Operation story: 0-0

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Reunion Soldier A icon.png
Reunion Member
Thrashed Indoor

Before operation

In the heart of Chernobog, a young girl awakens the person within the coffin – the Doctor.
The girl, named Amiya, tries to explain the situation to the Doctor, but the Reunion Movement suddenly attacks them at this time.
Ah, it's you.
The Giant of Babel.png
It's been a long time since we've last seen each other.
During this time... you've been teetering on the edge of a cliff.
You may have forgotten who you are, but just remembering your name is enough.
...It's time. Don't linger here for too long.
After all, you aren't my guest yet, nor should you even be here.
She still needs you.
December 23rd.
You may not remember what this date means to you.
And this will thrust you into peril.
<Background black>
You must try to remember.
[An EKG beeps in the background as the sound of heartbeat is heard.]
Distant Voice ...consciousness...
Circulation resumed... vitals stabilized... cardioplegia solution injected...
[The EKG beeps flatly...]
Distant Voice Body temperature low... administering Hexamethasone 20 c.c., now...
[...before beeping normally again.]
Distant Voice Get the hemostat!
...Conditions stable... beginning resection... be careful of VFib...
For making you suffer again...
[The sound of an injection is heard as the vision blacks out.]
<Background black>
??? ...
Take my...
Take my hand!!
Amiya Awakening (Blurred).png
Amiya Awakening.png
??? ...
...It's done...!
<Background black>
??? Doctor, Doctor!
Medic, how's Doctor doing?
But, just a moment ago... we were holding hands...
So why... why is Doctor still not waking up...?
Medic Amiya! Don't panic, just calm down first!
Amiya Ah... S-sorry.
Medic You always get so flustered when it comes to the doctor.
But, Amiya, if the worst came to pass... what would you do then?
Amiya ...I'm already mentally prepared for that. We would continue to follow the plan.
Medic ...I understand. Anyway, I'll do what you requested.
Amiya All right... I appreciate it.
About the Doctor...
Medic Don't worry, Amiya. All the vital signs are stable now.
I'll do one more inspection, just for you.
Amiya Thank you... Thank you very much!
Medic Mhm. Breathing is slightly shallow, but blood pressure is normal. There should be no cause for concern.
<Background 1>
[The person, who were only known as the Doctor, wakes up.]
Amiya ...!
Medic ...
Are you awake?
Amiya, it's a success! The Doctor has woken up!
Amiya Doctor...?
I'm so happy... Doctor...
Medic Ah, careful! You mustn't do that...
Don't try to move yet. Your body still hasn't fully adapted to this.
Amiya Doctor...?
Doctor Who... are you?
Amiya Ah, Doctor... It's me...
It's me, Amiya.
We've come to rescue you.
Doctor ...Who... am I...?
Amiya You...
You're a member of Rhodes Island, just like us...
...as well as my partner.
...Dr. {nickname}.
You're the most important person to me.
Doctor... you don't remember?
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor ...Can I trust you?
Amiya ...
I understand. I know this is a bit much to take in right now.
I don't expect you to remember everything right away, and I'm not asking you to trust me right now.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor ...
Amiya Dr. {nickname}, do you really not remember me at all...?
Even if that's the case... I won't give up.
We've already sacrificed so much, just to find you...
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I see... Pleased to meet you, Amiya.
Amiya Ah, um, hello.
I, I don't know how to put this, but so many things have changed from before.
That includes me as well.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Amiya However, you'll always be the most important person to me, Doctor. No matter what happens, this will never change.
So that's why, please... give me a little more time.
However little it might be...
Doctor ...
Medic Does the doctor... really have amnesia?
Amiya ...
I'm sure everything will be fine if we give Doctor some space...
Doctor Where is this...
Amiya It's safe here—
[A banging sound is heard.]
Amiya Huh? What's happening—
Heavily-Armed Man Amiya, we've got a problem!
Someone broke into the facility!
[Several people wearing black masks and armed with a sword breaks into the facility.]
Heavily-Armed Man The way they're dressed... they don't look like Ursus soldiers!
Reunion Member ...
[Sounds of combat are heard...]
Heavily-Armed Man What's the meaning of this?!
[...as the armed people, revealed to be part of Reunion, attacks.]
Heavily-Armed Man They're attacking! Amiya, they're heavily equipped with weapons!
[A crossbow shot narrowly misses the medic.]
Medic Aaaahh!
Amiya Be careful, everyone! Take cover, and protect Doctor!
These outfits... are they from the Reunion Movement? But how is that possible...
Guards, prepare for battle!
Guard Roger!
[An explosion narrowly misses the Guard.]
Guard Curses... Are they after the Doctor?!
Amiya No... Nobody else should know about the Doctor being here.
Are you able to reach Kal'tsit?
Guard I'm not sure why, but the equipment isn't working!
Amiya ...Someone has cut off our communications.
Have we been discovered by the Ursus government?
Guard What do we do now?
Amiya Kal'tsit won't be able to command the battle as we had originally planned.
...Dr. {nickname}.
I hope that... you'll be able to take command.
Medic Isn't that a bit too risky? The Doctor only just came to...
Amiya I'd like... to give it a try.
Even without memories, Doctor has...
...fought alongside us before.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
??? Thank you for all of your guidance...
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Amiya ...
We've been through so much together...
Doctor... I just know that you'll be able to do it.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 2>
??? I know that you'll lead us to victory.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Amiya I understand that asking you to do this is very sudden and inconsiderate.
But... Please, lend us your aid.
We'll be supporting you!
Doctor Let's push them back first! / ... / We have no choice but to fight back, right?
Amiya Mm... I don't want to drag you into this.
But right now, we need your wisdom more than ever, Dr. {nickname}.
I hope that a part of you will reawaken during combat.
Even though you might have doubts about yourself...
But I believe in you.
We Are Rhodes Island.png
Amiya I know you can do this.
Please take command... of Rhodes Island!

