Operation story: IC-6

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Male Zeruertzan B icon.png
Cool-Headed Durin
Male Zeruertzan A icon.png
Indolent Durin
Zeruertza Collapsed Tunnel
Cave Entrance
Zeruertza Street
Zeruertza Aquapit

Before operation

The party discovers unexpected danger in the tunnel at the other shore–a vein of active Originium could soon destroy Zeruertza. As they argue, Gavial raises the possibility of refuge on the surface.
Avdotya and Croque.png
Stitch opens his eyes, and sees two familiar figures.
Croque Diamondface Avdotya, I've got your fresh change of clothes here.
Avdotya Thank you.
Also, Croque, drink a little less in future, to be on the safe side.
Croque Diamondface Ahahah, sorry, sorry. All's well that ends well, though, wouldn't you say?
Avdotya No, I still don't see anything "well" about this...
In the meantime, I suppose I'll find somewhere to change.
With that, the two of them notice Stitch has come to.
Avdotya *sigh* Good morning, Stitch.
Stitch Canvas What happened to me?
Avdotya Do you still remember how you fainted?
Stitch Canvas I was steering the boat, and then old Edge came running over, and then... oof, my head...
Avdotya And then the boat went out of control, crashed against the shore, and flung the two of you out.
Stitch Canvas And how about Master Edge?
Avdotya He woke up before you, and he's taken Elysium with him to survey for now.
Stitch Canvas Wait, the gear on the boat!
Avdotya The equipment's all essentially wrecked. As for the survey gear... we had Deculture make that on the fly.
The cutting equipment won't be necessary, though.
Stitch Canvas Why?
Avdotya You didn't notice the terribly loud noise ever since you woke up?
Avdotya flashes a begrudging glance at a place too not far off.
And with her prompting, it finally hits Stitch that the persistent racket isn't just nature. Is that a mixture of a chainsaw's roar and collapsing rock?
<Background 1>
[Gavial tries to break through the cave-in on the tunnel with her battleaxe.]
Stitch Canvas Gavial, what in your right mind are you doing...?
[Gavial turns back and walks to Stitch.]
Gavial Looks obvious to me. I'm sorting out this cliff face.
Avdotya The boat did put a considerable dent in the caved-in area, but clearing a passage was never going to be that simple.
And with our cutting equipment down, I thought we'd be waiting for a while, but it turns out–
Well, seeing is believing.
Gavial HAHA! Forget rail repairs and surveys, any bozo can tell THIS is my strong suit!
Gazing all around, Stitch sees numerous fragments of extremely orderly cut rock, as well as a tunnel wide enough to fit two side by side.
The fine work of Gavial, without a doubt.
Which is to say, deprived of all the cutting equipment, Gavial opened a way through to the tunnel all by her singular self.
Stitch can't help but begin to suspect that the rumors he heard from the Acahuallan tribes, all those legends of the invincible Gavial, were at least partly founded in reality.
[Elysium shows up.]
Gavial Oh, hey, Elysium. How come you're back so soon?
Elysium ......
Gavial What happened? Where's Master Edge?
Elysium Things have gone a little south, Gavial.
Gavial Huh? You mean some giant Originium slug showed up, or what? I heard Provence saw something like that in Siesta.
Elysium If it was just some creature, I guarantee I'd be happy to wisecrack with you right now.
Follow me.
[Gavial and co. follows Elysium.]
<Background 2>
After having drilled through the cave-in, everyone enters the tunnel itself.
The space inside is more of a cave than a tunnel in reality, both vast and profoundly deep.
Nevertheless, Elysium is more than up to the task, and everyone proceeds through smoothly with him leading the way.
So smoothly, in fact, that it piques their curiosities that he could grasp the tunnel's structure in such a short time; there's even suspicion he's been this way before.
However, that idea, more a joke than anything, pales in comparison to the hesitance at the sight that greets them where Elysium comes to a halt.
It is a vein of Originium, exposed on the surface of the strata.
Moreover, anyone with some knowledge of Originium could easily tell that this vein has been active for a very, very long time.
And activity means–
Or put less kindly–
Stitch Canvas How can this be?!
Edge Eartheart We'd detected the presence of Originium veins in this direction back in the city's founding times, but they should've been much further out–
Elysium Is there any chance the earthquake pulled them here? I heard about a few small aftershocks in the wake.
