Operation story: FC-7

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Dublinn Soldier icon.png
Dublinn Soldier
Female Londinier icon.png
Earl's Attendant
Mercenary icon.png
Special Forces Captain
Victorian Guard A icon.png
Special Forces Soldier
Male Victorian A icon.png
Taran Refugee
Noblewoman icon.png
Witty Noble
Manor Hall
Cold Forest
Victorian Manor Room
Quagmire Night

Before operation

The Tarans' cries strengthen Reed's conviction, and everyone works together to escape from the hellish battle.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Earl of Warwick Young bard, I cannot give you an answer. Let those who come after give it!
Now, as it just so happens, I have one more matter of vital importance to relay to you all tonight.
–I'm afraid this will be the Clan of Tarans' final gathering.
Witty Noble Well, now, what are you saying, Your Lordship? Hasn't our cause only just begun?
Earl of Warwick Fret not. It is true that the cause of we Tarans to seek who we are is fresh and anew. What will cease to exist is merely the humble little gathering that I lead as an individual.
–Isn't that right, my dear, loyal servant?
*cough*, *cough* *cough*...
Earl's Attendant My apologies... I'm but a servant. I don't presume to understand.
It's snowing heavily outside. Your body is frail... I can ready the car for you at any moment.
Earl of Warwick No need.
Mr. Williams, would you share a walk with me on this snow-filled day?
Plain-Dressed Bard It would be my honor. The inn I'm staying in had no firewood to begin with. There isn't much left for the snow to hinder.
Earl of Warwick Really? I see... Yes, I never did prevent City Council from imposing winter taxes on the Taran districts.
Everyone deserves at least a warm fire on a chilly day like this.
Come. Maybe we can chat some more about your creations, the stories you collected in these villages, and what Tara could–should–have been.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background black>
"May death connect us with all legends."
<Background 2>
Selmon Quiet, did you hear those footsteps? They sound heavy. They'll be pretty tough for soldiers.
Move, move, move, this way! We'll hide in the other direction!
Moran The campfire's still burning... I can take a piece of timber as a torch.
Selmon Alright, I'll go with you to fetch it in a moment.
[Selmon shouts,]
Selmon Hey! Reed! You hear me?!
Taran Refugee Reeeeed–
Selmon There's no response... Quick, hide over here! We'll split into two groups in a minute, then look for her!
And even if we can't find her, we need to find Bagpipe and Ch'en!
[Victorian special forces soldiers catch up with Selmon and the refugees.]
Special Forces Soldier ......
Selmon Tch.
Special Forces Soldier You dare interfere with a military operation?
Selmon Something wrong? If I can't shake you, I'll fight you. Not like I haven't scrapped with you Victorian soldiers before.
<Background 3>
Cry after cry cuts through the smoke and mist.
Reed knows the way she should go.
Reed They shouldn't be dragged into this conflict. I have to help them–
[Suddenly someone slashes Reed in the back...]
Reed –Ungh!
[...who is revealed to be The Brigadier.]
"The Brigadier" Unfortunate. A few inches shy.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Harmonie Hm? I recall having reported to the Leader about this, but not anyone else...
"The Brigadier" You can't possibly be so naive as to think you're the only one in Dublinn to form your own intelligence network.
If you're to bring that puppet back, I'm afraid there is no course of action more suitable at present than mobilizing my squadron.
Harmonie My, how grateful I am, then... Are you seeking to supervise my work? Or is it more that you'd like to eliminate her yourself?
"The Brigadier" Should she refuse her identity as a shadow, my blade will be faster than your Arts.
I've seen how diverse viewpoints can be in this masterless Victoria. There is no need for Dublinn to continue staging such a charade.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 3>
Reed If you've come to kill me... does that mean–Dublinn is prepared?
"The Brigadier" You are the only uncertainty left.
I thought that as a puppet, you would at least learn how to think, at least pretend. I thought you'd have the capacity to set your sights farther. It is disappointing, however, to see your foolish kindness.
If you had followed the spectre force's code of operation from the start and eliminated all witnesses, things would not have taken one wrong turn after another. The situation we find ourselves in now would never have developed.
Reed ......