During operation

Part 1

<Game paused>
Amiya Doctor, we don't have a lot of time. But don't worry, I will help you to regain basic movement capabilities...
<The Incursion Point is highlighted> The enemy will show up from here.
<The Protection Objective is highlighted> We must not let them reach you, so make sure they do not get close to this location.
They're getting closer, so be prepared.
<Game unpaused>
[A Soldier spawns from the Incursion Point and moves to the Protection Objective.]
<Game paused>
Amiya <The Soldier is highlighted> This is an enemy that we must defeat.
He is a member of the "Reunion Movement", a destructive organization. We will be in great trouble if we don't defeat him...
<Exusiai and Texas are available for deployment, shown in the lower right corner of the screen, and highlighted> Down here is a list of Rhodes Island Operators on standby.
Once deployed, they can participate in the operation.
<The DP counter, a number shown above the list of Operators, is highlighted> The number above the list represents your currently available Deployment Points (DP).
Operators can only be deployed when you have sufficient Deployment Points.
<Texas' DP cost, a number shown above her icon, is highlighted> The number on the Operators' portrait represent the required DP cost to deploy that Operator.
More powerful Operators usually have higher costs.
But don't worry, your Deployment Points will gradually increase over time.
You should be able to feel your fingers now, Doctor.
Try concentrating on your fingers. Any one of them.
Doctor, can you see the location I marked? Drag the avatar of Operator over there. [The player taps Texas' portrait, slowing down the game and tilting the camera, and drags Texas to the indicated location, showing her sprite]
Then drag the direction marker in the center toward this direction. [The player drags Texas to the right]
<Game unpaused>
[Texas is deployed.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Alright, Operator Texas is now deployed. She can now clear most of the threats for you.
<Game unpaused>
[The Soldier moves into Texas' range, who easily defeats them.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Watch out, a new enemy has appeared.
Amiya To ensure your safety, you need to deploy a Ranged unit into the battlefield.
Exusiai is a Sniper Operator with the ability to attack enemies from afar. She can help Texas to hold the line. At this stage, it seems the enemy outside cannot enter our territory anymore. [The player places Exusiai in the same way as Texas before, but in the high ground tile to the latter's upper-right, and faces her left]
<Game unpaused>
[Exusiai is deployed just as two more Soldiers spawn.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Alright, Doctor, now you should watch the situation calmly and prepare for any potential changes.
While you are still not fit enough to fight, you can protect us through making the appropriate decisions.
<Game unpaused>
[The Soldiers are defeated by Exusiai and Texas.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Oh right, Doctor. You probably still have a lot more questions.
Here is some basic information about the interface.
<The Pause button on the top-right corner of the screen, previously hidden, is shown and highlighted> The pause button is located on the top right—hand corner. You can tap it to pause or resume the game.
<The Change Speed button to the left of the Pause button, previously hidden, is shown and highlighted> To the left of the pause button is the speed change button, which allows you to adjust the current game speed.
The operation information on the top corner of the screen, previously hidden, is shown; the Life Point counter on the right side is highlighted> Basic battle information is located on the top. Your Total HP represents the maximum number of enemies that can go through the blue destination before you are defeated.
<The enemy counter on the left side of the operation information is highlighted> Enemy Stats represent the total number of enemies and the number of enemies defeated.
Becoming familiar with these functions will benefit you greatly, Doctor.
<Game unpaused>


