Operation story: DV-7

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Mercenary icon.png
Columbian Mercenary
Columbian Pioneer icon.png
Pioneer Team Member
RL Guard icon.png
Rhine Defense Member
Male RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Lab Tech
Columbia Streets Night
Rhine Lab HQ
Rhine Lab Corridor
Test Site
Rhine Lab Observation Post
Rhine Lab HQ
Test Site Perimeter
Rhine Lab HQ Control Office

Before operation

The pioneers who accepted injections begin to pass out one by one. A strange noise is heard from inside the laboratory, and a never-before-seen enormous geometric construct appears. The experiment is now completely out of control.
<Background 1>
[While Muelsyse and Saria walks through the streets...]
Muelsyse How long has it been since you were last here, Director Saria?
Saria Hm?
Muelsyse Going a little spacey?
That's not like you... Thinking about the test site?
Saria Do you remember Haydn 1 laboratory?
Muelsyse Of course I do. That's where Ifrit's from, right? We even investigated that place together.
Saria I've been to several hundred similar ruins since.
It's very risky to work with the military. Rhine Lab hides behind layers of contracts and conducts these dangerous experiments with other laboratories doing the dirty work.
But this time, Ferdinand chose to charge into the fray himself.
That tells us Rhine is one careless move away from turning into one of those ruins.
Muelsyse If he fails... Ferdinand will end up buried under the ruins too, right? His real cause of death won't even hit the papers.
Saria Ferdinand has no way out of this anymore. He has no choice but to make sure this experiment succeeds.
Muelsyse Nngh...
Are you worried about Silence and the gang?
Saria ......
I'm only analyzing the risks.
Muelsyse Huh, I thought you were more honest than that.
Okay, okay. She'll be fine. She's a lot stronger now than she used to be, just to look out for Iffy.
Saria Are you consoling me, Director Muelsyse?
That's unnecessary.
I've never doubted Silence's and Ptilopsis's abilities. They will assume their own responsibilities, and so will we.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor We will work with each other.
Muelsyse Did I ever mention that I've always really admired the way Rhodes Island works?
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor I believe in our operators.
Muelsyse My, you really have a way with words. Makes me want to jump ship and hop over.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor You're showing more of a human touch, Saria.
Muelsyse Right, right? You feel the same.
I knew I wasn't mistaken.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Mechanist Multiple power armor signals approaching.
Doctor, the Liberi merc is catching up to us.
Saria Perhaps she's been waiting nearby.
Muelsyse Dr. {nickname}, are you sure Kristen is here?
Saria's right. Ferdinand can't take this failure, but we don't have time for trial and error, do we?
Doctor Ferdinand doesn't want to let anyone find Control.
There's only one place that's in his full control. / There's only one place to hide from prying eyes.
<Background 2>
Mechanist Rhine Lab headquarters.
Muelsyse So that's the place that checks the most boxes, huh?
After I lost contact with Kristen, I went to her home, the test sites, and all her favorite spots...
Everyone who works at Rhine knows Control doesn't like to hang around the office.
Every day, a bunch of staff members ask where she is, but who knew that she could be right there under our noses?
Mechanist Scan complete.
Doctor, it's just as you thought. There is a large group of armed militants guarding all exits on all floors.
Saria Rhine HQ must already be under Ferdinand's control.
We need to make our moves carefully, and I'm including both Muelsyse and myself.
<Background 3>
Rhine Defense Member Seize them.
Sonny Dammit...
Elena What are you blanking for?
[Elena uses her Arts to stun the R.L. Defense Section member...]
Rhine Defense Member All units, we've got a situation at the labs' entrance. It's a Pioneer and a Rhine researcher... Mrgh!
[...allowing Sonny to knock them unconscious.]
Sonny In the end, we still gotta hurt people.
Elena That's self defense. I'll testify for you.
There's an emergency exit to the left. Run that way! We'll talk after we make it out–
[Someone can be heard running towards Elena and Sonny...]
