Operation story: LE-4

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Reserve Operator - Logistics icon.png
Female Victorian icon.png
Cautious Servant
Male Leithanian Villager icon.png
Mediocre Caster
Male Leithanian B icon.png
Rule-Abiding Instructor
Leithanian Nobleman A icon.png
Stoic-Looking Noble
Kreide Room
Leithanian Alley
Vyseheim RI Office
Mansion Room
Leithanian Street
Afterglow Hall

Before operation

Hibiscus discovers the changes in the conditions of the Infected are related to Ebenholz and Kreide. She speaks out and tries to bar them from performing, and Ebenholz goes to confront Gertrude.
<Background 1>
[Someone knocks the door.]
Kreide (Yawn)
Coming, I'll be right there...
[Kreide opens the door, and Hibiscus enters.]
Kreide Hibiscus?
Good morning... You're up early today. It's barely light out––
Hibiscus Where's Ebenholz?
Kreide Hm? He's still asleep.
Your eyes are all bloodshot... Did you stay up all night?
Hibiscus ––Wake him too. Hurry.
<Background 2>
Ebenholz False recovery?
I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Hibiscus Do you really not understand me, or are you just––
Fine, I'll explain it one more time.
The reason I came to the Afterglow was to investigate why the Infected people here were suddenly getting better.
But according to our visits over the last few days, the Infected here in the Afterglow are not getting better, but exhibiting something called a "false recovery."
In other words, the patient's condition appears to be getting better, but in reality is taking a turn for the worse.
Kreide Why would they appear to be improving then if they're getting worse?
Hibiscus Let me explain it another way.
Generally speaking, whenever the body is injured, the best outcome is for it to "return to its original state."
If it is unable to return to its original state, the body will mobilize its non-damaged parts to cover for the functions lost through the injury, a process we call "compensation."
Right now, most of the Infected in the Afterglow have activated their body's compensation functions, causing them to appear to be in very good shape.
But inside them, where the eye cannot see, the severity of their Oripathy is rapidly getting worse.
At the current rate, a certain cohort is about to enter the decompensation stage.
Ebenholz Decompensation?
Hibiscus Once the extent of the damage exceeds the body's maximum ability to compensate, the fragile equilibrium is broken and the patient quickly lapses into the acute exacerbation stage of Oripathy, where their condition deteriorates sharply and becomes life-threatening.
Actually, there are already people starting to enter the acute stage.
Kreide How...?
Ebenholz I get the gist of what you're talking about, but what does this have to do with––
Wait, are you saying that Kreide is at risk too?
Hibiscus No...
That isn't the problem. Based on an analysis of our findings so... You and Kreide seem to be the primary factors behind this occurrence.
Ebenholz Kreide and I caused all of this?!
That's complete nonsense!
Hibiscus After analyzing your activities and movements, I've confirmed that you... or maybe something you're carrying, is strongly correlated with the incidence of false recovery.
For example, the worker in the laundromat beside your residence said the day before that she "felt especially good." Her condition worsened dramatically last night, and she was nearly taken to hospice care.
I urge the two of you to cooperate with me. If you have any leads, please let me know right away! This is for the safety of everyone in the Afterglow!
Ebenholz & Kreide ......
Hibiscus You can't think of anything at all?
Ebenholz Nothing's coming to mind.
Hibiscus Can the two of you come down to the office with me and let me check something real quick, just in case?
<Background 3>
Hibiscus Judging by the markers, one of you is a completely healthy man, and the other is in the stable phase of Oripathy...
How could this be...?
[Andante walks toward Hibiscus.]
Andante Hibiscus, this time, it's the owner of a music shop behind Afterglow Hall!
Hibiscus ––How's the situation?
Andante Thankfully, he signed an agreement with the hospital in the Cliffy Patio, and has already been picked up.
Hibiscus Another case of false recovery?
Andante That's right. Just yesterday afternoon, he reported "no discomfort whatsoever."
