Invisible Caster Leaders, thus having friendly units with detection capabilities such as SilverAsh, Scene, and Elysium are recommended to counter them, as well as Defenders-4 and Arts Masters A1.

General strategies

  • Focus on defending the top-right lane leading to the Protection Objective due to the prevalence of invisible enemies and the fact that enemies can be easily funneled through it. A Centurion or Lord Guard (preferably Blaze or Thorns) can hold the line well.
  • Remember to take Marksman Snipers to counter the drones. Two Marksmen are preferred, but one can work if they are supported by Casters or Lord Guards.
  • Watch the deployment order carefully to protect the ranged Operators from the Invisible Crossbowman and Caster Leaders due to their rather good ATK. If the ranged enemies cannot be distracted this way, use two Medical Medics and one Multi-target Medic to keep the ranged Operators in good shape.
  • The Jetman circles around the central area three times before heading to the Objective. Use these opportunities to deal as much damage as possible towards him, preferably with ranged DPS Operators.
    • Try to block the Jetman on the lower-right corner with Executor Specialists so that he will take flight and land on the defensive line.
    • Deploy the primary DPS Operators on the Anti-Air Runes and save their skills, if manually activated, for when the Jetman flies to deal heavy damage against him. If using Exusiai with Overloading Mode, try to time her deployment so that the skill is activated when the Jetman is airborne.