Operation story: LE-3

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Reserve Operator - Logistics icon.png
Vyseheim Shopkeeper icon.png
Food Stall Owner
Female Leithanian A icon.png
Friendly Infected
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Frivolous Noble
Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Inexperienced Clerk
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Skittish Infected
Ursula icon.png
Leithanian Street
Leithanian Alley
Afterglow Hall
Czerny Room
Mansion Room
Vyseheim RI Office
Leithanian Alley Night
Concert Hall Auditorium
Concert Hall Lounge

Before operation

To purchase a new instrument, Ebenholz and Kreide put themselves at risk and enter the Cliffy Patio, an area off-limits to the Infected. Once again, they ask Czerny to assess the fruits of their practice.
<Background 1>
[Ebenholz and Kreide walks toward a store.]
Ebenholz Let me see... That's right, this is the place.
Kreide Isn't this place too ornate to be a music store?
Ebenholz Of course – this is the best music store in all of Vyseheim. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought you here.
Kreide But, I didn't apply to enter the Cliffy Patio.
Ebenholz Those bureaucrats are so inefficient that by the time they process your application, the concert would already be over.
Plus, even if we do get found out, we'd only be looking at a fine.
Kreide I heard that if someone helps an Infected leave the Afterglow, the punishment for them is worse than for the Infected.
Ebenholz What's there to be afraid of? It'll be fine.
Stand up straight and don't act skittish. Just don't let anyone be able to tell and we won't have any issues––
Inexperienced Clerk Welcome, Mein Herr. Are you here to pick out an instrument, or...?
Ebenholz Of course. Let's find ourselves a cello first.
Inexperienced Clerk Very well.
Inexperienced Clerk Who might this gentleman with you be?
Ebenholz Him? He's my...
Inexperienced Clerk Mein Herr, I apologize for my rudeness, but I must remind you that those wearing unauthorized apparel are not allowed into the store.
Kreide I'll go wait outside then.
Inexperienced Clerk Outside? What exactly are you afraid of, acting all suspicious? Don't tell me you––
Ebenholz Do you have any idea upon whom you're casting aspersions? Unauthorized? Suspicious? How dare you use such words to describe a noble! Do you value your job or not?
He's simply fallen on hard times, and has no choice but to dress plainly. His clothes are neither damaged nor dirty, so why would he not be allowed inside the store?
Inexperienced Clerk Excuse my rudeness, but this gentleman's attire does not match the store's required style of...
Ebenholz Style?
My–– cousin, has just suffered a great upheaval. His cello, which he cherished greatly, was destroyed in the turmoil.
I wanted to bring him here to buy a new cello as a way of expressing my condolences. What right do you have to spout nonsense about "style?"
Inexperienced Clerk I am terribly sorry about this, but it is store policy that all customers must be dressed appropriately.
I'm sorry, but I cannot allow your companion to enter.
Ebenholz Fine then!
Ebenholz takes off his cloak and drapes it over Kreide.
Ebenholz Now that he's wearing the same clothes as me, can he enter? Or, is my cloak somehow part of your inappropriate dress?
If I put my cloak back on later, am I also not allowed to enter?
Inexperienced Clerk Well...
I... I'll go ask the manager.
[The clerk leaves to see the store manager.]
Ebenholz This one can't just mind his own business!
Kreide Here, your coat...
Thank you.
Ebenholz You're welcome.
It was my idea to bring you here to buy a cello in the first place.
I'm bringing you inside the store one way or another, even if I have to pick a fight with that clerk.
[The clerk returns.]
Inexperienced Clerk We would like to extend our sincerest apologies to both of you.
The manager will be here shortly, and he will personally show you our instruments.
<Background 2>
Hibiscus Excuse me, are you busy right now?
Friendly Infected Oh, it's Hibiscus!
I've got plenty of time.
Hibiscus It's about your condition...
<Background 1>
[After solving the issues with the instrument store earlier...]
Kreide Phew...
I was worried that clerk was going to report us to the authorities...
Ebenholz Nonsense, it's not like he knew you were an Infected. He just saw your shoddy clothes and took you for a commoner–
Tsk tsk... Looks like we forgot something.
