Operator overview: Andreana

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The Iberian Aegir Andreana serves as the bodyguard of Incandescence and has joined Rhodes Island with her. Except for that and that she has been a skilled sharpshooter for a long time, nothing else is known about her background. She uses a high-velocity ink launcher that resembles a Lateran sniper rifle whose design often attracts unnecessary attention from the public and even the Inquisitors.

While Andreana appears to be a member of the Abyssal Hunters who fought against the Seaborn, it seems that other Hunters are unaware of her existence. Implying that she is a "replica" created by the cultic Church of the Deep and is considered a failed result of the program. Descriptively, Andreana is "a drop of ink that couldn't mix with the water."


Andreana is a 5★ Deadeye Sniper who specializes in DPS and Slow. As a Deadeye Sniper, Andreana has high ATK and long range of 3×4 tiles with a 1-tile extension to the front and 3-tile extension to the sides when promoted to Elite 1, and target enemies with the lowest DEF over the others when attacking in return for high attack interval and DP cost – between Marksman and Artilleryman Snipers.


Abyssal Intuition buffs the ASPD of Abyssal Hunters Operators while Andreana is in the squad.


  1. ATK Up γ buffs Andreana's ATK while active.
  2. Interdictive Sniping Tactics greatly buffs Andreana's ATK and causes her attacks to temporarily reduce the victim's movement speed, but she will not target enemies whose HP have fallen below 50% while active.
    • Interdictive Sniping Tactics allow Andreana to concentrate her firepower on high-HP, low-DEF enemies so that other Operators will have an easier time dealing with them later on, not to mention that the speed reduction also keeps them at bay.
    • Due to the drawback however, Andreana cannot finish off her quarry on her own with Interdictive Sniping Tactics, so be sure to have at least one Operator at the ready to deal with them; operators like Absinthe or Provence synergizes well with their focus on executing weakened enemies.

Operator Module

The DEA-X Operator Module, Gunsmithing Toolkit, increases the damage dealt by Andreana against enemies who are further than 1 tile away from her up to 1.15× at 4.5 tiles and beyond in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Abyssal Intuition's ASPD buff is increased.

  • Gunsmithing Toolkit can be useful when Andreana need to focus on dealing DPS on distant targets.

Base skill

Solitude increases Andreana's morale recovery rate by 0.7 per hour while she is resting in a Dormitory. At Elite 2, Solitude becomes Hard to Avoid with a higher morale recovery boost of 0.85/h.


Despite the difficulties in using her effectively due to the quirks related to her attacks and skills, Andreana is a good Deadeye Sniper who focuses on weakening her enemies with great precision for other operators to finish off especially when supported by her fellow Abyssal Hunters.