[The Brigadier slashes Reed again.]
"The Brigadier" A second wound. Far from enough to stop a Draco in her tracks, but I'm sure you know that even though no other Dublinn militant is bound your way, this remains a one-sided battle.
I cannot see what right you have to instigate this petty coup d'état against the Leader.
<Background 2>
Taran Refugee Heeyy–Helloooo–
[Ch'en heard the refugees calling for Reed.]
Ch'en (...The Taran civilians are down this direction. If Bagpipe and Reed hear the shouts, they'll definitely break through this way too.)
Hang in there! I'm coming!
Taran Refugee Ch'en? Thank god, someone finally responded...
[Someone attacks Ch'en, but she narrowly dodged it.]
Ch'en –That was fast! Where did that come from?
??? Ch'en Hui-chieh. Superintendent Ch'en.
Ch'en thrusts in the direction of the voice, only to find her blade hitting nothing but thick fog.
She feels a chill.
??? Have you ever considered the troubles you could bring Wei Yenwu by attacking the Victorian army here?
Ch'en ...I'm doing this because I want to. What does this have to do with him?
I'm simply rescuing the innocents who were dragged into this conflict. If you're going to criticize my actions from a diplomatic angle, I suggest you reflect on your own first.
??? You may be attempting to gloss over how complicated these events truly are. That said, I still have a question for you. Take your time to answer, though.
Why did you come to Victoria?
Or perhaps I should ask, who did you come to Victoria for?
Ch'en ......
My upbringing, my family, and my personal grudges have nothing to do with the conflict unfolding before us right now.
At this moment, no matter what you suspect, I will only answer with the blade I hold in my hand.
Back off.
<Background 2>
Bagpipe Found you, Mr. Fischer!
[Bagpipe strikes Fischer, who blocked it.]
Fischer You don't seem to have come for peace talks.
Dublinn's forces are right before us. I'm sure you know who your enemy is here.
Bagpipe Sorry, but my mission's to rescue everyone... You had your forces planted in advance, and you've got Arts protection. There's no breakin' through this for us if we don't get rid of the mist.
Fischer You can try to stop me, then.
Neutralize her. Don't waste any time.
Special Forces Soldier Understood!
Bagpipe Huff... If only I had some ammo on me. Goin' to be a right pain dealin' with multiple at once.
[Bagpipe easily fights off the Victorian SF soldiers.]
Fischer 2nd Tempest Platoon member Fiona Young, codename "Bagpipe."
I've read every single report you submitted on the County Hillock Incident. You have my utmost respect for your actions.
If at all possible, we should be joining forces, not pointing our weapons at one another.
And considering you're still investigating the truth behind the County Hillock Incident, we can follow standard procedure and interrogate any and all Dublinn personnel we capture here and give you any information you want.
Bagpipe Eh, I'll pass. I'm bad at tellin' if someone's lyin' or not, and I'm not the best at interrogation, either.
Fischer As a show of sincerity, I can give you a single piece of information right now.
The Redsteel Guard.
You know who they are, don't you? Now–take notice of the combat style of the Dublinn forces here tonight.
Bagpipe ......
[The mist covering the forest clears.]
Bagpipe Oh, I think visibility improved a bit just now... I reckon keepin' Originium Arts like this goin' got to take a toll, right?
Fischer Not such a toll that it would affect my plan. And I won't allow anyone to get in its way either, of course.
You could say that this war belongs to we, the intelligence workers... There won't be a single misstep from me. I strive to ensure true war does not break out, and millions continue to live in peace.
Bagpipe No, see, sure, missions end good or bad, but right or wrong? That's hard to judge.
[Someone threw a rock at Fischer.]
Fischer A rock...?
Bagpipe Oh, Mr. Fionn! Why'd you come all the way out here on your lonesome? It's dangerous!
[Fionn reveals himself...]
Fionn I-I don't know. I got lost in the mist. Haha...
[...as Bagpipe and Fischer resumes their fight.]
Bagpipe Look, I'm not joking, I MEAN dangerous! Hurry up and leave!
Fionn *sigh* I know... but I have to help. Some of them are in even greater danger...
I-It's fine. I can handle myself. You really don't need to worry about me. I can knock out a man at a time with this hoe here.
