Operator dialogue: Manticore

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Appointed as Assistant Umm... I've been here... for two hours now...
Talk 1 Sorry... it doesn't really feel like I'm here... But that's not because of my power...
Talk 2 My power is to... become undetectable to people... in certain environments...
Talk 3 I've never had any friends... I mean, who wants a friend that they can't even see...
Talk after Promotion 1 My tail... will curl up when out of battle... So don't be afraid...
Talk after Promotion 2 Doctor... leave the dangerous work to me... After all... my power was made for that...
Talk after Trust Increase 1 I collected these... ID tags I have around my neck... Holding onto such proof of other people's existence... is something... I enjoy...
Talk after Trust Increase 2 Don't let that girl named "Nightmare" near me... She's... dangerous... My power... doesn't work on her... Why...
Talk after Trust Increase 3 I... I really want to cure my illness. However, I'm afraid... to lose my power... if I am cured... Will I still be of use then...?
Idle I hate the loneliness... of being ignored...
Onboard I'm Manticore... My power is to kill people silently... Don't be afraid, you're not... my target...
Watching Battle Record Thank you... And please, keep me company...
Promotion 1 I've waited for this promotion... I always thought... that my power wasn't good enough...
Promotion 2 I'm... helpful to you... right? I don't have anywhere else to go... My home is here... at Rhodes Island... Please... let me protect it with you...
Added to Squad Okay...
Appointed as Squad Leader Nobody will like me... as their captain...
Depart Don't leave me alone...
Begin Operation Please use tactics that utilize my power... even if it's a cowardly one... I don't mind...
Selecting Operator 1 I-I'm... ready...
Selecting Operator 2 I'm... here...
Deployment 1 Starting... ambush...
Deployment 2 Ready... to ambush...
In Battle 1 It must... really hurt...
In Battle 2 Stay away...!
In Battle 3 I don't... like doing this... either...
In Battle 4 Farewell...
4-star Result Even on such a terrifying battlefield... you kept a clear head and made good decisions. You're awesome, Doctor...!
3-star Result I'll do whatever it takes to win... I suppose...
Sub 3-star Result Let me take care of... the ones that got away...
Operation Failure I'm sorry... It's all my fault...
Assigned to Facility I'll sit... in the corner...
Tap Huhhhh?
Trust Tap Thank you for paying attention to me... I know it's your duty... but it still makes me happy...!
Greeting Hello... Doctor...
Title Arknights.