Sonny Someone's coming!
Elena Get ready!
[...prompting Elena to attack them with her Arts, but...]
Elena Wait, you again?!
[...the one running towards them was Greyy, who withstood the attack.]
Greyy M-Miss Elena...
Elena I didn't hurt you, did I?
Greyy I'm fine. I figured you'd strike, so I braced myself.
[Mary joins in.]
Mary All of you, stay right where you are.
Elena You're...
Mary Mary Banner of the Trimounts City Police Department.
We're taking a kidnapping and assault suspect into custody. I'd appreciate your cooperation.
Elena Suspect?
Sonny Mary...
Mary You're a hard one to catch. Isn't that right, "Team Leader?"
Drop your weapons and put your hands up.
<Background 4>
Rhine Defense Member Right hand too.
Pioneer Team Member ......
Rhine Defense Member Put your right hand up, please.
Silence A syringe?
Hold on, what are you trying to do?
Rhine Defense Member This is a physical examination.
There might be a hazardous material leakage in these laboratories. Regulations demand we execute prevention procedures on all personnel.
Silence May I take a look at the medicine you're administering?
Rhine Defense Member The situation is critical. Please don't get in the way.
Ptilopsis Warning: Procedure does not match existing records.
Silence What you are doing is completely against the rules...
Rhine Defense Member Rules? I don't need a researcher who was... kicked out of Rhine to teach me about rules.
Silence Hmm...
Dorothy What about me, then?
[Dorothy joins in.]
Dorothy Do I have the right to ask you to turn this syringe over?
Rhine Defense Member Director Franks...
Dorothy I am the overseer of Site 359. State your objectives immediately.
Rhine Defense Member Sorry, Director Franks, but Director Clooney has taken over responsibility for all your site's functions.
Without his orders, you can't ask us about our operation.
Dorothy If I recall correctly, only Control can change an experiment's overseer.
What gives Ferdinand the right to overstep his bounds?
Rhine Defense Member I can't answer that.
[Someone contacts the R.L. Def. Sect. member.]
Rhine Defense Member This should be enough...
Mission complete. All units, pull out.
Silence They're gone...?
Ptilopsis Affirmative. The Defense Section personnel are quickly evacuating the site.
Silence I thought they were here to take the Pioneers away... Am I mistaken about Ferdinand?
Dorothy Ferdinand!
Pioneer Team Member Ugh...!
[The pioneers fall unconscious.]
Ptilopsis Dr. Silence, all Pioneers who received injections have lost consciousness.
Silence Tend to them immediately!
Director Franks, do you know how to administer emergency treatment... Director Franks?
Dorothy ......
<Background 3>
Greyy Ma'am, I thought we were here to save Mr. Sonny...
Mary Don't think you can change my mind with a couple of sentimental words!
Sonny You got my letter...
Mary Trying to win my sympathy only works once, Romano.
I'm just glad I didn't let you get away. Otherwise, who knows what kind of surprises I'd have waiting for me?
Sonny You don't trust me...
Mary Why should I?!
Four years ago, you didn't want to go to the quarantine zone. I trusted you, and helped you lay low–
Then how did you turn around and thank me?
Sonny I was outta my mind! My Oripathy plus my insurance premiums drove me nuts. I had no other...
Mary You broke into my place and forced me to give you everything worth half a dime–Just for your goddamned insurance premium! You thought they'd let you back into your law firm if you paid it!
Sonny ......
Mary You know how much that scared Nana? Did you know she's been bedridden ever since? Remember how she doted on you, even more than she did for her own granddaughter?!
And how about this? After you got spooked and ran off, I was so worried the cops would find you, do you know what I went through to cover it all up for you?
You don't know anything.
You're a cold-blooded, selfish criminal. I should never have been so soft on you...
Elena Officer!
It doesn't matter what kind of bad blood you two have with each other. We need to get out of here, otherwise–
Mary He kidnapped you, and you're making his case for him?
