Operation story: IC-4

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Male Zeruertzan A icon.png
Cheering Durin
Female Zeruertzan icon.png
Eager Durin
Male Zeruertzan B icon.png
Excited Durin
Male Zeruertzan B icon.png
Imaginative Durin
R3-E3 icon.png
Strange Machine #0429
Zeruertza Street
Zeruertza Aquapit
Zeruertza Forum
Zeruertza Hall
Zeruertza Aquapit Decommissioned

Before operation

The Durins vote to demolish the Great Aquapit, and Stitch and Catch the design representative decide to hold a contest to determine who will design the next Zeruertzan landmark that will be built alongside the railroad bridge.
<Background 1>
[Two Zeruertzans are talking about something.]
Excited Durin Hey, have you heard the bombastic news?
Eager Durin Which?
Excited Durin Croque said the leaders are talking about putting together something new!
Eager Durin Ugh, that plan to turn all the lights in the city green? Can't say I'm a fan.
Excited Durin Not that one! The one about the slide!
I heard Stitch and Catch are having a huge row over the Great Aquapit's refurbishment plans!
Eager Durin The two of them?! How far are they into their debate?
Excited Durin Uhh, I think now they'll use water cannons to blast people into another cannon, and then into another one... something like that?
<Background 2>
Stitch Canvas Absolutely not!
Catch Lightrace Let's try a different idea, then. We'll use the water cannons to hurl people up to the springboards high above...
Stitch Canvas Don't you have any ideas that don't involve water cannons?
Catch Lightrace But it's a brilliant epiphany, and you were the one who inspired me! Well, in that case, do you have any bright ideas, Stitch the amazing architectural designer?
Stitch Canvas Ugh... I was just going to be the lead architectural designer and dial down Acahuallans' plans a little.
Catch Lightrace You had the surface-dwellers come to help with the bridge. I have no problem with that. But now we're discussing the thing that will go on top of the bridge and live alongside it, the landmark of Zeruertza!
You don't want to work on the dome with me. Fine, I get how you feel about the dome. Then let's talk about what will be our next landmark after the big water slide.
Stitch Canvas There's a much simpler and more graceful way to solve this. It could be brimming with symbolism!
Catch Lightrace It could be more exciting!
Stitch Canvas It could be more exciting and brimming with symbolism!
Phew, Catch, arguing about this here isn't going to get us anywhere. How about we have a design competition? We'll give each other some time to work on a design and let the citizens of Zeruertza decide.
Catch Lightrace Of course. Just like all those years ago.
Croque Diamondface I'm on board too–
Catch Lightrace Croque? Are you drinking?
Croque Diamondface I'm fine. I only had a tiny little bit.
Inam You emptied three whole barrels by yourself.
Croque Diamondface Stitch, I heard your proposal. I'm interested.
And if Catch is up for it, then that's all the better!
Now we just need to find Deculture, and we'll build something new for Zeruertza!
<Background 3>
Deculture Silvermint You mean... I should change how I treat them...
Eunectes Don't you think they're cute?
It's true that they are nowhere close to what you'd call "human." I'm no doctor, but even so, I know that humans are way more complex than the machines we have these days.
But that doesn't mean we can't get along with them like friends and family.
Deculture, you're these a "parent" to these little guys.
Deculture Silvermint Parent, huh...?
Eunectes They count on you and trust you, just like newly hatched fowlbeasts growing under their mothers' wings.
Deculture Silvermint For the longest time, I've really only seen them in... an indifferent light. All I ever do is what an industrial representative should, the same thing that all the industrial representatives before me did.
We pick our robot managers from the Durins who hang out in the robotics section of the library. We have to master how to create these little things.
It's not actually that complicated. All we have to do is follow the books' instructions and put together the parts that we like... use our imaginations, and they always work without fail.
My teacher spent years trying to figure out the logic behind them, but he came up empty-handed.
From what I heard, my teacher's teacher also researched it, and it's thanks to her that the assistant robots can tell jokes.
Strange Machine #0429 Do you know how to make a Durin angry? Nobody knows! Hahaha.
