Operator overview: Ch'en the Holungday

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Ch'en the Holungday is the alternate version of Ch'en who is a Spreadshooter Sniper specializing in DPS, and only available from the Carnival limited headhunting banners starting from Holiday Stars. Being limited banners, the "pity" system from other banners are not carried over to every Carnival banners, but to compensate that, the Holungday has a 70% chance in Holiday Stars and a 30% chance in Great Axe and Pen Nib and Cloudtop Lucid Dreams to be the 6★ Operator that appears in a pull and can be purchased at the Certificate Store for 300 Headhunting Data Contract icon.png while a Carnival banner starting from Holiday Stars is up.

Being an alter Operator, the Holungday is subject to the following mechanics:

  • Both Ch'en and the Holungday share the same Trust, but have different potential, skills (as well as separate skill upgrades/Specialization training), talent, and base skills (as well as separate morale).
  • Both Ch'en and the Holungday have their own outfits and dialogues, and are available separately as the player's Assistant.
  • Both Ch'en and the Holungday can be present in one squad or the RIIC at the same time.

As a Spreadshooter Sniper, the Holungday has a very short range in comparison to other Snipers, covering 1×3 tiles ahead of her with a 1-tile extension up front that is improved to 2×3 tiles ahead of her at Elite 1, but her attacks hit all enemies within that short range with the ones on the row in front of her taking 1.5× damage. the Holungday also has the highest HP and DEF of all Snipers, but this was offset by having the highest DP cost as well — with a staggering 32 at Elite 1.


  1. Frugality gives a chance for the Holungday and other Snipers whose skills use the ammunition mechanic to have their attack not consuming the skill's ammo.
  2. Vestiges of Vacation buffs the Holungday's ASPD that is increased when she is deployed on operations featuring water tiles.


As hinted above, the Holungday's skills make use of the Ammunition mechanic.

  1. High-Pressure Splash has offensive SP recovery and 4 shots which buffs the Holungday's ATK and applies her trait to all enemies within her range.
    • While overshadowed by the other two skills especially "Holiday Storm", High-Pressure Splash's automatic activation can be useful for sustained DPS without micromanagement.
  2. "Night of Violet" has 8 shots and can be Overcharged to have 20 shots instead, which buffs the Holungday's ATK and causes her attacks to cover her range in a sticky goo that lasts for 5 seconds and reduces the movement speed and DEF (by a flat amount) of enemies trapped in the goo, which does not stack if multiple goos overlap on one enemy.
  3. "Holiday Storm" has 32 shots, which causes the Holungday to attack twice (and by extension, consuming 2 shots each time) and applies the effects of both High-Pressure Splash and "Night of Violet" at the same time in each attack, with the added effect of extending the Holungday's range to a cone-shaped radius of 3×5 tiles ahead of her and the goos reducing MSPD and DEF more than that of "Night of Violet".
    • "Holiday Storm" is easily one of the highest sources of DPS in Arknights; compared with other similar "beatstick" skills, "Holiday Storm" neither has detrimental drawbacks nor a very high SP cost.

Base skills

The Holungday's base skills improve Snipers' Specialization training efficiency while she is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room.

  1. Sniper Expert α speeds up the skill Specialization training by 30%. At Elite 2, Sniper Expert α becomes Leading by Example which speeds up the training further by 65% if it is for Specialization Level 1.
  2. Workaholic increases the Holungday's morale drain rate by 1 per hour while a Sniper's Specialization Level 1 training is in progress.


Ch'en the Holungday is an outstanding Spreadshooter Sniper and pulls above her weight despite her sheer rarity and the controversy surrounding her release (see Dossoles Holiday's trivia for more information) by bursting down enemies with her inconspicious but deadly water cannon especially when enemies get too close for comfort, where they are in for a big world of hurt.