Elena Listen to me. The real problem is with Rhine Lab...
[The facility rumbles.]
Greyy This shaking...
Sonny Uh... Is that coming from inside?
Elena Dorothy's lab...
<Background 4>
[The rumble is felt outside the facility.]
Dorothy It... actually happened...
Silence Such intense tremors... occurring across a large area... Is it a Catastrophe?
No, not a Catastrophe. It's the lab...
The Awakening.png
In the center of the laboratory cluster, a fissure appears on what should have been an exceedingly sturdy building.
It wasn't caused by the tremors.
The building is being torn apart from its deepest parts.
Something is breaking out of its shell, bit by bit, and unbelievably quickly.
In just an instant, half its floors are engulfed.
Above the rubble, the silver object starts bringing the entire site into its embrace.
The newly-born, colossal object gracefully twists its geometric figure and coldly stares down at the people on the ground.
Dorothy ......
None of this is beyond her comprehension.
She understands the principles behind all this, and she's calculated all the possibilities.
Yet she still forgets to breathe and blink, and she forgets all about the trembling earth beneath her feet and the roaring gusts all around.
Her dream has evolved from a blueprint and a word of promise to a reality.
Dorothy How beautiful...
<Background 4>
Silence Get down–
Dorothy ......
[Silence pushes Dorothy out of the way of a falling rubble.]
Silence You were in tremendous danger... If you were just one inch closer, you would've been crushed by the bricks!
Dorothy It's too late...
Silence What is?
Dorothy Doctor, you failed to stop me. My experiment... succeeded.
<Background 5>
Rhine Defense Member Director Clooney! What's happening at the laboratories–
Ferdinand You are frightened.
Rhine Defense Member Frightened...? Haha, of course not. I'm just overwhelmed with emotion at these results! I... I'm truly happy for you and Director Franks.
Ferdinand Your teeth are chattering.
Rhine Defense Member Ha... haha...
Ferdinand Perfect.
Fearing such great unknowns is an instinct of the weak.
Rhine Defense Member You're right. Before your results, our enemies... the Columbia's enemies will tremble in fear!
Ferdinand You're talking about terrorizing our enemies?
That's what the army men worry about all day and night. They give me the funding, and I give them the weapons–We scratch each other's backs, and that's where it ends.
But you did remind me...
It's time to move to the next phase.
Rhine Defense Member Wouldn't that provoke it...? What about the people at the site?
Ferdinand They're making the greatest sacrifice of all.
Remember their names.
As pioneers in the truest sense, their names will go down in history.
Their fearlessness gave birth to this ferocious beast, and we will take control of it and make it ours. It will be our hands and eyes.
Just as our ancestors, the brave settlers, brought burdenbeasts under their control, enabling civilization to conquer the wilderness.
We, too, will conquer this beast created by technology and expand mankind's reach into even greater unknowns.
–We will be the trailblazers who expand the frontiers of civilization.
<Background 4>
Sonny Are... are these the silver monsters? How did they grow so big...?
[Mary opens fire at the gargantuan aberration, but the shots did not even scratch it.]
Elena We'll need something special to do any damage!
Mary You goddamned–monster!
[Mary fires agian, but...]
Greyy Did you see those arrows?
The three arrows, all shot at different times, approach the silver geometric figure in a tidy row. The farther they fly, the slower they get, all the way down to an immeasurable crawl.
Yet they remain suspended in the air.
Enveloped by the silver light, they disappear from sight at the very same moment.
Mary So the monster's got some magic tricks?
Elena It disintegrated them.
But it seems awfully quiet to me...
[The aberration charges up an energy attack at Mary...]
Sonny Watch out! Move!
[...and releases it, but she and the others managed to dodge the attack.]
Mary Urgh... Was that an energy beam, or some crossbow bolts? Where did it come from...? It was so quick, I couldn't catch it.
Elena Logic can't explain its movements and attack patterns.