Amiya Watch out for the other direction!

Part 2

<Game paused>
Amiya We thought that Reunion was nothing more than a ragtag group of Infected.
However, their movements right now are orderly and disciplined.
Get ready for the next wave of enemy attacks.
<Game unpaused>
[A Soldier spawns and charges at Texas, but five more Soldiers spawn as Texas defeats the first and charges straight at her simultaneously.]
<Game paused>
Amiya <The indicator that Texas' skill is ready above her are highlighted> Texas can use more weapons to damage nearby enemies at the same time.
However, activating so many weapons together is not easy. Doctor, you must tell her the correct timing to do so.
When you see sufficient enemies approaching her, tap her location and select the Skill tag to remind her to use skill.
<Texas herself is highlighted> You may also view her statistics at this time.
My instructor once told me that every one attribute I knew about our fellow Operators could increase my survival time by 11.45 secs. I do question her credibility though. [The player taps Texas' sprite]
<Texas' stats are shown, with her block count highlighted> Block represents the maximum number of enemies that this unit can block.
<The Retreat button is highlighted> The withdraw button will return the Operator back into the standby list. He or she can be deployed again after some time. Some of the DP cost will be refunded when an Operator is withdrawn. However, defeated Operators will not refund any DP.
<The Skill button, showing Texas' second skill Sword Rain, is highlighted> Use her Skill now. [The player taps the skill button]
<Game unpaused>
[Texas unleashes the Sword Rain, which defeats the Soldiers in the blink of an eye.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Fantastic.
Like what you have just done, giving appropriate orders to Operators at the right time is the key to win.
But you must not let your guard down yet. If you fall here, all our efforts will go to waste.
<Game unpaused>
[A Heavy Defender spawns from the bottom Incursion Point and holds still just as Dobermann is deployed nearby before the Heavy Defender starts moving again.]
Amiya Ah! Instructor Dobermann, you have arrived!
[The Heavy Defender gets blocked by Dobermann, who barely damages them.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Oh no... Instructor Dobermann is in trouble.
<The Heavy Defender is highlighted> Reunion's Heavy Defender is protected by thick armor. Ordinary physical attacks can hardly deal any damage to him.
<Game unpaused>
[Amiya herself is deployed above Dobermann.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Doctor, please leave him to me!
As a Caster, my Arts can penetrate the enemy's defense.
This means I can effectively counter heavily-armored enemies.
<Game unpaused>
[Amiya helps Dobermann in defeating the Heavy Defender, her attacks actually damage them and takes them out just as a second one spawns, but Amiya easily defeats them as well.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Great! Deploying Operators to appropriate positions is a very crucial part of your strategy.
Doctor, be careful. We have more serious threats coming.
<Game unpaused>
[(A Logger spawns from the top Incursion Point and heads to the Protection Objective)]
<Game paused>
Amiya Be careful. The enemies coming from behind are well equipped. They can deal some serious damage.
Deploy a Defender Operator immediately to block these tough enemies.
<Game unpaused>
[Exusiai and Liskarm are deployed near the Protection Objective.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Additional Rhodes Island Operators have been deployed. I suggest you order them to strike immediately.
<Game unpaused>
[The Logger gets blocked by Liskarm while another one spawns, followed by more Soldiers and Heavy Defenders from the left and bottom Incursion Points respectively, but the Rhodes Island Operators managed to defeat them all.]
<Game paused>
Amiya Fantastic.
Doctor, you've only just recovered, but you've already mastered all these skills.
Take a break now. Next, we have more important things waiting for us.
<Game unpaused>

