Operation story: OD-8

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Possessed Junkman icon.png
Originiutant Infected
Mine Entrance
Lab Corridor
Magnethill Lab
Sargon Manor

Before operation

When Ash arrives at the Long Spring mines as planned, everything slowly becomes clear. Levi, the mad scientist, has also arrived in this world, and is teaming up with the Lord's son to further his crazed machinations.
<Background 1>
[Ash, Blitz, and Schwarz arrives at the entrance of a mine outside Long Spring.]
Ash Rangers's map stops here.
It's all up to us now.
Blitz Who knew this cave would be so big?
It's like the ground beneath the town is completely hollow.
Ash Are the explosives okay?
Schwarz We've got the strongest batch from the safehouse here.
Ash I hope Lord's plan works.
Schwarz I'm afraid it won't be that simple. Look there...
Ash ...I hope it's not what I think it is...
[An Originiutant zombie is spotted nearby.]
Originiutant Infected Gaa...
[Blitz was shocked to see the Originiutant zombie.]
Blitz That's... a person?
Originiutant Infected Gaa...
Schwarz Whatever it is, it's going to die and that's enough.
Blitz I won't be surprised at whatever *profanity* showing up now...
Ash Keep moving! Don't get caught up in a fight with them. We don't have time to waste in here!
Blitz Understood.
[The squad takes out the Originiutant zombie as they heads into the mine.]
<Background 2>
[As the team walked through the Magnethill bunker which was transported into the mine, Schwarz wonders on the corridor's alien architecture...]
Schwarz ...Why would Long Spring have a facility like this underneath it?
[...while Ash and Blitz weren't surprised, having been in the bunker before.]
Blitz Cohen... Where are we?
Ash I knew it! *profanity*, I knew it!
Blitz So this is where most of the lab ended up.
Ash Now that I think about it, we were too careless.
We've lived in this town for so long and we had no idea at all.
Blitz It's that psycho behind all this.
[Blitz picked up a scent.]
Blitz What's that smell...?
Ash What else could it be? That's the smell of death.
Schwarz ......
Ash Stay frosty. And close.
Blitz What are these?
Cages? So many?
Schwarz All corpses... people and beasts together...
Ash This is the work of Lev[sic] Klitschko, a man both mad and cruel beyond imagination. I never should've tried to take him alive. He should have a bullet in his head.
Blitz Your typical madman wouldn't do something this awful.
Schwarz Wait.
...There's someone alive in that cage.
Drudge Heh.
Look who's here?
Ash ......
Blitz It's that Drudge character.
Ash I'd recognize the *profanity* anywhere.
[Drudge, who are locked up by Levi to be converted into an Originiutant, greets the team.]
Drudge Oh, it's you. The mercenaries.
I'm so glad to see you.
I know we've had our differences in the past... but let's set them aside for now.
I have a feeling you're looking for that scientist... and I know where he is.
We've got a common enemy. And the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Ash So brazen I'm sick to my stomach.
Drudge That Feline over there, I know you.
Your skills are pretty easily recognizable. And one can hear a lot in the mercenary market in Columbia.
You are a killer, aren't you?
Schwarz ......
Drudge Rhodes Island hired you, meaning even they have quite some dirty work to do.
Compared to others, you must know better how to weigh up the pros and cons. Let's have a talk, shall we?
Schwarz Shut up. Or I can help you with that.
Drudge Shame. I thought people like you would be more realistic.
Ash Open the cage.
Schwarz What...?
Ash Don't worry about it. Just open the cage.
Schwarz ......
Got it.
[Schwarz unlocks Drudge's cage, freeing the Reproba.]
Drudge Good call. We all know the score.
Ash Yeah. I sure do.
[As Drudge is about to leave, Ash suddenly grabs his shoulder...]
Drudge Hold on, what are you doing?
Ash Beats Up Drudge.png
Drudge Agh!!!
[...and punches the Reproba in his face.]
Drudge Hey! You crazy...
[Ash punches Drudge again.]
Drudge You...
[Ash punches Drudge again.]
Drudge Help me......please......
[Ash punches Drudge again.]
Drudge Please...
[Ash punches Drudge again.]
Drudge ......
[Ash punches Drudge again.]
Drudge Please... stop.
Ash Hah. You can still talk. Guess I'm not done.