<Background fades out and in>
Special Forces Soldier You lot. You're armed with nothing but scavenger pickings. Broken swords and dulled sabers. Who are you to stand in our way?
Selmon Hah, you're out to capture our Leader! Who are you to say what we can and can't do?
Special Forces Soldier Leader? So you really are...
Selmon Working together? That's right. Why else would we come here to rescue her?
She can fight, and she can guide the way when we leg it. We need her.
[Someone attacked the SF soldier from behind.]
Special Forces Soldier ...Trying a rear ambush?
Selmon Nice one, Moran!
Moran No luck, I can't pierce the armor with this duff knife...
[Moran picks up the torch lying on the ground.]
Selmon Hey–don't use your torch. Your timber's not even oiled. It'll go out easy...
Special Forces Soldier Urff–bloody hell!
All she catches sight of is the soldier's burned arm. He swings his military saber, his face a mix of agony and anger.
The saber swipes past her hand, cleaving the torch into two. The lit end falls into the mud, and goes out softly in a puff of smoke.
Selmon Hah... okay, not bad. Now he's gonna have trouble with his blade.
Here, I'll hold onto you.
[The SF soldier tries to strike Selmon, but she anticipated them.]
Selmon Phew... Hey, how much longer can you hold that, you think? Don't push yourself.
Special Forces Soldier Don't make me laugh. So you can resist a little. What else?
Moran ...Selmon, leave me be.
[Sounds of footsteps are heard.]
Moran I hear a few more coming this way. You hear that too, don't you?
[Selmon strikes down the SF soldier...]
Selmon ......
...I do.
[...as Dublinn soldiers show up and one of them attacks Selmon.]
Dublinn Soldier Tarans...?
Selmon Us? That's right.
But I took these rags from someone dead. I'm not with your group...
Dublinn Soldier Best leave, Tarans. Go somewhere safe.
<Background 3>
Reed ...I never said–I wanted to make an enemy of her.
I want to correct–the mistakes she made. Nothing more.
"The Brigadier" You seek moralistic perfection in the face of war?
Then be the coward and hypocrite you are. Find yourself coerced again like in Hillock, betrayed again like in Peninsula.
The blade tears the night wind asunder. The sharp clang of metal and the interrogative of the officer lunge as one at Reed.
But she doesn't listen. She can hear wails far sharper in the winds.
She knows there are defenseless Tarans shedding blood in this conflict, falling, right this moment.
She could call out the names of each and every one of those wailing. It was but a few hours ago–when she'd heard their voices sing the folksong of home.
Reed ...She simply–cannot hear these cries.
Have you ever asked yourself–who the Tarans you're saving are?
[Reed channels her Arts to protect herself from The Brigadier.]
<Background fades out and in>
Ch'en Fire...?
You guys... Watch out for Reed's Originium Arts!
Taran Refugee Eh?
Ch'en She's very powerful right now.
But these flames... don't seem like her own.
<Background 2>
Harmonie A Draco's flames are beautiful, wouldn't you agree?
Fischer ...They do not exceed what I anticipated, Harmonie.
Harmonie Still, we do have a poor soul right here stupefied by the show.
[Bagpipe stands in shock, having recognized Harmonie.]
Bagpipe ......
Harmonie It's too bad, really. You don't know me yet. Just like you never got to properly know your friend next to you there.
But thanks are due, I will say, for you putting up such a diligent fight against this Victorian's squad. His Arts are dilute enough not to impact our giving chase now.
...It's like County Hillock again. The more valiant you are, the sorrier I feel for you.
The battle here is over, so you're free to go now. Dublinn won't lay a finger on you... They could even escort you, if you'd like.
Bagpipe ...I'll pass.
Fionn W-What's she saying? Bagpipe, do you know her? Are we fighting her or not?
Bagpipe No... Let's go.
We need to fetch Reed.
[Bagpipe leaves with Fionn following.]
Fischer –You're very kind to her.
Harmonie Of course I would've silenced her. If it wasn't for the Taran next to her.
Still, if she can make our Draco realize she has nowhere to belong but Dublinn, then that's all the better.
