CW-ST-4: Door to the Future

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Door to the Future
Lone Trail: The Coming of the Future
Previous CW-ST-3

The only certain thing is that we must keep moving forward.
RL Guard icon.png
Defense Section Employee
Male Columbian icon.png
Mansfield Jailer icon.png
Prison Supervisor
Prison Cell B
Prison Block
Columbian Lounge
Rhine Lab HQ
Rhine Lab Meeting Room
Galleria Stellaria Planetarium B
The sun rises as usual, and nothing seems to have changed. However, the future has its doors wide open for us.
<Background 1>
[Ferdinand is writing something...]
Ferdinand ......
[ Blake watches.]
Blake ......
I heard the prisons in Max D.C. have regulations banning any sharp objects, including pens. You're breaking the rules.
Ferdinand They don't allow sunglasses either, Blake.
I told you not to bother me when we got thrown in here together. I have important work that needs doing, and you've had a stellar record the past few days.
So I hope you can keep it up.
Blake ......
Ferdinand Damn it, I used up all the draft paper... wait, I can still write on the back.
Blake, help me out and ask the warden for some more. Columbian academia will thank you for your contribution.
Blake What the hell are you doing?
There's no way you think we'll get to live, Ferdinand.
Columbian law has never been lenient, so can't you just quietly wait for the end to come?
If you want to keep busy, why not think about your last meal?
Ferdinand You've wasted two minutes of my time, Blake.
Which step was I at?
Blake Planning out your last meal.
Ferdinand You think you're so funny, huh? You have no idea just how significant my work is.
Over the next century, any researcher arrogantly trying to step into the field of high energy physics in vain will have to engrave my theories into their mind.
They will praise my name, regard me as a king, as a prophet.
Death? So what if I die?
Just you wait, Kristen. You think you're so amazing?
It's Ferdinand Clooney who has brought the truth back down to the ground, you idiot!
<Background 2>
[Justin walks toward a jailer.]
Justin Jr. I'm glad to see you so hale and healthy, sir.
Prison Supervisor Of course, of course, it's all thanks to you.
A few days ago, I heard some terrible rumors about Trimounts... but, that's all in the past.
Justin Jr. I'm grateful that our Columbia has so many outstanding law enforcement personnel just like you.
I hear you're about to be promoted even. Being a state attorney will bring out the best in you.
Prison Supervisor It's honestly nothing compared to your business.
Rhine Lab has expanded its technological investments and purchased more than a dozen labs in various fields... hahaha, I used to not care about financial news at all.
But now with a friend like you, Justin Jr., I have to do more than just stare at these cast-iron railings in a daze like I did before.
Justin Jr. I'll give you some stock tips.
I'm glad to see you taking fate into your own hands.
But, I did come here on proper business this time.
Prison Supervisor Those two? I've already got the orders from above.
Go ahead, Justin Jr.
Just as before, it's nice to be working with you.
Justin Jr. Likewise.
Prison Supervisor I have one more question. Which one did you want out?
Justin Jr. Just like before, madmen and freaks.
<Background 3>
[Nasti joins with Muelsyse.]
Muelsyse You're here, Nasti.
Nasti An interim meeting notice sent out by the already dissolved Components Control Section... it's only been two weeks, and they've already reorganized Rhine Lab?
Muelsyse It's not just Rhine Lab, Volvort Kochinski and Beachbrella too... The top tech companies in the city have all received notices and sent their representatives here.
Who do you think organized this meeting?
Nasti We'll know in just a moment... don't lean your head towards me, I don't want my shoulders to get wet.
Nasti wrinkles her brows slightly, and the dead branch-like device around her waist suddenly extends. The moment it touches Muelsyse, the other party disappears from sight as if a bubble has just popped.
Nasti Seems like you've recovered quickly enough to have the strength for this little trick of yours, Muelsyse.
Muelsyse Dehydration isn't a serious thing to me, and it's not difficult to treat it either.
Nasti I mean your mental state.
I thought you would be at a complete collapse, hiding in a forest to cry.
Muelsyse A friend talked me through it. Told me, "every life experience that eventually fades away will still hold some meaning."
Nasti You're still as emotional as ever, needing others to soothe you.
