Operation story: SL-3

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Little Black Sheep 3 icon.png
Agitated Creature
Little Black Sheep 6 icon.png
Dozy Creature
Little Black Sheep 2 icon.png
Gentle Creature
Tiny Little Black Sheep icon.png
Tiny Creature
New Siesta Streets
New Siesta Streets Night
Volcano Museum of Siesta
Siesta Fashion Street Night
White Volcano
Siesta Unfinished Plate Night
Siesta Unfinished Plate

Before operation

Mother and child resolve their differences in Enis's family shop. Eyjafjalla realizes the answer to "North Wind" is a folk song. As Eyjafjalla and Keller grow closer, Kahn tells Eyjafjalla of his suspicions.
<Background 1A>
[Swire and Enis arrives at a building.]
Swire So this is the Rhodes Island Siesta branch office?
Enis How did you know—
Swire I happen to have a few friends at Rhodes Island.
You're a tour guide, aren't you? Don't tell me you're giving tours of a pharmaceutical company now.
Enis I, I was driving a guest...
Swire Save me the excuses.
It's dangerous for an Oripathy patient to hide his identity, regardless of reason. It's against the law, even in Siesta.
Enis Yes, I know!
But what am I supposed to...?
Swire Then you work so many jobs—and swindled me—because of Oripathy?
Enis ...and family.
What happens to me doesn't matter, but I worry about what happens to them when I'm gone.
I just need time... until the shop moves and we have a new future...
Swire Hm...
Enis Don't look at me like that. I'm not asking for your sympathy.
Swire No, I just remembered how much you charged me the other day compared to the average taxi price here.
Enis Well, you lied about being a normal tourist...
Swire Oh? You've got a sharper tongue than one would think.
Enis What do you want?
Swire Let's make a deal.
You saw that chap from MountainDash Logistics the other day, in the bar. He's my competitor.
We're competing for the rebuilding rights in the commercial district, but he has home-ground advantage. I need some local help to even the odds.
You work for me, and I never saw you today. How's that?
Enis You're trying to blackmail—
Swire Now, now, there's no need for such language. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. And don't worry, you'll be paid.
Enis I don't need a handout...
Swire And I'm not giving any handouts. All I want is a fair deal.
Enis What's your deal?
Swire I run a clean business here. We don't do forced relocations and the like. If everybody wins, so much the better.
Now, there's always going to be controversy when it comes to rebuilding. But I promise that I'll do better than MountainDash Logistics.
We've already worked together once, after all. May I count on your vote?
Enis I just want my family's bar to be relocated smoothly...
Swire Deal, then.
Oh, and one little word of advice.
No matter what you have to deal with, Oripathy treatment is not something that can be delayed. You should make up your mind soon.
Enis Aren't you concerned about dealing with an Infected?
Swire ......
I have a friend who's Infected too.
<Background 2>
It is almost closing time at the museum. There are no tourists, but the audio tours continue to play on loop. The massive mountain boulder remains silent in the empty gallery.
"The Naumanns left behind thousands of photos and samples..."
"The rebuilding of the villages around Mount Unna..."
"They visited more than a hundred volcanos across numerous countries..."
Adele ......
[Enis' siblings are running around the museum.]
Boy Did you really see it?
Girl Yes! I saw the ice cream come in here!
Boy You just wanted to come to the museum.
I knew we wouldn't find it. He was lying to us. He didn't go to all those places...
[Kahn walks toward the kids.]
Kahn How did you get in? Admission is closed.
Frightened Boy Sorry... we'll be going.
Innocent Girl Have you seen my dad?
Kahn Your dad?
Innocent Girl We're looking for a... er... er... adventurer?
He went to a lot of places! In the photos he sent us, there were volcanoes, snow mountains, hills in nomadic cities...
His photo might be in the Volcano Museum!
Kahn What's your father's name?
Innocent Girl Chuck!