I'll go follow up, just to make sure the hospital doesn't find a way to renege on the agreement.
Those two...
Hibiscus I'll handle it.
Andante Then I'll be off!
[Andante leaves.]
Hibiscus I have to ask again, is there anything you can think of?
Every moment is the difference between life and death, so please!
[No response.]
Hibiscus ......
How about this. Ebenholz, why don't you come with me first? Let's have a chat about this.
Kreide, would you mind waiting a bit inside?
<Background 2>
[Hibiscus closes the door.]
Ebenholz Why'd you drag me out here by myself?
Hibiscus I apologize in advance if this comes off the wrong way, but...
I want you and Kreide to keep some distance from each other. The sooner, the better.
Ebenholz Why are you telling me this, and not him?
Do you suspect that I purposely caused this so-called "false recovery?"
Hibiscus No.
If only it were that simple, I'd be able to hand you straight to the Vyseheim authorities and that'd solve the root of the issue.
But the incidents of false recovery started before you arrived, and Andante was the one who noticed. Otherwise, I wouldn't have come to the Afterglow, or even to Vyseheim.
Ebenholz Then why did you say that––
Before I came? What about Kreide?
Hibiscus The phenomenon of false recovery... began right after he arrived in Vyseheim.
Ebenholz After he arrived in Vyseheim...? How could that be?!
Hibiscus It was at roughly the same time Kreide arrived in the Afterglow. The indicators from a portion of the Infected here began to gradually improve.
But his effect on the Infected was so miniscule at the time that nobody else noticed except the thorough and careful Andante.
After the two of you met at the registration, Kreide's influence suddenly strengthened.
Based on the reports Andante submitted to the Rhodes Island landship, the situation would've taken at least half a year to deteriorate to its current state with just Kreide alone.
After you arrived, in just a few days' time... We have the current situation on our hands.
Ebenholz ......
Hibiscus I need you to explain to me what exactly is going on here.
If you don't have an explanation, I'll need you to put things on hold before the situation spins out of control.
So, I hope you'll leave the Afterglow, and Vyseheim, as quickly as possible.
Ebenholz What about the concert?
Hibiscus The concert? That's what matters to you?
If the false recovery is caused by some sort of Arts, then your ensemble would amplify that, if anything––
Wait... Could it be, that's your...
Ebenholz Stop.
I'll be frank. I hate nothing more than being unfairly accused.
Hibiscus This isn't a problem that can be resolved by respecting your feelings!
Ebenholz I know!
So, give me some time.
Hibiscus How long do you need?
Ebenholz If things go smoothly, just a few hours. If not...
...I don't know. But I promise I'll be back.
Hibiscus Alright, I'll trust you this once.
<Background 3>
Kreide I... I don't agree to this.
Hibiscus ......?
Kreide Ebenholz worked so hard to perform in the concert, and finally managed to win over Herr Czerny... It'd be a travesty if he just walked away at this point!
Hibiscus You're missing the bigger picture! We're talking about peoples' lives here!
Kreide But–
Hibiscus Ebenholz?
Kreide Ebenholz, where are you going?
<Background 4>
Gertrude You look like you're all out of breath. Did you run the entire way here?
I'd urge you not to seek me out in this manner. The risk of being exposed is––
Ebenholz Exposed?
Things are starting to go pear-shaped, and that's what you're worried about?
I want to ask you something. Does the Resonanz from your so-called Voice of Terra have any effect on other people?
Gertrude The Resonanz? No.
As long as it is not deliberately directed, the Voice of Terra's Resonanz should not affect others in any way.
Ebenholz Then why did Hibiscus see me and Kreide as the source of the false recoveries?
Gertrude Hibiscus?
Ebenholz A Rhodes Island operator dispatched to Vyseheim.
Gertrude So Rhodes Island has termed this phenomenon "false recovery?" A clear and concise description, as you would expect of such professionals.