Kreide We did?
Ebenholz Our suits, of course.
Surely you don't plan to wear this onstage. It's too unprofessional.
Let's go. I'll find you the best tailor in all of Vyseheim––
Kreide No, I can't. During the fitting, the Originium crystals would...
Ebenholz You do have a point.
In that case––We'll find the best tailor in the Afterglow. How about it?
<Background 3>
Kreide The Sky is blue and fine...♪
Ebenholz Alright, alright.
Kreide I can't thank you enough. For buying this cello for me, and for helping me order a suit!
Ebenholz The cello's on me. And we haven't even gotten your clothes yet, nor do we know how they'll look on you. You can save your thanks for later.
Kreide We'll know by tomorrow afternoon! I'm sure they'll fit just great!
So, thank you!
Ebenholz Since we left the store, all you've been doing other than humming is thanking me. We've been over it a dozen times.
Kreide Hum, hum.
The River murmurs clear...♪
Ebenholz This tune...
Kreide What's the matter?
Ebenholz I think I've heard it before... Or maybe I haven't. Never mind, it's probably just my imagination.
By the way, you've studied the cello, so why don't you have one of your own? Did it break?
Kreide The teacher who taught me how to play did give me a cello, but it didn't take long for someone to mess it up. Even though it's still sitting back at home, by the time I leave this city... I might only be able to bring the bow with me.
Ebenholz Just the bow? What's the purpose of that?
Kreide Seeing the bow is enough to remind me of my teacher.
I'm afraid that if I were to lose the bow, I might forget my teacher as well.
Ebenholz Forget? Don't you remember your teacher just fine?
Kreide Actually, I'm already starting to forget...
My teacher was a nice Sankta lady with very long hair. She dressed plainly, and always had a smile on her face...
I used to remember a lot more, as if she were standing right before my eyes... But not anymore.
There are actually a lot of others I've wanted to remember...
So, I need a few keepsakes, to make sure that I won't completely forget.
Ebenholz Keepsakes, huh...?
What about right now? What do you plan to remember Czerny by?
Kreide I suppose a signature would do just fine.
Ebenholz What about Hibiscus from Rhodes Island?
Kreide For Hibiscus, maybe an empty medicine bottle with the Rhodes Island logo?
Ebenholz Pfft. You're too easy to please.
Kreide So long as it helps me remember, the actual object doesn't matter.
Ebenholz What about me then? It'd be this cello, wouldn't it?
Kreide Maybe something else.
The cello from my teacher didn't last very long. If this one also...
Ebenholz Fair enough.
Kreide I want to keep a coin that you gave me. Maybe punch a hole through it and wear it as a pendant. That sounds like a pretty good idea.
Ebenholz Money is how you'll remember me?!
Kreide Eh? Is there something wrong with that? Then, I'll pick something else...
Ebenholz No, no, it's a fine idea.
Ebenholz Shall we head back home and practice?
Kreide Actually, I was thinking... Why don't we pay a visit to Herr Czerny's first?
Ebenholz Oh?
Ebenholz I'll pass. It's no secret that he gets all pissy when he sees me.
Kreide I'm sure that's just a misunderstanding. It'll get cleared up.
Ebenholz You've been saying that since the first day we met him.
Even if it really is some sort of misunderstanding, I think we're well beyond the point of clearing anything up. So yes, I'll pass after all.
Kreide But Herr Czerny approved of you yesterday, didn't he?
All misunderstandings have to be resolved bit by bit.
Ebenholz ......
Kreide Let's go. I want to see him so we can try out the cello you just got for me.
It'd be a shame if such a wonderful instrument didn't have a knowledgeable audience.
<Background 2>
Hibiscus Excuse me, are you busy right now?
Skittish Infected Hibiscus? Sorry, but now's not a very good time.
Hibiscus I'd just like you to answer a few questions.
You're also free to not answer if there's anything you're not comfortable disclosing.
Skittish Infected You're not gonna take my blood?
Hibiscus I wouldn't do that without your consent.
Skittish Infected Okay.
<Background 4>
Czerny I don't want to believe it, but this cello isn't something you can find in the Afterglow after one morning of shopping around.