Muelsyse No, Nasti. I just calmed down, and figured out something I had overlooked before.
The person appearing here at your side right now, is of course, the Director of the Rhine Lab Ecological Section, the youngest and leading authority on ecology in Rhine Lab.
Nasti And that means?
Muelsyse Kristen passed onto me the biological data from the Galleria Stellaria's vivarium...
None of the seven hundred and fifty-three plants survived, but before that, they managed to survive past the barrier and not die immediately after breaking through the starpod.
It's a height that Terrans never imagined a life could reach.
What a gratifying experiment result.
Nasti, I know what your dream is.
Nasti ......
(Speaks in Sarkaz) The Sarkaz's promised land could also be in the sky.
Muelsyse You must have collected the data encompassing the entire duration of the Galleria's launch into the skies, right?
Nasti Well... I was standing close enough that day.
The fireworks from the energy sputtering everywhere very much resembled the sparks generated from the gears of the future turning.
Muelsyse So you're saying, that's enough to propel yourself back into research on many more platforms that will be bigger and more stable?
Or does it mean, you've already begun?
Nasti That was the rudimentary prototype of a city. No one ever said that nomadic cities... could only crawl on the ground.
Muelsyse And me, I can fill the city up with life.
So now, our goals are aligned. To use your words, we're now "going the same way."
Let's go, the meeting's about to start.
<Background 4>
Defense Section Employee ...Olivia Silence, authentication complete. Please proceed.
Direc...Saria, authentication complete. Please proceed.
[Saria and Silence walks by.]
Silence ......
Saria ......
Silence and Saria walk through the long corridor one after another, neither of them speaking a word, both of them enveloped in quietude.
They stop at the door of the conference room.
Silence Saria, ask anything you have on your mind.
Saria Are you really ready?
Silence I thought you would have already thought this through while you were recovering.
Saria ......
Silence Science exists to transform society, this I don't doubt one bit.
Likewise, I can also confirm the significance of Control's actions. There is no researcher that hasn't been stunned by the tear in the sky.
But the real question we actually face is–what now?
There's a rip in the sky, and the truth has emerged before everyone's eyes, and there is no reason to ignore its existence. But even if we all raise our heads, it doesn't means the problems under our feet will simply disappear.
In science, once the current understanding of something has been toppled, the pace of progress will not be suspended, but accelerated.
Countless constructions have been declared failures, while new fantasies have emerged. But scientists will eagerly tear down every cloud in the sky, and the ordinary people busy living their lives will be soaked by the rain the entire time.
"This is how reality is, and we can only accept it", "It is inevitable to make sacrifices in the pursuit of dreams"... we've heard enough phrases like these.
There is no reality impossible to change, and no sacrifice justifiable.
If most people can only be compelled to choose between dreams or reality, then, I must become the bridge between the two.
Ethical reviews, capital supervision, project evaluation... I will tighten the reins of order, I will use methods all manner of scientist will think pedantic and cumbersome to restrict them all.
I will become a monitor, a buffer zone, a railroad switch... in short, I'm well qualified to be a "villain."
I will see to it science becomes a clear, incisive look at every one of us.
Saria ......
Silence, I don't know how exactly you managed to drum up support enough to change Trimounts's scientific and technological communities, but you should know this...
No matter the power of the government, or Maylander, they chose you not for your worries and zeal.
Silence I know, but if our goals are aligned...
I'm willing to accept it.
Saria ......
Silence grabs the door handle.
She stops suddenly, and turns to look at Saria.
Her gaze burns, and for a moment Saria almost wants to run from it.
Silence Surely you haven't forgotten, Saria, this is exactly what you wanted to do before?
If you're hesitant, if you've given up...
Then I will do it.
[Silence opens the door.]
Dozens of eyes focus on her. To be honest, such a feeling of being noticed by everyone is not so pleasant to experience.
Silence takes a deep breath, and responds to those expressions of surprise, astonishment and ridicule one by one.
After a long moment of time, she steps inside.
<Background 5>
[Silence walks toward a podium.]
Silence Hello, everyone. My name is Olivia Silence, sponsor of the "Trimounts Ethics in Scientific Research Joint Declaration".
