Operation story: WD-1

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Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Indignant Mercenary
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Bounty Hunter A icon.png
Riverblade Squad Mercenary
Bounty Hunter B icon.png
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain
Sarkaz Mercenary A icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary A
Sarkaz Mercenary B icon.png
Sarkaz Mercenary B
Professor Thorne
Fleeing Civilian
Sargon House
Sargon Village
Cave Entrance

Before operation

In the present day, Sesa and Heavyrain meet a mysterious guest while on assignment in Sargon, and the whole affair is not without ties to a struggle in the Ibut region over twenty years ago.
Modern Day
2:48 P.M. \ Clear
Central Sargon, Ibut Region, Nameless Town
<Background 1>
[Heavyrain gazes at the vast dune.]
Heavyrain ......
<Background 2>
Heavyrain No-one here. (We still haven't seen a trace of them. Did they get caught up in something...?)
Sesa Strange. This is exactly where we agreed to meet up, right?
Heavyrain Our coordinates check out.
Sesa We can't rule out a sandstorm. Let's stay calm.
Heavyrain Sesa... this isn't good.
Sesa Hey, now. They're not here yet, but what good is it being so grim? Are we just going to have a staring contest?
Heavyrain Now's not the time for video games, though. Why did you bring that along?
Sesa Not important–
Heavyrain Something must be wrong. We should've at least gotten contact at a set time.
Sesa ......
Heavyrain Shouldn't we do something or other?
Sesa Don't worry so much. What can we even do? The best plan is to just sit tight here, and wait for an answer.
Heavyrain But... it's been too long.
Hold on, there's–
[A veiled Liberi enters the house and greets Heavyrain and Sesa.]
??? (Sargonian) Good morning.
[Heavyrain, thinking the veiled Liberi an enemy, struck him, but...]
Sesa Heavyrain! Cool it!
Heavyrain Hmph–
[Heavyrain backed down.]
Heavyrain S–Sorry, I struck on reflex...
[The veiled Liberi walks to Heavyrain's side.]
??? (Sargonian) Oh, your looks deceive. You're quite the quick-tempered girl. This will only damage your first impressions, though...
(Sargonian) This is the Reefsteep Black Market, and we're all in business here. I trust we have words for each other, so no need for an armed conversation, yes?
Sesa (Sargonian) What day is today? Why would the "Sand Soldier" be here?
"Sand Soldier" (Sargonian) Oh, you recognize me?
Sesa (Sargonian) The head intel peddler of the Reefsteep market, the puppeteer of the vast majority of all armed conflicts in Ibut, styled by the locals as "Zuzu."
(Sargonian) In ancient tongue, it entailed a charm, or perhaps a talisman–
(Sargonian) –but I know what lies behind your new name, "Sand Soldier." What's a major player like you up to here?
"Sand Soldier" (Sargonian) Let's not get ahead of ourselves, I just wanted to have a chat with you two. With... er, Rhodes Island.
(Sargonian) Or perhaps... I've disrupted your original itinerary?
Heavyrain ......!
[Heavyrain puts the veiled Liberi, now known as the "Sand Soldier", at swordpoint.]
Heavyrain (Sargonian) ...Where are our Operators?
"Sand Soldier" Oh... so you're from Sargon too, then. Good. Then let's get right to the point.
Your Operators are safe and sound. Your batch of experimental medical material... also untouched.
Heavyrain Where are they?
"Sand Soldier" Who knows?
Heavyrain You–
Sesa Heavyrain, rein it in!
"Sand Soldier" Quite right. Rein it in. You haven't even the capital to start a conflict with me here.
Compared to how valuable your pharmaceutical materials are, a few porters can't be worth much in my concern...
Heavyrain You have your eyes on those materials.
"Sand Soldier" And if I nodded yes?
Heavyrain ......
Sesa Let our Operators go. We'll hand over the goods. How about that?
"Sand Soldier" Oh? As simple as that?
But all I took was a few employees... now I'm a little skeptical.
Your goods might've had a small footprint, but they're not cheap. It doesn't seem "Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals" is so profligate a company. Would you really be so willing to give them up?
Sesa I'll stop you right there. Forget market value. Human life is the most precious thing to us.
"Sand Soldier" A perspective bursting with humanity. But who'll step up to weigh them, then–decide their worth?
Will a certain "Kal'tsit?"
Heavyrain You nabbed our contract... You know Dr. Kal'tsit?
"Sand Soldier" No, it's a very common name. Over these years, I've sought so many people in error... so many.
