Operator story: Virtuosa

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Arturia Giallo is the distant cousin of Federico Giallo the Executor who is noted for her musical talents since her childhood. She was raised up together with Federico since childhood as she is the daughter of Marcello, the cousin of Federico's father, and Luciana, and Federico had been treating her as a sisterly figure. However, after her mother read her a story which expressed that being free is what makes you truly happy, she used her Arts to convince her mother to chase her desire of being a wartime photographer. After being accused by her father for Luciana's tragic death months later, and the chaos at her funeral where the attendants were greatly affected by her Arts, she was in some ways disavowed by her father by being sent to Leithanien for musical studies where she was mentored by a loyalist of the Witch King.

Arturia's unrestrained character is driven by her strong desire to free all people from the fetters of their true inner selves. Her mastery in music through her cello and other musical instruments allows her to harness a rare kind of Arts that combines with her innate magnified Sankta emphatic trait—ego liberation Arts that could unleash the listeners' hidden and repressed desires and give them the conviction to carry them out without regrets of the consequences afterwards. Sometimes, this leads to death of the listeners in pursuit of these desires, or the desires unearthed are a desire to harm others, which makes her Arts a threat to many people. Additionally, her skill in manipulating people allows her to convince people to listen to her Arts of their own will, as well as letting her escape dangerous situations. Her emphasis on desire and emotions strongly contrasts with that of her cousin Federico who bases his judgement on cold logics, making him the only one who could ignore her Arts.

Seven years ago (Terran year 1092), several Sankta patients in a sanatorium suffered from irregular empathic disorder after listening to Arturia's performances, which turned her into a wanted criminal in Laterano. This has since prompted Federico to apprehend her all by himself by any means possible.[1] But the fugitive did not stop her quest after fleeing from her homeland. She manipulated Chief Justice Marshall of Columbia to declare himself as "Emperor of Columbia" who demanded Infected rights, sparked a revolution in the palaces of Sargon that ended the life of a Lord Ameer under the gallows, and inspired a unit of Victorian soldiers to desert following the purge of a Taran nationalists secret meeting.[2] Being inspired by her mentor, she found her foothold in Leithanien where she quietly collaborated with the Echoes of Herkunftshorn to fulfil one of her goals—to personally meet the Witch King and seek her answer from the greatest caster in history. Hence, she disguised herself as a guest of Werner von Hochberg, the Kurfürst of Sturmland and Viviana's father, to steal a copy of the Güldenesgesatz that helps in his revival, and she even managed to gain appeals from the Twin Empresses. As a consequence, arresting her will only cause diplomatic crisis between the two countries, making her case even much more complicated.[3] At one point, she also coincidentally became Kreide's musical teacher who teaches him cello since childhood even though she was unaware of the presence of the accursed "Voice of Terra" inside him.[4]

After the Stimmverlust of the year 1100, Arturia was formally taken into custody by Federico after tedious diplomatic discussions with the Leithanian imperial court. Despite her crimes, however, the Lateran Curia does not formally sentence her as the Law does not find her guilty. Rather, she was made a Saint of Laterano, the nation's highest title akin to the Pope, by Pope Yvangelista XI which he believes her understanding in emotion could help preserve the Sankta race in the upcoming "Apocalypse." But given her controversial status, Arturia is currently in a soft detention under Rhodes Island's supervision where she is given limited freedom as operator "Virtuosa" while waiting for her ultimate judgement by the Lateran government.

Virtuosa, then known as Arturia, was first mentioned in Executor's dialogues and Guide Ahead before appearing in Lingering Echoes. She was introduced as an Operator with the release of Zwillingstürme im Herbst.


Prelude Suite: Cadenza Virtuosa

Executor: Enemy

Hortus de Escapismo

Lingering Echoes

Prior to Czerny's farewell performance, Arturia applied to stay in the city with the pretense of "enjoying Leithanian culture." While seeing her as a potential threat to her vengeance against the Echoes, Gertrude read the record that she has left the city earlier, hence she dismissed her concern.[4] Nevertheless, Arturia is still present in the city while secretly observing her disciple.

Arturia is present again during the concert and expresses interest at Kreide's and Ebenholz's performance as well as the "Voice of Terra" that goes out of control during the concert.

Zwillingstürme im Herbst

Virtuosa: Himmelszelt und Federwolke