The suddenness of this vein definitely matches, after all.
Edge Eartheart It's not impossible...
Right, that's it! Chances are that earthquake shifted it right over here!
And what's more, it gave it that push, got its activity slowly warming up
And because the dome's Originium sensor facilities have been down all this time, that's why we only just now found this out–
Stitch Canvas I...
Edge Eartheart Stitch, calm now. This isn't your fault.
We made this decision as the collective inhabitants of Zeruertza.
Thing's just...
We haven't gone even a half kilometer from outside, I'd wager. If a full vein of active Originium explodes only that deep in...
Then Zeruertza's out of luck.
<Background 3>
[A radio broadcast announces the discovery of Originium vein threatening Zeruertza to the people.]
Broadcast Attention all residents of Zeruertza, we interrupt this broadcast with an urgent notice.
Following the conclusion of our swimming competition prior, Master Edge has taken the initiative in leading a selection of other contestants through the cave-in to survey the tunnel.
The results of this survey are not optimistic.
Master Edge has discovered an Originium vein in the tunnel, located approximately one kilometer from the city.
We tentatively speculate this Originium vein's existence was known at the time of Zeruertza's founding, in a stratum approximately three kilometers out.
However, tectonic shift originating in the earthquake half a year ago caused this vein to warp and extend closer to our city, and kickstarted its activation in the process.
Currently, Master Edge is leading experts to urgently evaluate this Originium vein's level of activity, and thus determine at what point in the future it will explode.
We will provide further updates once accurate conclusions can be drawn.
As of now, we ask all residents to be prepared to evacuate.
[The Zeruertzans discussed the danger encroaching their city.]
Indolent Durin Huh? An active Originium vein's going to explode? Where's this coming from?
Cool-Headed Durin Judging by the broadcast, we never picked it up after the earthquake wrecked the dome, since the Originium sensor functions never got fixed since.
Indolent Durin Now that you mention, I'm pretty sure I've heard Master Edge make mention of the sort.
Well, nothing to do about it now, such as it is.
Inam Don't you... feel as though it was a poor decision to build "The Great Aquapit?"
Indolent Durin What for? It's an outcome we're willing to take.
Cool-Headed Durin True, that. We've never rejected any of the naysay from Master Edge.
He warned as much when we decided to build this "Great Aquapit" instead of repairing that hole in the dome.
And we only made that decision once we understood and accepted the potential danger.
All it is now is taking responsibility for the outcome of our choice.
Inam ......
Indolent Durin So it is, surface-dweller. You don't need to give us any pity.
Think about it this way: we've spent a good long summer at least, haven't we?
Cool-Headed Durin I completely agree.
Indolent Durin Though, evacuating, eh... Haven't decided what I'm going to leave behind. Have you?
Cool-Headed Durin I'm nothing like you are. If you ask me right now, my house here's my most wanted and most satisfying design yet.
Indolent Durin That's fair. I hope that Originium vein's not going off too easily. I still need to think a little.
Cool-Headed Durin How about we go for a drink for now? Some Old Karl Mead?
Indolent Durin Not my poison. I'll rather be having a No. 7 Whiskey.
Inam I'd taken Durins to all be buffoons barely smarter than the Archosauria above them... It seems that was hardly the case.
<Background 2>
Edge Eartheart *sigh*...
[Avdotya asks Edge,]
Avdotya What's the outlook, Master Edge?
Edge Eartheart We'll need a little more time to be sure, but based on my experience–
It'll go off within a month.
Avdotya A month?
Then we should lay the railway while we have the chance, and arrange to evacuate the residents through the tunnel.
Edge Eartheart Not a chance. Not enough time.
Much more feasible if we dig a temporary shelter deeper in.
Avdotya We're all aware the dome might be able to suppress some of the vein's explosive force, should it go off.
But the real issue is the Originium dust scattering afterwards!
Once it happens, that dust will fill this entire space, and all of us will be affected by it!
We have to repair the railway despite any danger at this point, and then we clear any obstructions and have everyone take refuge in Ortzimuga!
Edge Eartheart But the tunnel's already wall to wall with Originium now! It'll be a nightmare to pass through safely!