Sesa Back to our original topic.
"Sand Soldier" Oh, my apologies. Your people are actually waiting right outside, and I have no interest in your goods–
Sesa –Heavyrain.
Heavyrain I'll go check now–you stay alert.
"Sand Soldier" As you wish.
[Heavyrain leaves.]
Sesa Huh! The fixer from the black market... wouldn't come here just to scare our new recruits, would he?
Rhodes Island and the Sargon black market are far from bosom friends. We only had to take this plunge after some of our drugs got jammed up in Columbia.
Oripathy waits for no-one, correct? That's all this is. There should be no conflict between us.
"Sand Soldier" I've heard of you before, the armaments tuner 'Bridge,' having worked for three different arms dealers in the past. A fine reputation. Oh, I believe you're called 'Sesa' now?
Sesa Really, you make too much of me.
Well, then, what gives you an interest in Rhodes Island?
"Sand Soldier" During a routine probing of accounts, a completely watertight transaction came to light. You must know, not one sheaf of gold in the Reefsteep passes out of my notice.
Sesa And?
"Sand Soldier" No, no cause for worry. You haven't exposed any leverage, and as I've already said, your transaction doesn't interest me. It's just the... signature, on this contract, that I mind.
Come. I have time to spare today. Tell me, what kind of place is Rhodes Island Pharmaceuticals?
<Background black>
Trek upon Terra, as millions of lives.
22 Years Ago
<Background 3>
[Gunfires are heard.]
1:09 P.M. \ Clear
Central Sargon, Ibut Region, the Town of Redhorn
[More gunfires are heard.]
Wounded Mercenary They're firing! Ambush! Ambush!
Withdraw our cov–aghh–
[An explosion is heard.]
Wounded Mercenary Are they mad?! With this many civilians around?!
Indignant Mercenary Quick! Hide here!
[The mercenaries hide behind a nearby building.]
Wounded Mercenary Shit, close. Thanks.
[A loud explosion is heard.]
Fleeing Civilian –Fire, fire! My house–ukh– (The sound of a throat being pierced.)
Hurry! Hurry!!
Indignant Mercenary Too many civilians getting caught up...! Are they trying to pull the Lord Ameer of Ibut's whole army in!?
Wounded Mercenary The Lord Ameer's army? How do you know they weren't the army in disguise?
Indignant Mercenary You mean–
Wounded Mercenary Look at this.
Indignant Mercenary The red mark...? You picked this off one of the corpses–?
Wounded Mercenary I did. We've been fooled by our own. The situation here is a complete mess now. You might not even get it if I gave you the whole lecture–
It's way more than just us who wanted to ransack that squad. Dammit. Grab it and turn it into cash, my ass. This is a full-blown war now–
The sentry sent me all the coordinates before going black. There's four different identifiers all crawling this one area!
Do you understand what this means? Either we break through the line and earn big, or we still have the chance to surrender right now!
Indignant Mercenary –Goddamnit! This is insane!
[Suddenly an explosion occurs close to the mercs, likely killing them.]
<Background 2>
[A young Liberi with a hooded enters the room.]
??? *pant*... *pant*... *cough*, *cough* *cough*...
...should be... alone here...
Indignant Mercenary A child? Why are you carrying a body... eugh, get out of here already!
Hold on... your clothes! You're a Columbian!? You're from the "Sand Soldier"!
B8 here, we have a survivor, a Liberi child, carrying a grown man's body–
[The young Liberi runs off...]
??? ––!
Indignant Mercenary Hey, hold it right there!
[...and the merc gives chase.]
<Background 3>
Violent Mercenary Alright, kids, you all heard that. The "Sand Soldier" still have one left alive! We need to bring him over!
There's still a chance our target fell into someone else's hands. Just in case, kill every last one you come across. Doesn't matter if they're the Lord Ameer's. Even if Padishah Murad himself is here, he has to die too.
Remember, a silver box. I want to be sitting on that singing before the sun goes down.
<Background 1>
Sarkaz Mercenary A We've intercepted their comms band. It seems the "Sand Soldier" still have a survivor.
A child, carrying a body, probably a comrade. Think he's got what Padishah's after?
Sarkaz Mercenary B Not one team's retreated from that town yet. Chances are they're all still looking for their target.
Sarkaz Mercenary A Of course. Everyone swarming that tiny of a town at once is just going to add to the chaos, waste time and nothing else.
Hold on, our Caster's gotten news. Something's up...
Sarkaz Mercenary B What?
