Operation story: MN-5

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Kazimierz Arena
Kazimierz Bar
Kazimierz Streets
Kawalerielki Arena
Nearl Estate Living Room

Before operation

Maria has grown in popularity, and popularity brings problems. Zofia advises her to quit while she's ahead. They argue, and Zofia slams the door.
<Background 1>
Spokesman Czarny And this is your glass.
Corporate Employee Thank you. Thank you.
Spokesman Czarny The Roar Guards Company offers a wealth of beverages to its members. I truly envy them. They possess the luxury of standing here and observing each knight's magnificent display.
Tell me. You are a good person, correct?
Corporate Employee Er...
Spokesman Czarny Have you broken the law before?
Corporate Employee ...No.
Spokesman Czarny Have you ever committed a wrongdoing?
Corporate Employee No, of course not, never...
Spokesman Czarny So in other words, you are a diligent worker who earns his pay for himself and his family. Doesn't that make you a good person?
Corporate Employee Y-Yes, if you put it that way, I'd definitely be a good person, a good person like so many others in Kazimierz...
Spokesman Czarny Indeed, so many others. Here. Let us toast to the good people.
Corporate Employee Ah. Cheers.
Spokesman Czarny Tell me. If there were some who sought to deprive good people of their work, to deprive good people of their way of life, could those possibly be good people, now?
Corporate Employee What do you...?
Spokesman Czarny Even the countryside farmers, done tending their fields for the day, will look forward to that competition knight broadcast from the city.
For hundreds of thousands... possibly millions of Kazimierz's industrial people, the Major is a part of life. And they are all good people, by and large, my friend.
Corporate Employee So, you mean...
Spokesman Czarny Suppose, one day, the Major was gone... that overnight, the business had vanished.
Who would now support our campaign knights' expenditures, which grow annum by annum? Who would vie for Kazimierz's economic standing, and so stave off foreign incursions?
My friend, tell me. Are those who would see that happen—bad people?
Corporate Employee ......
Spokesman Czarny You are a good person, and they would deprive you of your own living to crown their ancient sense of "honor."
We all rely on others to pave the way. We've given the vast majority—even the Infected—the chance to live...
And so those "bad people" would ignore that, their country and all its citizens, for their own inconsequential, self-centered consolation.
My friend. You are a good person, correct?
<Background 2>
Tourist This place is Nearl's regular bar, right? Whoo-wee, now this is what I call Kazimierzey!
Tourist Hey, Boss! Think Maria Nearl might come here today?
Bald Marcin That's down to your own square luck.
[Vogelweide enters the bar.]
Old Knight Business been good lately?
Bald Marcin Thanks to Maria.
Old Knight When's the last time we got so many in here? Back with Zofia?
Bald Marcin Knight's the magic word. Most people're here just for that. Don't even ask me which of the media monkeys said it...
Old Knight Not happy even for the money?
Bald Marcin Wasn't the idea to give the two of them somewhere nice and quiet to relax?
Old Craftsman Hey, Marcin. Think about carving it into this seat here, "Kowal ONLY." Don't wanna wait for a spot next time I come by.
Bald Marcin Cough up a naming fee and I'll agree.
Old Craftsman Tch.
Tourist Whoa, whoa, Nearl's really here! It's literally her!
Tourist Quick! Don't let the chance slide, go get a picture!
Maria Er, thanks, thanks... picture? You mean me? Sorry, I'm a little...
Zofia Alright, alright, make way, you lot—
Tourist Hold on... you're Zofia! The "Whislash" Zofia!
Tourist Hey, the rumors were true! "Whislash" Zofia is the actual coach of the new Nearl!
Tourist Miss Zofia! I've watched your matches before! They really shook me!
[The bar's visitors cheer upon seeing Maria Nearl in the flesh.]
Zofia (Oh, well, we're done for.)
Maria (A-Auntie! Think of something, quick!)
Tourist Maria, I love you!
Tourist What did you just say?!
Old Knight Hey, take your fights outside.
Old Craftsman You've gotta be at least this old to brawl in here.
Maria —Mister Kowal! Mister Vogelweide!
Bald Marcin All customers, listen up! To celebrate our two old regulars and their outstanding performance, prices today are all 20% off!
Everybody sit down and get your orders ready! All drinks and snacks are limited supplies only! Once we're out, we're out!
