Tutorial: HE-TR-2

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[Amiya and Jessica eliminates the Gnawbeasts scurrying around as the Monastery Inhabitant prays on the left Holy Statue. Note that there are two structures whose SP bar fill over time, and a rock rolls ahead once their SP is full. DP also noticeably generates slowe than usual.]
<Game paused>
Jessica Oh no, this is bad! There's a rock rolling our way from that Crumbling Wall!
Amiya Be careful, everyone! Getting hit by that rolling rock will hurt!
<Game unpaused>
[Nearl is quickly deployed in front of Jessica right as the rock from the top Crumbling Masonry is about to hit where Jessica is standing.]
<Game paused>
Nearl Focus on the fight! I'll block the rock and protect you all!
<Game unpaused>
[The rock bursts, dealing a bit of damage to Jessica and Nearl. Note that the rock from the right Masonry damages the Makeshift Walkways on its path, indicated by a red bar to its left depleting. The rock bursts upon hitting Nearl, breaking the Walkways caught in its wake and turns them into holes while the one Nearl is standing on remains undamaged. The Masonry continues to release more rocks as the Inhabitant eventually panicked and starts running towards the lane covered by the Walkways.]
<Game paused>
Jessica Reporting in! There are residents headed in the same direction as the rock's trajectory...
Wh-What should we do? The path ahead has been smashed open by the rock and we can't repair it in time!
<Game unpaused>
[A Shabby Fence is available for deployment.]
<Game paused>
Amiya <The Shabby Fence on the deployment menu is highlighted> It's alright, we can use this Wooden Fence to stop the residents in their tracks and buy us some time for repairs.
<The panicking Inhabitant is highlighted> However, stopping them here makes the residents panic more easily, and this is only a stop-gap measure, so we can't hold them off for too long. We have to seize the moment.
Jessica Understood!
<Game unpaused>
[(The player activates Myrtle's skill to generate some DP, then deploys a Shabby Fence next to Nearl and Gummy on the intact Walkway) Gummy blocks the rocks from the right Masonry from reaching Nearl as the Fence stops the Inhabitant from moving. (The player deploys Spare Timbers on the broken Walkways) The Walkways are repaired just as the Fence can't hold the Inhabitant any longer, allowing him to flee towards the right Holy Statue where he finds some peace. More enemies including Wasteland Robbers show up on the abbey whose attacks can drain the player's DP when given the chance, (the player activates the right Holy Statue's skill to keep the Inhabitant calm or deploys Shabby Fences to stop them in case they panicked, and deploy Gravel and use Myrtle's skill as needed) but the Rhodes Island Operators secured the premises in the end.]