You went to the Cliffy Patio, didn't you?
Kreide I did.
Czerny Bold of you.
Kreide Actually... Ebenholz got into an argument with a store clerk just so I could go into the store.
Czerny An argument? Did he think your clothes weren't fancy enough for the Cliffy Patio?
Ebenholz The clerk said something about 'not being able to enter the store unless dressed appropriately,' but do you see anything wrong with Kreide's attire? They were purposely fault-finding because Kreide was wearing commoner's clothes!
Czerny So you, a noble, have begun to fight for the commoners.
Ebenholz I did it for Kreide!
Regardless of whether he's a noble or a commoner, his skill is more than worthy of the instruments inside that store.
To deny Kreide entry but to sell those magnificent wares to nobles who needlessly fill their shelves with them would be to treat the finest lumber as firewood.
Czerny (Nods)
I didn't expect to hear those words out of your mouth.
Kreide, go ahead and get acquainted with your new instrument.
I'll accompany Ebenholz and have him practice solo for a bit. Let's see if we can change some of his old habits.
Ebenholz Change my habits...? I dare say––
Kreide Yes, Herr Czerny!
[Czerny leaves alongside Ebenholz.]
Kreide (Whispers) See, all misunderstandings have to be resolved bit by bit.
(Whispers) Herr Czerny's attitude is already changing. The rest is up to you.
<Background 2>
[Hibiscus approaches a rude Infected.]
Hibiscus Hello–
Rude Infected You that devil?
Git outta here. Do you have memory problems or somethin'?
Hibiscus Sorry to bother you.
Rude Infected ––Git yer ass back here.
Hibiscus Did you need something?
Rude Infected You plannin' to go hide back in your office again, aren't you?
Hibiscus I–
[The barista joins in.]
Coffee Shop Owner You're being a bit unreasonable.
Rude Infected Who the hell d'you think you are––
Coffee Shop Owner You still owe me quite a lot of coffee money, so who do you think I am?
Rude Infected Oh, it's you, Herr Biegler... Sorry, didn't notice you there.
[The rude Infected leaves Hibiscus and the barrista, now known as Biegler, alone.]
Hibiscus Thank you.
Biegler Don't mention it.
At the end of the day, the Afterglow is an Infected settlement. It's real lively here, but you'll run into plenty who can't be reasoned with. Best be careful out there.
Hibiscus Thank you for the reminder.
Biegler Here's my business card, with the phone number of my coffee shop on the front side. If you're ever thirsty, give me a call. We deliver too, real fast.
Hibiscus Haha...
Biegler By the way, hasn't Andante always been the one in charge of the Rhodes Island office? Did you just get dispatched over here?
Hibiscus Actually, I'm here to investigate some strange happenings.
Oh, Mr. Biegler, regarding your condition––
Biegler Strange happenings? What kind of strange are you talking about? I haven't heard a thing.
Hibiscus So this is what happened...
<Background 5>
[Gertrude is talking with a nobleman.]
Gertrude How fares the situation?
Frivolous Noble Lachmann's plans proceeded spectacularly.
Graf Urtica's actions were largely within expectations. Though he did cause some hindrance to Lachmann, it was most likely accidental and did not incur any lasting consequences.
Gertrude That's nothing. I never expected Lachmann alone to drive Rhodes Island out of the Afterglow.
Frivolous Noble As for Czerny, he already had to expend most of the goodwill he's earned, not to mention copyrights, just to invite those haughty critics to the concert.
Word also has it that he held his nose and wrote a glowing recommendation for a noble's album that he held nothing but disdain for.
Gertrude For someone like him, there's no going back now that he's stooped to this level.
What about the Sankta from a few days ago? If I remember right, when she applied for entry into the city, she said she came from Laterano to immerse herself in Leithanian culture?
Frivolous Noble According to the records, she concluded her tour around Vyseheim and left earlier today for her next destination.
Gertrude So we don't have to worry about her.
Let's go. We should be on our way to Afterglow Hall.
Frivolous Noble But our appointment with Czerny isn't until tonight.
Gertrude There's no shortage of prep work to be done.
Plus, if that one ever decides to head to Afterglow Hall on a whim, our hired muscle won't be enough to stop him. That's when things get troublesome.