Kahn I've never heard of a volcanologist by that name. Maybe you should ask elsewhere.
Adele I may know your dad.
Kahn What are you doing here, Adele? And you look awful...
Innocent Girl You've seen him?
Adele You said your dad was an adventurer?
Where has he been?
Innocent Girl I don't know... he always sends back photos when he visits a place.
I think the last one was from Sargon.
Adele Sargon! I knew it.
My parents were volcanic researchers. They told me a story about when they were surveying in Sargon...
They quickly lost their way in the thick branches and leaves of the rainforest, and it felt like they were wandering around the stomach of a great beast.
Just as they thought they would never get out, they saw a man with leaves all over him.
"Are you lost? Do you need any help?"
He pointed the way for them and took them out of the rainforest. They even saw a sight of sunny rain. My parents were really thankful.
"Thank you so much for helping us out of there! What is your name, sir?"
The man brushed off the leaves, took a photo of the rainforest, and said, "No need to thank me. The name's Chuck. I'm taking this photo to send to my kids."
And that's how the photo made it to you.
Boy Really? Sounds made-up...
Adele Of course it's true!
I think I have a photo here somewhere...
Adele digs through the papers and takes out a photo of the Naumanns smiling at the camera, with a few blurred figures behind them.
Adele Look, here's your dad.
Boy ......
(I'm still not sure that's actually my dad...)
Girl (I can't see him clearly, but...)
(I hope he's my dad! That means he helped other adventurers find their way and sent us a photo! What a cool dad!)
Kahn (I didn't know you were a storyteller.)
Adele (Just repeating something I heard from mom when I was little, with a few adjustments here and there.)
Kahn (There's no reason for a professional volcanic survey team to accept help from an amateur. The story sounds entirely unscientific.)
Adele (Science exists to bring hope to people, doesn't it?
Kahn Well, we can't have them running around the museum like this. If their parent or guardian isn't here, I'll take them home.
You look tired, Adele. You should get some rest too.
Come, kids, I'll take you home.
Adele Kahn, I think I should do it.
Kahn But you...
Adele It's fine. Let me do it.
They look lonely... I'll keep them company.
<Background 3>
[The kids run toward Enis.]
Excited Boy Enis!
Excited Girl Enis!
Enis Where did you go?
Joyful Girl I found out where dad went!
Adele Make sure you tell your family the next time you go out.
Enis It's you...?
Adele Huh? You're...
Enis I, I...
I'm the one who ran into you today and knocked you out... I'm Enis. I'm their brother. Are you okay? Any dizziness? Dr. Ceylon said... er, she said...
I'm sorry! I didn't mean to run off, but I had to go to work. I'll pay your medical expenses—
Adele Dr. Ceylon told me everything. It's not your fault.
Your little brother and sister must be hungry. You should go home.
Enis Er...
Thank you so much... what's your name?
Adele Call me Adele.
Enis I'll remember... little ones, don't you have something to say to Adele?
Girl & Boy Thank you, Adele!
The mischievous boy reaches around the little girl's neck and pats her opposite shoulder.
Girl Huh? Who's there?
The girl looks hesitantly at the troublemaker next to her, who pretends nothing has happened, but could not hold back his laughter.
They chase each other into the shop, into the open arms of their mother, then run back out like frolicking beastling, while their mother tends to dinner being cooked on the stovetop.
Adele breaks out in a smile.
Adele That's so nice to see.
Enis ......
Adele Mr. Enis, do you know one Mr. Pelipper?
The Volcano Museum needs obsidian for its research. I heard you may be able to acquire some...
Enis Damn, he just can't keep his mouth shut, can he...?
Adele Could I buy some from you?
Enis You helped me so much, I should repay the favor.
<Background 4>
[Enis and Adele enters the restaurant.]
Enis I dug these up around the volcano three months ago. They don't look great, but maybe they'll be useful for your research.
Adele Thank you very much!