Sarkaz Mercenary A There's a freight truck... registration Tkaronto, Columbia... parked near the Central Smoke bazaar.
A woman and a monster? Monster? What monster–oh.
Line cut off. He gets careless too?
Sarkaz Mercenary B No, his ambush point is at least a kilometer out from the bazaar. It shouldn't have been that fast. Not unless whatever team this is knew the topography here like the backs of their hands... or maybe, they're just experienced enough to blow anyone off the sand.
Sarkaz Mercenary A Could it be someone from Vouivre? Or some other cutthroat here on Columbia's dime?
Sarkaz Mercenary B Let's watch this unfold first.
<Background 2>
??? *pant*... *pant*...
*cough* *cough*... Why did... Teacher... *cough* *cough*!
[An explosion is heard.]
??? ––?!
Searching Mercenary Our target's around here! He can't get that far carrying a body–
Tch! We've got trouble! No hesitating! Kill!
[Sounds of a firefight are heard.]
??? ...am... am I safe...?
...Teacher, Teacher... come on, wake up...
The... I can't stop the blood... you still haven't taught me so much... what do you want me to do...
[A merc enters the room to find the young Liberi.]
Searching Mercenary ...Target found.
??? ––
Searching Mercenary Don't move! One more inch and I'll cut your head off!
Scared stupid, aren't you, talking to a dead guy? Uh-huh?
Put that idiot on your back down and tell me, where is it!?
??? ...I...
I don't know...
[The merc punches the young Liberi...]
??? Mmph–
[...knocking him down.]
Searching Mercenary Don't try and fool me, you worthless... huh?
Is this... the "Sand Soldier" leader's body? What are you... wait, do you have it on you?
??? –Don't touch him!
[The merc hits the young Liberi...]
Searching Mercenary Gah! Who do you think you are–piss off!!
[...and slashes him, causing him to drop a silver-lined, secured briefcase.]
??? Ugh...
Searching Mercenary The silver combination box! So here it is... heheh, hahahah!
??? Let go of it! Get–Get out of my way!
[The merc pushes off the young Liberi as he picks up the briefcase.]
Searching Mercenary Heh, now we've got the target, we don't need to leave any survivors.
Don't blame me, kid. This is my job–
??? ––
[Suddenly Mon3tr appears in the room.]
Searching Mercenary Wha–What the hell is–?!
Mon3tr Grrr...
Searching Mercenary What is that–hey, is anyone there?! I've run into an unidenti–
Mon3tr (Shrieks)
Searching Mercenary –Ugh!
Machine... no, creature?! What the hell kind of thing are you?!
[The merc fires several shots at Mon3tr, but its biometallic skin deflects the bolts.]
Searching Mercenary Don't get any–why aren't my bolts doing anything–don't get any closer! Any closer and I'll kill you!
[Mon3tr effortlessly kills the merc by dismembering him with its claws.]
Mon3tr (Snickers)
Before his eyes, the monster skewers the ruffian.
It lightly unfolds its body, like a stretch in the early morning.
Mysterious Woman ...Mon3tr.
Mon3tr (Responds)
??? Ah... ah...
The boy is frozen in place, having long lost the voice to cry out.
He holds only an ice-cold carcass, the blood of the dead clotting on his chest, reminiscent of a flower.
[The mysterious Feline woman, who appears to be Mon3tr's master, approaches the shocked young Liberi.]
Mysterious Woman ......
Elliot, you're safe.
Elliot ...!
Who... who are you... How do you know me?
Mysterious Woman I know every last esteemed scientist of the Blaine Formative Technologies Research Institute.
But none of you know what kind of plot this whole affair has been drawn into. I'm here to stop you, and here to protect you.
Elliot Protect...?
You're already late... too late...
Mysterious Woman You didn't let your fine teacher's legacy fall into those conspirators' hands. You've done well enough.
Elliot ......
What do you mean, protect...
–You want to protect these! The blueprint, the sample, not me! And not Teacher!
You're just like them! Teacher's dead! All the people who were helping us are dead too! You're all just fighting over this case–you–you–*cough* *cough*, *cough*–
Mysterious Woman ......
[Someone contacts the mysterious woman through radio.]
Comms Voice Adviser, we've confirmed three mercenary teams hired by lords ameer across the map, as well as one Sarkaz unit on a cliff outside the town, affiliation unknown for now.
According to our plans, we still have seven minutes.
Mysterious Woman I've found one survivor, sample in hand.
Comms Voice The evac route is secure.
Mysterious Woman Converge in three minutes.