Ebenholz You... knew about it after all.
Gertrude If you're talking about the anomalies that have been happening to the Infected in the Afterglow recently, then yes, I do know.
Ebenholz What exactly is going on?
[Gertrude explains the situation to Ebenholz.]
Gertrude Stated simply, the Voice of Terra within Kreide is damaged.
Ebenholz Damaged???
Gertrude When you cast Arts, the Voice of Terra inside you will activate, therefore assisting you. Correct?
Ebenholz Yes, I do hear a faint, shrill melody as I'm casting Arts. How can something like that be damaged?
Gertrude Kreide's Voice of Terra has always been in an active state, unlike how you are able to turn yours off.
In other words, he's been unconsciously casting Arts all around him, with no ability to control it.
If you ask him, he'd probably tell you that he's always been able to hear some sort of vague melody in his head.
You can understand this phenomenon as "leakage."
This "false recovery" is a product of the Voice of Terra's leakage – indiscriminately increasing the activity of Originium in the surroundings, using the power of Originium to "heal" the nearby Infected...
However, the source of healing energy is taken directly from the Originium within the body of each Infected.
Using the Infected themselves as Arts devices, using the Originium inside their bodies to enhance their compensatory functions... This is the "false recovery" caused by Kreide's Voice of Terra.
Kreide has been in this state for a long, long time, continuously affecting the Infected around him.
Ebenholz If this has been going on for so long, someone should've figured it out by now!
Gertrude The credit for that goes to you, Herr Ebenholz.
Ebenholz Me?!
Gertrude Resonanz.
Ebenholz Resonanz amplifies the leakage of Kreide's Voice of Terra, which is causing an explosion in the recent cases of false recovery?
Gertrude That's the situation, yes.
Ebenholz Alright, I see exactly what's going on now.
I hereby withdraw from your plan.
Gertrude Freedom is at your fingertips, and you're going to give it up just like that?
Ebenholz I'm not crazy enough to buy my freedom with the lives of an entire swath of Infected.
Gertrude You've been shaken by that woman from Rhodes Island.
This false recovery is indeed not a good thing, but your concert with Kreide is just a few days away.
After a few days, your Voice of Terra will be removed, and then you'll leave Vyseheim. Nobody will even notice that we're short of a few Infected.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you walk away now, Graf Urtica's shadow will follow you your entire life.
Is that what you really want?
Ebenholz No, but I won't do that either.
Goodbye, Dame Gertrude.
Gertrude Where are you going?
Ebenholz None of your business.
[As Ebenholz walks away, he experiences intense pain on his head, disrupting his movement...]
Gertrude Your footsteps sound rather unsteady. Are you getting a headache?
Ebenholz I already told you...
It's none of your business!
[...but he nonetheless stabilized himself and takes his leave.]

After operation

Ebenholz tries to break free from Gertrude's grasp, but finds himself with nowhere to go. As soon as he returns back home, he collapses with a severe headache.
<Background 5>
[Ebenholz catches a breath after leaving from Gertrude's place...]
Ebenholz (She's insane! Absolutely insane! That's an entire district of people we're talking about!)
(Besides, does she really think she can come away clean from an incident of this scale?)
(If I went along with her plan, I'd be the first one to take the fall!)
(Even though I'm losing this opportunity, there's nothing to feel bad about. I'll have other opportunities... I can afford to wait!)
[...and now stands in front of a government building.]
Ebenholz (I made it... to Vyseheim's customs office...)
Just as Ebenholz is about to enter the customs office, an intense headache nearly knocks him off his feet.
Voice from Nowhere A coward on the run...
Ebenholz I don't need you telling me what to do!
Even if I die in Urtica, I don't want to become a murderer like you!
Voice from Nowhere You fear... You are afraid!
If you are ensnared by fear... then never in your life shall you taste freedom!
Ebenholz Shut up!
Voice from Nowhere Naive idiot...