Tourist Discounts? Could it get any better?
Tourist Hold on... hold on... the bald guy there, you think he's...
Bald Marcin Just old Marcin, nothing more. Go on. What's your business?
Tourist Marcin...? You're the real "Tremoriron" Marcin... *sobbing*... Today's just too blessed... Give me a "Marcin Special"...
<Background fades out and in>
Maria F... finally... I've never seen this place so lively before...
Zofia Bless your heart, Marcin. I'll help you recoup the costs later.
Bald Marcin Hah hah hah. If you think 20% off'll sink my bar, you'd be selling old Marcin short.
Zofia ...Crafty hand, you.
[While Vogelweide is drinking...]
Old Knight W-What? Can I keep drinking or not?!
Old Craftsman Place's empty, old boy. Who're you even drinking with?
Old Knight I—*geurgh*—
Old Craftsman Don't throw up here—do it outsi—Jesus! Your old damned bones!
Bald Marcin Let's get down to business, then. Closing hours and all.
Zofia Closing hours are where we're booked in, hm?
Bald Marcin Hah hah hah, they're when this little bar's really open for service.
Zofia Maria... you've gotten enough points already.
Bald Marcin You've been winning fight after fight. It's incredible.
Maria Th... there's been an element of luck to it...
Zofia As long as you can maintain the score, dig your heels in on it until the end of the season, that'll be the best plan... But I'm worried about something else.
Maria Auntie?
Zofia ...Maria, the next match is a race. Races don't make for great changes in points, so it should be a safe bet.
And then after that, don't participate in any more matches.
Maria Wha?
B... but, just staying...
Zofia You've done plenty enough. Victory's at hand now.
Surely you've noticed it too... Maria, a lot of people are paying attention to you right now.
We just need to keep the pace. Wait until the points are finalized, and you'll win a knight's title, and we'll have achieved our goal.
Okay? Just listen to your sister. This will all be for the best—
Maria ......
But this... this isn't going to change anything at all... If I don't keep going, the Nearl family's still going to be stuck in this position...
Uncle Młynar wouldn't approve of doing things this way, either...
Zofia Młynar? He's like talking to a brick wall! He wouldn't approve no matter what you decided to do. You know that better than anyone, don't you?
Just don't think about it too much, okay? Maria... this is all for the best. It's this or nothing.
Maria Auntie... what happened?
Bald Marcin ......
Zofia You don't know how deep the Major really goes... You don't know what it is you'll be up against at all...
Maria Auntie!
Zofia ...In the arena, victory will never belong to a knight. Victory will only ever belong to Kazimierz, belong to... to the corporations.
If you truly don't want to work with them, you shouldn't have joined the Major in the first place. If we keep doing things your way... Maria, we need to know where to stop.
Bald Marcin Zofia. What did you find out?
Zofia ...That Słoma employee I know told me about some rumblings. Maria's popularity has thrown her into the Knights Association's executive sights far sooner than anyone else...
If Maria doesn't stop where she should, they'll start making moves! No matter what it is they're planning for us, we don't have to grin and bear any of it!
So, Maria, listen to your sister, okay?
Maria I... I don't get it... If we don't want to be controlled by them, we have to bow to them? Where's the difference?
Zofia Maria! This is no joking matter—!
Maria I know—
Zofia You could die in the arena!
Maria ..."Flametail" said so too. I haven't seen what the significance of the Major really is...
I know I might genuinely have no idea what cruelties she was referring to... but I didn't enter the tournament for fun, either!
I don't care about injuries, I don't care about accidents, I don't even care if I have to sacrifice—
Zofia That's enough!
Maria Ah... I'm really sorry, Auntie, I didn't mean...
Zofia That's not a "sacrifice" at all. And I don't want to watch you suffer for any of this, either...
I see how you're thinking. You really need to learn when enough is enough!
Maria ...I don't think I should stop here.
Even if I don't pass the qualifiers, even if I fall short of my goal, I should be fighting for my own cause... I should be striving to win until I can't win anymore!
Zofia ...Alright, I get it.
Maria Auntie...!
Zofia I'm convinced you should stop. You don't understand the Major. You can't understand... the sheer outrage Margaret's actions caused back then.
