Operation story: NL-6

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Salaryman B icon.png
A Corporate Employee A
Salaryman A icon.png
A Corporate Employee (B)
Kazimierzian Knight C icon.png
A Kazimierz Knight
Female Lungmenite icon.png
A Tourist (A)
Male Lungmenite icon.png
A Tourist (B)
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
An Infected Knight
Kazimierzian Infected Knight A icon.png
Armorless Union Assassin icon.png
An Armorless Union Member
Kazimierz Alley
Kazimierz Avenue
K.G.C.C. Basement
Kawalerielki Arena Night
Nearl Estate Living Room
Kazimierz Avenue Blackout
K.G.C.C. Office
Server Room
Kazimierz Bar

Before operation

Iwona, who is in charge of luring the Armorless Union away, finds herself ambushed by Monique the Lazurite herself. The mysterious old knight has found Młynar; the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi is seemingly aware of the events that are about to unfold tonight–The Grand Knight Territory will soon descend into darkness.
<Background 1>
Roy The Infected are making their move.
Monique They'll really charge through the front door?
Roy They'd better. The bigger their ruckus, the less we leave the Board to use against us.
How are things at the power plant?
Monique Are you doubting me?
Roy I wouldn't dare.
Monique Can I kill Wild Mane?
Roy Of course... now that things have come to this.
If we find ourselves some prey, that'll help make our owners less grumpy.
[Roy leaves.]
Monique ......
They're prey who got away to begin with... I'm just taking back what should've been mine.
Contact Team 3. Have them pack it up and come with me.
<Background fades out and in>
An Armorless Union Member Wild Mane spotted! Wild–
[Iwona charges at the Armorless Union operative...]
Iwona Too slow, Armorless!
[...and engages him, eventually overpowering...]
An Armorless Union Member Urgh!
[...and taking out the operative.]
Iwona Pulling dirty tricks in the shadows... Don't tell me you people have forgotten how to take on a knight!
An Armorless Union Member Filthy Infected!
Iwona This is for Jamie and all the innocent who died by your hands!
[Iwona fights the A.U. operatives...]
An Armorless Union Member Eek–
[...and dispatches them as well.]
An Infected Knight –Iwona! Don't forget what Sona said. Avoid killing anyone if you can... At the very least, when you kill them, make sure you're prepared to handle it.
Iwona Hey, you. Armorless... How many people have you killed?
An Armorless Union Member Heh...
Trying to act all righteous now, are we? Hypocritical brat. Back when I was a bounty hunter on the Golden Prairie, I never gave a crap about that!
Have you forgotten what life outside the cities is like? Those who stand at the top, the strongest survivors, are all cold-blooded bastards! That's the way it goes!
Iwona –Say whatever you want, but I've won.
When you've lost, when you're dead, nothing you say matters.
An Armorless Union Member You–
[Iwona fights and defeats the A.U. operative.]
Iwona He probably sent out a distress signal just now...
Hopefully that'll lure the Armorless Union here. That'll make Greynuty's job easier.
<Background 2>
Justyna ......
[Justyna is contacted by Szewczyk.]
Szewczyk Fartooth, have you spotted any Armorless over there?
Justyna No.
What about you?
Szewczyk Greynuty's already in position. Just waiting on our signal.
That said, the Armorless can't be this slow to react... Did Wild Mane really manage to lure them her way?
Justyna She probably...
Armorless spotted. They're heading your way from an alleyway on 4th Street, Iwona!
[Iwona does not respond; the communications are likely being jammed, which also cuts her off from Szewczyk.]
Justyna Iwona...? Can you hear me? Iwona?
Hey?! Szewczyk? Iwona?!
The transmission... got cut? No way... In a city with this much transmission traffic...?
<Background 1>
Iwona ......
An Infected Knight This silence is creepy... Iwona. I have a bad feeling about this.
Are those Armorless guys really such pushovers that we can take them down with an ambush?
Iwona I'm not sure.
Bigger problem, I'm not getting any of Justyna's transmissions, and she should be staring down at us from somewhere up high right–
[Iwona senses a dangerous presence.]
Iwona –Move!
All of a sudden, Iwona is overwhelmed with an aura so suffocating that it threatens to make her puke.