Zeruertza's home to hundreds of thousands! Do you not understand how much time it'll take to feed them carefully through that tunnel? It's two by two at most in there, you realize that?!
Gavial Hey... cool the quibbling.
Avdotya Gavial, I'll get to you in a moment. Master Edge, do you honestly have a better plan?
Edge Eartheart I believe we should begin immediately digging away from the Originium vein.
We dig a small-scale shelter, big enough to hold everyone, then we seal off the way to it. It's just a question of digging deep enough...
Avdotya It'll be a harrowing feat to construct a shelter for hundreds of thousands in this short a time, even with all the technology Zeruertza has.
And besides, that's hundreds of thousands of lives to support! What do you propose there?!
Edge Eartheart And you think waltzing through the tunnel solves that?!
Avdotya At least there'll be leeway to begin to do so, provided we pass the most dangerous part of the vein!
But if we stay in a temporary shelter, then consider what happens once the Originium seals off our singular passage to any other city.
We'll have nothing to look forward to but a drawn-out death!
Edge Eartheart Ugh, I can see your point there, but I still believe...
Avdotya Of course I understand the risk in my argument! But it's the least worst option we have now!
Gavial Y'know... Avdotya.
Avdotya If it's not important, can you hold your peace for now, Gavial?
Gavial Don't really want to disturb you guys either, but–
Seeing as the tunnel's blocked...
Our only option left is to fix that Super Convenient Lift-o-Matic #1 Tomimi mentioned, bring all the Durins to the surface and let 'em live with our tribes for a while, right?
I mean, anything wrong with that idea? You guys have been arguing over this forever.
Avdotya We head for the... surface?
Gavial Yeah.
Uh, guys... did you never consider that before?

After operation

Faced with the prospect of hundreds of thousands of Durin who might rely on Acahualla to survive, Gavial feels a pressure and responsibility she never has before, while Avdotya goes to the library to search for a map to the surface.
<Background 2>
Edge Eartheart Head for the surface?
Avdotya The Durins have never been to the surface before!
Gavial Uh, didn't Stitch? And the people who brought all those library books back from overground?
And look, nothing in the rulebook says you can't, right?
I mean, listen to you guys. The tunnel's too dangerous, a new shelter's gonna take too long.
So, you head up top and take refuge in Acahualla for a while. That's the best plan to me.
Avdotya That lift could hardly hold so many...
Gavial What?
Avdotya I really want to refute you, but...
Your group missed it during your time in Zeruertza, but trains are by far the most common means of transport in Durin society.
Though lifts are convenient for vertical movement...
Durin cities aren't nomadic, so they face the risk of destruction from the moment they're built. Lifts that can only move vertically have far less use to them than trains do.
Moreover, Durin explorers have calculated that Durin cities often lie 1000 to 1500m below the surface. Hardly any cities exist outside of that range.
Which is to say, Durins probe the underground in horizontals. It's rare for there to be one city just a hundred, maybe two hundred meters below another.
Gavial Uh... so what does this have to do with the lift?
Avdotya I know explaining this to you is a waste of time, but I have to show responsibility for others here.
Gavial What? All you're trying to tell me is trains are more Durin-handy, yeah?
Avdotya *sigh* I suppose so.
And given that, what purpose would a lift then have for existing?
Elysium I get it. It's for resources, isn't it?
I don't claim to know why the Durins tend to expand their cities horizontally. Some kind of ingrained habit, I guess.
But forget that. It doesn't mean they scout out resources horizontally as well. Right?
Avdotya I thought you were playing the braggart when you claimed you'd been places. I can definitely see your prowess now.
Elysium Wowie.
Gavial, check it. Even Miss Avdotya here sees my worth better than you do.
Gavial Big whoop. Don't care.
Elysium Miss Avdotya, next time you get into an argument with Gavial, I'm on your side.
Avdotya I'll be fine, thank you.
Anyhow, you're correct. The Durins are filled with a passion for probing underground, especially for minerals.
In addition, city planning requires the joint decisions of many, while digging is something each Durin is free to commit to at their leisure.
Consequently, they often end up digging several hundred meters above or below their cities out of sheer unawareness.
In fact, quite a number of Durin historians believe...
The first Durin lift was only designed when an industrial representative discovered a vein in the roof of their very own city, and that it would be most convenient to dig straight to it.