If Kazimierz really was a fair country, everything you've said could be true. But that's not how it goes. Any idiot can see how flimsy all our rules are, and how trivial it is to leave them in pieces.
You're still an untitled, unaffiliated, independent knight, Maria. I can apply to the Knights Association for a suspension on your tournament campaign.
So there.
[In anger, Zofia leaves Maria alone in the bar.]
Maria ...Auntie!
Bald Marcin Cool down, Maria. And let Zofia cool down a little too.
She means you well.
Maria ...I know.
Bald Marcin But Zofia's right. A knight doesn't win the Major by will alone.
The corps were only interested in giving "the new Nearl knight" the chance to take root and start growing. When they decide to reap you, they'll come out with their sickles, no second thoughts.
Knights get one right, and it's to apply to the events... beyond the Major, corps have every rank and result in vice grips. Knights don't get a choice any way or how.
If Zofia's heard the truth, and the company insiders are making noise...
Maria ......
Bald Marcin Maybe we should be picking up on the signals. Paying attention, at least.
[Vogelweide returns from the toilet.]
Old Knight Weugh... whassappenin'? Swear I saw Zofia storming out just now...
Old Craftsman What's the long face for, girl? Didn'tcha win? What's to argue after winning?
Bald Marcin You two, stop making it worse...
Maria ...I-I'm going home.
I have a race coming up, and I still need to do my equipment maintenance...
<Background 3>
Maria ......
Platinum ...*Sigh*.
Maria & Platinum Hm...?
Maria ......
Platinum ......
[Platinum passes by Maria.]
Maria (She's beautiful, but she carries the scent of blood... is she a knight?)
Platinum (Maria Nearl. Young... even younger than she looked in the material.)
Maria & Platinum (Shame.)

After operation

The Plastic Knight hears from the Spokesman, the Flametail Knight suffers an accident, Maria and her uncle clash again. Knight life is hard.
<Background 1>
Spokesman Czarny What exactly is a knight competition?
Mr. Szewczyk, what do you think?
Plastic Knight ...Forget the song and dance, Czarny, I'm busy.
Out with it. What are you up to?
Spokesman Czarny I'm very sorry to say... the Roar Knightclub has decided to switch you out of pole position in their starting lineup for the Major. Their new safeguard knight ranks highly just as you do, and his Arts should be useful to the team.
Plastic Knight ......
This... is nothing like what we agreed...
Spokesman Czarny Of course, your down payment will still clear. But the rates for a knightclub's reserve are an invariably different question. You understand this, correct?
Now, now... don't make any hasty moves. Your child is celebrating a tenth birthday soon, I hear. You needn't lose your job now over assaulting someone as insignificant as myself...
Roar Knightclub will still be paying you plenty. You needn't make any efforts for at least the rest of the year.
Plastic Knight I need the lineup corrected, for God's sakes! I...
Spokesman Czarny That'll be up to your own performance, Szewczyk. There's always a way to live on, is there not?
Plastic Knight ......
...You're not wrong.
You could've just sent out any old envoy to tell me this. Why'd you need to meet me personally? Are all spokespeople this bored for something to do?
Spokesman Czarny Ah... don't misunderstand me. I didn't come out here specifically for you. I was only here to make sure of some event arrangements.
It seems we've been a little lax in parts. Our divisions have each encountered very minor bumps in the road, which some offenders are seeing fit to take advantage of.
Plastic Knight ...Are you threatening me? Threatening "Plastic" Knight Szewczyk to take on your dirty work?
Spokesman Czarny Nothing of the sort.
Plastic Knight Then what are you trying to do here?
Spokesman Czarny Right now, I have two particular knights who are currently working to enter the arena... but, unfortunately, they clearly do not have the points to do so.
Plastic Knight Pfah... If you want a knight to make it in, you have your ways...
Spokesman Czarny Don't put it like that. There are times one must respect the rules, and keep some conduct undisclosed—
—Making use of the law versus violating it is a night and day affair, after all. The fundamental difference lies in whether the parties involved possess the capacity to do so.
Just give it one nod of assent, and we'll add an event for the transfer of points, along with all its formalities. Of course, in much the same manner, I can settle of some of your complications with the Roar Knightclub...
How would you feel about that?
<Background 4>
[In the knight racing bout, the audience cheers.]