Ebenholz Call me whatever you want...
Voice from Nowhere Do you think that woman can get you out of here so easily?
Ebenholz ?!
<Background 7>
Ebenholz (Good, it doesn't look like there's anyone here...)
(I just need to be extra-careful and make sure nobody sees me...)
<Background 2>
Ebenholz ......
(Just a little farther, and I'll be in the uninhabited plate on the edge of the city...)
(Takes a deep breath)
[Just as Ebenholz is about to leap off the edge...]
Gertrude Were you seriously planning to jump off the edge of a nomadic city?
Ebenholz ?!
[...Gertrude's voice stops him as she reveals herself before Ebenholz.]
Gertrude While that is technically the quickest way out of Vyseheim, I would advise against it.
Ebenholz Don't force my hand, Gertrude.
Gertrude I have no intention of doing that.
Ebenholz Then leave me alone, and get out of my sight.
Gertrude Where do you plan to go?
Vyseheim will continue to move until the concert comes to an end. You have nowhere to go.
Even if you risk life and limb to force your way out, only the barren wastelands await you.
Ebenholz I'd rather...
...step into the uncharted wastelands than...
Gertrude You'd rather die in the wastes than spend another second in Vyseheim?
Ebenholz Correct.
Gertrude I understand how you feel, but can you calm down first and let me finish?
Ebenholz What more do I need to hear from you?
Gertrude Do you really want me to reveal everything to you right here, my dear Graf Urtica?
Ebenholz Graf Urtica...
You don't need to emphasize my title. I know what you're trying to say.
<Background 4>
Gertrude First of all, I promise that under the current conditions, our plan can still proceed smoothly.
Ebenholz It's not "our" plan, it's yours.
Gertrude If your semantic games allow you to sleep better at night, then so be it.
Ebenholz Kreide's Voice of Terra is damaged, and Rhodes Island has also discovered its side effect.
Can a damaged Voice of Terra cancel out another one? Even if it could, would Rhodes Island turn a blind eye?
Gertrude Indeed, Kreide's Voice of Terra can still join in Resonanz.
As for Rhodes Island... Where do you think we are?
This is Vyseheim. My domain.
That little Fräulein Hibiscus is also an Infected. Even letting her step into Leithanien is only to keep up appearances with Rhodes Island. She can go nowhere but Vyseheim.
In any case, she only knows that there's something going on with you and Kreide, but doesn't know how it's happening. She has no evidence.
Ebenholz ......
Gertrude I understand, you don't have the heart to bring harm upon the Infected who have nothing to do with this.
The way I see it, this compassion is extraneous. But if you truly wish to act upon it, it is even more important that you carry out the plan.
Ebenholz Carry out the plan, and let all those Infected people die?
Gertrude I'll tell you the rest of the plan then.
You and Kreide will duet, and you will remove your own Voice of Terra.
Afterwards, I'll create some commotion in the concert hall, and take advantage of the chaos to kill Kreide and disguise his body as yours––
Ebenholz What did you say?!
Gertrude As he has become the biggest scourge of the Afterglow, it is impossible for him to live on.
Ebenholz Impossible for what? Don't be ridiculous! The biggest scourge of the Afterglow is none other than YOU!
Gertrude As I said before, all the scourges of the Afterglow come from Kreide's corrupted Voice of Terra.
Resonanz exacerbates the leakage of the Voice of Terra, in an irreversible process.
Even if you were to plummet off the edge of this nomadic city, Kreide's Voice of Terra would not return to the relatively harmless state it was in a week ago.
More importantly, the Voice of Terra isn't just harming the people around Kreide, it's also hurting him.
He is the biggest victim of the Resonanz between you two.
He may seem perfectly healthy right now, but don't be fooled. That is just another example of false recovery.
Kreide's body may have adapted to the Voice of Terra in the past, but with the recent surge of leakage, this delicate balance is about to be thrown upside down.
