Operation story: 10-8

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Eartha Partisan A icon.png
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier
Victorian Partisan B icon.png
Victorian Soldier
Dublinn Soldier icon.png
Dublinn Soldier
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary
Londinium Industrial District Day
Eartha Hideout

After operation

Horn loses another comrade and decides to rescue all the remaining soldiers who have been taken prisoners by the Sarkaz. At the same time, Rhodes Island and the Self-Salvation Corps also plan their own operation to rescue Messenger Heidi Thomson, who has been captured by the Sarkaz.
<Background 1>
Sarkaz Mercenary Boss, you were right. We lost them.
Those rebels... Crafty little sand beasts, the lot of them. Just five seconds, and it's like they all burrowed into the sand without a trace.
Hoederer Sure enough, and that's why we shouldn't waste our energy on them.
Guard your position well, until they poke their heads out of their holes again.
Sarkaz Mercenary Sure. You're the boss.
[The Sarkaz mercs leave as someone talks with Hoederer.]
??? Looks like you found yourself a bunch of loyal subordinates, "Boss."
Hoederer They think it'll pay dividends. It's good for morale.
??? They trust you too. I can tell. It's far more than what a mercenary should afford another mercenary.
Hoederer Just goes to show how effective Manfred's plan is.
??? You think real highly of him. I almost forgot. You two are practically brothers from another mother these days, right? Just look at the mansion he gave you. The den alone is larger than your old backyard.
Hoederer It was a count's estate. I killed its previous owner.
??? Don't tell me that's weighing on your conscience.
Hoederer He was having afternoon tea at the time... His wife and their three children were sitting right in front of him.
??? Sure, this is nothing like the kind of work we used to take, but you're the one who agreed to the job. Nothing to mourn when our consciences died so long ago.
Hoederer Then let's not ask these questions. Whatever it is you want to know, just take a look for yourself. Not like you don't know already.
??? Is you being under a lot of stress supposed to somehow make me feel better?
Whatever. Let's talk about something else. It's not the time for us to find comfort in each other. I'm here because I have some advice for you—Pay attention to what's under your feet.
Hoederer You mean...
??? Mercenaries aren't all that trustworthy.
If you don't pay attention to the shadows when you walk, your efforts might just be all for naught.
Hoederer Is that all you came here for?
??? No, that's not all.
What I really wanted to say is–After drifting around for so long, she's on the road.
<Background fades out and in>
Mandragora Are our men in position?
Dublinn Soldier Yes, all at that place per the Sarkaz's orders.
Mandragora Don't be daft. I'm not talking about what the Sarkaz want us to do.
Dublinn Soldier Captain, are we really going to start this operation tonight? Are you sure we won't...
Mandragora You trying to ask if we'll fall into Manfred's trap?
Do you think I'm so stupid that I can't tell what he's trying to do?
Dublinn Soldier No, of course not... I wouldn't dare to...
Mandragora He's trying to test me, and I'll let him test me.
Our men are his to order around... but he doesn't know how many of us there are.
Dublinn Soldier So, we still have to be the Sarkaz's gatekeepers, then?
Mandragora Shut up.
I hate putting it that way. It makes it sound as though we're the Sarkaz's... the Sarkaz's...
Gah, whatever. We just have to bear with it today. Once we're done with this last thing, we'll leave Londinium straight away.
Dublinn Soldier W-Will we really? That's wonderful news!
Ever since I was a kid... I... I've always hated Londinium. My parents both came to this place and never went back...
This city eats people!
Mandragora Right, I don't like it either. Have you ever seen another city like this? So many plates, so many tall towers, and so many sewers?
Every time I smell that stench... The smell of grease on the nobles' dining tables, it makes me want to puke.
And now we can finally leave.
Get the word out, and put on your best performance tonight. Do not give Manfred anything he can use against us.
And I want the ten best fighters to come with me.
As for you, I want you to tail Manfred... You saw where he was heading, right?
Dublinn Soldier Yes, Captain.
Mandragora Good.
Tonight, I'll rescue our "spy."
I've stayed here in Londinium for so long, I have to at least get one thing done before I can go home with my mind at ease, right?
I... I won't let our leader down again.
<Background 2>
Victorian Soldier Horn, you're back!
[Horn walks in.]
Horn I am. Where's Robben?
Victorian Soldier The team got back a while ago.
Horn Good. Did they find any medicine? Let me check on Salley.
Victorian Soldier There's... There's no need.
Horn What are you talking about?! Do you mean Salley...?
I still have to see him.
<Background fades out>
Victoria has lost another fine soldier.
A little girl has lost her father.
How many more must we lose before we finally see the end of this tragedy?
<Background fades in>
Horn ......
What was Salley's girl's name again? Was it Erin? Elisa? If memory serves, his family lived in County Ascarat.
Blake, pack up his belongings, please. Once the war is over, we'll pay his family a visit.
Victorian Soldier But... he didn't leave anything behind.
Horn Nothing at all?