She isn't sure this is really a biological response. It could be some kind of toxin or an Arts effect.
Then, a figure leaps down from the top of a tall tower.
The figure lands on the ground. The landing is silent as the veil lightly covering her.
Iwona You jumped from so high up, but you didn't even let out a peep, huh?
Must be nice to be a Feline.
[The one felt by Iwona turned out to be Monique.]
Monique Team 3...
[Several A.U. operatives appear out of nowhere and surrounds Iwona and the Pinus Sylvestris knight.]
An Infected Knight What?! When did they–
Iwona (The difference between these guys and the ones we fought just now are night and day... She's wearing blue. Is she the Lazurite from the other day?)
You go on ahead...
An Infected Knight But!
Iwona Go!
An Infected Knight You'd better survive this!
[The P.S. knight runs off, but he is quickly hit by an arrow on the leg...]
An Infected Knight Aargh?!
[...and collapses.]
Iwona –?!
No way. I didn't even see her pull that bowstring–
The Armorless Union operative in blue maintains her one-handed throwing posture.
A hint of dissatisfaction comes through her cold expression. After all, this hunt started on an unlucky note.
Iwona She... threw it?
An Infected Knight Aghh! My leg. My leg!
Iwona Grit your teeth and keep running! Don't stop!
Hey, stop looking around! I'm right here!
[The A.U. operatives open fire at Iwona.]
Iwona ......!
Monique Are you Infected all idiots? Look how many bows we have aimed at you.
Wild Mane Knight, you should be dead several days by now. Good on you, though. You still have the chance to play hero today.
Now run. I don't want this hunt to end on a such a boring note. Let's kill some time together.
Against All Odds.png
Iwona Hah, you seem to be mistaken.
Do I look like the kind of gal who hides in the shadows?
Monique You look like the kind who's getting herself killed.
Iwona *Spit*. We Infected are sick of toiling our miserable lives away like that!
You're just a bunch of despicable bastards hiding behind the K.G.C.C., doing all kinds of shady business. Every one of us living out in the open is stronger than you!
Remember their faces!
Remember... These knights... These Kazimierzians... These cold-blooded murderers...
Don't let them get away with it!
Monique ......
Iwona Armorless scum...
Have you ever fought a gloompincer on the brink of death? Do you know how a dying, cornered animal fights?
Monique You're too full of yourself.
Iwona I may die, but that doesn't mean I'll lose. And you. You'll pay your dues right here.
Then... My friends will...
Monique Look at you. No fear of death on your face. You don't want to live, yet you still want to win. Ridiculous.
The blue Armorless Union operative takes out an arrow from behind.
Monique Come.
Iwona You're going to use that arrow as a blade? What, you looking down on me?
Monique Of course.
Iwona You little...
<Background 2>
[Monique fires at Iwona, but the Wild Mane Knight fails to dodge it.]
Iwona Urgh–!
Monique So that's the speed you Kuranta are so proud of?
Iwona Don't underestimate me–
[Iwona charges at Monique, but she struck down the Wild Mane Knight.]
Iwona Hraaagh––!!
Monique Don't be such a crybaby. I made sure not to kill you.
Now let me see how much blood you have to spill.
After I've painted the entire street with it, the Infected hiding in the dark will probably stop resisting?
An Armorless Union Member Um, Lazurite, she is Infected though...
Monique If you're worried about catching it, you should look for a new job.
Once death calms her down, it'll be much easier to deal with the resisting Infected.
<Background 2>
Greynuty It's been a while since I heard from Justyna...
An Infected Knight Maybe she ran into some kind of trouble?
Greynuty ......
Either way, there's five minutes till our ambush.
Sona should be in position by now. We just have to trust each other.
<Background 3>
Sona It's almost time...
Everyone, be safe...
<Background black>
Four minutes.
<Background 1>
Monique You didn't even last a few minutes.
Iwona ......
Monique Go on... There should be seven or eight Infected hideouts around here, though I wouldn't be surprised if they're empty by now. Search all of them, one by one.
Iwona Get... back... here...
I'm not... done yet!
Monique I'm leaving her to you. Not worth any more of my time.
