Operator story: Specter

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Like a mermaid in a bubble, Laurentina is suppressed by her "Specter" persona...

Once the daughter of an Aegirian architect who was forced to flee her homeland due to the Seaborn's invasion, the artistic girl named Laurentina voluntarily joined the Abyssal Hunters project that turned her into an Aegir-Seaborn hybrid supersoldier, which she believed to mold herself into her own perfect "masterpiece." However, after the devastating war against Ishar-mla, one of the Seaborn "gods," and her escape towards the shore, she was immediately kidnapped by Amaia, one of the leading bishops of the Church of the Deep, and became her experimental subject by being injected with a humongous amount of liquified Originium into her spine, enough to literally pollute an entire city with just a fraction of the amount. As a matter of fact, she contacted severe Oripathy in the process that led to her insanity, making her to behave as a psychopathic nun under the pseudonym "Specter."

...but she eventually breaks out of her cage and became what she used to be; a graceful yet unrelenting warrior

Following a rescue mission by Kal'tsit, Laurentina was later brought to Rhodes Island to treat her illness. Even though her friend Skadi prefers her to stay back, she continues to take part in R.I.'s missions in order to look for prey to be lacerated with her buzz saw in combat. Her crazy laughter and her uncanny smile really unsettle both her allies and her enemies. On the other hand, there are signs that Laurentina could regain her sanity thanks to her Seaborn blood that resists Oripathy's influence. The day will come when Laurentina the artist will come back instead of Specter the nun.

Specter's alternate version Specter the Unchained was introduced alongside Stultifera Navis.


Grani and the Knights' Treasure

Under Tides

Specter: I, Namely I

Stulifera Navis

Specter the Unchained: Selfhood

Mizuki & Caerula Arbor

This section contains story information that are non-canonical to the plot of Arknights.