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Stainless icon.png

Stainless Elite 2 icon.png

Stainless Skin 1 icon.png

Stainless of the Londinium Citizens' Self-Salvation Corps, ready to move with you at a moment's notice.
The faint smell of machine oil surrounds him, but both his smile and his hands are spotless as can be.
Class Supporter.png Supporter
Branch Artificer Supporter.png Artificer
Faction Victoria.png Victoria
Position Melee
Tags Support, DPS
Trait Blocks 2 enemies; Can use <Support Devices> in battles
Summon Stainless' Multifunctional Platform.png Stainless™ Multifunctional Platform
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab.png Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab
How to obtain Standard Headhunting
The name of Stainless' CRA-Y Operator Module is a tentative translation which may not represent the official English localization and will be updated when the Module is released in the Global server of Arknights.





Base.png Base.png MAX Elite 1.png MAX Elite 2.png MAX Trust.png
HP.png HP 1043 1490 2042 2723
ATK.png ATK 236 369 492 593 +40
DEF.png DEF 190 274 354 421 +40
RES.png RES 0 N/A
RDP.png Redeployment time 70 seconds
COST.png DP cost 15 17 19
BLOCK.png Block count 2
ASPD.png Attack interval 1.5 seconds


Potential 2.png
DP cost -1
Potential 3.png
Redeployment time -6 seconds
Potential 4.png
ATK +25
Potential 5.png
Improves Cost Cutting
Potential 6.png
DP cost -1
Total Cost
Stainless's Token.png
Royal Supporter Token.png


Elite 1.png Elite 1
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New skill: Efficient Resupply.
  • Field Engineer improved.

Raise Stainless to Level 50.
Supporter Chip.png
Elite 2.png Elite 2
  • Maximum attributes increased.
  • DP cost +2.
  • New talent: Cost Cutting.
  • New skill: Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab.
  • Field Engineer improved.
  • Operator Modules available.

Raise Stainless to Elite 1 Level 80.
Supporter Dualchip.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Refined Solvent.png


Battlefield Engineer
Base.png Can carry 2 <Support Devices> (deploy up to 1), with different effects depending on Skill
Elite 1.png Can carry 2 <Support Devices> (deploy up to 2), with different effects depending on Skill
Elite 2.png Can carry 3 <Support Devices> (deploy up to 2), with different effects depending on Skill
Cost Cutting
Elite 2.png Stainless has a 70% chance to recycle a device if it is destroyed within the 8 tiles surrounding him
Elite 2.pngPotential 5.png Stainless has a 80% (+10%) chance to recycle a device if it is destroyed within the 8 tiles surrounding him
Additional information
Cost Cutting will also be triggered by retreating the Support Devices.


Extreme Firepower
Auto Recovery
15–20 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 110% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
10 55 15
Rank 2.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 120% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
10 55 15
Rank 3.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 130% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
10 55 15
Rank 4.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 140% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2.5x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
15 50 16
Rank 5.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 150% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2.5x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
15 50 16
Rank 6.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 160% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 2.5x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
15 50 16
Rank 7.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 170% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 3x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
20 45 17
Rank 8.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 180% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 3.5x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
20 45 18
Rank 9.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 190% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 3.5x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
20 45 19
Rank 10.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator ATK +12%
When activated, immediately gain a device. Attacks deal 200% of ATK as Physical damage, and device effects increase by 4x
All active devices are destroyed when skill expires
20 45 20
Additional information
The ATK buff from multiple Stainless' Multifunctional Platforms with Extreme Firepower stacks.
Efficient Resupply
Auto Recovery
30 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +10%, DEF +10%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 3s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
15 65 30
Rank 2.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +15%, DEF +15%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 3s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
15 65 30
Rank 3.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +20%, DEF +20%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 3s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
15 65 30
Rank 4.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +25%, DEF +25%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2.5s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
20 60 30
Rank 5.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +30%, DEF +30%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2.5s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
20 60 30
Rank 6.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +35%, DEF +35%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2.5s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
20 60 30
Rank 7.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +40%, DEF +40%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
20 55 30
Rank 8.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +45%, DEF +45%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
25 53 30
Rank 9.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +50%, DEF +50%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
25 51 30
Rank 10.png
When this skill is equipped: Device gives an ally Operator 1 SP every 3.5s
ATK +60%, DEF +60%, and attack all blocked enemies. Device boosted to grant 1 SP every 2s, but HP loss is doubled
Gains 1 device when skill expires
25 50 30
Additional information
  • The Stainless' Multifunctional Platforms with Efficient Resupply lose 0.4% of its maximum HP every second.
  • The SP restoration from multiple Stainless' Multifunctional Platforms with Efficient Resupply stacks.
  • Contrary to the wording, Stainless does not need to block the enemies for his attacks with Efficient Resupply to hit them. Rather, Stainless' attacks hit multiple targets in range equal to his block count.
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab
Auto Recovery
30 seconds
Lv. Description SP init.png SP cost.png Duration.png
Rank 1.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +10%, ASPD +10
10 50 30
Rank 2.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +15%, ASPD +15
10 50 30
Rank 3.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +20%, ASPD +20
10 50 30
Rank 4.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +25%, ASPD +25
15 45 30
Rank 5.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +30%, ASPD +30
15 45 30
Rank 6.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +35%, ASPD +35
15 45 30
Rank 7.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +40%, ASPD +40
20 40 30
Rank 8.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +45%, ASPD +45
20 35 30
Rank 9.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +50%, ASPD +50
20 35 30
Rank 10.png
When this skill is equipped: Device can be attacked by allied Operators, but does not take damage. Can deal area Physical damage with its skill, but loses HP
When activated, immediately gain a device, ATK +55%, ASPD +55
20 35 30
Additional information
Changes Stainless' Support Devices to Prototypes of Feist's Metal Crab, which are treated as hostile targets.