[Monique leaves as the A.U. operatives are about to terminate the wounded Iwona...]
An Armorless Union Member Right.
All units, prepare to fire–
[...but Iwona rises up and strikes the operatives...]
Iwona Didn't I just say... I'm not done?!
[...surprising them.]
An Armorless Union Member –She still has the strength to fight?!
<Background fades out and in>
Monique I don't want to kill too many people here...
The old and the young can go, but I'll take the heads of ten Infected knights back to keep my bosses happy.
An Infected Knight You... You murderer!
What did you do to Iwona?!
Monique She should probably have passed out from the blood loss by now, though it sounds like she might still be putting up a fight.
An Infected Knight You monster–!
Monique You should know that even if you manage to get away now, it won't vindicate you.
I'll say it again. Ten Infected knights for the lives of everyone else.
An Infected Knight How can we trust you?! You're just a bunch of murderers, a bunch of sick bastards!
Monique I'll count Iwona... Just the lives of nine more knights.
An Infected Knight You–
Monique Are you sure you can win?
An Infected Knight ......!
Monique Never mind, then... It'll be faster if I do it myself.
??? Now what's the rush?
If you want to keep your bosses happy, surely you'd want quality over quantity?
[Toland reveals himself.]
Toland Wouldn't you agree?
Monique Toland Cash.
Toland Not to toot my own horn, but I'm sure I'm worth a hefty sum on the wanted posters?
Monique If you are willing to give me your own head, then I won't need any more.
An Infected Knight Don't taunt her, Toland! She's–
Toland "Lazurite" Monique of the Armorless Union, am I correct?
Monique I said it before... I don't like to be interrupted when I'm working.
If you don't plan on giving yourself up, that makes three times you've interrupted me, Toland Cash.
[Monique engages Toland, who were able to hold her off.]
The injured Infected knight isn't able to see everything clearly.
By the time his eardrums react, there's a sharp clashing sound.
Toland Phew~ You really are quick on the draw with that bowstring.
Monique You saw it...? No, your stance... That's the swordhand of a knight.
Since when do bounty hunters have tricks like that?
Toland Oh, don't say that. If all we knew was shooting arrows, setting up traps, pulling dirty tricks, and waiting for our prey...
Would we really be any different from the scum in the Armorless Union?
Monique You won't dodge many more of my shots.
Toland You sure?
[Toland narrowly dodges Monique's attack...]
Toland Whew, that was close.
Might want to watch your step, though.
Monique Nngh–
[...who unwittingly steps into an explosive trap set by Toland.]
Monique An explosive trap...? You're still a bounty hunter in the end...
Toland Needless to say.
Monique –?!
[Toland uses this opportunity to strike Monique with a knight charge, which she narrowly dodges.]
Monique –A charge... You've received knight training?
That's it. You're helping the Nearls... so you must have something tied up with them.
This really piques my interest, but work is work. We can't waste too much time on you.
<Background black>
Two minutes.
<Background 2>
A Corporate Employee Man, what a pain... There's just no catching a taxi during the Major, is there?
A Tourist Excuse me, which way is the Holiday Knight Souvenir Shop?
A Tourist Hey, look at the time. Let's find a restaurant and get a bite to eat first.
<Background 4>
Greatmouth Mob Will you look at that?! Our Columbian newbie is about to overwhelm Wisteria Knight once again!
Impressive speed! Now just one more–Hold on, hold on! What's going on?!
Unbelievable! A devastating accident at the very last moment! Did our newbie trip?! Come on, this is the Major! Get up!
<Background black>
One minute.
<Background 5>
Młynar ......
??? Do you always leave work this late, Młynar?
Młynar To what do I owe the pleasure...?
If I had known in advance, Lady Russell, I would've received you more properly.
[The one talking with Młynar is revealed to be the old knightess welcoming Rhodes Island days ago and Gravel's superior, Madame Russell.]
Russell Don't worry yourself. I won't be taking up much of your time.
Tonight will be messy. There will be lots for us to take care of.
Młynar ......
Russell Młynar, is the sword-bearing wanderer back?
Młynar ......
Russell The wanderer traveled through corpse-laden battlefields and boundless wastelands, at last making it to the fortress lit ablaze by cannonfire. Is the wanderer not back yet?