However, following an unchecked surge of Durin interest in the surface, such lifts have often been used as shortcuts to the overground.
Gavial Huh... so you're saying Durins mainly use it to shift ore, and sometimes there's little scamps like Stitch hitching a ride on them to have some surface fun.
Stitch Canvas I've told you, I'm about the same age as you, Gavial!
Gavial Uh-huh, sure. So, I mean, I get all that, but I still don't understand what you're getting AT.
Avdotya *sigh*...
Elysium Miss Avdotya's trying to say that since Durin lifts are mostly designed for industry, they're real sturdy stuff.
Tomimi and me sure noticed that when we came down. The lift could hold a few dozen people, no sweat.
So, Gavial, your suggestion's pretty feasible.
Right, Master Edge?
Edge Eartheart Hear, hear.
I can confirm, the Super Convenient Lift-o-Matic #1 was designed after a vote, which came after some numbskull with nothing to do found a vein up above
But then we found a vein even closer, so the thing went by the wayside.
Gavial Oh, that tracks. I heard that one cave got mined clean. You think it was you Durin guys who dug the entire cave out in the first place?
Edge Eartheart That, I couldn't say. It's possible.
Avdotya In addition, to cope with potential future situations, the Durins would have naturally dug out more space while planning the lift, for ease of future enlargement.
Elysium Which means, if we're going to make the most reasonable use of our remaining time, enlarging the lifts and getting the Durins to the surface is definitely the way to go.
Gavial Oh. You could've just said that then.
Avdotya If you only know what to do, and not why you're doing it, then you'll run into setbacks someday.
Gavial Yeah, I know that.
[Gavial comes closer to Avdotya.]
Gavial But I'm a doctor, Avdotya.
And look, you know it deep down, don't you?
How could I ever not trust you?
Avdotya Why didn't anyone tell me we were getting along so well?
Gavial In my opinion, we're already best buds.
Avdotya ......
Edge Eartheart Long and short of it is, I approve of Gavial's suggestion.
You can hammer out the remaining details. I'll be continuing the survey.
Elysium I'll help you out, Master Edge. My Arts can transmit info. If you turn up any results, I can notify everyone first thing.
Edge Eartheart Aye.
Stitch Canvas ......
[Edge and Elysium leaves to continue surveying, but the latter turned back.]
Elysium Oh, yeah, I forgot.
Miss Avdotya, I understand. You're against returning to the surface, and your own experiences inform that.
But you're one of Zeruertza's driving citizens, too. Your opinion swings things.
And you're an honorable person, on top of that. Now's not the time for it, and you get that, don't you?
Avdotya ...*sigh*.
Elysium Alright, everyone. Rustle us up a happy plan.
[Elysium leaves.]
Stitch Canvas I'll help Master Edge too. No point in tossing around landmark designs now.
Gavial Huh? Not like there's anything you can do in there, right?
Stitch Canvas Can I not be concerned for my own city?
Gavial Oh. Sure. Knock yourself out.
[Stitch leaves.]
Gavial So, Avdotya, you still against it?
Avdotya (Deep breath in and out)
If this is the best method we have to save the people of Zeruertza, then my small contrarianism hardly amounts to anything.
However. Gavial.
You're very strong. Stronger, even, than most Ursus soldiers I've met.
But this isn't a problem you can solve with just strength.
Have you thought about how we're dealing with hundreds of thousands of Durins here?
If hundreds of thousands of people showed up out of nowhere in a region of Sargon, do you know how terrifying that would be?
This isn't something you can solve just by telling us your rainforest is big enough.
How will the region's lord ameer react?
And how will Sargon as a nation react?
They're going to the surface because they believe in you, but if the reality awaiting them is crueler still...
Do you still have the courage to say that no other way will work?
Gavial ......
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 4>
Inam Gavial, you would be the most fitting lord ameer for Acahualla. You are the only one who can rein in each and every Tiacauh.
Everyone is awaiting your return.
And if you simply cannot do it, then it's ultimately likely... that a lord ameer from the Court of Sargon will come to govern Acahualla instead.
And when that happens, Acahualla will no longer be the free land you knew.
<Flashback ends here>
Zeruertza's Greatest Disaster.png
Gavial swallows a sliver of hesitation.
She realizes the choice is now facing her, waiting, and she didn't even notice that it came.