[The woman ends the call...]
Elliot ......
[...before looking at the young Liberi, now known as Elliot.]
Mysterious Woman Tell me, Elliot. The Vouivre soldier you're carrying on your back: what did he die for?
Elliot ...Shut up...
Mysterious Woman Right now, you stand here, you live, and you carry what every mercenary here wants.
The squad operated under the name "Sand Soldier"... but in actuality, all that came to Sargon was a research team, and a typical security force from Tkaronto.
Whether or not he persisted in his duty until the end, whether or not he paid mind to your safety until the end, didn't he entrust a deep responsibility to you?
Whether or not because of your own immature temperament, are you going to make a total waste of all your soldiers' full efforts?
I only need an answer.
As long as I can ensure that this prototype blueprint doesn't fall into any lord ameer's hands, I will not go out of my way to mind anything else. I hope for you to understand this.
Elliot ......
Mysterious Woman High alert. You still aren't willing to speak much.
But I remember... the man on your back is Professor Thorne. Blaine Formative Technologies Research Institute, Head Researcher.
He was not a true soldier. Yet a true soldier is what he is.
Elliot You...
Mysterious Woman Just put him down. Or you could be buried together with him in the yellow dust.
I trust he believed his death had a purpose, and you should not squander his sacrifice.
Elliot No...
Mysterious Woman He's already dead.
Elliot No! This isn't your business!
Mysterious Woman At least give him a decent burial.
Mon3tr (Hissing)
Elliot What's... What's that ball of light?
Mysterious Woman Lower your head.
Elliot Ngh–!
[Mon3tr blasts the ground, creating a hole.]
Elliot ...You... You want me to bury Teacher in here?
Mysterious Woman Professor Thorne is an old friend of mine. The situation is abnormal. We have no chance to more solemnly address his sacrifice.
Every person's life is an endless war.
On certain motives, his ancestors left Sargon. Wandering again and again, he found a life he could call his own, yet in the end he returned to Sargon's barrens.
His cause, his just heart, his thirst for knowledge all arrived at their terminus.
The Professor Thorne I knew was in no way unversed in life's affairs. Candidly, he confronted his own death, and until the very end resisted.
Elliot, just put him down.
Elliot I...
Mysterious Woman This is respect for the deceased. Surely you understand, he wouldn't have wished to become a burden on your path?
Elliot Okay... okay...
Mysterious Woman (Ancient Vouivran language) May his soul, with the long river, return.
Elliot Vouivran...? Are–Are you from Vouivre?
Mysterious Woman (Ancient Vouivran language) May he, as the gravel, pass into eternal tranquility.
(Ancient Vouivran language) May he ever hear his homeland's whispers. May he, at the other shore, meet the great waves.
(Ancient Vouivran language) Our friend rests eternal here. He shall return to the boundless cycle of rebirth.
As the woman bowed her head and prayed, it was as if the fire of war, too, paused for this moment.
Elliot ......
Mysterious Woman ...Time is running short. We've paid what respect we can. Now, you must make a choice.
Mon3tr (A low, alert sounding.)
Mysterious Woman Correct, they are many, but their formation is in loose disarray. As an armed force, they're not in one heart and mind.
Before they find us, they'll make their own grave.
Elliot ...I remember, now... I remember I saw your face before, somewhere... long ago... Teacher introduced you to me...
I thought you were only a theoretical researcher...
I remember... Your name is...
Kal'tsit Mm.
You have quite a good memory, Elliot.
<Background black>
The young researcher, Elliot Glover, pays no attention to the mysterious woman as she leaves through the door.
In a daze, he gazes at the soil that half-buried his beloved teacher, the air scattered with dust.
He thinks to himself: I haven't even the strength to cremate my teacher's remains. It leads him, for an instant, to mourn.
Until the sound of warfare resumes once more.

After operation

22 years ago, a Columbian company has secretly sent a prototype sample to Sargon, thus drawing powers from all sides in. Kal'tsit protects the sole survivor, Elliot, and they set out on a journey together.
22 Years Ago
3:09 P.M. \ Clear
Central Sargon, Ibut Region
<Background 3>
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Adviser.
Kal'tsit Confirm retrieval of target, and before any other teams form up and cut us off, pull out of here.
Elliot ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary ...Understood.
This is the op team. Advanced-Ops Adviser has retrieved the "Sand Soldier" survivor along with target material.
Adviser, recon team has ensured the safety of our route.
Kal'tsit Alright, then. Let's go.