Młynar ......
<Background black>
Thirty seconds.
<Background 3>
Greynuty –I still haven't heard anything from them, but we can't wait any longer.
In five minutes, we'll begin our ambush and cut off the core power source. The core district, where the General Chamber of Commerce is, will lose all power.
Then, and only then, will Sona have a chance to break inside.
An Infected Knight A big show then, huh? I like it.
Greynuty Our Adeptus "friends" should have withdrawn the security here, clearing a path for us.
We need to be quick. Get ready–
[Suddenly an explosion can be heard from a distance.]
Greynuty ?!
An Infected Knight W-What's that?! Where was that explosion?
Greynuty T-The power supply sector? Why?
[Szewczyk rushes to Greynuty.]
Szewczyk Ashlock! Why did you start the operation early?!
Greynuty No, we haven't started the charge yet–
Szewczyk –We've been had. Get out of there!
[An explosion occurs.]
<Background 2>
Roy Now sleep, Kawalerielki, my beloved Grand Knight Territory.
Good night.
<Background black>
Background-Kazimierz Avenue Blackout.png

After operation

Sona gets her hand on the data she needs, only to have her eyes opened by a phone call: Everything is going according to the Armorless Union's plans.
<Background black>
Everything has descended into darkness.
Did Greynuty succeed? Did Sona make it inside?
When all is said and done, will we really be able to live in peace here in Kazimierz?
Jamie Don't kid yourself.
Iwona ......!
Jamie Think of what we had to go through.
We had to fight wild beasts in the underground arenas, sometimes even our fellow men. We still carry the pain and scars that will never go away.
The bosses wanted more blood and excitement, they wanted us to throw matches, and do their shady bidding outside the arena. We had no choice but to do what they wanted.
What do you think all that was for?
Look at all those places outside Kawalerielki. Where do you think the Infected can go?
Iwona Where we can go...?
Jamie We have Oripathy, an incurable disease. We will die sooner or later, and when we do, we'll lay waste to whatever unfortunate patch of ground we collapse onto.
We are ominous, we are uncontrollable, and we are different. We are here to be despised.
Do you think the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi will really allow the Infected to start a proper knightclub?
Is there really room for the Infected to live in Kazimierz... no... anywhere in this world?
And even if there were...
...what does that have to do with you?
<Background 1>
An Armorless Union Member A She's not moving... Is she dead?
An Armorless Union Member B I sure hope so. I don't really want to fight the Infected. I mean, what if we catch it?
Go take a closer look. If she's dead, we'll need the damage control team up here.
[Iwona rises up.]
Iwona *cough*...
Who... are you calling dead?
You dirty... Armorless! I'll... take all of you down!
You murderers... You all have Infected blood on your hands!
An Armorless Union Member A She still has the strength to move...?
She's bloody all over. She can barely even stand. Just give up already.
Iwona Come on... Come at me!
None of you... are getting away... *cough*!
[Iwona collapses due to her injuries.]
An Armorless Union Member B She's got backbone, I'll give her that. Let's show her some mercy. Finish her off.
I mean, she's going to bleed out in a few minutes. Man, Monique really knows what she's doing with those techniques.
<Background fades out>
If... If I were stronger... and faster...
Maybe I could've...
...escaped these unfortunate times.
No! What am I thinking?
Move... Dammit... Why is my vision so blurry...?
Open your eyes...
<Background fades in>
An Armorless Union Member It's okay. It'll all be over soon–
All of a sudden, the Armorless stop what they are doing.
The footsteps are heavy, not like the light footsteps of these murderers, like whomever is making them is carrying a boulder that weighs a thousand pounds.
An Armorless Union Member (Muffled conversation)
Iwona (What are they... talking about...?)
An Armorless Union Member (Muffled conversation)
Iwona (...? Why are they...?)
No... Don't go... Stay right... where you are! I can still...
[A knight clad in crimson-red armor approaches Iwona.]
??? Let it go, knight.
You've done very well.
<Background 6>
A Tourist A What's going on? Why is it dark all of a sudden?!
A Tourist B What's going on?