No, she's not unwilling to assume this duty. Far from it.
Not even on her vagrant trails, not even in her days on end at Rhodes Island, did she ever forget Acahualla and her people.
Neither has she forgotten the decision she made, when she resolved to leave Acahualla in the first place.
She was going to study medicine. She was going to save the Oripathy sufferers.
Those two choices she made were the right ones, and they were what she wanted. That's how simple it was. That's why she's never found it this hard to choose.
Avdotya So it seems it's crossed your mind. You're not that much a simpleton.
So, Gavial. If you truly can settle this problem, then I would be willing to even persuade the Durins for you.
What is your answer?
Gavial ......
But. Just as Avdotya says, if this is the only way to save Zeruertza...
If her becoming the lord ameer would solve this problem...
If this is the price she must pay to abide by her own ideals–
Then in that case–
<Background 2>
Gavial I–
Tomimi I–I'll be Acahualla's lord ameer, and I'll bear the responsibility for this!
Gavial Tomimi?!
<Background 1>
Stitch Canvas ......
Zeruertza's... going to be destroyed?
Ha, haha... that's a seriously unfunny joke.
Stitch lifts his head, and lifts his gaze to the dome.
He'd been avoiding repairing it all along. Avoiding redesigning the thing, perhaps.
He'd always assumed he'd still have time.
Only now does he realize, he's out. It's gone. He has time no longer.
Stitch Canvas Teacher, it seems my hope of surpassing you is behind me.
Stitch jumps aboard a small boat, and sails it for the other shore.
He has to find somewhere to calm down.
<Background 2>
Gavial Tomimi, what are you doing here?
Eunectes We were bringing Master Edge's equipment and workers over, and came to see how it was going while were here.
Inam Looks like we were right to do it.
Gavial You two as well... Hold on, so, Tomimi, have you ever actually, seriously, considered what you just said?
Tomimi Of course I have!
[Avdotya joins in.]
Tomimi Acahualla's always been without a lord ameer, Miss Avdotya.
It's just like you said. If all those Durins went to the surface, they'd draw the attention of the Sargon government for sure.
So before that happens, I–I'll be the Sargon lord ameer to govern the Acahualla region, and I'll make all of this smooth and simple!
Avdotya No lord ameer? Even then, becoming a lord ameer isn't...
Inam I hold the status of Sargon's government-posted Acahuallan Messenger... and scout.
If I assist, then provided Acahualla comes to have a lord ameer before drawing government attention, this incident can be wholly suppressed.
That should ease some of your concern, correct?
Avdotya ......
Gavial But, Tomimi, you...
Tomimi It's alright! This way, you don't need to go to any trouble, Gavial!
Gavial I mean, yeah, but...
Eunectes No pressure, Gavial.
Tomimi's volunteering to do it, and if she doesn't, then I can do it too.
Tomimi Mm-hm!
Gavial Zumama...
Eunectes Or are you scared? You think you made a mistake?
Gavial ......
I don't, I just have this weird feeling...
Let me think up a way to describe it.
Yeah. Okay, it's like. I've got this giant boulder in front of me right now.
And I'm thinking, I have to use up so much of my strength just to break it.
But once I give it a shot, something tells me, wow, you can break this thing so easily.
But it's like, why? Even though it's so big.
Eunectes Gavial, how's the axe I made you? Handy?
Gavial Yeah. Honestly, even more handy than I thought. I like it a lot.
Eunectes I stayed for days straight making it for you, and the materials are all the best I could get too.
Gavial What? C'mon, you should've said so sooner. I'm embarrassing myself here.
Eunectes I'm telling you because I want you to understand–I don't need you to thank me for making these things for you.
Tomimi Because Gavial's Gavial!
Gavial What the hell does that mean?
Eunectes Something very simple–
Your fists are bigger than you think, Gavial.
Because you have me.
Tomimi And me!
Eunectes And the Rhodes Islanders, and all the people you've saved, and everyone in Acahualla too.
Because in the end, you're right, Gavial.
Ultimately, all those guys you beat into submission are willing to recognize you, because they realize that in the end, you're right.
Gavial, you believe in the right things. You've never gone wrong.
Tomimi We all believe in you, Gavial.
Eunectes So, our fists are your fists.
And you can keep on believing in your fists.
