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Heya, I'm Michen. I've been a slow-playing Arknights fan, pulled in by both the music and by my favourite operator (found below). I finally made an account here after finding a number of small inconsistencies that started to bother me. I log onto the game nearly every day, opting to mostly do things however I want with little regard for the meta. This includes unforgivable sins like not using all of my sanity, training 'bad' operators, letting limited operators sit at level 1, clearing side stories before the main story for the fun of it, using the base to farm trust over materials, and more. Nevertheless, I do love this game to bits. I also love numbers, to the point that I have an entire Excel file with 5 sheets dedicated to this game. I use it to track all my operators, materials, money spent on the game (I'm a baby dolphin), IS progress, recruitment options...

...Yes, I do have autism. What gave that away?


Operator: Pramanix
NPC: Sylvia
Class: Defender
Race: Anaty
Faction: Sami
Episode: Come back later!
Event: Lingering Echoes
Long-term Exploration: IS4
Song: Believed Believes Believing
Furniture: I don't really have one favourite, I mix and match my dorms

Pulling plans

I use the ability to look in the future only to look up the name of future events and the future operators. Not the songs, mechanics or anything else; I follow Global release in those. Currently, my plan looks like this:

Aroma icon.png
Lutonada icon.png
Logos icon.png
Lucilla icon.png