However, I must ask you to stay away from the volcano. If you know anyone else who is mining for obsidian, please also tell them to stop doing so.
Mount Siesta has entered its active period. Even if it hasn't erupted yet, Originium activity in the area continues to increase.
There is a risk of Oripathy infection without professional protective equipment.
Enis Well, I...
There is laughter coming in from outside, as the two children chase each other on the streets, as their shadows stretch in the setting sun.
Enis gazes at his siblings as they go further and further away, and subconsciously touches the spot on his chest where he was scratched by Originium.
Enis ......
Alright, I promise I won't go anymore.
And thank you for playing with my siblings. That should have been my responsibility as big brother.
Adele It's okay. They're very cute. I had a good time too.
By the way, your siblings said that your father has not been home for a long time?
Enis He's a, er, adventurer? Traveler? Explorer?
It's not like he's gone off the grid or anything. He sends postcards and money back on a regular basis.
You can be present without actually being there. However...
By the time we get a letter from him, he's already off to the next place. All we know is that there's someone out there, going from one corner of the land to the other.
Sometimes I want to see for myself where he's been.
Harley raised us here while running the shop. But she says that life is a journey, and everyone chooses the sights they want to see.
Adele If you don't mind me asking... why are the three of you all different races?
Enis Well, we're not blood-related...
All three of us were adopted.
Adele Oh...
Enis No need to look at me like that. It's not exactly taboo.
People come and go every year, some seeking a new life, some seeking romance.
Many leave in disappointment when they find that life here isn't all it's cracked up to be, leaving behind children like us.
Adele I can tell your siblings love you.
Enis It must seem strange to outsiders, but for me, family is family. Ties of blood aren't that important.
I don't know what my birth parents looked like. Maybe they abandoned me, or maybe they loved me, and got into an accident.
My new parents didn't hide anything from me. The little ones will be told the truth too, once they're a little older.
Adele ......
Adele looks at Harley, working in the shop, and Enis's siblings, who are already shadows in the distance. Everything is warm and peaceful, like a dream.
The obsidian feels heavy. She turns sideways and wipes away a teardrop from the corner of her eye.
Harley And how long were you planning to hide it from me, Enis?
Enis —Mom?
Alright, I admit, I have thought of remaking this place into a hot springs resort...
I promise I won't try to do it behind your back! I won't do anything without your permission—
Harley Once you've gotten everything in order, once arrangements for our future have been made the way you wanted.
Then you'll leave your mother and siblings behind the way you clear a drunkard out of the bar, and find a place to wait for Oripathy to take you?
Is that the journey you've chosen for yourself?
Enis ......
...You knew?
Harley I was waiting for you to tell me.
Adele Mr. Enis, you're already—
Enis I...
Well, blame me and my fat fingers... I got scratched by Originium when I was digging for obsidian at the volcano.
I thought I was good at climbing...
Yeah, I learned my lesson...
Harley No, the only thing you learned to is to hide things from me, and you're not half as good as you think you are at it.
You've got that look on your face that says "I'm gonna finish everything, go far away, and tell my blissfully ignorant mother everything in a farewell letter after I die." You think it's cool.
Enis I... I...
Harley Now you've got that look on your face that says "I can't even say that's not what's going on".
Enis I-I didn't think it was cool. I just felt like it's what I have to do as a big brother... as a part of this family.
After all, w-we're not...
Harley Even if you didn't do anything, you'll still be their brother, and my son. There is no bargaining in love.
If you insist on bargaining with me about this, young man, let me tell you that you'll be working off your debt for a long time.
Enis ......
[Byrd strums her guitar amidst the pep talk.]
Byrd Oh, sorry, I thought some background music was in order for a scene like this.
Name's Byrd. Traveling troubadour.
Harley Our resident singer now.
Enis You can afford a resident singer?
Harley No, but this one only wants to be paid a story.
Byrd Your Kazimierz story was wonderful. It helped a great deal in understanding the folk tunes of those parts.
