Bolívar: Beach Repair

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Beach Repair
Contingency Contract
Beach Repair map.png
Repairs are underway at the artificial beach, but disgruntled drunkards who lost their favorite drinking spot are causing trouble at the work site. Do not let them have their way.
<Deep Water Zone> Unable to deploy on these tiles. Enemies on these tiles have reduced ASPD and Movement Speed, and continually lose HP.
<Custom Floating Platform> Can be deployed on Deep Water Zones, thereafter any unit can be deployed on that tile. The platform is destroyed when the deployed unit retreats.

Appearances: Pinch-Out Experimental Operation (Test Plate #1), C.C. Pyrolysis (Rotating Test Site #3)


Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 15 3 26


Normal Guerrilla Fighter ×14, Guerrilla Sniper ×4, Guerrilla Herald ×3
Elite Guerrilla Shieldguard ×2, Tiacauh Brave ×3