Operation guide: Masterless Colossus

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One of three possible Dreadful Foes in Chapter III of Ceobe's Fungimist, Masterless Colossus pits the player against the Lost Colossus, an Arts Creation identical to Mudrock Colossi but with lower stats in return for a troublesome ability to hurl a boulder at a friendly unit which damages and stuns them for 25(!) seconds, which is among the longest of stun-inflicting enemy abilities and can (and will) cripple even the toughest melee Operators. Fortunately, the Lost Colossus will never use the boulder attack on friendlies that are being stunned, so a single unit can never be "stunlocked" by it; the only exception to this if there is only a single friendly unit inside the boulder attack's range, in which case the Lost Colossus will use it on them.

The other enemies are not too threatening compared to the Lost Colossus aside from their high DEF, so strong Casters and Arts Fighter Guards should be able to handle them without much issue.

General strategies

  • Try to not let the Colossus use its boulder attack on ranged Operators by using melee ones as bait.
  • Executor Specialists and Summoner Supporters' summons are very valuable as they can be used to bait the Lost Colossus into using the boulder attack on them, keeping the other Operators safe, or to block enemies in emergency.
  • Ironically, the Lost Colossus can be stunned, which will interrupt the boulder attack if it is stunned while using it.
  • Deploy multiple Medics to upkeep the HP of friendlies in case the Colossus stuns one of them.
  • Applying Status Resistance will reduce the Lost Colossus boulder attack's stun duration to around the same as its cooldown, allowing the affected Operators to recover quicker. Using Blaze and/or Folinic is recommended.
  • Having 0 RES, the Lost Colossus is very susceptible to Arts damage. Ceobe and Eyjafjalla can burst it down with Skill-Ceobe2.png "Really Hot Knives" and Skill-Eyjafjalla3.png Volcano, respectively. Ensure that the Colossus has used its boulder attack on another Operator before activating their skills to avoid wasting them.
  • Most enemies will head to the upper-right Protection Objectives, with only the later spawning Senior Caster Leaders that goes for the lower-right Objectives. Focus the defenses on the upper-right corner.
    • "Spawn-camping" the Incursion Points is also possible, leaving only the Lost Colossus to worry about since it is directly spawned to the map.