Operation story: GA-3

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Female Lateran Sankta icon.png
Lateran Citizen
Sarkaz Pathfinder B icon.png
Merry Peddler
Perro Pathfinder icon.png
Serene Peddler
Lateran Sankta Nun icon.png
Warm Prioress
Laterano Living Room
Lateran Basilica Guestroom
Laterano Rooftop
Laterano Office
Laterano Streets
Laterano Alley
Laterano Chapel Outside
Laterano Chapel Inside

Before operation

On the streets of Laterano, Cecelia says to a disguised Sarkaz vendor: "Your horns look just like Papà's... Are you also a Sarkaz?"
<Background 1>
Oren Oh, Fiammetta... Hm? Seems like you're in a bit of a mess.
Fiammetta None of your business.
Oren No need to get worked up. Care to sit down for a cup of tea?
Fiammetta Enough of your jokes. Why are you here? Mostima never mentioned you were our support.
Oren Well, Velliv didn't give me an official order either.
And personally, I'm more than willing to help, yeah?
Mostima says there's another group after the little girl, and you've already run into them. Is that right?
Fiammetta More or less.
Oren After I heard from the Notarial Hall that Ezell cut his signal, I figured you might get intercepted. If you were to get caught out by the enemy, we'd end up losing the girl, no?
I don't know why Mostima isn't here to help you, but if she's pinned down, I figure I'll be doing her a favor.
After all, it's not every day I get the opportunity to have the two of you in my debt.
Fiammetta A few hopeless stragglers can't stop me.
Oren "A cautious crew sails for ten thousand years," Fiammetta. Velliv's going to have a hold over you at this rate.
Oh, that's a Yanese proverb. In other words, safety is born of caution.
Fiammetta Stop trying to show off, Oren. You're so annoying when you talk like that.
Oren I'm not kidding. I at least got to express my goodwill. The rest is up to you.
Or, do you perhaps need me to escort you, my sweet Fiammetta?
Fiammetta No need. Goodbye, Oren.
[Oren leaves.]
Fiammetta Executor Ezell, hand over the girl.
It is in your best interest to comply.
Ezell ......
Your name is Fiammetta, right? Seniora Fiammetta, I have a request.
[Fiammetta loads her grenade launcher.]
Fiammetta Let's hear it then.
No sudden movements. There's no telling how I might react.
Ezell I know it was suspicious of me to go against Richele's orders and turn off my terminal, but...
Believe me, I haven't betrayed Laterano.
The reason I didn't follow the Hall's exact orders was because I didn't want anything to happen to Cecelia... And, I made a promise to her.
Fiammetta And how is that my problem?
Ezell Please just let me accompany you to the Basilica with Cecelia. If the Lateran wants an explanation for this situation, wouldn't it be more convenient to have me around?
Fiammetta You're getting ahead of yourself. If you think you'll be able to influence how the Curia will handle this situation–– You'll want to disabuse yourself of that.
Going one step further... If you're thinking you could take the girl away if you don't like what the Lateran plans to do with her...
Not gonna happen. Not in your wildest dreams.
Ezell I wouldn't dare. I'm well aware of the Basilica's Gun-Knights.
I am a Lateran executor, after all. I was concerned before because I didn't know what was happening with Cecelia, or exactly who was after her...
Now that I understand, I will comply with your arrangements.
Fiammetta Alright.
[Cecelia comes out from behind the curtains.]
Fiammetta Um... Your name is Cecelia? Can you walk?
Cecelia Ezell...
Ezell Cecelia, I can carry you, if you're too tired.
Fiammetta I'll carry her. You're too slow.
Cecelia (*whispers*) Mister Ezell, I...
Ezell Don't worry. Everything will be okay.
<Background 2>
Velliv Executor Ezell Pastore went to 7-265 Via Thervatius in Pagus Stevonus this morning to verify an identity, record a will, and retrieve a patron firearm.
Around noon, Ezell appeared in Stevonus Central Hospital, taking in an eight-year-old Sankta girl and departing in an unusual manner.
