Operation guide: TR-18

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TR-18 guide.png

The eighteenth tutorial operation in Arknights, TR-18 explains the mechanics of the newly introduced allied units.

At first an Ursus Civilian spawns from F2, followed by an Infected Patrol Captain who promptly attacks the Civilian and an Ursus Mangler from E9. Dobermann then explains that in some operations, allied units will be present, who must be allowed to reach a Protection Objective and protected from certain enemies who will use a ranged attack against allied units or targets allies over friendly units; should an ally is defeated, the player will lose Life Point(s) depending on the allied unit in question!

Once Dobermann finishes, Beagle, Ansel, and Jessica will be deployed on B5 facing left, C4 facing right, and D5 facing down, respectively. Note that Beagle neither attacks nor blocks the Civilian, so does Jessica, but Ansel does not heal them since allied units cannot be healed in any way, even by passive healing effects such as Perfumer's talent. Nevertheless, the Patrol Captain and the Mangler are defeated, and the Civilian manages to reach B9; note that allied units are included in the enemy counter but does not deduct Life Points upon entering a Protection Objective.

Another Ursus Civilian spawns from E9, but they are stopped by the Static Roadblock on C7; sometimes Static Roadblocks are present in operations where allied units appear, which acts as if it was a Roadblock but will block allied units, halting them until the Static Roadblock is destroyed. After Dobermann finishes talking, Blaze will be available for deployment; quickly deploy her on B7 facing up because two Patrol Captains and a Mangler will spawn from F2 and E9, respectively; the Civilian won't last long should the Patrol Captains gang up on them. Blaze will attack the Static Roadblock and eventually destroy it, clearing the path for the Civilian to make a run towards B9, and dispatch the Patrol Captains and Mangler.