I am a native Chinese currently studying overseas for my postgraduate degree in Media and Communications.
I am an editor and translator of in-advance CN server content.
I started playing Arknights in 2020, and I also play other mobile games: Fate/Grand Order (since 2017), Genshin Impact (since 2021), and Honkai: Starail (since 2024).
Though I don't have a console, I do also have an interest in console games. My favorite franchise is HALO, which I got to know since I was in my early 10s.
I am also an enthusiast in Japanese anime and voice actors/actresses, which is loosely related to my academic profession.
I enjoy reading and reflecting on things. My main focus on most games is stories and lore.
My favorite operators in Arknights: Eyjafjalla, Muelsyse, Horn, and Irene.
My CN server ID: RobinWilde #6911
You can also see me active on the Wiki's Discord server from time to time.
Hope you all could enjoy your time on this Wiki!