The resident of 7-265 Via Thervatius, Pagus Stevonus, Feoria La Porta, died of illness this morning and the body was moved to the Ecclesia Requietum.
Only one individual is registered to 7-265 Via Thervatius, and the census pagus also records only one individual residing there.
An investigation of twenty years of maintenance records at 7-265 Via Thervatius revealed that a basement had been added seven years ago, with contractor documents indicating that the space would be for storage.
This is a file photo of Feoria La Porta and surveillance footage of the girl that Ezell took to the hospital.
You must've already reached a conclusion about where the girl came from.
Additionally, according to the report submitted by Ezell this morning, Feoria La Porta did not leave a will or an advance directive. The reason is quite clear: she hoped to avoid contact with the Notarial Hall.
It is reasonable to infer that Feoria La Porta knew her time was short and sought to secure a future for her daughter.
It is currently impossible to determine whether Ezell is the object of Feoria La Porta's entrustment, but based on Ezell's background, the probability is low.
Combined with the information sent back by Fiammetta, the more likely trustee should be...
[Cardinal Velliv closes the book she is reading.]
Velliv Mostima, is this the reason you stayed behind in the Basilica?
Mostima Just temporarily.
The Pope Don't be so uptight, Vel. Cream puff?
<Background 3>
[Oren contacts Patia.]
Oren Phew. Luckily, we went for the more conservative option.
It would've been awkward if Fiammetta walked in on me getting rid of the Notarial Hall's men.
Patia Enough of your excuses. I'd avoid saying too much to that executor, if I were you. Cecelia's already on the Guide's side.
Oren That's just one executor, Patia. Things haven't gotten so out of hand that I need to get personally involved.
Plus, I think that executor's concerns are simple enough. He found the pity within him to cause his heart to waver, and couldn't bear to see a sweet little girl suffer.
Now that we understand him, it's only a matter of time until he comes over, no violence necessary.
If only Fiammetta hadn't shown up so soon...
That is to say it's your fault for not stopping Fiammetta, Patia.
Patia I...
Oren Just kidding.
But, I do take pity on that one's luck. What was a little old thing is now very complicated... That's what happens when you get ahead of yourself.
Is this, too, a trial given to us by the great and mighty Lateran?
Patia Are you a believer again?
Oren A true believer wouldn't say something like that. Those sorts, who treat hardships as trials, they turn it all into... a blessing from fate?
There are quite a lot of believers like that around the two of you, aren't there?
Patia I'd take them over self-serving Sankta like you any day.
So, what's the plan now? Once Cecelia gets to the Basilica, is she going to come out again? Do we have some way to take her?
Oren One step at a time, Patia. If we're talking about not wanting Cecelia to step foot in the Basilica, I'm even less inclined than you.
But, we haven't played all our cards, have we?
Go tail Fiammetta, but not too closely.
Patia What about you?
Oren I've got plenty on my plate. Just found out that someone's looking for me too. Popularity isn't all it's made out to be, you know.
Patia Don't go inviting trouble for me.
[Oren hangs up.]
<Background 4>
Richele Alright, looks like the next clue of the chain is clear. What do you plan to do?
Federico I will go to him.
Richele Even though I have no doubts about your, uh, strength... you're dealing with a well-connected Legatus. It'll look pretty bad if you make something out of nothing.
Federico He is involved in this incident.
Richele We have to look into this precisely because he's involved, right? Sometimes, I envy the way you see things.
But what if he doesn't know anything?
Federico I need to investigate to be clear.
Richele That's true. In any case, the fact that a Legatus is involved at all warrants looking into.
What I didn't expect is that Feoria, an ordinary and reclusive Sankta, would provide us with so many leads. An undocumented girl, a Legatus...
And... a Sarkaz.
[Federico leaves.]
Richele Hmm, you're leaving? Not even going to say goodbye?
Well, alright then...
Now that you're gone...
[Richele turns on his PC.]