Harley Can I borrow your guitar?
Let me play a song.
[Harley takes Byrd's guitar and sings a song,]
The evening mist covers the town ♪
The rising new moon makes it look like a new place ♪
My favorite place exists only in my sweet memories ♪
I have nothing but my sweet memories ♪
<Background 5A>
[The kids walk around the unbuilt plate.]
Boy So you came here.
Girl How far can you see from here?
Boy It's all dark... just empty seas.
Girl Not being able to see means you can imagine!
There's actually an island on the far side of the sea, and everyone who leaves Siesta lives on the island.
I'm a little scared... when we grow up, will our parents and Enis leave us...
Boy He won't!
Enis says we're an adventure team!
A team doesn't leave each other. We'll go back to Old Siesta, and many other places...
Girl ......
You can't tell there's something on Enis's mind?
Boy What? How do you have something on a mind?
Girl ......
You're an idiot.
Boy ......
The girl stands up, gazes at the direction of the volcano, and yells with all her strength.
Girl Hey—Old Siesta—
I miss you—
Will you stop being angry?
<Background 4>
Byrd It's a loss for the Obsidian Festival that your performance was not part of it.
Harley There's nothing to be lost. Siesta has heard my music many times. I don't need to compete for attention with young people at a music festival.
Byrd You're a Siestan with rock n' roll spirit.
Harley In my case, I added the Siestan identity to a rock n' roll spirit.
Chuck and I met on our travels in Siesta.
We heard about the wondrous sight of the "White Volcano," how the entire volcano turns white like a marshmallow under certain weather conditions.
We spent a year in Siesta without seeing a sight of it, but we fell in love with the city and settled down here, opening a little shop.
If we couldn't find the "White Volcano," we could make one ourselves.
Enis So that's how the shop got its name? I thought you two just came up with it on the fly.
Adele Dr. Keller has talked about the legend of the White Volcano before... but does it really exist?
Might be snow if it's just the top of the mountain, but when you're talking about the whole mountain... I don't know of any phenomenon like that.
Byrd Whether it actually exists or not is not important. The scene of legends has taken root in new soil, even creating a new legend of its own—
What a beautiful story.
This reminds me of an old song that was written in Siesta.
May I?
Love Is in the Air.png
It's a long, long journey ♪
I write on a ship with a broken mast ♪
My home is a hundred miles behind me ♪
How charming is the summer sun ♪
The North Wind blows a hundred miles, visiting the first volcano ♪
We'll meet again, along the forgotten trail ♪
<Background 4>
Dolly Oh! I remember now! This is it!
"The North Wind blows a hundred miles, visiting the first volcano ♪"!
Adele That's the North Wind you're looking for?
Dolly Having a tune play itself over and over in your head but not being able to remember the lyrics is the seventh most painful thing in the world.
I'm feeling much better now! Thanks!
Enis Adele? Who are you talking to?
Adele Er... myself!
Just thinking about the "North Wind" in the lyrics.
But Siesta is north of the ocean. It should be the south wind in the summer...
Byrd I'm reminded of a story about the songwriter. I think it was back in 1060?
His album, "Lost," tells the story of how he got lost in the hills on a camping trip and had to be rescued.
The album was a smash hit, and cemented how the singer "couldn't find the north."
Maybe he got his directions mixed up.
Adele Is that all there is to it?
Byrd The events of the past can often feel like a joke. We just seeing a snapshot preserved in time, but the actual truth is elusive.
That's why the present is so precious, isn't it?
Dolly Ain't that right.
<Background fades out and in>
Harley What are you doing, Enis?
Enis ......
P-Putting the sign up.
Harley Ha! You stubborn boy.
Enis A hand...? Mom.
<Background 3>
Enis stands on the ladder, lifting up the shop sign.
He takes the hammer and nail from his mother, and goes to work pinning it above the door.
The power switch is pulled, and neon-illuminated words begin to glow against the sun's last light.