Eunectes Oh, that's amazing.
Deculture Silvermint As for me, all I'm doing is taking their abilities for granted. You're right. I should try to actually get along with them.
0429, your fellow robot 0428 has been retired. Inspection will not reawaken it.
But that doesn't change that it was one of us. The things that it built will last.
Retirement isn't the end.
Strange Machine #0429 Instruction acknowledged. Retirement is not the end. Understood.
Relationship defined with Zumama: friend. Deculture, I would like us to be defined as friends.
Deculture Silvermint Friends. Right, friends. We can get along like that.
0429, did you know? Friends are supposed to help each other.
Before, I used to order you to do everything that I couldn't be bothered to handle myself...
But now I'm thinking that's not how this should be. We should be on equal footing with one another.
From here on out, I will ask you to help me with my tasks, as a friend.
Strange Machine #0429 Acknowledged. Help friend.
Deculture Silvermint 0429, please–
Send three cases of ale to my place, and bring some snacks while you are at it. After that, please let Master Edge know that I won't be attending today's representative meeting because I'll be sleeping.
Eunectes That doesn't seem quite right...
??? Zumama!
[Gavial and Avdotya walks toward Eunectes.]
Eunectes Hey, Gavial, you're here!
This is my new friend, Assistant Robot #0429, and its terrible boss, Deculture.
Strange Machine #0429 Deculture, meeting invitation, all representatives–
Deculture Silvermint 0429, change of plans. As your friend, I'm asking you to do me this favor. Go to that meeting for me.
Strange Machine #0429 Help friend. Help friend!
Gavial Do it yourself!
<Background 4>
Catch Lightrace Speaking of which, what was our last meeting with everyone in attendance for?
Croque Diamondface Alcohol was in short supply, so we had a meeting to figure out how to solve the supply chain issues.
Deculture Silvermint Have we ever run low on alcohol?
Croque Diamondface You skipped that meeting.
Edge Eartheart Hahaha, this brings me back. The mead fans wanted to make sure the whiskey lovers had nothing to drink, so they bought out all the whiskey in town.
And to get back at the mead fans, the Whiskey Enthusiasts' Association started buying up mead by the lot too.
Gavial These drunkards can survive without booze?
Croque Diamondface Of course not. That's why they started drinking the booze they bought to get at the other side.
Catch Lightrace I understand both clubs lost some members to the other side around that time, haha!
It's a shame, though. If only they had an appreciation for berry tomato wine.
Croque Diamondface ......
Deculture Silvermint ......
Edge Eartheart Catch, you... so that's your poison?
Catch Lightrace Yeah, what's the matter?
Croque Diamondface No wonder none of the alcohol fan clubs accepted you...
Edge Eartheart Well... Never mind, so we're all gathered today to discuss the "Great Aquapit..."
Deculture Silvermint Tear it down? Yeah, I agree, and the sooner the better.
Croque Diamondface I'm a yea, too.
Catch Lightrace I thought you two loved that place! Hell, you go multiple times a week, Croque!
Croque Diamondface Right, and I'm regretting my patronage. I can't believe I spent so much time in a facility built by a guy who likes berry tomato wine... It's a disgrace.
Deculture Silvermint How negligent I must have been as the industrial representative to participate in a project led by a man like that.
Catch Lightrace What is that supposed to mean?! Hey, Master Edge, what's with that look?
Edge Eartheart Haha, berry tomato wine... That's a little...
Gavial If you've reached an understanding, then we'll call everyone out to blow up that showy water slide, fix the railroads, and solve all of Master Edge's problems. That's the plan. Any objections?
Catch Lightrace It's a shame, but an architect can't let his past work tie him down. This is a chance to once again put my talents to good use.
Croque Diamondface Stitch, you said you'd have a design contest with Catch over Zeruertza's new landmark. You are serious about that, aren't you?
Stitch Canvas Of course.
Edge Eartheart Oh? Finally going to amaze us with your designs again?
Stitch Canvas Well, with all of you here singing my praises, what choice do I have?
Edge Eartheart Looks like we're in for a fun couple of months. I should stock up on booze.