Perhaps... to that thing, moving and attacking are one and the same...
Supposing this really is the... final product of Dorothy's experiment, then the whole site is within its range of perception.
If the idea crosses its mind, it could modify the physical properties of all objects within that range, instantaneously.
Mary Or, in plain Victorian, we're like modeling clay for a kid to play with, is that right?
Elena More or less.
We need to stop attacking it, Officer. Otherwise, it'll level the whole site within minutes!
[Explosions occur around the aberration.]
Elena Wait, you wouldn't happen to...
Mary I wouldn't happen to have a bunch of explosive-equipped drones, would I?
Keep dreaming!
Greyy So what about those people from Rhine Lab...? Are they here to help us deal with the experiment?
Elena Of course not.
Do you remember what I just said?
Sonny You about it leveling the whole site?
[The aberration warps a nearby crane into a spherical entity.]
Elena It's already begun...
Sonny Am I seeing things? Did that crane... turn into a perfect sphere?
It won't be long before it hits the quarters, too!
Mary Dammit! If this site goes down... Trimounts... not to mention the other cities are still in the dark.
They don't even know a monster made by some stupid frickin' eggheads is about to roll them up into a ball!
Elena ......
Mary We need to get out of here right now.
Elena Get the word out...
We need to get the word about this out. He's known for a long time it would come to this.
Sonny Who? Who's behind all this? Who'd take it this far? Dorothy Franks?
Elena No, it's not her.
–It's a man who's made a fool for a long time now. Someone who's really taken me for a ride.
He wants to erase the Pioneers... and everything that's happened here at the site.
And all of Rhine Lab might be on his side.
Mary The police were probably bought off, too.
Sonny I'd bet good money there's no media outlet ready to report on this.
Greyy Miss Elena, you know who we should get word out to.
Elena Rhodes Island...
Greyy I'll find Dr. Silence. This is the most crucial objective of our operation.
Elena But you'll be trapped here... Your lives might even be in danger!
Greyy I trust Dr. {nickname}, and you too.
I know we can do this.
[Greyy runs off.]
Elena You trust me...?
What can I do...?
The observation station... I have to get to observation.
Mary Need a ride?
Elena The transport over there...
Mary I borrowed it from Rhine.
It so happens I need to go back and nab the real bad guy behind all this. You're going the same way, aren't you?
Sonny Mind if I tag along?
No matter which way we slice this... Officer, I'm a suspect in your custody...
Mary doesn't answer, but she extends her hand to Sonny nonetheless.
Beside her, Elena does the same.
Sonny takes their hands and climbs onto the transport, its engine already running.
The three of them–a police officer, a Pioneer, and a researcher–speed toward the edge of the site together.
The sandstorm behind them gives chase in vain, unable to stop their escape.

After operation

Inside the Rhine headquarters, the Doctor and Saria find Control, who has been unreachable for some time.
After so many years apart, the former friends are finally reunited.
<Background 6>
Rhine Lab Tech Oh, Director Muelsyse? Coming in for work this late at night?
Muelsyse Ugh... *cough*, yes, there's always more to do.
Rhine Lab Tech Your work must be exhausting.
And who are these two?
Saria ......
Muelsyse Some very important business partners of ours.
You don't recognize this one?
Rhine Lab Tech Uhh... Sorry, I'm not so good with heavily shrouded faces.
Muelsyse This is the famous Originium theory scholar, Oripathy expert, and Catastrophe researcher–
Rhine Lab Tech Oh... You! Your reputation precedes you! It's my lucky day, getting the chance to meet an amazing scientist like... you!
Doctor (This guy's never heard of me, has he?) / ...... / (That worked?)
Muelsyse We have urgent business to attend to, so we'll be heading up now. If we get the chance, we should have lunch together sometime, okay?
Rhine Lab Tech Right. Don't let me keep you...
Saria ......
Rhine Lab Tech Wait, I thought you looked familiar. Aren't you that expert in... uh...