After operation

Ebenholz finally gains Czerny's approval. When Czerny goes to the concert hall for a routine pre-concert inspection, he runs into Gertrude by chance.
<Background 4>
Czerny No good.
At the triplets... No, throughout this entire piece.
I thought you were trying to show off at first, but after a few sessions, it's clear that you're not. Instead, you're deliberately handling high-difficulty passages with excessive flair as if to obfuscate the less-technical passages.
In theory, you should already be quite familiar with this piece, so what's the point of fudging the easy sections?
Ebenholz The point...? To fudge my way out of this rote, mechanical drilling. How's that for an answer?
Czerny You've lost your temper?
Ebenholz Showing off? Fudging? Why such loaded words?
The way I see it, I'm wasting time repeating the same piece over and over.
Czerny Whether you understand or not doesn't matter to me, but you're going to be playing in MY concert. If I say it's no good, then that means it's no good.
Keep practicing. And don't stop until you understand what I'm talking about.
Ebenholz Fine. I also happen to want to know what manner of unfathomable creature I'm running from.
Czerny Start from measure seventeen. One, two, three, four...
<Background fades out and in>
Czerny ......
Ebenholz What's the matter?
Czerny What was going through your head when you played that passage just now?
Ebenholz Nothing in particular.
Czerny Wrong.
You're throwing a fit at me.
Ebenholz And what warranted you specifically pointing that out to me?
Czerny That was the best you've sounded all day.
Ebenholz Are you joking?
Czerny Do I need to joke around with you?
Ebenholz ......
Czerny All you can think about right now is how to shut me up, isn't that right?
That's exactly the way to approach it. When I wrote this piece, I was also thinking of someone who always competes with me.
Ebenholz ......
Czerny You're not saying anything, so I assume you're still surly?
Or do you have such a problem with me that you don't want anything to do with me anymore?
Ebenholz No, I actually thought...
Czerny Thought what?
Ebenholz (Takes a deep breath)
––I thought you had a problem with me.
Czerny I do have a problem with you.
Ebenholz You have a problem with me... And is it that I'm a noble?
Czerny That is one reason, but not a particularly important one.
It's true that I do not like nobles, but that does not stop me from applauding their music.
Just as some nobles see me as unclean, but that does not stop them from practicing my compositions at home.
Even the fortunate ones, sheltered and blissfully unaware of the plight of man, with sufficient respect for music and a desire to pursue it, may be found expounding the joys of life.
But your performance is virtuosic at times yet perfunctory at others. Overall, it's as if...
One side of you is just trying to kill time while the other half is going to great lengths for embellishments and frills, as if to prove to others that your problem is a matter of motivation rather than capacity.
Let me be clear about this– this is a form of blasphemy against music, an attitude I absolutely cannot accept.
Fortunately for you, you've already proven to me that you're not doing it on purpose.
At least, you have the ability to rid yourself of this state.
What I suspect more now is that you had a talented teacher who was irresponsible toward his students.
Ebenholz Yes, that's exactly the kind of person my teacher was.
Thanks to him, I can perform a few pieces on pretty much every instrument, but I loathe him from the bottom of my heart.
Czerny If that actually is the case, his music must've been quite unusual as well.
Ebenholz You're right about that, but I don't want to talk about him anymore.
Czerny No matter.
Back on topic. I need you to remember how you felt today.
I'm not telling you to keep holding your nose while you practice this piece. But I'd like you to remember the rhythms and expressions from this last time, and the way you played those passages and transitions.
Ebenholz Alright.
Czerny Good, let's wrap things up. You must be tired from practicing for so long.
I still need to take a look around the concert hall and meet with my sponsor, so I need to get going soon.
That's it for today. I'll have Ursula fetch something to drink for you and Kreide.
[No response.]
Czerny Ursula, where are you?
[Kreide walks in.]
Czerny Kreide? Have you seen Ursula?
Kreide She said she was going to Rhodes Island to fetch some medicine, and left about half an hour ago.
Czerny Half an hour ago? Their office isn't that far away.
I'll head down to the Rhodes Island office to see what's going on. You two can go home.