Skill upgrades

Rank 2.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 3.png
Skill Summary Volume 1.png
Rank 4.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Rank 5.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Orirock Cube.png
Rank 6.png
Skill Summary Volume 2.png
Semi-Synthetic Solvent.png
Rank 7.png
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Component.png
Sugar Pack.png
Rank 8.png
Extreme Firepower
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Manganese Trihydrate.png
Coagulating Gel.png
Efficient Resupply
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Circuit.png
Sugar Pack.png
Rank 9.png
Extreme Firepower
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Refined Solvent.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png
Efficient Resupply
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Polymerized Gel.png
Incandescent Alloy Block.png
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Grindstone Pentahydrate.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Rank 10.png
Extreme Firepower
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Orirock Concentration.png
Efficient Resupply
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
D32 Steel.png
White Horse Kohl.png
Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab
Skill Summary Volume 3.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Cutting Fluid Solution.png

Base skills

Skill-ws cost&dorm.png Heart to Heart
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Elite materials, for every 10 Operators in Dormitories with Morale below 12, recipes with Morale cost of 4 have -1 Morale cost
Skill-ws evolve dorm2.png Mind to Mind
Elite 2.png
When this Operator is assigned to the Workshop to process Elite materials, increases the byproduct production rate by 5% for every 1 Operator with 12 or less Morale assigned to the Dorms