??? ...in the field of defensive materials.
Saria Parvis...
[Parvis joins in.]
Parvis Rhine Lab has really expanded at an astonishing pace the last couple years, hasn't it?
A consequence is that our new little friends still have much to learn.
Rhine Lab Tech Two directors here at the same time...? I-I... I'd better get back to work! Please excuse me!
Parvis Ahah.
Saria You aren't going to tell them I'm back?
Parvis Forgive me, but my eyes aren't what they used to be. Have I met such a lovely Vouivre lady before?
Saria ......
Parvis If you've nothing else for me, I'd better get home. An old man like me needs his sleep.
Right, Director Muelsyse. Don't forget the black bean tea you owe me.
[Parvis leaves.]
Muelsyse Phew... Saria, did he really just happen to be passing by?
Saria It's four in the morning.
Parvis normally would've gone home nine hours ago.
Muelsyse I knew it... He's not lining up behind either Ferdinand or Kristen until the last minute, when he's sure how the chips will fall.
He's still calculating the odds, waiting to see.
I bet that even if Rhine Lab gets blasted to rubble, he'll walk out without a scratch.
<Background 1>
Ho'olheyak They've entered Rhine HQ.
Recon team, prepare to intercept.
[Mechanist shows up.]
Mechanist Let's slow down a little.
Ho'olheyak It's you...
Mechanist I saw you fight Saria, and I'm pretty intrigued by your equipment.
Mind if I took a look?
Ho'olheyak ......
Is this how you always greet your enemies before engaging, Rhodes Island elite operator?
Mechanist Don't get the wrong idea. I'm not talking as a Rhodes Island elite operator there.
As a mechanist, I respect all exceptional technology and its innovators–
Which is why I wanted to ask how you'd feel before I took that special-looking staff of yours.
Ho'olheyak You're a funny one, Mr. Mechanist.
I was only going to meet with Saria, but you and your boss... that Doctor certainly gave me a bigger surprise.
Mechanist You know my name?
Ho'olheyak You've looked into me too, haven't you?
It's the habit of our kind to gather up as much information as we can before a fight.
Mechanist Your name is in Rhine HQ's database, Ms. Ho'olheyak.
But I don't buy that Ferdinand would hire a history scholar to hunt his coworkers down. That'd be silly, even for the impossible world of Columbian academia.
Ho'olheyak It's my side gig.
Mechanist You research history for a side gig?
Ho'olheyak Wrong.
I'm a historian. I'm just here to see a millennium-old prophecy come true.
Likewise, I believe our future is heading in a direction that'll lead us to certain hidden historical secrets–
Just like you, I seek the truth.
<Background 7>
Mary We're here.
Do you know how to find your scumbag boss, researcher?
Elena He should be in the control room right now.
Mary There's a vent around the corner. If you can get inside it, that's your quickest route to the control room.
You'll want to hurry, though.
We're about to have company.
Rhine Defense Member ...Officer.
I knew you were on their side. You're weak-willed. You can't put your past with this criminal behind you.
Mary He's not a criminal yet, punk. You people don't have the power to convict. Not yet anyway.
Rhine Defense Member You're heading past the point of no return.
But why? You're all so exceptional. Why destroy your future? Why... didn't she take my advice?
Mary This is about someone else, isn't it?
I can say this to you for her, again.
[Mary fires at the R.L. Defense Section member, who narrowly deflected the shot.]
Rhine Defense Member Ugh–
Mary Because we know what we're fighting for.
To protect certain people... To protect certain rules from being trampled by people like that scumbag director. We don't hesitate. Ever.
We aren't like you...
[Mary fires at the R.L. Def. Sect. member again...]
Mary Probing all the sides before you pick one–
And even going so far as to ask that dumb question before a fight!
[...and kicks them...]
Rhine Defense Member Urgh...!
[...unconscious. However, more R.L. Def. Sect. members show up and prepares to fight Mary.]