Greatmouth Mob Huh?! Is the power out all over town?! Jesus, how much money are we going to owe for this?!
Hey, you, the knight over there. Come help evacuate the audience!
<Background 7>
Sona Phew.
Whoa... It's pitch black outside...
Are you sure you guys aren't overdoing it, Greynuty?
[Sona searches for the incriminating files around the room.]
Sona ......
The K.G.C.C.'s building has its own power source... Grr... We're almost out of time.
Huh? Someone's here!
[Sona hides as two K.G.C.C. employees enter the room.]
A Corporate Employee A Why did the power go out?
A Corporate Employee B Look outside! The whole city's–
A Corporate Employee A I-Is there a problem with the power plant again? Is this another Great Separation?!
[Malkiewicz and McKee shows up.]
Spokesman Malkiewicz Calm down.
A Corporate Employee A Oh, Mr. Malkiewicz...
Spokesman Malkiewicz Fortunately, the spokesmen's meeting is today. The directors are all inside the Chamber building right now, safe and sound.
Spokesman McKee That's right. Follow instructions and help evacuate the crowds. Contact the Adeptus leadership. Our first and foremost priority is to make sure there isn't a lapse in public order.
Each district should have its own backup power source. Have the officers-in-charge make the necessary arrangements.
A Corporate Employee Yes, sir!
Sona The Board of Directors meeting...
No, my priority right now is to find the machine room–
A Corporate Employee Lazurite, sir!
[Roy joins in with the spokesmen.]
Roy Well, things have gotten way out of hand...
That's why I said we had to be more decisive with the Infected. We can't give them an opening.
Lucky the directors summoned me here today. Who knows what could've happened to our bosses?
Spokesman McKee We'll review this series of events later.
Roy No problem, but most of the Armorless Union... and Monique are rounding the Infected up and snuffing them out right now. It might take them some time to get back...
Sona ......?!
Spokesman McKee Very well... For the time being, please put your original mission on hold and ensure the directors' safety.
Roy Okay, though I... no one would dare go after the Board, right?
<Background 3>
Sona Snuffing them out...?
No... They'll be okay... I...
I gotta hurry.
<Background 6>
Justyna Please... Please be okay, Iwona.
Where are you?
[Szewczyk rushes to Justyna.]
Szewczyk Fartooth!
Justyna Plastic...?
Have you seen the others? They took out our comms–
Szewczyk It's not that simple. We're in the middle of the city. If they managed to cut off our comms, that means our channels were intercepted right from the start.
It wasn't Ashlock who took out the power either. The power plant went down before she could start her ambush. She's probably heading to where Flametail is right now.
Justyna What...?
Szewczyk The Armorless... They've been planning something, and they're passing the buck to the Infected–
Find the others! We're in real hot water right now!
<Background 1>
Justyna Iwona!
Justyna finds the prideful Infected knight collapsed in a pool of blood.
Her armor is stained a gory red.
Justyna Iwona! Wake up!

S-She's still breathing...
Szewczyk ......
Justyna Szewczyk, give me a hand–
Szewczyk Hold on... Has someone else... been here?
The Armorless assassins don't use axes... And even if they had an axeman, these marks...
The wall... is oozing blood?
It's him...?
<Background 8>
Sona Download complete.
So this is the plan for Area 0... and some sensitive information on the Armorless.
It feels weird being able to get my hands on this stuff so easily...
Now let me get out of this stinking place–Argh, my tail–
<Background 7>
A Corporate Employee What are you standing there for?! Hurry up and contact the National Council!
And you! Isn't your department supposed to help evacuate the Fireblade Arena? Get moving!
A Kazimierz Knight We'll escort the spokeslady. Is she on the second floor?
Sona (Things are a mess here... Perfect.)
(I just hope I can get away without much trouble.)
Roy No way...
Sona (!)
Roy Did someone seriously sneak into the K.G.C.C. building during the chaos?
Sona (Did he see me–?!)
[Sona accidentally trips into a door and forced into a room.]
Sona Owww... Where am I... Was I leaning on the door? I didn't even notice...
It's dark. Uh, is this a meeting room...?
I gotta find a way out–
A Bell Through the Dark Night.png
Sona has always felt as though she is fighting against something.