I stand here today, because...
<Background 6>
Jara Thank you, Mr. Chairman...
No, no, no, back then, I merely provided Miss Penny with an audition opportunity in Wrankwood. It truly is nothing compared to the help you've provided us this time.
Yes, that girl is most probably just about to drown in the drool of various company representatives. I do hope she will be able to handle that situation, after all, this will be the new normal for her in the future.
Such worries are indeed superfluous. These youth are indeed not lacking in courage, and they always run so fast. All we can do is to accompany them on their journey...
Haha, you're absolutely right, I've become an old lady who loves to worry.
A golf game next month? Sorry, but I don't think I'll be able to join you this time.
Yes, Mr. Chairman, I no longer have a reason to remain with Rhine Lab, and besides, I'm well past retirement age...
...This should be a long and extensive vacation.
[Jara hangs up as the driver runs toward her.]
Driver I'm so sorry, Ms Jara, but I've gone the wrong way. I just asked the nearby residents, and if we change direction now, we might still be able to make it to the nearest nomadic city for a pit stop.
Jara It's fine, just continue driving this way.
Driver Huh?
That would delay your itinerary.
Jara I just flipped through the geographical magazine in this car, and if we continue this way for ten more kilometers, there should be a winery up ahead.
The magazine says the wines there have an exceptional texture. The winery insists on a limited supply to only specific distributors, and for decades has refused to expand the scale of their vineyard... so I'm curious.
Driver The people here have been so antsy lately, over that Rhine Lab incident... so I thought you wanted to get out of Trimounts ASAP...
Jara No one would give a retiree a hard time... besides, just look at the wonderful scenery we have here?
A wind blows from far away, and Jara adjusts her glasses, lifting her gaze to the sky.
The clouds are moving quickly, and a single star faintly appears amidst the twilight. The sky appears as lofty as ever.
After a long time, she gently waves her hand. The driver thinks she was calling him, and quickly opens the door for her.
Jara ...Safe travels.
Let's go.
Background-Rhine Lab Laboratory.png
[As the Galleria Stellaria starts its shutdown sequence, Kristen walks by the lab...]
Robotic Voice Galleria Stellaria service cabin, shutting down.
Background-Galleria Stellaria Corridor 0G.png
[...passes the corridors...]
Robotic Voice Galleria Stellaria observation bridge, shutting down.
[...goes through the vivarium...]
Robotic Voice Galleria Stellaria vivarium, shutting down.
<Background 7>
[...and enters the planetarium.]
Kristen Five days, eight hours and forty-three minutes–according to Terra's time. After breaking through the barrier, the Galleria is persisting beyond my expectations.
Not long after, these cabins condensing the most advanced science and technology on Terra will be reduced to dust.
The Galleria Stellaria was never equipped with the technology and conditions required for interstellar travel. I still remember Friston scoffing at Nasti's plans when she handed them over
And now, I will lie down in the life support hibernation pod that Loken developed. We could never simulate the actual environment back on the ground, so I'm not exactly sure how long I can survive.
[The planetarium's lights turn off.]
Robotic Voice Galleria Stellaria planetarium, shutting down.
The entire Galleria Stellaria has shut down. The life support hibernation pod will activate in five minutes, please be seated at once.
Kristen ......
Farewell Terra.png
Kristen The "Universe"–The first time I learned of this concept from Friston, I had no way of envisioning how encompassing, boundless, magnificent, beautiful, and touching it could be.
It stretches past our horizons, exceeding what we have constructed with our barren imaginations, beyond what words can describe.
A pity I can only record my words as an audio file.
From what I can see through this boundless curtain that has made it difficult to discern any colors, our "Terra" is surrounded by stardust, with no fulcrum or rope supporting it as it rotates on its own and by itself.
The stars blend into one another, and any measurement of distance, size or shape is meaningless. This "universe" is so deep that it makes you speechless, it makes you feel... a deep sense of awe.
As I observe with just the naked eye, the stars look similar to Terra, these were once in our visions, mere decorations dotting the night sky, but they share the same existence as us.
Perhaps life also exists on them, the same flames of love and hate, terrible disasters, grand plans and romance, as well as mundane struggles and persistence, going onstage over and over again.