Mary Did you find out which way you're going?
Elena I think so...
Mary Hop to it, then.
Elena What about you?
Mary I have a crossbow. You don't. Worry about yourself, not me.
Elena Thanks.
Take care of yourself.
[Elena runs off to confront Ferdinand.]
Sonny ......
Mary Why aren't you going with her? I thought you came all this way to settle your score with him, too.
Sonny I've got my own weapon.
Mary Hm?
Sonny It's been a long time since we fought side-by-side.
Mary What are you talking about...? You mean back when we used to play those games?
Besides, I was the one always dragging you out to play.
Sonny Haha... thanks for that.
I really miss those days... I mean it.
[Mary and Sonny fights off the R.L. Def. Sect. attackers.]
<Background 6>
Muelsyse The elevator up ahead will take us straight to Control's office.
Saria It's safer if we take the fire exit in the back.
Muelsyse I know, but aren't we in a hurry?
It'll be faster if we head straight there, and run into less armed personnel along the way.
Saria Wait, don't go over there–
Muelsyse Huh?
[Muelsyse accidentally triggered an alarm over the complex.]
Saria ......
Muelsyse Whoopsie. I forgot this area's monitored...
Saria Doctor, it's time for plan B.
[R.L. Def. Sect. members show up in response to the alarm.]
Rhine Defense Member Intruders spotted!
Here! Over here!
Rhine Defense Member Grab the intrud–Wait, Director?!
Saria Hello, Reggie.
Rhine Defense Member ......
What are you doing here...? No, you don't have clearance anymore. I can't let you go any further...
Saria When facing an intruder, hesitating only gives a chance for your enemy to strike.
Do you need me to teach you this all over again?
Rhine Defense Member Shields up!
Prepare to stun! Target the intruder–Saria!
Saria You pass, just barely.
[Saria fights the R.L. Def. Sect. member who happens to be one of her former subordinates.]
<Background 5>
Ferdinand Have the latest data been recorded?
??? Yes, they have.
Ferdinand Note the drones' positions.
Do not let the test subject's actions influence firsthand data collection.
??? Don't worry, Boss.
[Elena reveals herself before Ferdinand.]
Elena The firsthand data you want are right here in front of you.
Ferdinand ......
I'm glad you're safe.
Elena I've worked under you for so many years now. Reading the slightest change in your expression has become part of my job–
Your left eyebrow twitched ever so slightly. You're surprised.
Ferdinand Well, you are full of surprises.
It's a relief to have you back–Those stupid new hires really need a fine researcher like you to discipline them.
Elena You want me to be a team leader?
Ferdinand No, not a team leader.
You see that key on the desk? Take it.
You've more than proven your abilities. You don't need to be anyone's assistant anymore–Not mine, and not Dorothy's.
I want you to handle the next project as overseer.
This key is a present I prepared for you. It's an all new... spacious laboratory. Your laboratory.
No matter what kind of experiments you want to run, both Rhine Lab and I will fully support you.
Elena Wonderful.
Have you considered letting me take over as Energy Director?
Ferdinand That is not out of the question.
Elena ......
Ferdinand You don't seem... particularly happy about my surprise.
Elena That's because no matter what kind of future you had in mind for me... my answer was always going to be "no."
Ferdinand Set your staff down.
Elena What are you afraid of? That I'm going to betray you and ruin the moment you see your bright future manifesting, right before your final victory?
I might just consider doing that.
Ferdinand I don't understand. I've given you so much...
I saw talent, diligence, and ambition in you.
All three are necessary to achieve success. All three qualities that also define me.
Elena Of course you wouldn't understand.
If you actually thought so highly of me as you say–You'd have told me the truth behind the experiments.
You'd tell me how you disregard the safety of your test subjects, how you used me to keep tabs on Dorothy, and how when you finally have no more use for me, you'll wipe me out along with all the evidence of your crimes.
You think I'm some stupid little girl who listens to everything you say?