Fischer Your forces seem to have assembled towards my end now.
Harmonie Indeed. The poor child's fleeing northwest under our pursuit.
Fischer Heh. Much further, and she'll be in the heart of Duke Wellington's domain.
Harmonie Once she's there, everything she does will be under Dublinn's thumb.
So the priority right now is... shall we say, dealing with everyone who knows too much.
In the unlikely event you live to send intel back, it won't be much more than what your death itself would've told them.
<Background fades out and in>
Moran Selmon, slow down... I'm having trouble keeping up. Where are we?
Selmon Must've run about two hundred meters into the woods, from the camp. Hah. Gave that soldier a good drubbing, now none of them are hounding us.
Oof... We're safe here. I'll treat my injuries first, then I'll head back and tell everyone to come this way and meet up with you.
People with Fionn's naff skills shouldn't be sticking around so long on the battlefield. Ought to be fighters like me.
Tch. You're miles better at fighting than he is, too.
Moran ...Selmon, there's a huge din behind us. What happened?
All I can see is... a faint glow.
Selmon Hah, rotten shame you don't get to see proper. It's the fire from Reed's Arts, no doubt about it.
Moran Is it a fine sight?
Selmon Mhm.
But, well, I've known all along she was capable of that.
...Was night always this cold, out in the wilds...?
Suppose you're willing to light your fire. Will that make it a little warmer... a little brighter?
I don't know why you're disappointed in Dublinn, or why they're disappointed in you. The Tarans want to survive. They should survive. It's the simplest logic. How can any of it be a lie?
Before you leave the group, I need to talk to you about the whole–"going to Dublinn" thing. You'd know the way, right?
Moran, we'll head forward a little more. It'll be safer that way. Don't be afraid. It's all muddy here. If those soldiers retreat, they won't be coming this way.
Besides, the sun should be almost up.
Their step finally slows. Moran no longer staggers trying to keep up.
Moran Selmon, are we somewhere safe now?
I'm not afraid of bad news... Tell me.
They walk forward. Amongst the howl of the wind, distant explosions, and the cries, Moran tries her hardest to discern the sound of Selmon.
There should've been some forewarning, in that moment. Selmon should've stopped in her tracks, said something. At the very least, a scornful cackle at the fate of the Tarans.
But what Moran feels is simple; a step made, and the hand in hers falls, all of a sudden.
And she stoops, and cannot tell if what she feels is thick blood or wet mud.

After operation

After they escape the battlefield, Bagpipe's emotions finally come to an explosive head. She questions Reed about the truth of the County Hillock incident, as well as everything regarding Dublinn.
<Background 5>
[While Harmonie, Fischer, and The Brigadier walks through the mire...]
"The Brigadier" Wait a moment, Harmonie.
Something is unusual about the amount of stationed troops ahead at the carriageway checkpoint.
Fischer You noticed? I had coincidentally asked them to look out... on the premise of possible incidents that might damage relationships between the Dukes.
"The Brigadier" Hence your rounding them up before they left County Trent territory, so that your backup plan would be at all effective.
Not a surprise, in whole.
Fischer Subordinate of Duke Wellington. Commanding officer of the Redsteel Guard. An identity that will cease to threaten you very soon, of course.
That said, you understand at the very least that any further pursuit would become a territorial dispute of Duke against Duke. Given Victoria's present situation, I can only say no one would want to see such a clash happen.
Harmonie My, oh, my, why do you never leave me any room to choose?
Still, it's more than enough for me. My mission is complete as is.
Fischer You own these repercussions. Your blunder caused them. You have no need to keep your bluff up so dutifully, being the exposed spy you are.
Harmonie Really? You know, I was hoping from my heart of hearts that we'd strive in common minds to work together someday–
"The Brigadier" Harmonie.
You've spoken enough.
Harmonie Ahem...
Fischer ......
"The Brigadier" All forces, pull back.
This was a losing battle to begin with. We'll let them go.
[The Brigadier and Harmonie leaves along with the Dublinn forces.]
Fischer Unf...
Special Forces Captain I warned you, Fischer... Once your Oripathy progresses past a certain degree, the painkillers don't work anymore.
You're in this state because of your own extended use of Arts.