Richele Don't blame me, Oren. I can't stop Federico.
I'll put in a report for you. That's about all I can do.
<Background 5>
Fiammetta She's asleep.
Ezell She's exhausted.
Fiammetta You mentioned that you made her a promise. What was it?
Ezell That I'd help her find her mother.
Fiammetta Her mother? Wait, didn't Mostima say in the message that her mother is...
Ezell Yes, dead. Saw the body with my own eyes in the back of the Ecclesia Requietum's hearse.
Fiammetta Then, why'd you promise her that?
Ezell I didn't know, at the time.
Fiammetta And then? Did you tell her?
Ezell I did. But at her age, I'm not sure she understands the concepts of "passing on" or "death."
Fiammetta Must've been tough for you.
And... don't look so upset. I don't think the Pope... will treat the girl too harshly.
Ezell Her name is Cecelia.
Seniora Fiammetta...
Fiammetta Just Fiammetta is fine.
Ezell Miss Fiammetta... I was thinking, after Cecelia goes to the Basilica, will she ever come out again...?
Fiammetta I can't promise you anything. But the way I see things, all else aside, she has a halo. That makes her a Sankta.
And when dealing with a Sankta, all must obey the Commandments, be it the Lateran Curia or the Notarial Hall. At least that's what I believe.
Even if she's undocumented.
Ezell Uhh... is that really the main issue?
Fiammetta Who knows? Might be possible to get her registered retroactively.
Ezell ......
But, there's... something wrong with Cecelia's halo.
I'm not entirely sure how serious this whole mixed-blood Sankta issue gets... But at least the Legatus implied that Cecelia would be fine.
A lot of foreign envoys have been gathering in Laterano lately, right?
His Holiness has been preparing a major summit... I can't help but worry that Cecelia will be a target for someone trying to stir up trouble.
Fiammetta Sounds like you've really thought this one through.
Ezell Coming from the other angle, what would the Lateran Curia do to prevent that from happening?
Miss Fiammetta, I don't know if I should even be thinking about these things.
But I can't just not think.
Fiammetta You'll have to pardon me for being blunt.
But what's the point of worrying about all this? Is there any part of it you can actually control?
If you know that Cecelia is in danger, then you should also understand that for Cecelia, the Basilica is the safest place.
Ezell You're right.
Cecelia Nngh...
Sorry, I fell asleep...
Ezell Did we wake you?
Cecelia N-No, I just...
Fiammetta Ezell, is that your stomach growling?
Cecelia ......
Ezell Want me to buy you a donut, Cecelia?
Cecelia D-Donut? Okay! Thank you, Mister Ezell...
Fiammetta Don't worry, I'll go for it. I need a break, my arms are sore from carrying her around.
(*whispers*) There's no way I can handle her long-term, alright?
But don't do anything stupid, Ezell. I've got my eye on you.
Ezell You still don't trust me?
Fiammetta Oh, and turn on your terminal. You're not allowed to have it off.
Ezell Yeah, I know.
[Fiammetta leaves to buy some food.]
Cecelia (*whispers*) Mister Ezell, that lady was so mean to you before... I'm scared.
Ezell Don't worry, Cecelia. She's not a bad person.
Cecelia Mister Ezell... can't I go see Mamma? Can't I even say goodbye to her?
Ezell Um... Well, we need to take you somewhere else first, so you can be safe.
As for your mama... I'll tell you about her later. Let me... think about it first. Is that okay, Cecelia?
Cecelia Um...
[Ezell noticed Cecelia hearing something from a distance.]
Cecelia Do you hear that?
Ezell Hear what?
Cecelia Someone is singing...
Ezell Let's see... Oh, you're right! It seems to be coming from that cotton candy cart... But I'm surprised you could hear it with all the noise on the street. You have really good hearing, Cecelia.
Cecelia It's because I recognize that song!
Mamma taught it to me!
Um... I can't go off on my own, right?
Ezell It's okay. We can't go over there, but I can get the cotton candy cart to come over here.