Catch Lightrace Seriously, Master Edge, why don't you try some berry tomato wine? It really isn't as bad as it sounds.
Edge Eartheart Not in a million years.
<Background 3>
Catch Lightrace And that's the end of the voting!
Well, then. Per consensus, this is it for the Great Aquapit, and we will repair the railroad bridge and build a new landmark for Zeruertza at the same time!
Cheering Durin Hell yeah! I've been getting tired of the slide anyway!
Imaginative Durin The new plan better be something totally different! I heard we're getting a roller coaster?
Cheering Durin Water coaster!
Imaginative Durin Looping water coaster!
Cheering Durin A catapult looping water coaster! With a super water cannon! And a racetrack for self-driving carts!
Catch Lightrace Stitch and I will each submit an independent design proposal, and we'll call another meeting to decide which proposal to move forward with.
Cheering Durin Stitch? Stitch who lives in the cube?
Imaginative Durin Hm, I saw a design of his a few years ago... It wasn't much fun, but it had a unique sense of beauty...
Cheering Durin Maybe we can come up with some new way to have fun there. I mean, that place is pretty much an open space, and the important thing is what we can do with it!
Imaginative Durin It kind of feels like Stitch's building would be a good place to lie down and relax–
Cheering Durin Just like that super relaxing Gaulish meditation I saw in "Stranger Things!"
Imaginative Durin Hm, I think I can work with that.
Gavial Phew, looks like everything went off without a hitch? Not that we actually did anything.
Inam But we did see a hard, bitter negotiation play out. Isn't that right, Croque?
Croque Diamondface Edge! Drink up, old man! What, are you keeping fins in your cup?!
Edge Eartheart *cough*! I'm trying to take a short break!
Tomimi We've done a lot, Gavial! We went shopping and bought a lot of stuff and had a decent vacation. Plus, we even helped score a huge project for Acahualla!
Avdotya And you also made a mess of my feelings.
Gavial Oh, don't say that. I thought we made friends.
Stitch Canvas Yes, it went much more smoothly than I expected.
Gavial That just goes to show that you could've done it yourself, you punk.
Stitch Canvas But, what's next...?
Gavial That's a funny look on your face.
Stitch Canvas It's been a while since I've worked on anything, so I'm feeling a little...
Phew... It's okay. I just have to warm up.
Once I get myself back into the game, surely–

After operation

"The Great Aquapit" will soon be demolished, bringing the gang here for one last round of fun. The Durins look forward to the birth of their next landmark, while Inam and Gavial discuss Acahualla's future.
<Background 2>
[Croque announces the consensus regarding the Aquapit's decommissioning to the Zeruertzans.]
Croque Diamondface With the results of the referendum, the Great Aquapit will soon complete its historic half-year mission. It will be blown up and turned into construction material once again.
Citizens, I'm afraid this slightly extended summer carnival will soon come to an end.
Durin *sobs*... I'll always remember our beautiful time together forever.
But the super slide is so much fun, you can't get enough of it! I never thought we'd have to say goodbye...
Croque Diamondface However! In the Great Aquapit's place, we'll have an all-new, prettier, and completely different structure! After all, this is Zeruertza, a city built by the best architectural designers!
Stitch Canvas and Catch Lightrace are two awe-inspiring, up-and-coming architectural designers. Over the next few months, the two of them will submit their design proposals...
Imagine the show showdown they have in store for us.
Hehe, this brings me back to the dome design contest they had a few years ago, when they just made their debuts!
The duel ended all those years ago without a winner, but who will win the right to design Zeruertza's next landmark? Let us–
[Croque pauses for a moment, because...]
Croque Diamondface Let me get a sip of water first.
Edge Eartheart Croque, I've never seen you so enthusiastic. Have you been drinking?
Croque Diamondface No. Not yet, at least.
Edge Eartheart Now this isn't like you at all.
Croque Diamondface I was watching videos of a competition on the surface that I got from Inam, and it seems they have a role called "the MC".
I thought I might dip into a new career path.
