Operation guide: Windswept Highland

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Windswept Highland guide.png
#3 (Cinder) Permanent Site
#4 (Lead Seal) Rotating Site (Day 7 and 12)
#5 (Spectrum) Rotating Site (Day 3 and 13)
#6 (Wild Scales) Rotating Site (Day 6 and 13)
#7 (Pine Soot) Rotating Site (Day 3 and 9)

With a wide-open area, Windswept Highland features mainly Sarkaz enemies who have high RES, so try to not use Arts Operators such as Casters here as they will have a hard time dealing enough DPS. However, Physical Operators won't fare much better either due to the presence of Light-Armored Soldiers with good DEF as well as a Demolitionist and Guerrilla Shieldguard, both of which have very high DEF that makes Physical attacks barely scratch them; the latter also have a surprisingly high RES as well, so the Shieldguard won't go down easily.

Once again, the enemy lineup in Windswept Highland are among the most problematic of all C.C. operations, with the following as the most dangerous threats:

  • Sarkaz Grudgebearers and Bladeweavers, first seen in Darknights Memoir, are hard-hitting Sarkaz enemies capable of inflicting heavy Arts damage, especially the former whose long-ranged attacks can hit up to two targets at once, but fortunately they start in a passive Standby state and won't attack until they enter the Combat-Ready state when attacked or a Sarkaz Sentinel Leader raises the alarm. Unlike other enemies, Grudgebearers and Bladeweavers are directly spawned on the map instead of appearing from Incursion Points, and they will remain stationary for a period of time after they spawns before they starts moving, though they will immediately move should they enter the Combat-Ready state first. The following contracts will amp up the Grudgebearers' and Bladeweavers' already glaring stats to eleven, giving them the opportunity to tear apart friendlies with ease once provoked:
    • Objective: Mounting Hatred, which buffs the HP and ATK of Grudgebearers; from Level 2, their attacks will also ignore a portion of the victim's RES – this means that Grudgebearers will be able to take much more damage while inflicting near-lethal damage even to Operators who normally can resist (not dodge) Arts attacks well, making them a threat to virtually every Operator!
    • Objective: Urgency, which buffs the HP, DEF, ASPD, and speed of Bladeweavers; from Level 2, they will start to move earlier. This can prove to be dilemmatic: if the player leave the Bladeweavers alone, they will come at the Operators sooner than usual; should they be provoked, the more durable, faster attacking Bladeweavers can easily overwhelm most melee Operators, even those with RES!
  • Sarkaz Lancers, who charge as soon as they spawn and deal significant damage on the first attack they make when blocked, thus slowing, binding, or stunning them is a sound strategy to lessen the damage they could cause. However, that may be an unlikely prospect with the Objective: Dauntless Charge contracts that buff the Lancers' HP, greatly increases the damage they deal upon striking out of their charge, and from Level 2, makes them accelerate faster while charging!
  • Sarkaz Sentinel Leaders, who are harmless on their own but will alert all enemies as soon as they are attacked, buffing their ATK and DEF, and as mentioned before, causing every Sarkaz Grudgebearer and Bladeweaver in the Standby state to enter the Combat-Ready state. The Objective: High Alert contracts will make Sentinel Leaders more problematic by buffing their speed and greatly enhancing their ATK/DEF buff when raising the alarm; should the buffed Sentinel Leaders raise the alarm, the normally decent Sarkaz Swordsmen and Light-Armored Soldiers will become more durable (against Physical attacks) and hard-hitting, while Sarkaz Grudgebearers and Bladeweavers will have their offense and Physical defense massively amped up to ungodly levels!

There are seven Originium Flow Generators which buffs or debuffs the ATK of friendlies, and buffs or debuffs the speed of enemies depending on their facing to the airflow they generates, and can be used to great effect when the Operators are deployed correctly. However, the Environment: Fickle Weather contracts will alter the position and facing of some or even all Flow Generators as well as causing them to debuff the ATK of friendlies facing perpendicular to (i.e. not towards/against) the airflow (at Level 2), limiting the advantage it could bestow and forcing the player to adjust their deployment.