Operation story: SN-7

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Seaborn B icon.png
Sea Terror
Stultifera Navis Hall
Stultifera Navis Corridor
Stultifera Navis Engine Room
Stultifera Navis Deck

After operation

The ragtag group defeats the newly-spawned Seaborn, but Amaia and Ulpianus have their own plans. The mysterious legacy of the legendary shipwright is within arm's reach, but Gladiia senses kin that have separated from the many.
I see it.
I see Alfonso heading to the great hall every day. He's named it "Iberia."
He's moved the mirror from his bedroom to the hall, and spends day after day examining himself.
Ever since the head chef and young Jamie were executed, he and I are the only ones left.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Chief Mate ......
Captain Alfonso There you are.
How long was I asleep? Feels like I barely got any rest before I found myself awake.
Chief Mate Uhh... Not long... But...
Captain Alfonso No need to force yourself. I know it hurts when you talk.
These lowly monsters leave plenty of blood behind, so let's use that to write instead.
I nod. In the corner are buckets, filled with the blood of our quarry.
Captain Alfonso Time passes too slowly. I barely slept at all, but my dreams felt even longer than all the decades behind us...
Is it time we gave up then? It's been a long, long while since young Jamie and the old chef left us. Should we follow them?
We should give up.
My consciousness blurs more and more, like the feeling of being entangled right before waking from a dream.
It is not just my flesh that is changing, but everything about me. Everything that makes me a living being.
We should give up. We should end ourselves before we're devoured. The infinite, boundless ocean. The sea breeze. The waves. The whispers.
Captain Alfonso ...Chief Mate, this is our ship. Our ideals.
Sooner or later, we'll lose even the strength to walk. But that won't happen to her. Not the Stultifera Navis.
That cigar-chomping engineer was right. Even if we all die, this ship will never sink.
Today... is just another twenty-four hours in one long, unending day.
Chief Mate ... (Scrawls some words using the blood of Sea Terrors)
Captain Alfonso Don't... give up?
Hah! Look at what you've become. I can't even see your sea-blue eyes anymore. Wouldn't you rather be set free?
Chief Mate (Scrawls) I am your chief mate.
Captain Alfonso ......
Chief Mate For... your sake...
Captain Alfonso Hush, easy now.
Thank you, Garcia. No matter what you turn into, the bond between us will never change.
Chief Mate (Nods)
But I know. He is looking at the mirror. Because even someone as strong as him... has finally succumbed to the monsters.
We have consumed their flesh and blood. At first, we started fires to cook them. Then, we were forced to devour them raw.
Even the most powerful Inquisitors were awed by Alfonso's strength. He was the object of so many young sailors' admiration. There was nothing he couldn't do.
But he has held on long enough. Soon, he too will become one of the monsters.
He is worried. He is furious.
<Background black>
If he cannot even tolerate the slightest monster within him, how can he tolerate me?
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
[Gladiia battles the juvenile Seaborn from before, who easily overpowers it.]
Gladiia Trash. You're worth even less than the weed that washed ashore in Sal Viento. That woman was merely creating a smokescreen.
The ocean boasts no changes to speak of.
Seaborn ......Gla-dia......
...I want to see. Are you free?
Gladiia ......
Seaborn Friends are here. They are trapped. Need help. Should be returned to our kin's embrace.
Many friends have died here. But Parents. Will not let them die. I must save them.
Gladiia Even if you can speak with that ugly mug of yours, that's no surprise to anyone.
Seaborn Return to the great sea. No need to fight.
We go, together–
[Gladiia stabs the Seaborn.]
Gladiia I've already grown tired of your prattling. Time to end you.
Seaborn ...Gla-dia, will you prey on me?
If you feed on me, will that make you stronger? More full of life?
Will it help the scales on your neck grow and spread, and return you to your proper form?
Gladiia –!
Abyssal Hunters are bound by blood.
The Seaborn contorts its relatively slender form. It is–
–biting off parts of its own body.
Seaborn I sever... this flesh. Consume it.
If you need more, I give you more. I will give you everything.
Gladiia stares blankly at the fleshy mass on the ground.
She is shaken.
But not because of the Seaborn, or its behavior.
However, this moment of distraction convinces the Seaborn that Gladiia has accepted its proposal.