No, Blake... At the very least, he left a story. We have to go on this journey still. His daughter will want to hear his story.
I will tell her that, even in our darkest hour, her father never gave in to suffering.
Victorian Soldier Right. I'll come with you, Horn. Once the war is over.
Also, I have a message for you. From Salley.
Horn What... did he say?
Victorian Soldier He said–"Sorry, Lieutenant, but you must live on."
Horn He apologized to me.
Victorian Soldier He did. And, I understood him. We all did.
As soldiers, we all considered that we could die out there somewhere, one day.
But after we saw all that, Salley... No, all of us understood what's far scarier.
Take a look at the state of Londinium. It's our home, but it's become a prison.
Is dying an honorable death too much to ask for?
Horn It shouldn't be.
Victorian Soldier Indeed, but that's the truth now.
We all know that well, but... we... we want you to keep marching down this road, because you gave us hope.
Horn... You didn't have to carry all our hopes on your back. It's too much for one person.
Horn ......
It's harder... to live, huh?
Ha... Looks like I owe her an apology.
Victorian Soldier Who's "her?"
Horn A fine Victorian soldier, just like the rest of you.
She... Let's not talk about this now.
Tell everyone we don't have time to mourn.
Victorian Soldier –!
Did you find out where they're keeping our people?
Horn There's a high chance.
If the information I got turns out to be correct, the Sarkaz will move them tomorrow morning.
I... I was going to ask what you think.
Victorian Soldier You don't have to ask. Just give us the order!
Horn Very well, then. We will begin as soon as the sun sets.
<Background 3>
Clovisia I've marked the most probable locations on the map. Any thoughts?
Amiya There are... eight spots?
Even with our operators, it'll be hard to check all these places in two days.
Clovisia Unfortunately, all eight fulfill the requirements of a temporary prison.
There are no settlements near any of them, which means that it's difficult for news to get in and out.
They're all located near the highway that leads to Central Londinium, which facilitates the Sarkaz fighters' movement around the city.
And... none of them are connected to the plate we are in.
Amiya Did the Sarkaz commander figure out you're operating underground?
Clovisia He's a smart man. We mustn't underestimate him.
Amiya Then... If this is where they're keeping prisoners, shouldn't there be a massive security detail guarding the place?
Clovisia We thought about that too.
Unfortunately, even though our recon team managed to track the Sarkaz's movement in each plate, they haven't found any openings.
Doctor What is this place?
Clovisia An abandoned factory. They say it used to make candy... And don't get the wrong idea. That is just what the civilians in the industrial districts usually call it.
What they actually refined is an organic compound called Loxic Kohl. It's packaged like sweets for children, so everyone's come to call it "candy".
Amiya A candy factory? Sounds familiar...
Doctor Make this our top priority in the search. / I think we're pretty close to the answer.
Clovisia Dr. {nickname}, may I know why?
Doctor We may know who owns it.
Amiya Ah, of course. You mean Mr. Thomas?
Mr. Thomas has been working with the Sarkaz, right? He said he saw the Sarkaz using his factory for some shady business, and he was almost silenced because of it.
Not to mention... he has some information that Dublinn wanted too.
Doctor All the factions opposing the Sarkaz want it... / It's something the Sarkaz don't want anyone to know.
Clovisia Alright then.
Tell Feist that this factory is our prime objective.
Harmo, keep working on the move. We will keep that option open to us too.
[An Eartha partisan runs to Clovisia.]
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Commander!
Clovisia What is it, Lawrence?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier The recon team is back. They ran into some Sarkaz mercenaries aboveground.
Clovisia Casualties...?
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Four injured, and one... captured.
Clovisia Sorry everyone, the meeting ends here. I need to take a look.
[Rockrock shows up.]
Rockrock Commander...
Self-Salvation Corps Soldier Rockrock, what are you doing? We just got your wounds bandaged!
Rockrock No... I have something I must tell the commander.
Clovisia Did you find her...?
Rockrock Yes, we got news from Lady Golding. She's still at the school in the northern residential district, and she's safe...
But they were ambushed by the Sarkaz during a social gathering two days ago.
And the Messenger lady... was taken prisoner.
Clovisia ......
Amiya Wait a moment, please–
Is the Messenger you are referring to the one who requested you to rendezvous with Rhodes Island?
Doctor The lady who helped us get into Victoria. / She gathered lots of information on Victoria. / Kal'tsit's old friend.
Clovisia Right... That's her.
Amiya, Dr.{nickname}, our rescue operation has been moved up.
She's very important to the Self-Salvation Corps. She holds a lot of information, and this might even affect our evacuation operation.
Amiya Yes, I understand.
She's irreplaceable to Rhodes Island too.
Doctor This will be our first joint operation.
Clovisia Good. I have faith that Rhodes Island will help us rescue our imprisoned Messenger from the Sarkaz–
Our strongest warrior, our most important ally, and our most trusted friend, Lady Heidi Thomson.