Operator Modules

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Original module.png Original: Stainless's Badge
Module Badge.png
Artificer Supporter.png
Operator Stainless has demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for utilizing installations so as to aid teammates in combat.
The Field Operations Department has thus passed the following resolution:
This operator shall be appointed a Supporter Operator during field operations to exercise Artificer responsibilities.
In witness whereof,
This badge is hereby conferred upon the above named.
CRA-X module.png CRA-X: FMC-Crawler
Stage 1
ATK +25
DEF +25
New trait:
Increases the max number of Support Devices that can be held by +1 and reduces their Deployment Cost[note 1]
Stage 2
ATK +35
DEF +35
Cost Cutting improved:
Increases SP recovery rate by +0.1/second if Stainless has one of his own Devices in the 8 surrounding tiles; when any of these Devices are destroyed, there is an 80% chance to recycle them, granting Stainless 1 additional Device
Stage 3
ATK +45
DEF +45
Cost Cutting improved:
Increases SP recovery rate by +0.2/second if Stainless has one of his own Devices in the 8 surrounding tiles; when any of these Devices are destroyed, there is a 90% chance to recycle them, granting Stainless 1 additional Device
Module Missions
  1. During battle, have Stainless deploy a total of 25 Support Devices (excluding Support Units)
  2. Clear Main Theme 11-6 with a 3-star rating; You must deploy your own Stainless, and have Stainless or Stainless's Support Devices defeat at least 15 Sarkaz Witherers
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of Stainless's CRA-X Module Missions.
  • Raise Stainless to Elite 2 Level 60.
Module Data Block.png
Crystalline Electronic Unit.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with Stainless.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Polymerization Preparation.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with Stainless.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
A fully automatic dual-purpose passenger-freighter carrier device serving the entire landship!
Before seeing the design blueprints, none of Engineering's operators would have thought Feist had such a marvelous imagination. No wonder he'd dubbed the plans "Dreams" and stuck them in the most eye-catching spot of his workbench.
The creativity on show in the blueprints was succinct: Preserve the motor core of an FMC, then upgrade it with an all-terrain ambulatory mechanical installation.
"How many neat automation ideas has this guy got hidden up in that head of his?" Closure was heard to say in appraisal, which served to stir up Engineering even more. Finally, one voice said what everyone was secretly thinking–
"Let's get this thing made while he's out in the field!"
Predictably they came to a resounding agreement. They'd all received Feist's help in ways both big and small, or been given one of his timely little presents. Moreover, not one operator there would ever refuse the chance to make someone's dream a reality.
Several workshops joined hands and got down to work, all of Engineering bustling like nobody's business. Driven by wanting to finish it before Feist got back, sticking points were overcome one after another, and progress flew by far smoother than usual. Very soon, the main chassis was fully built, short of just one final step: merging it with a Feist Metal Crab motor system.
Once "MERGE SUCCESSFUL" flashed up on their giant display, ardent applause filled all of Engineering. A brand spanking new automated transport vehicle could enter operation, and it couldn't have happened without the combined hard work of Feist and every single other engineer. Some operators had already begun to imagine how he would react to seeing it: would a lad who'd pulled himself out of the fires of war shed a tear or two? Or would he laugh like mad and give everyone a giant hug?
That was when a question came that threw everyone off, its asker stood over by the generator.
"How does the FMC motor system... actually work?"
Clearly, nobody had given thought to this one little detail preserved from the design, and a moment of silence ensued that felt like forever.
"Hey, what're you lot all gathered in here for?"
Feist, who'd come back aboard earlier, gave the crowd a puzzled stare before his eyes fell on the little sheetmetal fellow they surrounded. He blinked, then blinked again, making sure he wasn't just hallucinating.
"Hold on, you got the Crawler all built? I don't know what to say!"
All of Engineering's eyes were on him as he picked up a steel pipe and gave the "Crawler" a hefty tap on the back. With a loud rumble, the "Crawler" slowly whirred into motion. That was the instant that reminded everyone just how the FMC operated.
A few days later, the children aboard Rhodes got the gift Stainless had promised them: a little people-carrying robot that moved when you struck it. There in the shade of a thicket of steel, both his and their dreams had come true at once.
Now they just needed to find an open space, and everyone could experience the joy of riding a burdenbeast.
CRA-Y module.png CRA-Y: Highbury Imprint
Highbury Imprint.png
Stage 1
HP +260
ATK +45
New trait:
Reduces <Support Device> Redeployment Time[note 2]
Stage 2
HP +340
ATK +54
Battlefield Engineer improved:
Can carry 3 <Support Devices> (deploy up to 2), with different effects depending on Skill; Operators under the effect of <Support Devices> obtain ASPD +4 (unaffected by skills)
Stage 3
HP +400
ATK +60
Battlefield Engineer improved:
Can carry 3 <Support Devices> (deploy up to 2), with different effects depending on Skill; Operators under the effect of <Support Devices> obtain ASPD +6 (unaffected by skills)
Module Missions
  1. During battle, have your own Stainless use Prototype of Feist's Metal Crab a total of 8 times
  2. Clear Main Theme 9-6 with a 3-star rating under Standard Environment; You must deploy your own Stainless, and have Stainless or Stainless's Support Devices defeat at least 10 enemies
PrerequisitesStage 1
  • Complete both of Stainless's CRA-Y Module Missions.
  • Raise Stainless to Elite 2 Level 60.
Module Data Block.png
D32 Steel.png
Stage 2Have at least 50% Trust with Stainless.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Stick.png
Bipolar Nanoflake.png
Stage 3Have at least 100% Trust with Stainless.
Module Data Block.png
Data Supplement Instrument.png
Nucleic Crystal Sinter.png