<Background 1>
Kal'tsit ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary ......
Elliot ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Uh, Mr. Elliot, please kindly give that case to us.
Elliot ......!
The boy tightly clutches the case in his hands.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Adviser?
Kal'tsit Leave him be.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Pardon me, but we should confirm whether our objective materials are intact. And ensure "no matter the circumstances," they're safe under our grasp.
Kal'tsit You think he'll run?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary No, of course... alright... understood.
Kal'tsit Yes.
<Background fades out and in>
[The car suddenly stops.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary A Uh, why did we stop?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary B Seems we broke down.
Kal'tsit ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary What's wrong? Caster, come take a look.
Couldn't be out of fuel, right... did nobody inspect before we left base? Who was in charge?
J5 from the Stouthammer Squad was on vehicle inspection, but they're all on the recon team. What should we do? Get in touch with them?
Kal'tsit Elliot.
Elliot Huh?
Kal'tsit Keep that case safe, and lower your head.
Elliot ...What?
[Suddenly a loud explosion is heard.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary What just exploded–woah!
[Someone opens fire at the mercs.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Recon team?! Hey, can you hear us? Tell your Casters to stop! It's us, wait, it's us!
[Kal'tsit unleashes Mon3tr.]
Kal'tsit Mon3tr.
Elliot Th–That thing in your hand–
Mon3tr (With vigor, it rouses itself.)
Kal'tsit No, don't be rash.
Protect this child.
Mon3tr (Responds)
Elliot Hhhh–
What–What's happening?! Weren't they with you?! Here to help us?!
Kal'tsit Stay alert, Mon3tr.
Elliot Agh–
[Mont3r growls.]
Mon3tr (Dissatisfied)
[Meanwhile, the mercs are being attacked.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Dammit! They split as cover to set up the whole goddamn circus...!!
[The attacked mercs return fire.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Attention, Riverblade Squad, all members of Riverblade Squad!
The recon team has overtly attacked us, scratching every–clause of the contract! Caster division, ready up! Snipers, confirm bearings, and prepare to attack!
[An intense firefight ensues.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary You all copy! The Stouthammer Squad has turned traitor! Fight back, open fire!!
[An explosion occurs in the middle of the firefight.]
Elliot ......
Kal'tsit In the barrens, escaping an armed motorcade on foot isn't much of a sagacious choice.
Kal'tsit Stay here. This is the safest option.
Elliot Ugh...
Did you plan this, too?
Kal'tsit No. War can bring great profit to Columbia, but nobody wants that profit in anyone else's pocket. Dividing up interests isn't just about size, and satisfying everyone is extremely difficult.
As their advanced operations adviser, I've given sufficient counsel.
Including all "betrayal" possibility.
Elliot Right now, there's a war going on outside...
And you're just going to sit in here, unconcerned?
Kal'tsit I have to remind you, Elliot, you also sit here, receiving my protection at that.
Elliot ......
No... it's this box. They don't have the guts to attack us. I'm the one who's your protection, "Adviser."
Mon3tr (Discontentedly, it gazes afar.)
Kal'tsit I don't intend to retort. They absolutely won't dare destroy an Arts prototype that could convert half of Sargon's rainforests into barrens.
Despite its disguise as... an engine on an all-new power source.
Elliot What–What are you going on about...
[The mercs who are with Kal'tsit are being overwhelmed.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Adviser! We can't hold out for much longer! We need to pull back immediately, and change course!
Please, bring the survivor with us! We'll ensure your safety!
Kal'tsit Understood.
<Background 4>
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain How many withdrew?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Less than twenty. Wretched losses.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Let me say again, Captain, scores of our brothers just died.
Thanks to them pulling a heel turn out of their assholes in the middle of an operation! The company's gonna send people to wipe every last one of 'em off the goddamn map!!
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain I... don't know about that. If the Stouthammers had this planned in advance, I'm worried the company hasn't got the reach into Sargon...
Maybe they made a deal with some lord ameer. Or maybe, they just never...
Ugh... the adviser and the kid?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Right over there.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Let me... let me talk with them alone.
<Background fades out and in>
[The merc captain walks toward Kal'tsit.]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Adviser.
Kal'tsit Before we entered Sargon, I gave you the heads-up.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain ......
Kal'tsit The military needed to light a fire in Sargon, and then wait for war to bring riches their way.
Factories, mines, the arms trade–every second of its existence, Columbia has been gnawing away at this ancient country, strengthening itself.