Fischer I am patently aware.
Special Forces Captain Alright... I apologize if I went too far.
Fischer No, I was just thinking...
I didn't expect the venerable Duke of Caster would send a "Trilby Asher" here.
I haven't even a clue... at which point the Duke's emissary replaced my men.
<Background fades out and in>
Fionn Phew... haah... D-Did we make it out?
Ch'en Yeah, I don't see anyone giving chase.
Let's stop here and check on everyone's injuries. Best to take care of them ASAP.
Reed We lost... some of our companions.
Ch'en We'll wait here a moment. Some of them got lost in the smoke. Maybe they're still hiding in the woods.
You told them you were headed in this direction. If they still remember, they'll come looking.
Reed Mm. We'll only be stopped for a short while here. It'll be daybreak soon. I won't delay your travels.
You can all set your weapons down, and rest for the moment...
Bagpipe ......
Reed Bagpipe...?
You Are That Draco.png
Bagpipe "Reed."
Bagpipe So you were that Caster in County Hillock.
You were the one controllin' that fire. I recognize your Arts. You turned an entire street to ashes.
You had Outcast sacrifice herself for you.
...You're "The Leader" of Dublinn, aren't you?
Reed ......
Everyone looks at her, awaiting a response.
She's been asked this question many a time in the past. Each time, she has to try so, so hard, just to hold back the urge to shake her head.
<Flashback starts here>
Dragons Under the Night Sky.png
But now she remembers the feel of the hay, and the taste of the evening breeze.
She remembers the campfire flickering in front of the tents, how it was all its own, nothing like the fire that danced at her spear's tip.
Background-Cold Forest.png
She remembers the thick smoke afar that has yet to clear, and the shouts and the cries unrelenting, almost still echoing.
Here, she no longer wants to shake her head.
<Flashback ends here>
You Are That Draco.png
Reed I am.
In County Hillock, I hoped that through death, I'd forever escape my identity. That's why I didn't hide when the Originium bombs came falling.
Since being rescued by Rhodes Island, I've tried for the sake of my own fate to recover something. That's why I came on this journey–in an attempt to heal some of the scars left by the violence of Dublinn.
But–right this moment, this is my only answer to your question:
I am.
<Background 5>
Bagpipe The people who died... who died because of Dublinn. The Tarans.
Didn't... Dublinn deceive them?
Reed I would've... once said that their lives–were no more than fuel for Dublinn's fire.
That for the greater good–to rebel against the injustice all Tarans face–the fire must burn hot and bright.
But after... Outcast saved me–and I retraced the paths I walked... I haven't been able to say that anymore.
In reality–some of those deaths... had to have been avoidable.
I cannot say that every sacrifice–was a martyr for Dublinn's cause... The Tarans are all people, each of them living, each of them alive.
I remember the mistakes Dublinn's made... especially the ones by my own hands. I'll make no attempt to conceal these ugly scars.
Bagpipe There's also... the "Redsteel Guard."
The Dublinn soldiers tryin' to take you away here, they're the Duke of Wellington's men.
Are you just... the Duke's private army?
Reed No. Dublinn is manipulated by no power... nor should we be.
If anything, it'll be... the Tarans, who want a peaceful home, a land they can walk freely, one and all.
Bagpipe But you're terrified of Dublinn.
If Dublinn truly is what you say, if it fights for the Tarans, then what is it you're scared of?
Reed ......
What am I... scared of?
Bagpipe Your imagination of Dublinn is all well and good, but fact is, it's filled to the brim with rioters, conspirators, people you can't hold control over. They even threw you of all people away for dead, didn't they?
Reed I won't deny–that what many see in Dublinn's firelight is not a path for the Tarans, but their own future.
I'm sure... that as the Victorians laid each brick and stone to build their homeland, they wouldn't have thought it was for Victoria as a whole, either.
But in the end–the Victorians have a homeland. They can build and tend their lands in peace. Yet when the Tarans want to live, they bleed rivers for it.
I don't want to see anyone bleeding. Yes, I'm afraid. I'm afraid of the bleeding. I'm afraid of death... That's why I always wanted to hide.
Unthinking, unfeeling, just like... a shadow.