Excuse me––
Serene Peddler Is someone calling us?
Merry Peddler Hum hum hum~♪
Serene Peddler You really like that song, don't you...? Hey, there really is someone hailing us. Let's head over there. If we can't get any info, let's at least make some money.
Merry Peddler All~ righty~♪
Cecelia Hello...
Merry Peddler Oh hello, little girl, would you like some cotton candy?
Cecelia Yes...
Ezell We'll get two, or actually, three sticks. This flavor here, this one here, and then the swirl. Is that alright?
Merry Peddler No problem.
Serene Peddler Three sticks, coming right up.
Cecelia Um, excuse me... What's the name of that song you were singing earlier?
Mamma taught me the same song, but never told me what it's called...
Merry Peddler Huh? Your mama... taught you this song?
Cecelia Um, excuse me, the cotton candy! The cotton candy is coming out!
Merry Peddler Ahh, I'm so very sorry, just give me a moment––
Ezell Hold on, the compartment's about to overflow! Let me help you...
Merry Peddler Sorry, sorry!
[The male peddler noticed something with the female peddler...]
Serene Peddler (*whispers*) Your hat!!! Your hat's caught!
[...and her robe fell off to reveal that she is a Sarkaz due to her horns.]
Merry Peddler *rip*––
Ezell ......
Serene Peddler W-Wait, don't get the wrong idea, she's a Caprinae...
Cecelia Miss!
Your horns look just like Papà's...
Are you also a Sarkaz?
Ezell ––––––
Serene Peddler (*whispers*) Put it back on!!
Merry Peddler I, no, I'm... Little missy, you, you've got it all wrong...
[The female peddler puts her robe back on, but this draws Ezell's suspicion.]
Ezell ......
A Sarkaz infiltrating Laterano... Are you also after Cecelia?
[Fiammetta returns.]
Fiammetta What happened, Ezell?
Ezell Miss Fiammetta, this particular individual... is a Sarkaz.
But there's another sentence that I dare not say.
Serene Peddler Tch... Guess we have no choice, now that it's come to this...
[The male peddler whistles, prompting many people nearby to surround Ezell, Fiammetta, and Cecelia. Fiammetta readies her grenade launcher.]
Fiammetta You've got guts, I'll give you that...

After operation

"Even if this gets me expelled from the Notarial Hall, I have to try. I must bring Cecelia to the Ecclesia Requietum. And at least let her say goodbye."
<Background 5>
Ezell *pant*...*pant*....
They're trying to run!
Fiammetta Not on my watch!
[The Perro peddler protects the Sarkaz peddler from Fiammetta's shots...]
Merry Peddler ......!!
Serene Peddler Urgh... I'll cover you, run!
[...giving her the chance to run away.]
Fiammetta Interesting, a Perro blocking an attack for a Sarkaz... Neither of you is getting away.
Ezell, you stay put. Don't you even think about––
Ezell No funny business, I know. The terminal is on, Miss Fiammetta.
Trust me, all I care about is ensuring Cecelia's safety.
Fiammetta Change of plans. You can't stay here. Take Cecelia to the Basilica right now.
It's more dangerous for us to stay in the open like this.
[Fiammetta runs off.]
Ezell ......
Let's go, Cecelia.
Cecelia Huh? Weren't we going to the big statue? This is the wrong way.
Ezell We're taking a little detour.
Cecelia What's a detour?
Ezell It means we're going somewhere else right now...
The Ecclesia Requietum.
<Background black>
A Sarkaz.
I planned to ask Miss Fiammetta for a favor after we reached the Basilica.
To have a high-ranking executor look after her, or the Pontifica Cohors to protect her...
And confirm that Cecelia poses no threat to Laterano...
To let Cecelia see her mother Feoria one more time before she's interred.
But, a Sarkaz.
If Cecelia's father is a Sarkaz... then she should also be a Sarkaz.
And yet she still has a halo...
...I might be dreaming.
If Cecelia was nothing more than another "exception"...