Greatmouth Mob —OUT! The Strider Knight's sole-mount accelerator devices are non-functional! That sudden brake knocks him off right before the finish—!
ACROSS THE LINE—! The winner, from Gloryfall Knightclub, is the Wisteria Knight! And right behind, Maria Nearl—hounding that medal!
With his accelerators out, the Strider Knight has fallen all the way from second place to seventh—! It's not a good day to be the Strider!
It just goes to show how crucial a knight's equipment is!
And Ellen Select Technologies, who provide intimate maintenance, repair and upgrades to your equipment with their comprehensive member plans, have provided a no-expense-spared package for our knights!
[Maria ends up in the second pace on the bout.]
Maria Phew... runner-up, huh?
(This way... I'm another step closer to the Major...)
(Auntie Zofia...)
<Background 2>
Bald Marcin Oh, there's an unexpected customer.
Please, sit wherever you'd like.
[Szewczyk sits close to Marcin.]
Plastic Knight Marcin... it's really you? That tremendous knight of days gone by runs this little bar now?
Bald Marcin They stripped old Marcin of his knighthood long ago. Now all he does is eat up his savings.
How'd "Plastic" Szewczyk find his way to this little place? Tell you the truth, this bar doesn't see all that many active knights in it.
Plastic Knight If you're tremendous past, Maria's tremendous present. They carried a story about your bar on the entertainment news last night.
Hmph... tremendous all around. I'll have a "Red Edelweiss."
Bald Marcin This one's on me.
Plastic Knight My pleasure.
Bald Marcin Roar Guards' training camp's a long way away. I won't let you waste the trip.
So, you've come to enemy headquarters to spy on us, then? Right that old newspaper-worthy wrong for the Majors?
Plastic Knight ...I'm not going to be in the Majors.
Bald Marcin Huh... Roar Guards' decision? Thought you and your sponsors were on pretty good personal terms?
Plastic Knight Ha. Personal terms. Managing a relationship with a corp is like dating a Catastrophe.
As always, the decision came from the next floor up...
Bald Marcin Knights Association?
Plastic Knight Worse than that... try the General Chamber of Commerce.
Bald Marcin Hum.
Plastic Knight I know what you want to say, Marcin. Up there, you're thinking, "how's a tiny little Plastic Knight get into such a big mess?"
I still know my limits, and nobody goes this overkill on a knight who knows how to follow plans, so their problem is elsewhere.
A rumor's spreading door-to-door. People saying the Radiant Knight was never even Infected, that her exile from Kazimierz was more complicated than that...
Bald Marcin Like hell I know.
Plastic Knight Put your guard down... I'm not probing you here, Marcin.
I just want Czarny to learn there's a price to pay for pissing about with nobles... and I'm assuming he's got one eye on Maria Nearl too, doesn't he?
Bald Marcin ...The knights are joining hands and protesting the Association? This sort of thing won't ever end well.
Plastic Knight I'm just trying not to be ridden roughshod.
Thanks for the drink... Marcin, one last word... when I was young, it was watching your matches that made me finally decide to become a knight.
Bald Marcin Went the wrong way back then, looks like.
Plastic Knight No. I'm ready to go my own way now, aren't I?
See you next time, old Marcin.
Bald Marcin Szewczyk, my own last word... stay safe.
Plastic Knight ...Hmph. No knight ever needed to bow to the peddlers. Roar Knightclub'll see things my way.
<Background 3>
"Flametail" Sona Hey, you've been tailing us for ages now. Time you showed your face, right?
Oh, the overbearing type... No, I do NOT like fans like you...
"Wait—that bow—are you—?!"
—Thought I'd say that and keel over, Armorless Union assassin?
Hmm... so this is how you're molded. Way you dodge about everywhere, no-one's actually seen your looks before. Real gloomy line of work you're in...
Don't get the chance everyday—
[Sona's fellow knightess, revealed to be the Ashlock Knight, appears.]
Ashlock Knight ...Hey.
"Flametail" Sona —to have a real scrap, you and us.
<Background 5>
Maria ......
[Someone enters Maria's room...]
Maria Ah—auntie—
[...who turns out to be Młynar.]
Młynar ......
Maria Oh... uncle...
Młynar I look away from you for a second, and you somehow dig yourself even deeper.
Maria ......
Młynar And when are you planning to stop?
