Operator overview: Manticore

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As the only known representative of her eponymous race in Rhodes Island, the enigmatic girl from Sargon codenamed "Manticore" has a very vague background. All the available information suggests that she was a former assassin of a certain Padishah who was abandoned by her master. Nevertheless, the assassin had been wandering around Sargon's vast desert and encountered many people, including Elliot Glover the "Sand Soldier" of Ibut who took her into his village.

Manticore coincidentally hid herself in an R.I. aircraft, and she was accidentally found by Stormeye. As a matter of fact, R.I. took her under their wing to provide her a permanent home. Thanks to her training as an assassin, she is skilled in covert operations which includes infiltration and ambushes, allowing her to eliminate anyone with the sting on her venomous scorpion-like tail. However, she has an extremely cautious and shy attitude, making her hard to communicate with R.I.'s personnel.


Manticore is a 5★ Ambusher Specialist who specializes in DPS and Survival. What defines Manticore as an Ambusher Specialist is her block count of zero, which means she cannot block enemies on her own, innately has Negative Taunt, can dodge both Physical and Arts attacks 50% of the time, and her attacks hit all enemies within her range of the surrounding tiles with a 1-tile extension in front of her, but with high attack interval and above-average DP cost.


Hidden Killer - Medium prevents Manticore from being targeted by enemies (not making her invisible, contrary to the in-game description) after a short delay from when she attacks; the first attack out of this state deals more damage. At Elite 2, Hidden Killer - Medium becomes Hidden Killer - Elite with a shorter delay before Manticore becomes untargetable and higher damage when she attacks out of the untargetable state.


  1. Scorpion Venom passively makes Manticore's attacks reduce the targets' movement speed for a short time.
  2. Toxic Overload buffs Manticore's ATK and makes her attacks briefly Stun the targets, but increases her attack interval and lengthens her attacks' wind-up time while active.

Operator Module

The AMB-X Module, Tail-Protection Training Tool, reduces the MSPD of enemies within Manticore's range by 20% in addition to increasing her ATK and DEF. Once upgraded, Hidden Killer - Elite's damage boost when Manticore attacks out of the untargetable state is increased.

Base skill

Specialist Expert α speeds up the skill Specialization training of Specialists by 30% while Manticore is assigned as the trainer in the Training Room. At Elite 2, Specialist Expert α becomes Specialist Expert β with a higher training speed boost of 50%.


Manticore is a good introduction to Ambusher Specialists who uses subterfuge to wreak havoc on enemy formations with little to no fear of retaliation, allowing her to often decide the outcome of battle when used correctly. Truly a silent but deadly Operator.