Operator file: Leizi

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Leizi, an official from Yans Central Judicial Office, is temporarily residing in Rhodes Island after signing an investigation agreement. Well-trained in combat skills and possessing unique Originium Arts, Leizi excels in annihilation battles and positional warfare. However, because of her noteworthy background and ambiguous motives, it is recommended to err on the side of a passive, non-cooperative tone when communicating with her.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Leizi
Imaging tests reveal clear, normal outlines of internal organs, and no abnormal shadows have been detected. Originium granules have not been detected in the circulatory system and there are no other signs of infection. At this time, this operator can be confirmed to be uninfected.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 0%
Operator Leizi shows no signs of Oripathy infection.

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.11u/L
Her indices are very low.

Having that said, what are we even doing for her? Is she going to live here? Are you crazy?
Gavial, Medic Operator
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Leizi
[Originium Arts Overview]
"Lei Fa" is a technique spreading through Yan that focuses on the manipulation of electricity. Many mature schools of Originium Arts share similar methods of inheritance - for example, Leithaniens use movements, the Sarkaz lead through ceremonies, and various guilds of Arts practitioners conduct research, all for the purpose of passing down the theoretical and practical components of Originium Arts. As one of the traditional Originium Arts originating from Yan, Lei Fa has a deeper history than most other forms of Arts. As a system shrouded in mysticism, the requirements for practitioners of Lei Fa are also restrictive and physically demanding. Its inheritance system gradually evolved into a solemn ritual of sorts, much like the passage of power. The end result was that Lei Fa tacitly became synonymous with the position of power, subsuming the popular symbol of law enforcement, and even becoming a form of self-cultivation in the quest for spiritual transcendence. As for rumors of the physical basis of "transcendence," I can only say that as an Originium Arts researcher outside of Yan's cultural circles... I must harbor a healthy amount of skepticism.
Obviously, Leizi exhibits a degree of pride for the Arts she uses.
According to some officials, when she taps into her powerful Originium Arts, her hair will become very smooth. Though I don't know why, I can scarcely imagine anything more worth investigating...
— R.V.R., Caster Operator

I must question your priorities...
12F, Caster Operator
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Leizi
[First Record]
Leizi's official background is enough to keep the entirety of Rhodes Island awake at night. To be honest, the whole reason Rhodes Island is able to survive the tempestuous conflicts among various city-states is that in addition to the confidentiality and necessity of our line of work, maintaining political neutrality is essential. This is accomplished by balancing the benefits afforded to different city-states, negotiating with government representatives, and trading favors - and although these actions are necessary for the survival of Rhodes Island, the less we have to do, the better. An empire's government officials appearing on board Rhodes Island's ship, regardless of their position or rank, is almost always a dangerous matter. The fact that she even requested a long-term stay cannot possibly spell out good news for us.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Leizi
[Fourth Record]
Dobermann suddenly told me that Leizi had actually already been on board for three months. I took the news calmly, about as calmly as a terminally ill Ursusian military police sitting on an undesirable time bomb that would explode and take out half of the entire city in just three seconds after being told that his daughter had just fled to Columbia.
Not disclosing an operator's background is ignoring the problem, but hiding it from the entire ship is just ludicrous. No amount of paper can contain a fire, and no matter who made this decision, this is definitely a bad move.
Someone with years of intensive training, representing a major political playmaker, is now walking around freely on the ship... Even someone like Executor will at least answer our questions truthfully, but this woman would not leak a hint of why she is here even if starved for three days. What are we supposed to do?
What?! She even applied to join an operational squad? And it was approved?!
Ughh... My stomach hurts and I want to quit the HR Department and go home.
Dobermann's smiling at me with a look of resignation on her face. Whatever, how odd that she can smile like that at a time like this.
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Leizi
[Sixth Record]
We consider ourselves lucky.
Some Operators, such as Skadi or Shining, don't seem to care at all about this issue. The fact that they can focus on their goals and practically ignore all the rest of the background noise is good for their work.
Some others are concerned, but are just keeping silent about the matter. For example, Ansel brought up the issue several times, but decided against it each time and left after dropping off some snacks. They've struck a good balance between curiosity and their sense of responsibility.
Or, they simply don't know anything about it. I once witnessed Cuora getting lost and ending up in front of Leizi's dorm, only to have dinner with her before being sent back to Block A. Cuora will recount how they had four main dishes that night as well as a soup, concluding that Leizi is a very nice person, end of story.
Yet another type is those who have already been bound up and silenced, not even uttering a word about the matter even if tortured. Yesterday, I caught Blaze ditching while she was supposed to be on duty. Even though this time it was basically just bureaucratic busywork, and Blaze tends to use this time to get some rest and relaxation, she actually ran over to the intelligence room to go over files with the person who she complains is always shocking her - Leizi. Amiya, who was standing at the doorway, even vouched for them before apologizing to me and pushed me out. She still had that faint smile as she waved me goodbye.
Some of us are definitely going crazy, and I've begun to suspect that it's actually me. Having that said, this proves that in addition to gathering data, Leizi has a vested interest in "maintaining amicable relationships with her targets." While it's true that she hasn't done anything yet, she also has been concealing her whereabouts from the rest of the world.

