Operation guide: Transport Hub

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Transport Hub guide.png
#0 (Barrenland) Rotating Site (Day 5 and 12)
#1 (Pyrite) Rotating Site (Day 6 and 13)
#2 (Blade) Rotating Site (Day 7 and 12)
#3 (Cinder) Rotating Site (Day 4 and 11)
#4 (Lead Seal) Rotating Site (Day 3 and 11)

Doctors who had played the Code of Brawl event will be familiar with Transport Hub, as it features mostly Siracusan Mafia and Lungmen mobster enemies, two of which are worth noting as the most dangerous:

  • Bullies, who prove to be a menace even by experienced Doctors due to the fact that they are counted as three units for blocking, meaning that they can only be blocked by Operators with at least 3 block count. Bullies also boast a sheer stats, with the Target: Rush Resistance contracts buffing their stats (especially HP) further, so even if the player managed to block them, they won't go down easily. The biggest issue is if the player picks the Objective: Strategic Dispatch contract which prohibits Defenders and Guards, the only Operators who can have a block count of 3 or higher; this means that the player will be unable to block the Bullies in any way!
  • Fanatics, whose ranged attack with their sledgehammer hits quite hard and can seriously damage, if not KOing outright, most ranged Operators, though they are not as hardy as Bullies. Watch out, though; the Target: Element Destruction contracts will boost their HP and ATK to sheer levels, and also extends the reach of their attack; to add insult to injury, it also causes them to inflict more damage against Command Terminals!

Like most CB operations, the Unit Limit is noticeably lower in Transport Hub, since there are three Command Terminals which increases Unit Limit by one each once activated. Note that Marksmen and Fanatics will attack Command Terminals over friendlies, so try to keep them out of reach from one (especially if the player faces buffed Fanatics as mentioned above) since the player will lose one Life Point in the event a Command Terminal is destroyed, and the Environment: Signal Disruption contracts will remove some or even all three of them, forcing the player to make do with the lower Unit Limit and adjust their deployment a bit since enemies will be able to move through the tiles formerly occupied by the Command Terminals.