But does that make things good enough? Why is blood still shed... where I cannot see?
Bagpipe Reed...
Reed ...Bagpipe. You've been asking me, time and again–where I'm taking these Tarans.
Let me ask you now. Is Dublinn's dream an unachievable one?
Bagpipe ......
Bagpipe rarely ever feels disappointment.
It's crossed her mind how her reports will never make it to the right person, and how her friends in arms died meaningless deaths in conflicts long premeditated.
It's crossed her mind, should she ever come across Dublinn again, how she'd dismantle their plot, and protect the innocent citizenry within their grasp.
But now, she sees how the County Hillock incident was nothing more than two Dukes testing one another, and she sees how lost and stricken the eyes of the Tarans are, there behind Reed, emerging from the flames of war.
She can't say for sure who it is she's disappointed in.
She doesn't know if she can still get any answers from Reed, for much the same reason she can't give Reed's question any reply.
Bagpipe ...Let's go, Ch'en.
Ch'en Huh?
Bagpipe My mission's to investigate the truth behind Dublinn, and now I've heard it from Dublinn's "Leader" herself.
And from what it sounds like, Operator Reed won't be comin' back with us to Rhodes Island for the moment.
Reed ......
Bagpipe She's got her own business to take care of, and so do we.
Ch'en ...Alright.
[Bagpipe and Ch'en separates from Reed and the Taran refugees, but...]
Fionn B-Bagpipe!
Bagpipe Fionn...?
Fionn This... This is for you.
Bagpipe The radio?
Fionn You'll be making through the barrens, won't you? Take this radio with you, you might catch some useful news...
Bagpipe You don't need it any more?
Fionn I... haha, the news is always same old for the Tarans, isn't it?
Bagpipe, we really are thankful to you, and Ch'en, and the, um... the Rhodes Island. Thank you for your tents, and your assistance all along the way.
And, well... farewell.
Bagpipe ......
Slán leat,[note 1] Fionn.
The old radio buzzes in Bagpipe's hand. Unconsciously, her grip relaxes ever so slightly.
Bagpipe Take care.
<Background 6>
Fionn ...Caireann, Fergal, you and me. Just the eight of us left now.
I suppose it's easier to run with fewer of us, haha...
Reed ...Please check for me–if there's any more clean gauze in the box.
Fionn *sigh*. Okay...
Reed I'll remove the gauze on your wound now. This will hurt...
[Reed unwraps the gauze on an injured refugee.]
Taran Refugee Unf...
Hey... Fionn, not so afraid of blood no more?
Fionn Huh? O-Oh, no, yeah... I've seen so much blood lately. Pointless being scared any more.
Say. Reed... Is Bagpipe really just going now? Aren't you two friends?
Reed Perhaps, come a day we will be, but not for now.
Fionn ...*sigh*. I suppose.
I was just thinking, I know we were bound to go our separate ways, but you should've had a proper goodbye with them.
Everyone... should have a proper goodbye.
–Hey, it's Moran!
Reed ......
They see Moran, eyes grasping on the faint light of daybreak, limping in their direction.
Held tight in her grip is a broken sword, and a blood-soaked bandana.
Reed Is that... Selmon's?
Moran, what... happened to her?
Moran (Shakes head in silence)
Reed I'm sorry. I know–you can't have seen.
Far away in the woods, remnant fumes from the flames of war still rise gently for the sky.
All those who did not come back now lay in the woods, just as Selmon does. No one in time to see them, in their final moments.
The survivors stare in silence at the drifting smoke.
Reed They all just–don't know... which way to go.
In the Scáthanna Fields, in Hillock, in Oak Grove...
She has seen fire, great and profuse. Be it anywhere, there are those who scheme of war and disaster, vying for power and prestige.
She has seen the ordinary soul struggling amidst it all, only to die without rhyme or reason.
She raises her hand, and from a Draco's flame, a faintest flower is born.
The feel of holding a flame still makes her tremble, pains her insides to no end, but no more does she shut her eyes.
Reed For all those... who pull themselves up from this land of mud.
And the flower floats down, and sinks into the wetlands, there to wither without a sound in the mire.


  1. "Goodbye" in Irish