So its military pulled a move, brought about the birth of the "Sand Soldiers," had them bring scientific researchers into Sargon... to carry out some "tech support."
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain –But the Bureau doesn't take things that way at all.
Kal'tsit To be precise, it's the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Arts Units and Originium and its background desires that don't take things that way.
Perhaps Sargon is a backwards, rotting country to some people's eyes, but its ancient wealth and power still suffices to command servitude of all the dust in its sky, to become the desert under the Empire's gaze.
I have to say, the Bureau's viewpoint is correct.
One portion of Columbia's people has grown narrow-minded with its ballooning riches and power. They mistakenly think they can cause wanton strife in Sargon without paying a price.
Any one Padishah's maneuvering is enough to influence those Columbian entrepreneurs' stock prices, yet they turn a blind eye to Sargon's vast might.
The policymakers are free to be ignorant, and failure in judgment won't harm their core interests, but you yourselves need to know just what it is you're doing.
At least, you should know, this and your life or death are symbiotic.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain The Padishahs are the Sargon Empire's chief governors at the core, there to control their lords ameer. Would they... have anything to do with the company?
Kal'tsit You know what it is the company wants, correct?
Certain high-ranking members of the military have seized some of Blaine Formative Technologies' principal shareholders, exporting these things to Sargon under unofficial cover in order to fulfill a deal with a lord ameer.
And what they truly desire is to employ these simple, crude methods to set off a power struggle within Ibut. Because that will turn profit.
But the Bureau believes that if the war spreads to the heart of the empire, every 'moneymaking' design will become fly ash.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain So, the Bureau wants us to retrieve the target, so as to stop the military brass from going a step too far. That I get, but–
Kal'tsit But the military's not stupid. Its spies within the company–perhaps you've already guessed who–have bribed the Stouthammer Squad to ensure the plans will remain in Sargon, and then a certain lord ameer can set off war.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain They had the balls?!
Kal'tsit Aside from the operation advisers that aren't me, all silently acknowledge this string of activity inside the company.
The Chief of Business has no plans to stand on any side, allowing both parties to hold each other back. It might even bring in bonus grey income, after all.
[Elliot joins in the talk between Kal'tsit and the merc captain.]
Elliot ......
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain None of this is any kid's business.
Elliot I–
Kal'tsit Elliot Glover. Only 13 when he skipped a few grades and graduated, soon entering an academy for sciences and taking up studies in Originium technology.
Three years after, this young genius was picked out by Professor Thorne, to become in all respects his personal assistant.
Elliot is a member of the "Sand Soldiers." A research team crowned as soldiers who had no idea at all what awaited them in Sargon.
They died tragically in the sandstorm without a single clue about anything, and none of us can deprive their last survivor of learning the complete picture.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Fine, I get it. No skin off my nose.
Now where were we? Oh, yeah, Bureau and the military pressured the company, and then in Sargon, all the lords ameer clashed...
Heheh. We were betrayed from the very beginning. And we jumped into this war knowing scratch all...
Where'd they get the balls to do this shit... Now they've thrown us into the desert like garbage, who can still guarantee things'll go how they want...?
Kal'tsit The company never cared about what ultimately ended up in whose hands. Regardless of which of you survived to complete the mission, they'd still pocket a reward.
To be precise, even if you all died right here, it wouldn't affect a single coin that falls into their pockets.
Because the ever-eyeing lords ameer and the Padishahs would've helped you settle and follow up on things otherwise, it's only natural they brought in the chaos.
The moment you were first drawn into Sargon by that enormous reward, you were already cornered.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain ......
Sorry, Adviser.
You warned us out of the kindness of your heart, and you gave our op everything you had too. I respect you a hell of a lot more than I do those cigar munchers, all making up absolute shit at their meeting tables.
But maybe... we still have one other option. Right now, pull out your arms, Adviser. I hope this decisive battle can preserve some dignity.
Elliot You're going to kill her...!
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Why not? That's what our original job really was, after all.
Kal'tsit Don't lose your head, mercenary. I know you've received secret orders from the Chief of Business, but I also trust you understand that right now, following things to the letter will only cut off your own way out.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Yeah, you've always given me an omniscient kind of impression...
The company sold us out, the Chief of Business sacked us like pawns, the lords ameer, the Padishahs and the Columbian military are all itching to kill us and snatch the goods–
–but we're mercs, and that's just morning coffee to us. As long as I can still make bank, I have no shits to give.