Adele White... Volcano?
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1A>
Messenger The original Messenger for this batch called in sick. The letter was already like that when I got it. This was the only place I could think of when I saw "volcano" on the envelope.
I know as much as you do, if there's no information about the sender on the letter, there's no information.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Adele "How have you been? I'm doing fine here."
"It's been a long time. I miss you."
"The volcano is a spectacular sight. The winds are strong at the peak."
"Love, Your Father"
Mr. Enis... might this photo be from your father?
Enis My father?
[Adele gave the letter to Enis.]
Enis This is... Mount Unna! He really did go there!
Mom! Dad sent a photo! Want to see?
Harley Write back to him and tell him that he loses his bet if he sends another postcard photo and not one that he actually took himself.
After all, I raised my son to be cool, while all he does is steal other people's photos.
Real adventurers don't do that.
<Background 1B>
[Adele gave the obsidian samples to Kahn.]
Kahn I'll bring these obsidian samples back. We should have a more accurate estimate of the eruption time.
Adele Glad to be of help.
Kahn ...Adele, do you know why Keller called you to Siesta?
Adele Some of the exhibits in the Volcano Museum were connected to my parents' research. Dr. Keller asked me to help organize things.
I'm not sure I understand your concerns...
In their last days, my parents were studying the relationship between Originium veins and volcanic activity. There are many other people doing the same. Why would there be danger?
Kahn ......
I wasn't sure it was my place to tell you what Dr. Naumann tried to hide from you... but hide this any longer, and you may never have the chance to learn the truth.
Adele ......
Kahn In the year before Dr. Naumann died, her lab was frequently contacted by the personal army of a Leithanian Kurfürst.
Adele Army...?
Kahn The Naumanns were experts in Originium and ecology. Their research converged on the prediction and prevention of Catastrophes.
But someone may have seen another possibility in their research.
Adele Weaponization...
Kahn I was studying abroad at the time, so what I knew was limited to rumors in my classmates' messages.
There was only one person who had access to their research.

After operation

The Little Black Sheep invite Eyjafjalla to their party. After the dreamy night, Bison is shocked to discover that his supplies have been completely ruined.
<Background 1B>
[Two Little Black Sheep are having a talk.]
Agitated Creature Found it?
Dozy Creature Found it, found it.
Found it when the fowlbeast was singing.
Agitated Creature How's the weather today?
Dozy Creature All good until the bad happens.
Agitated Creature Time is of the essence. Our party is about to begin.
Baa, why did you only arrive just now?
Adele Me?
Agitated Creature Say no more. I can tell at a glance that you're different from the other mediocre people.
I suggest you join our grand plan.
Adele Grand plan? What are you going to do?
Where am I... And why am I wearing Mutti's[note 1] clothes?
Agitated Creature We will find what we like most, carry it on our backs, and never take it off again.
Dozy Creature It is so very heavy, so heavy that I won't be able to straighten my back, but it is very important!
Agitated Creature Why do you have nothing on your back?
Dozy Creature No, no, she does have it on her back!
[Another Little Black Sheep joins in.]
Gentle Creature Good evening, child. Did you hear the bell?
Adele Bell? No... But that might be because I can't hear very well most of the time...
Gentle Creature Then, you should also come and join our party.
Adele Where is it?
Gentle Creature When next the bell rings, at the end of the world.
But before that, I have something to show you.
<Background 2>
[The gentle Little Black Sheep takes a look at the museum's collection.]
Gentle Creature Mmhmm. It looks like my memory is correct.
These stones, specimens, and red-colored photos. These are what you've been brought here to see.
The gentle creature walks forward with light footsteps.
Gentle Creature Look, these rocks have been alive for thousands, tens of thousands of years. They were buried here, deep beneath the ground, long before even we were here.
They are so beautiful, so passionate. Though they were deep underground, hundreds of miles apart, they eventually came together and brought forth a marvelous eruption.