At first, I interpreted her application for long-term board as a form of rhetoric. In that regard, I admit I was in the wrong. It's just that to write this whole thing off as "improving relationships" is far too suspicious.
How ironic. Concealment and deceit have turned into a method of expressing trust, and turning a blind eye in order to coexist together has become the new norm.
Fortunately, the great powers have not turned their gaze upon Rhodes Island just yet, a neglect which has already saved us several times.
Of course, if she was trying to spy on us, it would be stupid to walk in with an official state-sponsored identity. But that is precisely why we cannot rule out the possibility, and must do our best to maintain confidentiality and control the information going out.

To be honest, she is very good at her job. A pity that she is not one of our operators. I can actually make some inferences about what happened to her before, and it's entirely understandable why she seems to be in a rather odd state.
Perhaps now, the only proof of her true self is that tone of voice, and her golden locks that flow like electricity. I believe that she is in a self-imposed exile as a result of this case. No matter where you are, there is a price to be paid for being selfless. If you fully dive into this cause, you will also give up your future. However, now that I think about it, surely the Central Judicial Office has no shortage of such personnel?

I admire her courage and perseverance fleeing here by herself. That would be a reason to shelter her even if she didn't pull her weight.
The hardships that she must endure from here on out, and the path that she must take, may yet be unknown to her still. No, I'm sure she knows full well, but simply has chosen not to act upon it.
Some people believe that those who work in the judiciary have a strong moral compass, and everyone can see that on display. In Leizi's case, she readily apologizes if she is wrong, and never toots her horn when she is right. You will never be able to get someone like her to stop bowing her head. It's a part of who she is.

Despite her many virtues, a glaring blemish is her attitude towards the Infected. By the looks of things, this is not something that can be changed in a short time.
However, just as day and night eventually blend together, I trust that a day will come when she understands the plight of the Infected. After all, she needs our help as well. I heard that Leizi spoke of a certain time in Yan, or a certain season... something involving the spring's first roar of thunder. The spring thunder is supposed to penetrate the darkness of the long winter.
I'll look after her, provided I don't get pissed off to all hell by those who are keenly interested in her personal belongings, like Haze and Rope.

Promotion Record
Promote Leizi to Elite 2
"What the hell is this?"
"Four bloody murders and four eras, three children and three clues, two clans and two factions, one master at one time, no outcomes and no consequences."
"**, what is this pretentious load of bull? I can't make sense of a single word."
"From the records I have on hand, I see that you two both share the same date of birth."
"So what? Can you prove anything? Are you saying that you were convicted over this thing?"
"Your father was the third bloody murder."
"...Tell me what you know. Everything. Hurry."
"Let go of my wrist if we're going to talk normally! ...I'll get to the point. I'll also need you to tell me everything that you know. Among the children that were born during that time, you're the only one I have access to."

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