Their history written by the creation and destruction of their civilizations, with innumerable magnificent miracles, names that shine, and bloated titles added onto the footnotes, before they all return to dust.
Do they know a "universe" exists? And are they our enemies, or neighbors we can get along with?
If it's possible, perhaps everyone should try to understand "us" from this position, to understand the land, sky and sea we rely on to live...
To understand where exactly we are in the history of humanity, and where exactly that entire history belongs in the universe.
Only then, will we be qualified to consider what direction to head in.
[The stasis pod is activating.]
Robotic Voice The life support hibernation pod will close in one minute, please be seated immediately.
Repeat: The life support hibernation pod will close in one minute, please be seated immediately.
Kristen Pre-hibernation record: vital signs are normal; emotions are relatively stable... it is truly gratifying to see that all the plants here are still alive. A pity that Muelsyse has no way to obtain these data.
Throughout Kristen's entire life, there have only been two times where she truly felt alive.
The first time, Saria, when I brought you back to my hometown. On that hillside where I told you about the beginning of everything. The second time is now, as I have just realized mine and my parents' dream.
Whatever happens next is merely the start of a continuation.
On a clear night, find a spot with a wide and open view, and set up a telescope. There will be a single star twinkling for you in the sky.
[Kristen enters the pod...]
Well then, goodnight, Terra.
Good night, universe.
[ it closes, putting Kristen in stasis for the unforeseeable future as the now-depowered Galleria drifts in outer space.]
"If, in a century or a millennium, our descendants walk among the stars, the masses will sing her praises."
<Background black>
"Who are you?"
"A guardian lacking any purpose, watching over kin, brothers and compatriots who will never wake up."
"What are these?"
"Life support devices far beyond what your comprehension. They do not rely on the Originium you are familiar with. But tens of thousands of years is enough to wear them down to nothing, and now they are merely coffins for the deceased just like in the olden days."
"Why do you seem so close to humanity?"
"In our darkest days, it was only human nature that let us avert a much more complete destruction. Though, this means nothing but endless torment for me."
"Is the sky false?"
"Not exactly. A barrier makes Terra incapable of charging towards the stars. Light has been distorted accordingly, preventing people from ever understanding the true implications of their world. Only the stars are beyond any doubt, they exist."
"What does the universe look like?"
"An interesting question. When any creature capable of capturing light turns its head up to the sky, it will be subdued by an endless ocean of stars. Anonymous, magnificent, beautiful. But in my eyes, the void merely means ruin and a chilling desolation."
"Are the stars just like Terra?"
"No. Terra is rather small compared to them. Even stars tens of millions of times larger than Terra like Star No. 4, would completely disappear into the gigantic black hole of the Zobeide nebula, and the satellite arrays outside Talos can even manipulate the geographical properties of a planet like this."
"Why do the Sankta have halos and wings?"
"An icy chain of command gives them an identity. It is dangerous to start a machine lacking any self-awareness in the name of a god, to fulfill a mission it cannot even understand."
"Have you ever seen a burdenbeast?"
"The creatures known to you as burdenbeasts have not changed too drastically in the course of evolution. Their tenacity is as durable as the planet itself. People should treat them with more humility and respect."
"What is it like to travel by sea?"
"I can only tell you what a simulation feels like. Flying across the ocean of a planet is just like wrapping yourself in a blue silk scarf, and yet the bright blue is always fleeting."
"Say your piece."
"After knowing all of this, do you still intend on gambling with your life to tear open the sky? Terra is ill-prepared, and your death will be without meaning or reason."
"Allow me to ask you a final question, to serve as my answer."
"Ask your question."
"Our careers, cities, homes, art, as well as our cruel history...
Suffering, war, Catastrophes, and the arrogance that destroys everything, trends of thought and ideals, greatness granted by others and equality gifted from birth, the civilization born on this tiny patch of wilderness, and everything that we have ever loved without compare..."
"...What do they inevitably mean, and what is it, that life ultimately seeks?"[note 1]


  1. Kristen's answer to this question is "The future." because "The Future" medal is actually awarded after this interlude ends (when the player watches it for the first time) and its description references the story here.