Kreide I was also about to go there to visit my grandpa, so I'll come with you.
Ebenholz, want to join us?
Ebenholz Not like I have anything better to do.
<Background 6>
[Hibiscus greets Czerny and co..]
Hibiscus Ebenholz, Kreide, and Mr. Czerny too!
You all came at just the right time. I'm cooking up some food. Would you like to join us in a bit?
Czerny Hibiscus, where's Ursula?
Hibiscus Ms. Ursula's helping out in the kitchen––
Ursula Well if it isn't Herr Czerny.
Czerny Didn't you come here to pick up medicine? How'd you end up cooking?
Ursula That was the plan, but I caught Hibiscus cookin' and Andante went out again. Thought it'd be bad to impose, and offered to lend a hand. Now you're here and that takes care of tonight's dinner as well.
Hibiscus Since Ebenholz and Kreide are here too, we need to make extra.
Kreide How about Grandpa's portion?
Hibiscus Your grandpa has been asleep this whole time. I'm afraid he won't be able to join us at the table tonight.
Kreide The whole time...? Has his condition worsened?
Hibiscus Don't worry. As far as I can tell, that's a common side effect of the medication, but he'll adjust to it soon enough.
Kreide Alright...
[Hibiscus and Ursula leaves.]
Ursula Hibiscus, what's this thing? It looks just like an apple.
Hibiscus It's a very nutritious tuber, great for your health. I haven't seasoned it yet though, so hold on a bit.
[While Hibiscus and Ursua are in the kitchen...]
Ebenholz Weren't you going to go check out the concert hall with your sponsor?
Czerny I still have to fill up the tank before I go.
Kreide That sponsor must be very dear to you. Right, Herr Czerny?
Ebenholz ......
Czerny Dear, huh... Hah, quite the opposite.
Kreide Oh?
Czerny At first, I truly thought the two of us kindred spirits. But I quickly realized she is not the same kind of person as I.
Ebenholz If I recall correctly, your true soul mate was the one intimately connected to 'Morgen und Abend,' only to pass away before you completed that opus.
Czerny That's right.
Now that I think about it more calmly, the reason you rubbed me the wrong way from the very beginning... might have something to do with the way this piece came about.
Hearing you play "Morgen und Abend" like that filled my heart with some dissatisfaction.
But now that you've seen the light, the stone in my heart has at last been shed.
Ebenholz It's all thanks to all those hours of intense instruction you provided. Otherwise––Ugh.
Czerny I see sarcasm is also one of your bad habits?
Ebenholz Maybe it is.
Czerny It's fine. I don't mind.
The way I see it, the most important quality a musician can have... is sincerity.
Sarcasm aside, even deeply-rooted hatred, if expressed using the proper techniques, is meaningful all the same.
<Background fades out and in>
Hibiscus The last dish is ready!
If not for Ursula's help, cooking all these dishes would've taken forever.
Kreide Eating together makes it feel like we're one big family.
Ebenholz (Mumbles) Family, huh...
Hibiscus Speaking of family, I wonder how Lava is doing back on the landship...
Kreide Lava?
Hibiscus Lava is my sister, and an Infected. She can be a handful at times, but she's a good egg.
Kreide Your eyes lighted up when you mentioned your sister, Hibiscus.
Hibiscus Eh, really? Heehee.
Lava's the kind of girl who remembers who's been good to her, even if she's bad at expressing it. She's always getting into trouble.
She's also Infected, but unlike me, she's really into studying her own Originium Arts. That's why she needs to pay extra attention to her diet.
Plus, she tends to miss meals or stay up too late because of her training, and I always have to remind her––
Oh my, I'm sorry. Whenever I talk about Lava, I can't help myself...
The food's going to go cold, so let's dig in! I'm going to go change Kreide's grandpa's bandages first, and then I'll be right back.
[Hibiscus leaves.]
Ebenholz She sure loves her little sister.
Kreide That's what siblings are for.
Ursula Can't help but wonder at times, if Mein Herr had a brother or sister of his own, maybe he'd be a bit more easygoing.
Czerny Ursula!
Ursula Haha.
Kreide Hibiscus, are you done changing his bandages?
