CW-EX-2: Future War

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Future War
Lone Trail: The Lingering of the Past
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CW-EX-2 map.png
Whoever dominates the skies will dominate the wars of the future.
<Gravity Switches> Gravity Switches and Planetary Debris: Moves along a set path, blocking lanes and dealing physical damage to units they touch. Can be moved by your units in adjacent tiles.


Condition: 3 tiles on the battlefield are no longer available for deployment.
Recommended level
Sanity Drill Plan EXP LMD
10 3 100 100
Unit Limit Initial DP Life Points Enemies
8 10 1 28
Terrain properties Friendly units cannot be deployed on C4, C7, and C9.
The Gravity is initially set to DOWN.


First clear
Originite Prime.png


Normal Elite Military Hound ×3, Trimounts City Defender Captain ×13, Arc Commando Captain ×7, Arc Screenguard Captain ×5
  • All enemies have their HP, ATK, and DEF increased by 20%.
  • There are 2 Planetary Debris.