Seaborn ...We will meet again soon.
The Seaborn leaves, the Gladiia does not pursue it.
Because she smells the scents of Shark and Skadi. The Seaborn will not escape.
She turns around, and heads towards where another smell is coming from.
Gladiia The smell of the sea... and of blood. The smell of Hunters. Aboard the ship? And I didn't notice it until I got this close?
<Background 1>
Inquisitor Irene What... What do we do now?
Skadi Never expected there'd be people alive here. I thought we'd get the ship back just by killing some Sea Terrors. The Captain made it sound so simple.
Specter ......
Skadi What are you looking at, Specter?
Specter The mirror.
Did you know, Skadi? Even as we speak, when I look at myself in this mirror, I start to remember so many things that I'd forgotten.
A darkened dome. A hundred-meter tall sculpture. An aquamarine-colored opera hall. A waterfall pouring crystals of ice. What is this place, Skadi?
Skadi ...Your home.]
Specter My home... I remember now.
Writhing flesh climbing all over that statue. It collapses with a thunderous thud.
I remember these things, but... But I've never experienced them.
Skadi Dunno. I only know it from hearing you talk about where you used to live, which fell into ruin long ago. Long before I met you.
Maybe you only saw the report later on.
Inquisitor Irene Can we save the chatter for some other time?!
Were we planning to chase down those two Seaborn, or are we seizing control of the ship while they're not around and, uh, sailing it back?
Specter If the survivors haven't managed it in sixty years, somehow I doubt we could figure it out ourselves.
Just be patient. The squad leader will figure something out... Ugh.
Skadi Specter! What's wrong?
Specter Just... a little dizzy.
I just remembered... what they did to me. I...
I saw her just now in Gran Faro...?
She was willing to talk to me. She was full of hypocrisy, blowing hot and cold, but she...
She's here.
Inquisitor Irene What... You mean more survivors?
Skadi No, an enemy. One who can cross the sea and board this vessel, which is more than enough to identify them.
Let's split up. Where will you go?
Inquisitor Irene I...
I am an Iberian Inquisitor. It is my duty to ensure that this ship returns to Iberia's hands.
I'll go after that– after Alfonso!
<Background 2>
Sea Terror (Slithers away hastily)
[Garcia slashes the Sea Terror with their claws...]
Chief Mate Gahh–!
[...killing it.]
Captain Alfonso Oh, don't you worry, Garcia. We'll catch up soon enough.
When those ignorant Ægirs wounded it, it went up through Victoria, and past Bolívar. From there, it could only climb up onto the deck, then dive into the sea.
This ship is not at its beck and call.
...Leithanien. When we were young, we visited that country along with some other officers. Do you still remember?
The twisted faces of those Kurfürsten were enough to turn stomachs. But they understood how to respect Arts, which was a mind-boggling revelation...
Chief Mate Hmm...?
Captain Alfonso Today's been a good day. We saw quite a few living people. Hope they get out quickly though.
Go. Go to "Leithanien," Garcia. Go play the scores you used to love so much.
Breathe some life into the hunt, my love.
Chief Mate (Nods)
<Background fades out and in>
Seaborn –!
Chief Mate Hrgh–!
[Garcia attacked the juvenile Seaborn, who dodged it.]
Seaborn You, are not scaleless. Do you need food?
[Garcia attacks the Seaborn again as several Sea Terrors show up.]
Sea Terror (Encircling slithering sounds)
Seaborn Sufficient nutrition. But these waters, are still incomplete. The Cycle has not yet been built, and living things die in vain.
We must hurry–
[Capt. Alfonso shows up and attacks the Seaborn.]
Seaborn –Why? Hunting, meaningless. There is something we must do, a duty to our kin.
Captain Alfonso How many does that make now? Lost track after ten. When'd you monsters learn how to talk?
Ohh... No, I remember you, little one. When we ate your parents, you and your litter were nearby, watching.
Back then, you were the weakest of the lot. Pathetic runt.
Alfonso laughs as he pokes at the Seaborn's wound, blood running along the tip of his blade and dripping onto the floor.
Seaborn We are bound by blood. You hunt and eat us, you will become us. Just as our Parents hunted you, and then became hunted by you.