Hibiscus I'll be there in a moment––
[Hibiscus runs back.]
Hibiscus Coming, coming! Thanks for waiting!
Now then, don't stand on ceremony, go ahead and dig in!
<Background 7>
Food Stall Owner Here you go, one order of pan-fried sauerkraut!
Kreide Thank you.
Ebenholz Finally, something normal to eat.
Ebenholz Wait, huh? You even packed some of her "health food" to go?!
Kreide I must admit the taste was rather odd, but I don't think it's good to waste food.
Ebenholz You can eat that yourself tomorrow!
<Background 5>
Ursula Care for another bowl of soup, Mein Herr?
Czerny No thanks... I'm full.
[Czerny asks Ursula,]
Czerny You didn't notice anything off with her cooking, when you were in the kitchen?
Ursula Couldn't just go around tasting food, being in someone else's kitchen and all.
Besides, she does cook plenty healthy, I could see that much.
S'pose I could also learn a thing or two from Hibiscus, change up m'own cookin'...
[Czerny walks away.]
Ursula Ah, Mein Herr, I'm just jokin', come back––
<Background 6>
[Andante returns.]
Andante I'm back!
Hibiscus How was it? Have you eaten yet? If not––
Andante ––Thanks for the offer! But I already ate out!
Hibiscus Aw, I even saved a portion just for you.
Sorry for making you do the detective legwork, but it's hard for me to get around right now.
Andante Don't worry about it. I'm also a part of the Afterglow. If I can find some way to improve the situation, it'll benefit me just fine.
Hibiscus Now for the data analysis...
<Background 8>
[Czerny inspects the preparations for his upcoming concert.]
Czerny I must say, this setup surpasses my expectations.
Frivolous Noble Far from it, Mein Herr.
This is your farewell concert after all. If anything, it ought to be more grandiose.
Czerny I was talking about the instruments.
Frivolous Noble Ah, yes. Dame Gertrude spent a significant amount of money procuring the highest-quality instruments. We've tried our best to meet you and your musicians' needs when it comes to the venue and equipment.
Now that you've had a good look around...
Czerny If I'm not mistaken, I believe I still haven't seen the lounge?
Frivolous Noble Ah, look at this sorry memory of mine.
Right this way.
[The nobleman takes Czerny to the lounge.]
<Background 9>
Frivolous Noble That's strange, why won't this door open?
Czerny Is there someone inside?
??? Yes. Someone indeed is inside.
[Someone answers from behind the door...]
Frivolous Noble Dame Gertrude?
[...who is revealed to be Gertrude.]
Gertrude Considering the significance of this concert, I am personally inspecting the concert hall's furnishings.
Frivolous Noble That you would have to come handle such trivial matters in person means that we have failed in our duties! Sincerest apologies!
Gertrude It's fine.
If I heard right, Herr Czerny is also here?
Czerny Yes, I am. What are you doing in there?
Gertrude I'm checking the lounge's interior.
In my opinion, while the lounge does meet the bare minimum as set by you and your musicians, it leaves much to be desired.
Czerny (Sighs audibly)
Gertrude Water stains on the mirrors, rusting on the drawer handles' plating, small holes in the carpet, just to name a few of the problems...
Czerny I told you before, this concert doesn't need so much pomp and flair. As long as things work, it's good enough.
Gertrude That will not do. As your sponsor, my reputation is closely tied to the performance that you and your underlings put on.
Czerny How many times do I have to tell you, they are musicians who've volunteered to play in the concert, not my "underlings!"
Gertrude There is no difference in the eyes of the people you've invited.
Czerny Have it your way.
Gertrude I'll open the door for you now. You're free to inspect the facilities yourself.
Czerny Never mind, I'll just leave it in your hands.
Gertrude Do you not want to come in and take a look?
Czerny Not in the slightest, so you can stop putting on airs.
I trust you didn't want to see my face either, right? So let's make things easy for one another.
Frivolous Noble (Whispers) Herr Czerny, your tone...
Czerny This is how we've always talked to each other.
Gertrude Then run along and do as you please. I'll proceed with the needed inspections here.
I just hope that these mundane affairs will prove to be a benefit to you on the day of the concert, rather than a hindrance.