Columbia: Federal Prison

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Federal Prison
Contingency Contract
Federal Prison map.png
Home to a large number of criminals, jailbreaks are bound to happen from time to time — a chronic headache for the warden. Now, it appears that in addition to the staff in charge of supervision and punishment, a rapid response force to contain the prisoners is also needed. Listen, you can already hear the sound of metal against cell bars. It's time to get to work.
<Imprisonment Device> Imprisons freed enemies within its effect area.

Appearances: C.C. Pyrolysis (Rotating Test Site #2)


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 10 3 21 ~ 24
Static devices Imprisonment Device ×2
The Imprisonment Devices are present when Test Criteria-level hidden prison.png Environment: Confinement Area is selected.


Normal Ordinary Prisoner ×3 ~ 5, Sniper Prisoner ×7
Elite Pugilist Prisoner ×5, Strongman Prisoner ×2, Caster Prisoner ×2, Recidivist ×2
Boss Jesselton Williams
Jesselton will only spawn along with 2 additional Ordinary Prisoners when Test Criteria-level hidden jw.png Environment: Jailbreak is selected.