Kal'tsit What a pity.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain I'm just the smallest fry in this whole whirlwind of crisis, but whether it's in the Bureau's interest or the military's–whatever. All that shit makes me dizzy–
Even the company thinks you shouldn't hang around here any longer, Adviser.
This is a good chance. A good chance to make a senior adviser in Sargon disappear. Some folks paid me a lot of money–heh, and I couldn't say if they were the same who bribed the Stouthammers.
But none of that matters. I just wanna ask you one last thing... You... You've done so much. What was it all for, in the end?
Kal'tsit Columbia, Sargon, and perhaps Victoria as well. Uncountable powers all wrapped up in this. And though their lack of foresight led us here, all their innumerable machinations point towards one endgame.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain –War.
Kal'tsit And war will bring ruin.
I simply try to stop this all from coming, despite how weak my influence is.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain ......
I... I don't know whether I oughta believe you... Maybe as long as I complete the Chief's orders and kill you, the company'll let us back in...
Kal'tsit Who would trust sixteen mercenaries forced to hole up in a cave, a scientist's boy assistant and a mercenary company's operations adviser? Who would willingly sit down with them to discuss where millions of lives are headed?
I'll give you one final heads-up. Even if you make the Chief of Business happy, and make an obstructive adviser vanish in the middle of Sargon, it will not mean you can return home safe.
Every hired hand in these yellow dusts believes you've made off with the final legacy of the "Sand Soldiers"... and they will make the choice to exterminate a flock of Columbians who offended their lord ameer's graces.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain I–
Kal'tsit After you kill me, you want to use Elliot as a bargaining chip, but would you have the leeway for a peaceful dialogue?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain –No, you're right. I've got no chance of making any kind of 'deal' with the people who just killed my brothers. I don't work with the big picture like that.
Alright. You've convinced me, Adviser. I'll put down my crossbow, and you get that... uh, your pet out of sight a little.
Mon3tr (A low roar, as if to menace.)
Kal'tsit How are you going to proceed?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain If we keep working together, will you ensure we return to Columbia?
Kal'tsit Precisely the opposite. If you truly keep working with me, you will only add to the dangers you face.
But at the least, I can plot a route for you, and help you stow away into Minos. This is the safest path.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain "The safest path." And you're not even gonna go with us?
Kal'tsit My goal lies elsewhere.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain There's no way you'd say you prepped this route just for us, right?
Kal'tsit Don't misunderstand. This is just for those who can get out of here alive, regardless of who they are.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Sounds a little like salvation, huh?
Kal'tsit There's a hint of arrogance behind that word. If you have any misgivings, just treat this as a deal.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Alright, alright. Last time I didn't trust you we ended up right in the frying pan. Maybe this time I oughta be a little smarter...
This is a deal, Adviser. I want to use both your lives, to buy the lives of me and the brothers I have left.
Kal'tsit Sixteen for two. Very cost-effective.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Damn right. Cost-effective. Hah. You saw this day coming from miles away, didn't you?
<Background 1>
Elliot Where are we... heading?
Where are we... I... I want to...
Kal'tsit There's a local place for dealings, which the local arms dealers and underground Originium goods merchants all call the "Reefsteep Black Market".
When we find that market, its stowaways can help us out.
Elliot ......
Kal'tsit What's on your mind?
Elliot I'm thinking about... I...
I just... just left Teacher's body... in that makeshift...
I should've... I... the blood, and the screaming... nngh, ulp...
*cough*, *cough* *cough* *cough*–
<Background 4>
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Adviser's hit the road.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary What now?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Here's the map for the route the Adviser gave us. Not just the names of all the towns, but any Messenger stations we can use too. Can you guess how much this map'd be worth alone?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Just where in holy hell did she come from?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain Hell knows! But right now, she's the single straw we've got to grab at.
Tear up all identifying marks. Can't keep using these Columbian cars anymore. We'll head to the closest city on foot. Should be about thirty kilometers, then we'll rent a new ride and get out of here.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary And we escape just like that?
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain I know what you're thinking... but we still aren't ready for payback. We'll hide out for a bit. Then we can go back, deal with all those traitors companyside–
[Someone walks into the cave...]
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain –Who's there?!
[...who turned out to be one of the Sarkaz mercs from earlier.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Heh.
So you let the "Sand Soldier" go... Now there's a twist.
Riverblade Squad Mercenary Captain –Enemy raid! Snipers, rea–
[Before he could react, the Sarkaz merc cuts down the merc captain, killing him.]
Sarkaz Mercenary Leave three alive. Get the casters ready to grill them.