Anyhow! Although the architects' designs are yet to come, my fellow citizens, the tail end of our summer is going to be a fleeting one!
Before the slide is blown up, let us enjoy it all we can!
[The Zeruertzans cheer.]
Durin Ohhhh!
<Background fades out and in>
[Gavial and Tomimi runs around the Aquapit beach...]
Tomimi Gavial!
[...with the former trying to catch up.]
Gavial Tomimi, watch out! Slow down!
[Tomimi turns back...]
Tomimi I was so, so jealous when I heard you guys went to the waterfall in Acahualla!
Hehe, and this time I get to join in on the fun!
[...and Gavial grabs her.]
Gavial You're such a kid.
Hm? What's wrong? You're usually so careful to hide your tail. Let's see... Did it get thicker again?
Tomimi Eh? Nope, not even a little! I checked with a measuring tape before I got here! It's been months since I got any thicker!
Gavial Oh? Sounds like you're really hung up on it.
Tomimi Waaaahhh... Eat my water blast!
[Tomimi splashes Gavial with a water gun...]
Gavial Heh, you little runt! It's on!
[...and the two continues running while Avdotya watches and Stitch is building a sand castle.]
Avdotya They're more like Durins than you are.
Stitch Canvas How would you know what it means to be "Durin", Lupo?
Avdotya You seem a little nervous. Are you worried about your contest with Catch?
Stitch Canvas Worried? Over him? Don't make me laugh. I haven't fallen so low. It's just laypeople tend to like his proposals more.
Mine get their fair share of fans, too. Perhaps I should be bringing something different to the table. That's how I'll win.
Perhaps I should just... *sigh*! I should probably take my mind off of that right now.
To tell the truth... if we don't care about aesthetics and just look at how fun it is, this "Great Aquapit" isn't so bad.
Avdotya Oh, so you enjoy these things, too?
Stitch Canvas Every now and then.
[Catch runs toward Stitch.]
Catch Lightrace Stitch, you're here!
Want to try out the slide with the downstream speed set to max? It wears the equipment out, so we don't usually get to do it.
I just tried it a couple times with Elysium. It was amazingly fast!
It does hurt a little when you hit the water, though. Still, wanna try?
Stitch Canvas No, thanks. I'm not one bit interested in fun and games like...
Elysium Whooo! Bombs away!
[Elysium lands on the water with a big splash that ruins Stitch's sand castle.]
Elysium Catch, my brother! This impact force is on another level! Did you see how high that splash went?!
Catch Lightrace Maybe we should try something different. Say... see which of us can land with the tiniest splash?
Elysium Keep the splashes small? Good idea! Sounds like it won't hurt nearly as bad.
Stitch Canvas My sand castle...
Elysium (Hey, uh, Catch, did we perhaps... screw up?)
Catch Lightrace (Uh, even though this is Stitch we're talking about, he can't possibly be mad over a sand castle, right?)
Elysium (He seems rather angry to me, though.)
Catch Lightrace (In that case, we should probably...)
[Catch and Elysium tucked tail and run.]
Stitch Canvas Hey, where are you two going? You're just going to run? Get back here!
[Inam and Croque watches the bustle.]
Inam Yep, you did very well getting everyone going.
Croque Diamondface I have your video tapes to thank. That's where I picked it up.
Inam Next, we can hold a series of contests to keep the enthusiasm that goes with this "championship" contest going, then we'll use Catch and Stitch's design contest in a few months to pump everyone up to the max.
Croque Diamondface We could print some paper slips for the audience to use to show their support for one side, with prizes given to those who pick the right side.
Inam We call those lottery tickets. You're really good at picking things up. Up on the surface, there are merchants who line their pockets by selling them.
Croque Diamondface We Durins don't much care for money in that way... Let's have the losing side pay for the winners' drinks for a month!
Hm, we could make it two months to make things more exciting, too. We'll have to decide with a referendum.
Later on, perhaps we could issue some more lottery tickets covering how many months' worth of alcohol are owed in the end.
Inam I'm starting to worry about the Zeruertzans' future.
<Background fades out and in>
Gavial Hm, I'm not used to feeling unhelpful.
