Operator overview: Specter

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Specter is a 5★ Centurion Guard who specializes in AoE and Survival. As a Centurion Guard, Specter has good HP and ATK, can block two enemies – three once she is promoted to Elite 2, and her attacks hit multiple enemies equal to her block count (despite what is stated in-game, Specter does not need to block the enemies for her attacks to hit them; the enemies just need to be within her range), but this was offset by a high DP cost that increases in each promotion.


Stamina Up buffs Specter's maximum HP. At Elite 2, Stamina Up becomes Abyssal Regeneration which also gives Specter HP regeneration.


  1. ATK Up γ buffs Specter's ATK while active.
  2. Bone Fracture has Specter give in to her Seaborn blood's maddening influence which prevents her HP from being reduced to 0 and buffs her ATK more than ATK Up γ while active, but Specter will be Stunned for a short time as she returns to her senses when it expires.
    • Keep in mind that Bone Fracture does not protect Specter from attacks that would instantly defeat her, most notably FrostNova's tile freeze.

Operator Module

The CEN-X Module, Dim Candlelight, increases Specter's ATK against blocked enemies to 1.1× in addition to increasing her ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, Specter receives a second talent, Experiences Dissolved in Blood, which increases the damage dealt by Abyssal Hunters Operators while she is deployed.

Base skill

Solitude increases Specter's morale recovery rate by 0.7 per hour while she is resting in a Dormitory. At Elite 2, Solitude becomes Craze with a higher morale recovery boost of 0.85/h.


Specter is one of the best Centurion Guards due to her high ATK, multi-targeting attacks, and temporary immortality through Bone Fracture that allows her to come out on top regardless of what enemy she is facing, making her useful in all stages of the game — and can even act as a more DPS-oriented replacement for Defenders.

Specter's bouts of insanity might put some Doctors off or excites them depending on their interpretation, but so long as they don't get into her bad side, this crazy nun who can be too angry to die at times will prove her worth on the battlefield.