Captain Alfonso If the right conditions can trigger your evolution, then how do we make you more palatable? Your flesh, that is.
Seaborn To hunt is to survive. There is no good or evil in the hunt.
Captain Alfonso That's too bad then.
<Background 3>
Gladiia The scent trail... ends here.
He led me here. This smell...
Gladiia does not search for the Hunter's whereabouts.
She begins to look around her.
Ever since she boarded this vessel, her surroundings have filled her with a sense of nostalgia–the materials, the decorations, the handiwork.
Breogan, a genius from the Academy of Sciences, was an Ægir. Without a doubt, this was his domain.
The mystery behind why this ship hadn't sunk in decades was itself the message Breogan wanted to leave to the Ægir. A brand new fusion of Originium and terrestrial technologies.
But what exactly is it?
The Key.png
Gladiia grasps the key from her bosom.
She sizes up her surroundings.
Gladiia Breogan... Where did you hide your secrets?
<Background 2>
Inquisitor Irene (Why would this ship be built like a palace?! Most of it is decorative, and there are even sculptures.)
(No, that's not all. Both the sculptures and the patterned carpets have been cleaned. Even under these conditions?)
(The sound of music wafts in from the distance)
Inquisitor Irene ...Someone's playing the piano?
It's coming from over here!
[Irene runs toward where the piano noise comes from.]
<Background fades out and in>
Inquisitor Irene ......!
Irene's footsteps slow down.
At the end of the corridor, through a crack in the door, she sees–
–A single Seaborn, slapping away at a dilapidated old piano.
Inquisitor Irene (It's that Seaborn that was next to Alfonso! But what is it doing here?)
Chief Mate (Cheerfully slaps at the piano)
Inquisitor Irene Ugh, what a ruckus... It's just pounding away at the keyboard with no rhyme or reason.
(Alfonso isn't here... Did he go after the Seaborn? Why is his chief mate here alone then?)
(Well, I won't worry about it for now.)
The seashore, O, the seashore♪
Inquisitor Irene –What?
(That melody just now, was that a coincidence? It certainly looks like it's only randomly smashing the keys.)
(No... It stopped?)
Chief Mate ......
...The seashore... O, the seashore...
Farewell to heroes... and... great men...
Inquisitor Irene
Chief Mate –! Hiss...!
The Chief Mate turns its head in fear. Fear. Fear is what Irene sees in its behavior.
A massive, inexplicable physical reaction. One that's never been displayed in front of a Hunter before.
Inquisitor Irene Just now, you weren't just randomly hitting keys...?
That... passage you played. An Iberian military song...? You... how?
Chief Mate Urgh...!
Inquisitor Irene Y-You're still conscious? Do you still have memories of being human? Do you know who you are?
But, no... You're already fully transformed. The Inquisition has dealt with cultists like that before. There's no reversing it.
Chief Mate ......
Inquisitor Irene Wh-What are you planning? What are you doing with your hand?!
Chief Mate (Carefully places its hand atop Irene's head)
Inquisitor Irene What... What is the meaning of this?
Chief Mate ......
Through the scraps of cloth reminiscent of a wedding veil, the Seaborn known as the chief mate watches Irene.
Its pupils are cloudy. It is suffering. It–
–is filled with both affection and nostalgia.
Inquisitor Irene You... If you truly retain a shred of your humanity...
But how, after all these years...?
[An explosion shakes the corridor.]
Chief Mate –!
Cap... tain...
Inquisitor Irene Wh-What's happening?!
[Garcia leaves.]
Inquisitor Irene Wait!
<Background fades out and in>
[Capt. Alfonso attacks the juvenile Seaborn, who dodged it.]
Seaborn Hunt, feed. But that is not what you are doing. Your goal is constantly changing. Shaking. Yes, shaking.
Captain Alfonso Tch.
You should just keep playing your piano, Garcia. You don't need to be touching these–
Chief Mate (Lightly shakes head)
Captain Alfonso ...Hah.
Then sink your teeth into it. Its body is changing. Finish it now.
[Garcia charges at the Seaborn and struck it, followed by Capt. Alfonso.]
Seaborn You are... not hungry.
Alfonso doesn't answer the Seaborn's question. He simply chops and hacks at it again and again, like meat on a cutting board.