Against the Armorless Union, against the General Chamber of Commerce, against all the injustices the Infected face, and against even fate.
She has never actually doubted whether her actions are necessary.
But, right this moment, she feels a chill reaching from her head all the way to her feet, causing her to waver a little.
Indeed, this is the first time she has ever wavered.
It's as though she's just seen a tremendous ice sculpture in the middle of summer.
[The telephone rings.]
Sona ......
A call is coming in.
The ringing echoes throughout the empty room.
[Sona picks up the phone.]
Sona Hello?
A Voice from the Phone Flametail Knight... Sona.
I appreciate your efforts. Excellent work.
Sona Huh...?
A Voice from the Phone Right now, you have two options.
"Lazurite" Roy is standing outside the conference room you are in, as we speak.
This is going to be a very simple transaction. You are holding two storage devices.
Hand over the one on the Armorless Union. You may keep the information on Area 0.
That will be more than enough for you to bargain the right to a legitimate life from the Adeptus Sprawiedliwi.
The way I see it, you have no other choice.
Get a grasp of the situation, Flametail Knight. I have nothing against the Infected, much less you.
Be it knights, merchants, or Infected, they are all narrow-minded.
Sona ......
A Voice from the Phone Don't make an enemy of society, Infected.
The server has already been destroyed. The chip in your hand is the very last copy.
The choice is yours.
Sona ............
A Voice from the Phone Perhaps you are thinking of smashing this telephone right now.
Then do it... if you believe that's the answer to your revolt against fate–
[The one calling Sona, likely one of A.U.'s Darksteels, hang up.]
Sona Whoa... He figured it out, huh? That's something.
So, the Lazurite is right outside the door now. What do I do...?
Which floor is this again...?
[Sona shatters the nearby windows to find a way out of the deathtrap.]
<Background black>
Sona This... This is way too high, isn't it–?!
<Background 3>
Greynuty Sona!
Sona Ashley, catch me!
Greynuty –What are you up to this time? Why are you up ther–Whoa–!
[Sona used her Arts to create a pincushion for her and Greynuty, allowing them to land safely.]
Sona Owww... Good thing I used Arts to soften the impact...
Greynuty ......
Sona Wh-Why are you looking at me like that? Alright, no more wild moves... Now let go of my tail, will you?
Greynuty I'm glad... you're okay.
Somebody took out the power plant before we could get to it. Whoever they are, they're using us.
Sona No matter... We have what we need.
Greynuty This...? A small little chip like this... can change our fates?
Sona We'll just have to hope it can.
[Roy shows himself up before Greynuty and Sona.]
Roy Whew... That's gotta be at least a dozen meter jump.
And look at you, still so full of pep, Infected. Haven't had enough yet?
Greynuty Hey! That getup...
Roy You know me?
Sona The Armorless Union keeps its top levels secret from regular old knights... But...
"Lazurite" Roy. You're the only Lazurite assassin who hasn't been replaced in the past dozen-or-so years. There are all kinds of rumors centered around you. Of course we know you.
Roy Really? Haha, glad to know I'm famous. It's not necessarily a good thing for an assassin to be famous, though. I mean, the Armorless Union's not like you knights. We can't cash in on our fame.
So, either you hand me the chip and walk out alive, or I kill you and take the chip myself.
Personally, I'm not very fond of fighting to the death, especially when there's no money in it.
Greynuty Sona... are you okay?
Sona Phew, I'm fine. This is gonna be a tough fight, though.
Greynuty We just need to stay alive.
Sona Heh, how long has it been since the last time we fought side by side for real? Since our fight against the gloompincer?
Roy Come on, give me more credit than that. I think I can at least put up a better fight than a gloompincer.
<Background 9>
Bald Marcin Good thing I have these emergency lights. I never thought they'd actually come in handy.
Old Knight What's going on? Another Great Separation?
[Kowal opens the door to check outside.]
Old Craftsman The power's really out for the whole town! What kind of sick joke is this? How could this happen while the Major's on?
Bald Marcin The power will be back soon... but... just who managed plunge a city that never sleeps into darkness?
<Background 5>
Młynar ......
Ridiculous... Just ridiculous.