Operator story: Hellagur

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Hellagur is a famous Ursine war veteran of the ancient Hippogryph Liberi bloodline and a brother-in-arms of Buldrokkas'tee. Since his youth, Hellagur had participated in numerous wars involving Ursus, such as the Battle of the Four Emperors and the 10th Ursus-Kazimierz War, facing the Silverlance Pegasi in the latter. However, his life is marred with two major traumas caused by betrayals. During the Bloodpeak Campaign, Hellagur was forced to kill his close friend who turned out to be a Higashinese commander. Even though the Higashinese entrusted his daughter Neon and his odachi, the Kudarikiri, the traumatic event as well as his Oripathy eventually led to his retirement and him running the Azazel Clinic, an underground Infected clinic, with his another close friend. In his second trauma, the latter collaborated with Neon to plot a betrayal against Hellagur. In order to protect the local patients, Hellagur was once against forced to face another life-and-death situation that cost the betrayer's life and bitterly forgave his adopted daughter due to the promise he made to his dead comrade.

As Ursus' persecution towards the Infected grows more intense, the Hippogryph warrior will not hesitate to rise up against the Empire he once served for and kill his former comrades if he must. On the other hand, he too does not bow before violence as well as he refused to collaborate with Reunion; without Buldrokkas'tee's protection and his vow, it will led to his ultimate death. After the chaotic uprising in Chernobog, Hellagur joins Rhodes Island to continue fighting for what he believes in.

Hellagur first appeared in The Anonymous Ones' War, part of Operational Intelligence, before being introduced as an Operator with the release of Heart of Surging Flame.


Operational Intelligence

Hellagur: Fate

Heart of Surging Flame