You love them, don't you?
Adele Volcanoes? I do...
Gentle Creature Volcanoes or rocks, they are all very precious treasures.
But, my dear Adele...
What if someone used them to do bad things? What would you do?
Adele Bad things? Like what?
[The agitated Little Black Sheep from before joins in...]
Agitated Creature A pretty nice party it was ♪
[...followed by the dozy one...]
Dozy Creature A pretty nice party it'll be ♪
[...as they sings together.]
Agitated Creature The North Wind we've found, we've found ♪
Dozy Creature But where are the seeds in the ground, the ground ♪
Gentle Creature Oh, the party's about to begin.
Adele, would you like to bring a rock to the party?
Then, let us make haste.
<Background 5A>
[The Little Black Sheep takes Adele to the unbuilt plate.]
Adele ......
Gentle Creature What's wrong? What's on your mind?
Adele Um... I'm sorry to say this, but I...
Little Black Sheep... Are you Mr. Dolly?
Gentle Creature I am Dolly, but I am also not Dolly.
Who I am depends on what I am in your mind.
Adele There are some differences between you and Mr. Dolly.
Are all of those... Little Black Sheep?
Gentle Creature No, no. We cannot say "all." Each and every one is unique, as is their connection to the world.
Just as we refer to you, we would not call all of them "Adele."
Every 'Adele' is unique.
Adele Okay.
So, why did you invite me here?
Gentle Creature Because of the North Wind.
Because we wished to share the joys of harvest. Every participant in this party has been chosen.
Including you, my dear Adele.
Adele The things I've experienced the last few days have truly been mind-boggling.
Gentle Creature That, too, is a part of life.
Are you happy right now, little one?
Adele I don't know...
Gentle Creature Let me take a look. I believe you are...
...not very happy right now.
Look over there. She is the proof.
The Little Black Sheep look down from atop the chest.
A tiny, fragile creature tries to jump up – once, twice... Try as it might, it cannot jump onto the chest.
Tiny Creature Hrmm...
Adele Is it alone?
Gentle Creature She looks very weak right now. Too weak to jump.
Adele Can we help her out?
Gentle Creature Not right now.
Only when the volcano erupts will she become herself.
Adele Is she also one of your kind?
Gentle Creature Yes. Eventually, everyone will become one of us.
<Background 4>
[Adele wakes up with Enis sitting beside her.]
Enis Mornin', Adele. Would you like some breakfast?
Why do you look so tired? Want me to make you a cup of coffee?
Adele Good morning...
I seem to have had a really long and strange dream last night, and I'm still a bit out of it.
Enis You know what they say around here? The emotions that overflow too much during the day are left over for you to savor in your dreams at night.
Adele What was the dream about again? I seem to remember something about it being very noisy and lively...
Excited Girl It's true! I really saw it all!
Harley Yes, yes. I believe you.
And because of that, you're not allowed to have ice cream for two months for sneaking out of your room and midnight and sneaking over to the land by the sea.
Ice Cream-Craving Girl Aww...
Indignant Girl But, I saw a little lamb run into my room last night, and it took me to a place where there were a whole bunch of other lambs...
There were a whole bunch of lambs, as fluffy as marshmallows, singing and dancing on top of a chest...
Harley If what you say is true, a flock of sheep invited you to join their midnight party.
Indignant Girl Yeah, I think that makes sense. Because I've been a good girl...
Adele ––!
<Background 5B>
A complete mess.
Up until yesterday, specialty products from various countries shipped by MountainDash Logistics had all been stockpiled here.
If nothing unexpected happened, they would have appeared at the trade fair in a few days to show the tourist city what the outside world looked like.
But now, there are overturned shelves everywhere the eye can see, goods strewn haphazardly across the ground, dusty footprints stamped atop some of them.
[Bison rushes to the scene.]
Bison How... did this happen...?


  1. "Mum" in German