[Ash punches Drudge for the last time...]
Ash And this one's for Dr. Miarow.
[...leaving the Reproba badly beaten in the floor.]
<Background 2>
Blitz Okay, okay, he's had enough.
Ash Phew...
Blitz You went a little overboard there.
Ash What... you feel bad for him?
Blitz Man, you almost killed him.
Totally rearranged his face.
Save your strength. We've still got work to do.
Ash You're right.
Schwarz Pfft.
Ash What happened?
Schwarz Nothing. I'm just feeling a lot more relaxed.
Ash You know what? Me too.
Blitz If he's locked up in here, he must be part of Lev's plan.
Ash I'm not surprised.
[The team moves deeper into the bunker.]
<Background 3>
[The team arrives at the lab, but there are nobody.]
Schwarz I don't see anyone here...
Might be an ambush ahead. Keep cautious.
[Levi reveals himself.]
Levi Well well well, look who it is. More visitors to my laboratory?
It's been a while, my friends from Team Rainbow.
A gigantic experimental area, a corner previously kept dark, is bathed in light. At the same time, the visitors all realize why they didn't notice the air when they came in.
The elderly scholar stands behind a thick glass wall, and in front of a huge cultivator. Lev has a grotesque smile on his face, both chilling and unnatural.
A moment later, the cultivator itself lights up, and reveals a spherical crystal wrapped in connective tissue floating, writhing, twitching.
Levi You're just in time.
No... you always come at precisely the right time.
[Ash fires at Levi, but he is protected by a bulletproof glass.]
Ash Tch.
Levi Don't bother. It's bulletproof glass.
I applaud your decisiveness, squeezing the trigger without hesitation. Don't even wait for an end to our little prologue here.
But we have a show to put on. A great opening requires a great audience, and a complete opening dialogue.
Today is a day of praise for the great work of the Creator. And that Creator is none other than yours truly.
Ash Creator? That's quite a title you've given yourself.
You're a *profanity* psycho!
Levi Psycho... hah. The mediocre always use this word to describe ideas and concepts they cannot understand.
Behold this world!
Completely different chemistry... totally inverted laws of physics... the flower of science blooms in exploration and doubt. And the most fertile soil lies in the land of the unknown!
And now, I have succeeded.
Do you see? Can you feel? The surface appearance is similar, but it all functions on radically different principles!
This is the evolution of life. This is the iteration of existence.
Originium is the truth of this world. You should accept that. Don't fear it.
Welcome to the future.
Ash Don't you have even the slightest moral compunction over what you're doing?
What does human life even mean to you?
Levi Human nature is weak, good and evil are subjective definitions of weakness, and what we call guilt is but one of the myriad cognitive signals produced by the brain.
And the science I pursue is never swayed by such flimsy concepts.
Don't delude yourselves that even in this world you still bind your minds with these meaningless ideas.
Even electronic information technology and nuclear energy were originally designed to help us kill each other more effectively.
Would you add a new layer of definition to science? Force everything to fit your fragile spiritual needs?
But I forgive you.
You don't have to understand. I'll allow you to go on, unknowing. Primitive thinking is a common form of ignorance. It's not your fault, and I forgive you.
That's the end of my speech. And in addition to my forgiveness, I also offer you my thanks for waiting so patiently.
Now it is time for praise. Give your praise to this entirely new life form.
Praise be! Praise be! Praise be!!!
[The "essence of evolution" in the tank behind Levi tries to break free, eventually succeeding and...]
Essence of Evolution Unleashed.png
Blood splatters everywhere. Glossy, inorganic compounds break through the cultivator. Writhing, deformed limbs support a massive, unwieldy, spherical head at an uncanny angle. And sharp, reddish spines pierce straight through the scientist's skull. It presses, reforms, and fuses together.
Ash No matter what, we absolutely can't let that thing make it to the surface.
Blitz You stall it! I'll get the bomb ready!

