Operator file: Civilight Eterna

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Unofficial English translations provided by RobinYPW.
Theresa, founder of the nomadic city of Kazdel, one of the founders of the Military Commission of Kazdel, founder of the Babel organization, and once the supreme leader of Kazdel. During her reign, she devoted herself to implementing projects in fields such as medicare, education, and urban infrastructure, led the Sarkaz in repelling numerous alien invasions, and also made achievements in diplomatic work. She was later killed in the war between Kazdel and Victoria.
This file is being stored in the sealed archives of the Rhodes Island Human Resource Department.
Clinical Analysis
Have at least 25% Trust with Civilight Eterna
Imaging tests have shown the outlines of her internal organs to be indistinct due to abnormal shadows. Originium granules have been detected in her circulatory system, confirming her to be infected with Oripathy.

[Cell-Originium Assimilation] 17%

[Blood Originium-Crystal Density] 0.29u/L
“The patient’s blood crystal density has been continuously increasing in the recent three months, partial withdrawal from work related to Originium is advised.”
Date of Record: November 17th, 1093
Doctor of Record: Kal'tsit

A dated medical report, forever put in the locked first drawer on the left-hand side of Kal'tsit’s desk.
Archive File 1
Have at least 50% Trust with Civilight Eterna
[Classified Log]
The war is over.
We did what we could, and Rhodes Island has completed its preset objectives and missions. Thank you all for your sacrifice, which Rhodes Island shall never forget.
The change of situation in Victoria will soon create a ripple effect all around Terra. This is obvious and irreversible.
Rhodes Island had persistently avoided appearing in the sights of the states on Terra. However, given the circumstances of the day, we can no longer distance ourselves from these affairs. We must be prepared for what comes next.
We have reached a conclusion for the first topic of our meeting.
Rhodes Island will not restore the name of Babel.
Wiš'adel has brought the name of “Babel” back to Kazdel. After all these years, the initial goal of Babel has been inherited in an unexpected way. I think Theresa would be glad to see such an outcome.
We will see more cooperation with Babel, or Kazdel. But Rhodes Island will stay on its original path and voyage further.
Oripathy…not just Oripathy, also Originium——have always been the main problem Rhodes Island has been focusing on. It is so in the past, and we would be nothing but more adamant in the future.Rhodes Island will not forget our original goal of overcoming Oripathy. And it is exactly for this original goal, that Rhodes Island must take on a grander mission.
We will fight for the future of this land.
Originium is proliferating in an almost uncontrollable state. We might face enemies beyond our recognition. We will use all the strength we could muster, and we are prepared to face all the sacrifices we have to make.
In sum, the resolution we have made today, is that Rhodes Island will be intervening in crises that threaten this land with a more positive stance.
Yes, Theresa has forever left us.
She was the one who first proposed the ideas of Babel. But as she said, it is those around her——you, and all the people who fought for the future of this ship——that made possible Rhodes Island’s existence today.
If anyone still has any questions regarding the resolution, please voice your dissent in the next ten minutes.
Amiya…I understand.
I know she is listening.
——Kal'tsit’s remarks on the ■■■■■ conference
Archive File 2
Have at least 100% Trust with Civilight Eterna
[1st Access Log]
Individual Access: Amiya
“Miss Theresa…”
I’m here.
“I’m sorry… It’s already late and I don’t know if I’m bothering you. But I still have many unanswered questions… What exactly…is your existence?”
I am a program left in “Civilight Eterna” by Theresa. She bequeathed you the max-level authorization of the program. As long as the Crown is not left behind, I will always be at your side.
The existence of my “body” relies on “Civilight Eterna”, which possesses the power to protect you. Only you and the ones who acquire your permission can see me.
Amiya, you can try and take my hand.
“Thank you… I feel…warmth.
“But still I don’t fully understand. Are you really Miss Theresa? I don’t know how to address you…”
Amiya, Theresa is gone. What I only retain is her memory.
You can also address me as Theresa if you want to.
“I’m sorry… I understand. I have already bid farewell to Miss Theresa. I will no longer have those unrealistic fantasies.”
I remember that, Amiya.
That brief reunion cannot make up for the lack of accompany throughout these years. Thereafter, I will fulfill her promise to protect you in her stead.
Amiya, Theresa feels really sorry. You are her only regret.
“I could feel the love Miss Theresa gave me and I am really grateful. I never thought about complaining… It’s just…
“In that space, Miss Theresa saw my past and the happenings of Rhodes Island in these years. But Rhodes Island still has a long way ahead, and I should also go to many more places. I have so much more to tell her…
She still cannot hear it, right?”
I’m sorry, Amiya. There is nothing I can do about this.
Is there anything else I can do for you?
“No, nothing…Goodbye, then.”
Good night. Sweet dreams, Amiya.
Archive File 3
Have at least 150% Trust with Civilight Eterna
[4th Access Log]
Individual Access: Kal'tsit
“Query: Celestial Fulcrum.
Within the existing records of “Civilight Eterna,” in ten thousand sidereal years, the activated signal from “Celestial Fulcrum” was transmitted from the surface of planet for only once. It was due to the activities of the local people, and you already have knowledge of that.
Since that curtain befell, it has sunken into silence along with the stars of the past. No news of life has been sent from the land upon which the shadow moons rises.
“There are still not any notifications from the heritages of the past?”
The sarcophagi of “the Preserver” remain silent, the other two “Originium stones” are also buried deep within where they belong, only ominous tides come from the ocean in the south from time to time.
Kal'tsit, this information that is recorded in the Crown should be well known to you. Searching the same data repeatedly will not yield new possibilities.
You look very concerned.
“I just need to confirm whether your… Theresa’s experiment has caused…unexpected consequences.”
My apologies, but even “Civilight Eterna” could not record internal transformations within the Originium.
“…You can see it all, don’t you?”
For Theresa “Civilight Eterna” has its restrictions, but the current “me” could indeed browse all information stored within it.
And you…chose to carry all this burden alone throughout all this time.
“Then, would Theresa, who possesses all this knowledge still chose ‘hope?’”
I afraid I will not be able to give the answer lightly. A person’s personality cannot be easily detached from their cognition.
However, I shall believe that had Theresa known all this, she would certainly express her amazement at the land upon which she once lived having been reshaped continuously by the various dangers Terra had weathered and the countless times of crisis that had brought it to the verge of collapse. And that the world becoming as it is today is a miracle beyond statistical explanation.
The more one knows about the entirety of the world, the more they would feel that “hope” itself is an obsession that is against reason.
No one knows of the hardship of your mission more than you…and you choose to hold on not because of hope.
Therefore, Theresa had always believed, that you are her companion.
“Access terminated. Please encode this conversation to make sure the Doctor and Amiya won’t view it…at least before the right time.”
As you wish. Although this is a concealment from Amiya, it does not contravene Theresa’s initial goal to protect her.
“You’re right, Theresa. Even after doing everything they could, no one would dare to declare that they have the power to change the destined outcome.”
“I hope you…can protect the Doctor and Amiya well.”
Archive File 4
Have 200% Trust with Civilight Eterna
[11th Access Log]
Individual Access: the Doctor
“Doctor, it came unnoticed that you have been travelling with Rhodes Island for quite a long time.
“Although you said that you were just a passenger, I would still like to welcome you coming to our side.
“I have no opportunity to witness the era you once lived in, where I heard everyone could be free of Catastrophes and Oripathy, and that words and emotions could be relayed in an instant.
“That was indeed a gilded past. But since you are still willing to embark on a journey across tens of millennia all on your own, you must have some anticipations toward this land.
“Please remain by Amiya and Kal’tsit’s side, Doctor.”
“I believe you will be able to love this world once more, and again choose hope and the future.
“Doctor, thank you.”
——A recording from Theresa, last updated at 0:00, January 1st, ■■■■