After operation

Dobermann, leader of the rescue team, briefs everyone on the current situation.
During the briefing, PRTS, the logistics management system of Rhodes Island, establishes contact with Amiya and reintegrates the Doctor into the system.
<Background 1>
Guard This is the last one!
Reunion Member Ugh!
[The last of the Reunion forces are dispatched.]
Guard Target eliminated. The enemy squad is retreating!
Dr. {nickname}'s commands were perfect, just like Amiya said. How reassuring!
Amiya See, that wasn't too bad, right?
Doctor, compared to everything you've been through, this is a walk in the park.
Reunion Member *cough*...Why are you here... You're not from Ursus...
We won't... let you get in the way of our duties!
[Someone lashes the dying Reunion soldier with a whip, finishing them off.]
??? Don't even think about it!
Guard Instructor!
Dobermann What are you spacing out for? You almost got yourself killed!
Guard I'm... I'm sorry!
Dobermann Quick! Get back into formation!
Guard Yessir!
Amiya Dobermann! You made it!
Dobermann It's an emergency. My team was attacked by Reunion as well.
I rushed over to join you as soon as I could.
Amiya Why would Reunion attack us...?
Dobermann An organization made up of the Infected... I've always thought they were a bit extreme...
...and now they've resorted to violence, and in an Ursus city no less? That's a death wish.
The situation is only going to get more chaotic from here on out.
Amiya, we need to leave Chernobog right now.
Amiya Okay. We've already rescued the Doctor, so we can retreat according to plan.
Dobermann ...And this is Dr. {nickname}?
Amiya Yes.
Dobermann Dr. {nickname}, you probably don't know who I am, but you know Amiya. For your safety...
Amiya No, no...
Um, Dobermann, Doctor isn't doing very well right now.
To put it simply, Doctor... has amnesia.
Dobermann Amnesia?
...What are you going to do now? Weren't you planning to transfer leadership to—
Amiya Doctor still has the capacity to command.
...At least, I've confirmed that from the previous battle.
Dobermann ...
I can't bring myself to trust a stranger so easily.
But I trust you, Amiya.
Amiya ...I understand.
Dobermann Dr. {nickname}, I am Dobermann, captain of Op Team E1.
We are going to escort you from Chernobog, which is the Ursus city we're currently in, back to Rhodes Island.
Extraction Map.png
Dobermann We're in an abandoned facility in Chernobog and should now head west.
Amiya But... since we're cut off from Dr. Kal'tsit, Dobermann and I have lead our separate teams westward to a rendezvous point before confirming our signal to retreat.
That is, assuming everything goes according to plan.
Dobermann It'd be nice if things went that smoothly.
Today is our last opportunity to get you out of here, Dr. {nickname}.
But... I have a bad feeling about this.
<Background 1>
Medic A-Amiya!
Amiya What's the matter?
Medic It's... it's a call from Rhodes Island!
Amiya Are our communications back on? Is it Dr. Kal'tsit...?
??? Sorry, but not quite.
PRTS Call.png
[Amiya answers the call.]
Amiya PRTS...?
PRTS The Emergency Neural Connection Request System was activated.
Interference has also been detected from Rhodes Island's end, and only partial Neural Network connection is possible.
Currently unable to establish communication with Kal'tsit, who has yet to return to Rhodes Island.
Your safety is confirmed; therefore, my mission is now complete.
Dobermann This piece of...
Do we really have time for this...?
PRTS If you do not need to connect to Rhodes Island, communication will be severed momentarily.
I am sincerely sorry for having interrupted your party.
Amiya Wait, wait! Don't hang up, I need your help still.
Dobermann, Doctor still needs some assistance.
Dobermann I know, but make it quick.
Amiya Doctor, PRTS is also one of our... partners. It will show you what to do next.
Time is of the essence, so I'm going to reconnect you to the Rhodes Island backup system.
This way, we'll have an edge in battle.
It's different from giving verbal commands and might be a bit hard to get used to, but once you learn how to use it, the entire operation will be much smoother.
...Please trust me. Just like how you used to.
PRTS... Let's start.
PRTS Identity verification required. Select verification method.
Amiya Ah, Doctor... Please say something.
Doctor (Speak)
PRTS I am not sure why you did not speak, but the action of touching the interface is sufficient—
—Fingerprint match found. Verification complete. Security clearance: 8
Welcome to Arknights.png
PRTS Welcome home, Dr. {nickname}.