During operation

Ash What the hell is... that thing?
Schwarz Looks like some kind of Infected creature... but...
Its body is entirely Originium... Maybe it's not really alive.
Blitz The Geiger counter's clicking... that thing's giving off radiation.
Hold on... it keeps splitting.
Ash Is this the product of science Levi was talking about?
No matter what, we can't let that thing out of this lab.
[The High-Energy Originium Bomb on the deployment menu is highlighted.]
Blitz Keep it busy... I'll plant the bomb.

After operation

After a fierce battle, Levi and his creation are buried beneath Long Spring. Meanwhile, the operators responsible for defending the Lord's Manor receive unexpected reinforcements.
<Background 3>
Huge spherical creatures crumble and disintegrate into scattered, writhing masses of living organisms that refuse to die.
Schwarz It's still moving!
Blitz Bomb deployed! Time to go!
It... looks like it's budding?
What on earth... is it?
Ash Whatever it is, it doesn't belong in this world.
Blitz We have to evacuate. We need to get out before the bomb goes off.
Schwarz This way!
[The team escapes the lab and made it out safely just as the bombs planted by Blitz detonates, taking Levi's "essence of evolution" and the entire Magnethill bunker along with it.]
<Background 4>
[Tachanka guns down the Originiutants with his DP27 machine gun, eventually running out of ammunition.]
Tachanka I'm out of ammo.
Rangers I'm still here...
[Tachanka rushes into Rangers' side.]
Tachanka You don't look so good.
Rangers I'm old, so old... phew...
Tachanka What happened to your hand?
Rangers I couldn't dodge. That's all.
Tachanka What do we do now? Should we go to the shelter?
Rangers No news from the mine?
Tachanka None.
Rangers Hahaha...
I never thought we'd hold out this long... but we're almost to the end of the road.
[Tachanka assembles a makeshift shield from the materials scattered nearby.]
Rangers What are you doing?
Tachanka Making a shield. I always wanted to try, actually.
Rangers Hahaha...
What a trip down memory lane. Back to the glorious good old days.
The young rangers all gathered at the edge of town.
Knowing the overwhelming odds stacked against them, knowing most would spill their blood in the wasteland after the war.
But they laughed and sang war songs, as if they were facing down bugs to be easily squashed.
War is cruel, and merciless. Some backed down. Many more held the line.
The fallen became legends. The survivors were tasked with remembering them.
And the last one standing in that bloodbath, after all that time, started to feel the fear of death set in.
Tachanka Because he doesn't want the dead to be forgotten?
Rangers Hahaha... maybe that's why.
It's been an honor to fight alongside you, Alexsandr.
Tachanka The honor is mine, Rangers.
But don't be so gloomy. I haven't given up the fight.
I'll smash a few to death.
[Out of nowhere, some of the Originiutants are killed.]
Rangers Wait... what's that?
Arrows fall like rain on the ground in front of the manor, piercing Originiutant skulls and throats with precision.
The black downpour continues uninterrupted, like a storm sweeping across the land.
Rangers The cavalry's here! Hahahahahaha! We're saved!
This technique... Must be that young person.
[Stormeye, an elite guard of Rhodes Island, reveals himself as the one who took out the Originiutants along with a squad of R.I. operatives.]
Stormeye I picked up a Rhodes Island distress signal and figured it was a normal rescue mission.
I didn't think I'd run into you.
Old Ranger.
You're back in business, huh?
Rangers Haha, at my age? You're making fun.
Stormeye What about your sword, Ranger?
Rangers I'm too old. I haven't been able to swing it for years.
If it weren't for you, today would be the end of these old bones.
Stormeye You sell yourself short, Old Ranger.
Listen up, squad. The objective is the Lord's manor.
The enemy is an extremely dangerous form of Originium organism.
Keep your location updated.
Rangers Be careful. There's many of them. Try not to let your folks fight alone.
Also, be mindful of the ground. They are good at drilling.
Stormeye Understood.
It's an honor to fight beside you.
"Scimitar of the Bloody Valley".