Deal with all the rest.
<Background 1>
Elliot ......
Kal'tsit Have you calmed down some?
Counting researchers, the "Sand Soldiers" were on the scale of a hundred people when they left Tkaronto.
You just experienced a massacre. This may be difficult, but you need to return to form as soon as possible.
Elliot Just what... do you intend to do?
Kal'tsit Retrieve the Arts prototype plans in your embrace. Assuming no mishaps, there should also still be an Originium crystal sample in there.
Elliot Ngh...!
Kal'tsit This will only delay the outbreak of war, but it will give us enough time. Enough to afford a few of my colleagues in Columbia the chance to try and change course.
You hardly even know what that case could unleash.
Elliot You can't! What kind of sick joke?! This is everything the Institute worked for!
Kal'tsit Whether you trust me or not, I know full well just how important, how weighty, results paid for with countless lives are to a theoretical scientist.
But I also know, if this thing termed an "Advanced Originium-Powered Arts Conversion Device" is given different application, the sheer harm it can bring about.
Elliot Ugh...
Kal'tsit Many were aware of this. Naturally, this included your teacher.
Elliot Y-You don't mean to say Teacher knew we were doing wrong?!
How dare you suggest–
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 3>
Professor Thorne So this is Sargon! Ah, a time-old charm of a country... look around here, at the heart of the wild-grown desert, no dependence on nomadic cities, still so full of life!
Elliot It is, Teacher.
Professor Thorne Hm? Elliot, your mind's wandering. Come here, let me brush that gravel off your head.
Elliot Ah... th-thank you, Teacher.
Teacher, if you were this caring of the women who tried to woo you, I don't think your family would urge you so hard to get married.
Professor Thorne Haha. Don't poke your teacher where it hurts, or else you'll be assigned to double next month's experiments.
Elliot Ugh...
Professor Thorne ......
Elliot Teacher?
Professor Thorne Ah, not much, just something that popped into my head. The mountain range at the end of the barrenlands, and the rainforest on the other side, must both be bursting with life too in their own ways, totally unlike the barrens we're in.
In that rainforest... could there reside people just as unlike those here? What kind of life do they lead, then? How does it fare?
Elliot The rainforest? Why all the sudden thought, Teacher?
Professor Thorne ......
Elliot. We believe our undertakings are for the benefit of ever more of humanity, for those still without the blessings of Originium technology.
But at times, the fruits of our research may not be implemented as we intended. Perhaps from the start, we choose a path wrong, excessively wrong, and when we realize it, we are powerless to redeem.
Elliot Huh?
Professor Thorne Haha. Just supposing, provided a day like that dawned–
–We'd have to try and stop this all in its tracks.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 1>
Elliot ––
Mr... Thorne, he...
I... No, it can't be, he was deceived... he...
Kal'tsit Thorne's research had been rigged from the start.
The capital bounced around to land in his hands, disguised as an exciting investment in the new energy market, perfectly unscrupulous, giving nobody any doubts.
I'd warned him before. But perhaps the experiments' success and advancement made him put his own misgivings aside.
Elliot ––
Kal'tsit No one is perfect, Elliot, but your labors will not become a catalyst of conflict and death. I came here to ensure that, and I need your assistance.
Right. You have five minutes to gather your thoughts, and then we'll leave.
Elliot Huh?
You want me to go with you?
Kal'tsit You'd only die in the barrens otherwise. I won't deny your gift for the mathematical and applied Originium fields, but you don't have even the first idea what vegetation can offer you any moisture content.
I don't want the last young one who knows the truth to senselessly pass away in front of me.
Of course, if you feel your calling is at its end, that you have no need to press onward, I can arrange for your refuge in the Sargon countryside.
Elliot ......
Just... Just who in the world are you? Why do you speak of everything so... downplayed?
Kal'tsit I'm presently an Advanced Operations Adviser and Arts Instructor for the Westin Security Company, Columbia... If I have to repeat myself once more to you.
I am Kal'tsit.
<Background black>
<Background 2>
"Sand Soldier" Kal'tsit. Kal'tsit.
Hm... look at this contract...
What a beautiful signature it is.
She mediated between Columbia and Sargon. She toyed with the lords ameer and mercenaries in the palm of her hand.
She said she came to prevent war, to prevent Sargon's self-destruction–heh, what arresting ambitions.
They weren't her truest thoughts at all. Her preparations, profound, far-reaching, not to be known by anyone else, influenced the fates of many.
And we can scarcely see how long the path she walked was, or where it led.