But she is a Sarkaz...
How could a Sarkaz with a halo be allowed to leave the Basilica?
Even if... even if the worst doesn't befall her...
How would she ever be allowed to leave?
Even if this gets me expelled from the Notarial Hall, I have to try.
I must bring Cecelia to the Ecclesia Requietum.
And at least let her say goodbye.
<Background 6>
Fiammetta You can't run.
Merry Peddler She's gaining on us...
Serene Peddler What do we do? What do we do? We can't shake her.
[Fiammetta fires her grenade launcher, but the two peddlers dodged the blast and returned fire, but the Liberi deflected the shots.]
Merry Peddler This is all my fault... That Liberi's not going to let us get away. Run! I'll hold her off!
Serene Peddler But...
Merry Peddler Hurry!
??? Stand back.
[Someone uses Arts on Fiammetta.]
Fiammetta ......
You're not getting away again.
<Background 2>
Velliv I truly cannot understand why His Holiness would adopt such a... hands-off attitude towards the Astray.
Can you tell me, Mostima, since the two of you are well-acquainted?
Mostima Not gonna talk about that with you.
Velliv That's awfully petty of you.
Mostima I managed to keep him from killing me, only for you to very nearly do me in.
Hard to forget something like that.
Velliv And that's the reason you always wear a hat in front of me? Doesn't it get uncomfortable?
Mostima I've been a Legata for this long already. It's just a hat.
And as for you, you should probably let sleeping beasts lie.
Velliv Do you resent me, Mostima?
Mostima Laterano has always needed the Lateran Curia to keep things going, and that's always rubbed some people the wrong way. So I don't really care.
Velliv I think we have a little misunderstanding. That few fallen angels remain in the Church has nothing to do with the Church itself, but rather the Sankta nature of those fallen angels.
My attitude may be a bit peculiar, but... do you not deem yourself an aberration?
Mostima Considering the way you're talking to me, aren't you afraid I'll become one of those "regular fallen angels"?
Velliv If that was a possibility, I wouldn't be "talking to you that way" in the first place.
Mostima Fine. Let's talk business first. When's Fiammetta getting transferred?
Nothing good's gonna come out of her sticking to me.
Velliv Shouldn't you be asking her instead?
Mostima Brought it up before. No good.
Velliv And you think I'd have a better shot?
Mostima Looks to me like the convenient part of power is you get to ignore what other people want.
Velliv There's a price to be paid for that... So let's hear it. Why do you want Fiammetta transferred?
Mostima She said she was my escort. Are you guys not curious as to what needs escorting?
Of course, there are some who think she's a warden or jailer to a fallen angel like me.
And they don't know the first thing about Fiammetta.
I'm just the bait she's using to get at Andoian[sic].
Velliv I'm sure she'd be terribly hurt if she heard you say that.
Mostima Alright, I'll try saying it another way... the bait is the Lock and Key I'm carrying on my back.
Velliv And? What's wrong with letting Fiammetta do as she pleases? If she can get rid of Andoain or even capture him and bring him back to the Basilica, I'd be very pleased.
Or are you saying that even the two of you together can't catch Andoain?
Mostima Not necessarily. As long as Andoain is still fixated on the Lock and Key, he can't escape.
But... let me think.
What if Andoain has already found another path?
What really sucks is I've moved on. Lemuen has moved on. Maybe even Andoain has moved on... But Fiammetta is still trapped in that rainy night eight years ago.
There's no way I could bring that up with Fiammetta.
And it's times like these where I start to miss that good old empathy...
Oh wait, Fiammetta is a Liberi anyway. Wouldn't do me any good.
[The Pope joins in.]
The Pope This conversation sure brings me back.
Mostima What, are you here to share the wisdom of one who has walked that path?
The Pope If you'll allow me to exercise my authority as an elder.
Mostima By all means.
The Pope Do you remember what you said to me eight years ago?
Mostima I don't want to ruin the moment we're having, but...
Sorry, Your Holiness. I can't say that I do.