An optimistic estimate is that his good days will come to an end within two weeks. After that, he will experience the intense suffering that occurs in the acute phase following the false recovery phase.
The happiest ending for both him and the Afterglow, would be for him to die following the concert.
For you, for me, for the Afterglow, and for him. It would be a good thing.
I would obtain a trump card I could pull out at any time. The Afterglow would obtain peace, Kreide would obtain his rest.
And you... you would obtain your freedom.
Graf Urtica, rightful heir to Leithanien...
The last of the Witch King's bloodline.
[Suddenly Ebenholz, who turned out to be der Graf von Urtica and one of the infamous Witch King of Leithanien's only known living relatives, experienced an intense headache.]
<Flashback starts here>
Background-Afterglow Hall.png
For as long as I can remember, I've never known freedom.
<Background 5>
[A majestic Caprinae lady is speaking to the young Ebenholz,]
??? Poor child.
No courtesy or greetings are needed. Just listen to me.
Even though you were born into a distant branch far from the Witch King, you are indeed the last of his bloodline.
Out of pity, I will not trouble you.
Beyond that, you shall also inherit the fiefs passed down from generation to generation in your family.
You will become the Lehnsherr of Urtica.
You will learn to take responsibility for your own subjects.
You are about to take a completely different path from that of your disgraceful kin––
I await you.
This was my first memory.
I was around five or six years old at the time, I can't remember from before that. I only vaguely remember coming into contact with a strange thing called the "Voice of Terra," and nearly lost my life.
Staring at the pure-white dress in front of me, I was filled with thoughts that I'd become some obscure little aristocrat.
I thought I'd live the rest of my life in peace, with the exception of the occasional headache and the auditory hallucinations from the Voice of Terra.
<Background fades out and in>
Stoic-Looking Noble Your Illustrious Highness, you should know to mind your words and actions, and to not leave the Spire without good reason.
I must remind you, everything that you are has been bestowed upon you by Their Majesties.
Cautious Servant Your Illustrious Highness, aren't you forgetting something?
You ought to praise Their Majesties before you eat.
Rule-Abiding Instructor Your Illustrious Highness, we will be learning a new piece today.
This song expresses the gratitude of the nobles towards Their Majesties. Please keep that in your heart.
Mediocre Caster Your Illustrious Highness, your mastery over Originium Arts is simply transcendent!
Hm, you want something more elaborate? Haha, you need not wear yourself out.
Everyone around me did everything they could to limit my freedom, instilling in my mind an allegiance to the Twin Empresses.
If that was the price for being able to live in peace and quiet, I was willing to pay it.
I paid it for a very long time.
<Background fades out and in>
Stoic-Looking Noble Your Illustrious Highness, I shall be frank from the onset. You are the true heir to Leithanien.
I've been laying in wait in your spire for a number of years now. I'm sure you recognize me.
You don't have to say anything. Just listen to me. You don't have to agree with me or repudiate me.
I know that you're scared, that you don't want to lose even this life you have now. But you should at least know how those people see you, and what they want you to do.
I'm sure you know that the attendants the tyrants have forced upon you are setting up the banquet below. I will take you there, and let you see the truth.
The one in front of me grabbed me and pulled me up off the ground.
My palm was drenched in sweat.
<Background black>
Uproarious Voice Now that's the good stuff!
I had no idea you had such exquisite wine down in the cellar.
Familiar Voice You flatter me.
Urtica's countryside lacks just about everything, but there are indeed a number of master winemakers here.
Die Wahrheit.png
Uproarious Voice Then we've got to make sure to drink our fill before the little runt grows up. Can't be leaving any for him!
Familiar Voice Haha, that simply won't do.
The boy has been under house arrest for a number of years, but I'm looking for the right time to teach him how to drink. I'll have to fill him until he's a hopeless alcoholic.
I was entranced for a short while.
"You will become the Lehnsherr of Urtica."