The chief mate bites down on the Seaborn in a death grip. Its crown falls to the ground during the struggle, but it does not care to pick it up.
Alfonso cuts off the Seaborn's tentacles, which join the crown on the ground. The chief mate pauses for a moment.
Ah... Garcia, Garcia.
Look at your crown, and at that tentacle. Do you understand what you've become now?
Seaborn ...Leave. We will meet again.
[Capt. Alfonso looks at Garcia.]
Captain Alfonso Garcia!
Chief Mate –!
The chief mate lifts its head, but the Seaborn has already vanished without a trace.
It quietly picks up its crown, and places it back on its head before returning to Alfonso's side. As if apologizing, it gently rubs his hand.
Captain Alfonso ...Are you hurt, my good chief mate? Or were you distracted by our uninvited guests?
Chief Mate ......
The chief mate does not answer.
It dares not speak. It dares not say that when it was biting down into the enemy, it felt like it was "tearing into its own kin."
It dares not speak, and after once again realizing what it has become, it begins to feel guilt.
Captain Alfonso ...If you still have room for emotions in your heart, then that is proof enough that you're still human. Remember young Jamie's last words? "I have no remorse, no regrets, and no fear."
Only when you truly feel nothing will you lose the right to call yourself human.
Don't worry. The next hunt will be quick, and as always, it WILL return.
Chief Mate ...... (Nods)
Captain Alfonso What's wrong?
Chief Mate (Lightly shakes head)
<Background 4>
Amaia Herald.
Seaborn ...Kin. Scaleless?
Amaia You are badly wounded. A newborn like you should not have been in a hurry to board this ship.
Seaborn Kin are here. In need of help.
Amaia Indeed, true enough. But you've been hurt. Though they are kin, they do not welcome you.
They have not yet accepted their identity. They are still lost and confused.
Seaborn Accept? Identity?
Amaia ...You do not need to understand. These waters are still incomplete. Perhaps you will have to further perfect yourself before you can lead our entire kind.
Seaborn Need time. And nutrition.
Amaia And I've come to give you both.
That blasphemous sea captain slaughtered Sea Terrors for food, but used every means available to hinder the transformation. He's usurped pieces of the Cycle, yet refuses to be a part of it.
The flesh and blood of those offspring rightfully belonged to you. Those nutrients were meant to be yours. This ship has delayed the birth of a brand new ecosystem.
Please do not abandon me, Herald. In due time, all of Terra will become one and the same with the Nest.
Seaborn ......
I do not abandon. Kin.
I need time. But not much more.
I will be back. We will meet again.
[The Seaborn jumps into the water.]
Amaia I could have sworn you were going to rush over and kill us.
Should I be thanking you, Ulpianus?
[Ulpianus walks toward Amaia.]
Ulpianus I can kill something like whenever I want. It's even weaker than Quintus.
Amaia How patient of you.
Ulpianus Gladiia also tried to infiltrate the Church of the Deep in Sal Viento, hoping to get something out of them. Of course, she was a poor fit, given her personality.
Amaia And here I was thinking that none of you were a good fit. Or are you saying you're special?
You're getting less and less tight-lipped of late.
Ulpianus ......
Amaia Heh. I suppose there's really no rhyme or reason for when you decide to keep quiet, Ulpianus.
Ulpianus Don't use my given name so casually, Liberi. You don't understand the weight behind it.
We are enemies.
Amaia Oh, we both know you've already abandoned that notion, deep in your heart. Of course, you might still hold some "enmity."
Like a lost and famished traveler who stumbles on a frozen, starving mangler-beast in the mountains.
Ulpianus ......
Amaia Did whatever Breogan left behind satisfy your imagination?
Ulpianus Far from it.
The Seaborn have existed for even longer than the Ægir. For their history to be turned upside-down, there must be something behind it.
If you care about the word of God, then so be it. The Seaborn are not gods, nor are their forefathers.
I have seen how your gods die, their screams coursing through the currents, their flesh and blood smeared across abyssal ravines. As the clan hovered overhead, I plunged into the unknown depths of Ægir's territory.
I've seen it with my own eyes. Enough to shatter all the beliefs I'd held thus far. Afterwards, I will rebuild it. Ægir will be lifted up once more.