Operator dialogue: Specter

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Appointed as Assistant Good day. Please allow me a moment of prayer... before I resume my work for the day...
Talk 1 O benevolent angels in Heaven, hear my prayer: please watch over my dreams and protect my soul from the cursed beings of the night...
Talk 2 Ahahahah... Cutting... Cutting things is such fun... Yes, some things were not supposed to be in one piece... Some things were never meant to be in anything but pieces! Ahahahahah...!
Talk 3 Ehehehe... Hahahah... AHHAHAHAHAH!
Talk after Promotion 1 Ahah... Why will you not look into my eyes...? It's meaningless to avoid my gaze... because I already know exactly what your heart desires...
Talk after Promotion 2 I have always, always wanted to bring you to a special place... A place where secrets are imparted...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 Wh-what did you do to me...? Why was I made to drink that strange medicine? Who is it that brought me to this place? PLEASE ANSWER ME!
Talk after Trust Increase 2 What He said unto me is no falsehood... Dissecting them, dismembering them, disemboweling them... it all grants them salvation...!
Talk after Trust Increase 3 We see many things in our dreams that we cannot comprehend... Those things you see are His despairful tidings... And I am His messenger, here to convey this exhortation to you... Ahah...
Idle Hearken... Hear the whispers of His Omnipotence echoing from the depths...
Onboard Ahahah... I am Specter, that is what the spirits call me... That kind doctor informed me that I may only receive further treatment by serving Rhodes Island... Yes, of course, my powers are yours to command.
Watching Battle Record Power... is flowing into me...
Promotion 1 I have no right to go against your will...
Promotion 2 Will this position be a new source of joy for me...? Or... will working for you become my life's joy...?
Added to Squad My brothers and sisters, I hope that you are well...
Appointed as Squad Leader I shall do as you command.
Depart This will be a path paved with sacrifices.
Begin Operation All these lost souls on the battlefield... I offer them to you.
Selecting Operator 1 I have waited eagerly for this.
Selecting Operator 2 Please let me know the results.
Deployment 1 I come from the deep abyss...
Deployment 2 You must be the one who woke me.
In Battle 1 Grant joy unto me!
In Battle 2 Return to the depths!
In Battle 3 I care not for you valueless ones!
In Battle 4 You cannot escape!
4-star Result I have conquered all trials you gave me... Were you watching me?
3-star Result Please guide these lost souls to peaceful enlightenment...!
Sub 3-star Result None of you shall leave this place!
Operation Failure They shall pay for their sacrilege... They shall pay...
Assigned to Facility May I ask you to assign me to a room where I can see the night sky?
Tap Ahah...
Trust Tap Doctor... How can you make me so maddeningly happy? Just who are you...?
Greeting Who's there... Ah, it's you, Doctor... Ahah...
Title Arknights.