Even with Olivia's nudging, it took me till the moment you make your move for me to finally open my eyes!
Ferdinand You aren't ready, Elena. I was afraid you would be shaken, and here you are.
Elena You've never trusted me.
You don't trust anyone, only yourself.
So why should I trust you again... Why should I trust your promises now?
Ferdinand I've never given anyone more chances than I've given you.
You know what? You're more like me than my own children.
I've poured much blood and sweat into you. Even now, if it's what you want, I would still welcome you at my side–
Elena ......
Consider Yourself Discharged.png
Elena This is the last thing I'll ever ask of you–
Please shut up, Boss.
Take your "present" and your fake sincerity and stay far away from me.
Starting today, I, Elena Urbica, am no longer your stupid little assistant or your pawn.
Ferdinand Clooney, you're fired.
<Background 5>
[R.L. Def. Sect. members rushed into the room...]
Rhine Defense Member Director Clooney!
Grab her! Get the rioter!
[...and seized Elena right before she punches Ferdinand.]
Elena Hngh...
Rhine Defense Member Director, are you alright?
Ferdinand I'm fine.
Elena Stop... Stop looking at me... like you care about me at all.
It... disgusts me.
Ferdinand You say I don't understand you... but you've never truly understood me either.
Perhaps... I actually hesitated, worried in that brief moment just now.
I wasn't worried about the ruckus you were causing. I was worried about you.
I really... didn't want to see things come to this.
Elena Those words...
*cough*... Right back at you.
[Elena charges up her Arts to "discharge" her own superior Ferdinand.]
<Background 6>
[More R.L. Def. Sect. members show up after Saria takes care many of them.]
Muelsyse *pant*...*pant*... What do we do? The Defense guys just keep coming and coming.
Ferdinand's got all the sites covered. It doesn't matter how much of a fight Saria can put up. There's no way she can take on so many at once.
Doctor We're counting on you, Director Muelsyse.
Muelsyse Me...? No way! I don't know how to fight.
All the running around to dodge their attacks is exhausting already...
Don't you hear all my panting, Doctor?
Doctor Didn't you quite ingeniously cover for Saria just now? / As long as you stop deliberately wasting time...
Muelsyse You... You know?
Doctor Saria hasn't been to Rhine HQ in a while. How'd she remember which areas are monitored? / You've been blocking Saria's line of sight, intentionally or otherwise.
You've been pretty calm ever since you heard me guess this is where Control is.
Muelsyse I... Ahh!
[The Doctor pushes Muelsyse out of the way from an attack by an R.L. Def. Sect. member.]
Muelsyse They almost got me...
Doctor... You pulled me back? You... You'd still do that for me?
Even though you've figured out that I might have other ideas?
Doctor You're free to have other ideas. / And I don't care where you stand.
I want you to help Saria.
This is for the benefit of both Rhodes Island and Rhine Lab. / This is for the safety of Columbia and all lands./ And this is for you, too.
Muelsyse That's the second time you've saved me now, Dr. {nickname}.
Let's call this my way of repaying the favor, then. I'll stand with you guys at least this once and help Saria get where she wants to go.

You hear me, water molecules?
Step up and give these nice people a little kissy, and wash away all the dust under our feet!
<Background 1>
Ho'olheyak The elf wavered.
What a poor soul... She's always looking for some kind of promise of the future.
Who would willingly admit she and her race belong only to the past?
Can this Dr. {nickname} really give her what Kristen can't?
Columbian Mercenary Ma'am, Saria has broken through the blockade.
Ho'olheyak Let her meet her old friend, then.
I still have other work to finish... Looks like this mechanist and I will just have to catch up next time.
–That is, if he survives the power armor.
<Background black>
How long has it been since I was here?
One thousand four hundred and ninety-seven days.
Perhaps we were already enemies when we said our goodbyes.
Will we still be friends when we meet again?
<Background 8>
??? You're back, Saria.
Saria Hello, Kristen.