The leadership has been asking me time and time again about you. Every day I work in the Publicity Department is spent sorting out the trouble you cause... Half of my hours at work are lost to waiting for direction from the leadership.
Go to the Knights Association this moment and exit the tournament. You don't have the faintest idea what you're doing.
Maria Is that what you wanted to say...
Młynar You will not kill yourself over this, Maria.
You are a child of the Nearl family. You ought to know restraint.
These annoyances all lie low in the face of the Major, so this is up to you to do, but you've already earned yourself plenty of attention.
Abandon the idea that you can force your way into the Major. Abandon, also, any idea that you've yet faced the strongest competition knights.
Maria But I don't want to just sit and watch while the Nearl family's nobility gets stripped—
Młynar —Vainglory.
Maria *Sigh*...
Młynar I've made it clear before that the Nearls do not need the approval of the Knights Association, obscene as it now is.
Have you somehow come to believe that without their recognition, our ancestors' deeds would cease to exist? Nonsense! For all these years, the Nearl family stood alone to defend our name!
What one cannot do, one must abandon. When one does not know how to give up... that blind alley is their end.
Maria Uncle...
Młynar Margaret has influenced you too much, Maria. She could never recognize her own ignorance, and you are not to blindly follow her example.
Maria ......!
Młynar Don't give me that look. Have I said anything wrong? And surmounting the rulesetters within their own rules? Lunatic ravings.
You know Margaret's temper. What she ultimately despised was the commercialization of the competition knights. I thought she had some backbone...
And what happened? Back against the wall, she still chose the path of competition, to flaunt her "convictions." Yes, indeed. "Convictions."
And could she change anything?
Maria Uncle... don't talk about Margaret like this...
Młynar She could not.
The one thing she changed was how the corporations treated the Nearl family! The one thing she accomplished was forcing my father, bedridden as he was, to clean up her mess!
"The Radiant Knight" is a title she should've never been conferred! She has no power to shoulder any glory of the sort!
Maria Uncle!
Młynar ......
Maria So what about you...?
Aren't you... working for the corporations, even now?
You forbid me from competing while you go play servant boy to the corporations and watch the Nearl family's knighthood slip away? You can stomach that?!
Młynar ...Hm.
You're still young. For that, I won't blame your ignorance... but you should show respect to your elders.
Maria This again...
Młynar The skyscrapers... that the people of Kazimierz built, generation upon generation, cast the shadows that hide you in your hometown, shielded by your elders. What could you see from this safety?
Did you truly believe you had something? As nothing more than a young, fledgling knight?
When the sun dawned over the frontier fortresses, the Ursus skyscrapers drew their line in the clouds on the horizon.
The tower attendants recreated the motions of battle in the arena to please their nobles. The young steam knights donned the armor of old to temper and hone their skills.
Bounty hunters and robbers razed one destitute village after another, while the great cities were absorbed in hopes of building ever more arenas. One could call the harvest of a village versus the tax it pays comical.
But all of that paled to the last sigh my father uttered on his deathbed. Not for Margaret, not for your parents—it was his lament given to all of Kazimierz.
Młynar How could you not disappoint me?
Maria ......
Młynar You're right, Maria, you're right. I am good for nothing, nothing more than a corporate, captive burdenbeast.
So. What about you?
[Młynar's phone suddenly rings, prompting him to pick up the call.]
Młynar ...Director? No, just a quick personal matter to tend to... No, of course work takes priority over personal...
The project meeting? Today? No, I didn't forget... Apologies, my greatest apologies, I'm very sorry, you're right...
I'll be back there momentarily... What? No, he doesn't understand the scope of the project... Yes, I'm sorry...
Then if... If he could present in my stead... Yes, my apologies... The manager's responsibility? I... Yes, this will be the last time. No, there won't be a next time.
You may terminate me if this happens again. Yes, of course, I promise.
I am truly deeply sorry, Director.
[Młynar ends the call.]
Młynar ...I do not have much time to waste, Maria. Give me an answer, now.
Maria You won't change my mind, Uncle.
Młynar ......
Maria ......
Młynar You're just like Margaret... you disgust me.
Your parents would find no pride in you. Take some time to calm down. Start thinking hard about who you really are.
Maria ...Please, just stop talking!
Młynar Ignorant of the world and its untold ways... Pray for blessings. That is all you have left.