Doctor, Theresa had conjectured that such a moment would come.
You will ask “Civilight Eterna” everything about Theresa. Out of curiosity or guilt, you will be eager to understand what a person she was, why she held such high expectations of you, and why you would commit such a “betrayal.”
Therefore, she left these recordings just for you.
The answer to the questions you want to ask lies not in the past.
Doctor, you should not trust the apparent. Even if you could find all the information about her here, you will not be able to know her as a whole——just as you will never be able to know yourself as a whole merely through the words of others.
Doctor, about yourself——you are her sincere friend, her most trusted co-traveler. This is all that Theresa wants to tell you.
Continue your journey, Doctor.
You will find answers about her only when you tread on your own path.
That is also the answer about yourself.
Promotion Record
Promote Civilight Eterna to Elite 2
[■■■■th Access Log]
Individual Access:■■■■
Odd. Why are there noises like these?
Who would insert a private instruction set full of engineering portal definitions they forgot to delete in this public measurement reenactment platform?
Cleansing the redundant information in the Originium is already troublesome enough. Does the DWDB project also need someone else to deal with its errands?
Well, complaining won’t solve the problem. I’ll just complete it in passing. After all, this time slice is almost over.
Hostile program detected. Threat——buzz——detected.
No. This isn’t right.
It’s…"you". Is there also a deviation in the project target?
Overriding authorization. Calculating structural integrity——
I know you. This is not the first time we met, right?
It's just like a species who had just learned to use fire leaving scorching marks on the earth with merely the clumsiest repetitive moves——marks of the existence of a civilization.
And among these fragile creations, samples like you could exist… I may have to reexamine this so-called “redundant information.”
Is this the “hope” that you choose, Oracle?

Weibo introduction

English translations provided by Shainel.
...I'm here.
"Kal'tsit, is this really fine?"
"There are still many old members of Babel in Rhodes Island... No, the entirety of Rhodes Island is filled with those who responded to Theresa's call. If we're going to characterize her like this, then she'll definitely bear these grave sins. Besides, we all know that actually—"
"There's nothing to be hesitant about it. This file will remain confidential until the right time comes. We just need to record it with honesty. This is also to respect Theresa's wishes... we have officially bid her farewell."
"Theresa, The Sarkaz's Lord of Fiends, has always been trying to find a way out for the Sarkaz race and she wanted to create future with no conflicts for this land."
"She's always been like that."

A phantasmal figure picked up the file on the table and saw the words on it with a relieved smile on her face.
"Theresa, passed away in Londinium War in 1098."