Operator overview: Santalla

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Santalla is a 5★ Splash Caster who specializes in AoE and Crowd-Control. As a Splash Caster, Santalla's attacks do area-of-effect Arts damage to enemies in the adjacent tiles to the target with a range of 2×3 tiles with a 1-tile extension in front that is improved to 3×3 tiles at Elite 1, and high ATK, attack interval, and DP cost.


Born of the Biting Cold buffs Santalla's ATK and applies Status Resistance after she has been deployed for a while.


  1. Swift Strike γ buffs Santalla's ATK and ASPD while active.
  2. "Witch's Tears" extends Santalla's range to 3×4 tiles, greatly reduces her attack interval, and has her attack by summoning icicles to fall on a semi-random tile (explained below) within her range, with the icicles dealing splash Arts damage by a lesser portion of Santalla's ATK and inflicts a short-lasting Cold on the targets.
    • Where the icicles fall is determined by the following pattern in an indefinite loop: left column/row > right column/row > middle column/row.

Operator Module

The SPC-Y Module, Ice Brazier, reduces Santalla's DP cost by 8 (to 25 before Potentials are accounted for) in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Born of the Biting Cold's ATK buff is increased and its activation delay is shortened.

Base skills

  1. Born of the Biting Cold increases the morale recovery rate of an Operator resting in the same Dormitory as Santalla whose morale aren't full by 0.55 per hour, which is further increased to 1/h if Santalla does so on Sami Operators.
  2. Snowpriest Candidate speeds up the skill Specialization training by 10% for every Sami Operator assigned to facilities (those acting as Base Assistants are not counted), which stacks up to 3 times, while Santalla is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room.


Santalla is a decent Splash Caster for most situations, especially when one expects a large group of enemies who are in for a world of hurt from the cold ice falling above their heads, especially against large groups where her Witch's Tears' randomness is not much of an issue.