Velliv It was, "No... I still have things to do, and people to protect."
Mostima Velliv's impression of me is making my skin crawl.
Velliv ......
The Pope You weren't willing to let me choose for you. So why, now, do you need to choose for Fiammetta?
Each must find her own path. She must find it, and then traverse it.
Vel, this is my same answer to you.
<Background 7>
Ezell We're almost there, Cecelia.
Cecelia I'm sorry I'm so slow, Mister Ezell... The sun is about to go behind the mountain.
Ezell You're doing a great job! Even though we can't use public transit, we're almost off the plate. If I were as strong as Miss Fiammetta, you wouldn't have to work so hard.
Cecelia It's okay! Actually, Mamma took me out once and we went somewhere far, far away from home... just like here.
But, won't Miss Fiammetta find out that we sneaked out here?
Ezell If she's only looking for my terminal's signal... then hopefully that will buy me a little bit of time.
The important thing is that we're here.
Cecelia Is this where Mamma went?
Ezell Cecelia... I've been thinking about how to explain this to you for a long time.
Feoria, your mama... is here. But she's also not.
I have no way of letting you see your mama again, but at least you'll be able to say goodbye to her here.
Cecelia Mister Ezell... I don't think I get... what you're saying...
If she's here, but she's also not, does that mean... she went somewhere else?
Where did she go?
Ezell Let's head in first.
<Background 8>
Lateran Citizen Before my father passed away, he always hoped there would be nothing but smiles at his funeral. That we'd see no tears. But, I...
Warm Prioress If I may, I believe what your esteemed father truly wished was for you not to fall into grief over his passing.
Whether through tears or laughter, if that is your way of sending him off... then I'm sure he will gladly accept your sentiments.
Lateran Citizen Thank you... Seniora Prioress...
Warm Prioress Allow me to accompany you around the flower fields outside.
[Ezell and Cecelia enters the chapel.]
Cecelia Mister Ezell, that lady also said that her father "passed away"...
Ezell Yes... People who pass away all come here.
People who are alive come to send them off... And after that, they carry on the wishes of the person who passed away, and continue on with life.
Cecelia Then what about the people who passed away? What do they do?
Ezell Maybe... they're watching us from up high in the sky.
Cecelia So we won't be able to see them again because they went into the sky?
Ezell ......
Cecelia, this is for you.
Cecelia This is... Mamma's guardian gun?
Ezell Yes.
My mama and papa were both executors for the Notarial Hall. I didn't see them much when I was little... and it was my nonno who raised me.
Nonno really loved his gun, and he'd tell me stories about his younger days every time he polished it.
He told me about the battles he fought, his friends, how he met my nonna, and the embarrassing things my papa did as a kid...
When I saw my nonno's gun, I would think back to the stories he told me.
Later, my nonno[note 1] passed away. I was only a little older than you are now.
An executor from the Notarial Hall came and took away his guardian gun.
Just like how I was supposed to take away your mama's gun.
Ezell slowly crouches down and places Feoria's gun in Cecelia's hand.
She lowers her head and looks at her mother's patron firearm.
Ezell gently holds Cecelia's hand.
Warm drops of water fall onto the embossed floral pattern of the patron firearm's grip, collecting into a little pool in the young girl's palms.
Cecelia Mister Ezell... Why am I crying...?
Ezell I watered the plants in the backyard every week, just like my nonno had taught me. When they blossomed, I was very happy and called for him to come and see.
But it was only when I called for him that I realized he wasn't there anymore.
I would never see my nonno again, or his gun.
Death is the last goodbye you'll ever say to someone.
Cecelia ......
[Someone enters the chapel...]
??? But, to say goodbye is to overcome death.
For there to be a "goodbye," the living must move forward while the dead stay behind.
A "goodbye" is the longing that the living have for the dead. It is proof that the dead lived.
[...who is revealed to be a Sankta friar.]
Friar And that is why we must say goodbye.


  1. "Grandfather" in Italian