Uproarious Voice Oh, so you still had that trick up your sleeves.
Once the runt has been completely soaked with wine, it'll be a load off Their Majesties'––
Familiar Voice Shh!
Uproarious Voice Yes, yes, right. Screw me, mate! Guess I'll have to repent with another glass!
"You will learn to take responsibility for your own subjects."
Familiar Voice But remember, these words don't leave the wine table.
We can't allow the boy to have heirs. That's the order from on high, with my life on the line.
Uproarious Voice If it's that big of a deal, why don't you find an apothecary...
Familiar Voice That won't work, it'd leave a paper trail. Only by letting him usher his own downfall will my task be considered complete.
Uproarious Voice Ambitious! Truly ambitious! Come, let us drink to that!
"You are about to take a completely different path from that of your disgraceful kin––"
Familiar Voice If I can get rid of the boy without getting my hands dirty, then Urtica will be mine.
Uproarious Voice I'll drink to that! Prost![note 1]
Familiar Voice Prost!
<Flashback ends here>
<Background white>
Voice from Nowhere Haha, hahahahaha....
Did you hear that, boy?
This is the peaceful, easygoing life you wanted!
<Background 4>
[Ebenholz recovers from his headache...]
Gertrude Herr Ebenholz, Herr Ebenholz?
Ebenholz ......
Gertrude You fell over on the spot. I almost had you sent to the hospital.
Feeling a little better?
Ebenholz I...
[...and stands back up.]
Ebenholz I'm perfectly fine.
Gertrude About the plan...
Ebenholz I don't want to hear it right now.
I'm going.
Gertrude As I said, you can leave at any time.
Ebenholz Don't come pestering me again.
Gertrude Well, you'll have to forgive me for being bad at following orders.
Ebenholz ......
[Ebenholz leaves.]
<Background 1>
Kreide Welcome back–– Your complexion looks terrible. What's wrong, did you get sick?
Ebenholz I'm fine.
Kreide You sure don't look fine to me. Go rest in bed and I'll boil some water for you.
Ebenholz There's no need.
Kreide Relax. I used to take care of Grandpa when he first got sick. Just lie down and let me handle the rest.
If you don't get any better, I'm going to tell Hibiscus.
I'll be right back!
[Kreide leaves.]
Graf Urtica endures a splitting headache and lies there in bed.
His consciousness gradually blurs.
<Background black>
Voice from Nowhere Depraved maggots.
Ebenholz ?!
Voice from Nowhere They would destroy your exalted bloodline...
Ebenholz Shut up...
Voice from Nowhere Self-deprecating trash!
Ebenholz ......
The sound of a cello comes from afar.
...The Sky is blue and fine...♪
His headache is no less intense, but the voice in Graf Urtica's head is drowned out by the melody from the cello.
A wave of reprieve washes over him.
...The Breeze lilts by in Song...♪
This melody sounds somewhat familiar.
His splitting headache makes it impossible for him to gather his thoughts, but he feels he has heard this melody somewhere before.
...The River murmurs clear...♪
Where have I heard this before...
...My heart––
Böses Erwachen.png
Ebenholz ......
Kreide You're awake!
Ebenholz I...
Kreide Just stay put for now. Hibiscus just came over and drew blood when she saw the state you were in. She said there's nothing wrong with your body, but you might be over-stressed and worn out.
Ebenholz (Over-stressed... Hah...)
I heard someone playing the cello just now... Was that you?
Kreide Yes.
Ebenholz Where... did you learn that melody?
Kreide Hmm, maybe someone hummed it to me when I was little?
I don't exactly remember.
Ebenholz When you were little...
When you were little––
You–– You're that––
Kreide I'm what?
The weakened Graf Urtica struggles a few times, but nevertheless is unable to crawl out of bed.
But those dusty memories within his mind, awakened by the sound of the cello, flashed once more before his eyes.


  1. "Cheers!" in German