Eunectes What's wrong? Do you have to beat something up to satisfy yourself?
Gavial Not really.
Still, if this goes well, Acahualla will get its hands on some Durin. Would've been a totally pointless trip otherwise.
Tomimi Gavial may have left home a long time ago, but she actually really cares about Acahualla!
Gavial Yeah, I've been to so many different places, but the rainforest is the one place where I feel most at home.
Inam Are you going to come back, then?
Gavial Not planning on it. Not yet, at least. I still have lots of patients to take care of back at Rhodes Island.
Inam There are plenty of Tiacauh who want you to go back. You could think about becoming their lord ameer, even.
Gavial Yeah, and they want bananas to sprout straight out of the soil, too. Can't always get what you want.
Inam Gavial, you would be the most fitting lord ameer for Acahualla. You are the only one who can rein in each and every Tiacauh.
Everyone is awaiting your return.
And if you simply cannot do it, then it's ultimately likely... that a lord ameer from the Court of Sargon will come to govern Acahualla instead.
And when that happens, Acahualla will no longer be the free land you knew.
Gavial But don't we already have you for our Great Chief?
Inam There are some things I can't do anything about.
I can come up with ideas to help get us in better shape, but I'm not the one who can really bring the Tiacauh together.
Gavial It's not like I'm running away from responsibility here, Inam.
It's just... I haven't thought through how to actually do it.
Eunectes You know how to think? Color me surprised.
Gavial Hey, Zumama, you picking a fight?!
Eunectes What I'm saying is, you usually do stuff without thinking.
Gavial And that's fine when it's just me, but this is about all those Tiacauh...
Catch Lightrace All good things must come to an end. Isn't that right? So this giant slide will be torn down for something new.
I actually didn't catch much of what you were talking about. All I want to say is, my friends, let me get a picture of all of you together while it's still standing.
Vacation at the Aquapit.png
Gavial Haha, alright, let's toss all this complicated stuff aside for now.
Right now, we gotta have fun!
Tomimi, you gimme a smile, too!
Catch Lightrace Looks like you've mastered the Durin philosophy.
Gavial Well, it's not often we get a vacation. As if I'm gonna waste it!
Catch Lightrace Well said! Here's to you! How about some berry tomato wine? It's on me.
Gavial Nah, I'll have to pass on that.
[Gavial and co. takes their time enjoying the Aquapit until...]
<Background 2>
The demolition explosives have already been set, and the assistant robots have made all the preparations.
Soon, the big water slide that has brought everyone so much joy will be gone without a trace.
But summer must come to an end, and there will no doubt be greater fun in the future.
That's what all the Zeruertzans believe.
Five, four, three, two, one.
<Background black>
The explosion isn't nearly as loud as anyone expects. The slide simply slowly disintegrates.
Or perhaps, a little more poetically, it melts into the water.
<Background 5>
[After the Aquapit was decommissioned...]
Elysium My, what a graceful way to disappear.
Stitch Canvas Here I thought you would pass out from all that drink and miss the demolition.
Elysium Haha, I know how to have a good time.
Though, at times like these, I generally keep myself clearheaded.
That's the most basic respect I have for things as they fade away.
Stitch Canvas Whoa, were you actually a secret genius? That would be such a cheap cliche, even in the Zeruertzan library.
Elysium Oh, you little rascal!
Catch Lightrace Stitch.
Stitch Canvas Catch...
Catch Lightrace It's time we got serious. Let's both do our best, fair and square.
Shake hands if you agree?
Stitch Canvas Alright... Out of the most basic respect for another Zeruertzan.
Elysium Say, you two actually get along pretty well, don't you?
Stitch Canvas What, are you blind?! Where'd you get that idea?
[While Stitch and Catch shakes hands, Croque makes a surprise announcement.]
Croque Diamondface Now, things are going to get real from here on out!
Stitch Canvas Has Croque been drinking...?
Croque Diamondface The warm-up of warm-ups, the prelude to preludes! The first season of the Zeruertza Competition Series!
*Drumroll*–Ta-dah! A swimming contest!
How about it?