Tomimi All you've gotta do is charge ahead, Gavial! We'll help you out!
Gavial You guys...
Tomimi Oh, but, but–
Zumama, next time you make equipment for Gavial, I want to help too!
Eunectes I can do it myself.
Tomimi No, it's unfair only having a Zumama charm! I want to draw on my... my dreamcatcher! And the "Gavial's Will" mark! And, and...
Gavial Uh, no can do, Tomimi, that's too much.
Tomimi *wail* I'll only draw three!
If you don't let me draw anything, your tail will turn thick!
Gavial No putting curses on my tail!
[Gavial bonked Tomimi's head.]
Tomimi *whimper* Gavial, please don't bonk my head...
Inam ......
Standing by Avdotya, Inam can sense that this Lupo woman to her side is having a somewhat hard time believing her eyes.
But to herself, it's a trivial, banal thing.
She lets out a small sigh.
She knows that finally, she's come to a decision too.
Inam And on that note, I have a better proposal.
Eunectes Inam?
Inam I'll serve as Acahualla's lord ameer.
Gavial Huh?
Inam I've hung around with you as a government Messenger for all these years. I have the right to stand for lord ameer.
I just didn't want to before, that's all.
Seeing as we'd have to force Tomimi back from Rhodes Island, whereas I've been in Acahualla the whole time, I'd make a tidier fit for lord ameer, wouldn't I?
And I imagine that better assuages your concerns, Avdotya.
Avdotya Yes, it does, but I have to say, you people really boggle my mind...
Inam They're... no, we're just a couple of fools living in the rainforest.
Tomimi Inam, are you really sure about this?
Inam Well, this way, you won't need to leave Gavial, will you?
Gavial ......
Inam Gavial, I have this feeling we'll be fine friends, won't we?
Gavial Hahaha, of course we will!
If you insist, then hell, go right on ahead!
Avdotya ......
Now I see. All else aside, you've definitely persuaded me. I'll make good on my commitment.
However, Gavial, don't get carried away yet.
An entire city's worth of people are headed for the surface. There's no precedent for something like this in all of Durin history.
It's something the entire city has to decide on, and if the people ultimately dissent, then we're out of luck.
Gavial Which is exactly why we need you to talk 'em over.
Avdotya Not a worry. I made you my promise. I'll do all I can.
Gavial Haha. Thanks.
Avdotya (Under breath) Honestly, I should be thanking you on behalf of all of Zeruertza.
Gavial Huh? What did you say?
Avdotya I said, I need to return and make some preparations.
Gavial Alright, I'll–
Avdotya Are you able to draft my speech for me?
Gavial Yeah, no.
Avdotya Then I suggest you do something that plays to your strengths. If I do need your help at any point, I'll let you know.
Gavial Gotcha.
Alright, Inam, we've gotta get you and Zumama back to the surface stat. Evac the elderly and children to someplace around Acahualla.
Eunectes Taskforce with the working adults to enlarge the lifts, right?
Gavial You got it.
Inam No problem.
Tomimi What about me, Gavial?
Gavial You stay by my side, Tomimi.
Avdotya's good on assistance, so let's go see if we can help Master Edge out with anything.
Tomimi Mm-hm!
Gavial Alright, 'scuse us.
[Gavial and Tomimi leaves.]
Inam Come to think of it... Zumama.
I know this isn't too realistic, but... I'm supposing we can't return the way you and Gavial originally came?
Eunectes Yep, that's not quite happening.
Inam Then we'll need someone to show the way. The cave network's considerably complex above the network. I haven't forgotten as much for a single second.
Stitch could work, since he brought us down. Elysium too; he might even find the way better than Stitch did.
Avdotya No need. Seeing as we still have time, you come with me.
Eunectes Huh?
Avdotya I'll be honest; luck played an enormous part in Stitch emerging from such a complex network alive.
And Elysium's helping Master Edge out, so let's let him be here.
Inam You mean to say you know the way?
Avdotya The likelihood is, nobody in modern-day Zeruertza does.
But you know the Durin adventurers, filled with the spirit of exploration? Each time they finish a foray, they're always happy to record everything they've seen and heard in books, so they can share with their companions.
And in the library, I once read such an adventurer's log, which finely detailed how he went through the cave network above the lift, and made it to the surface.
And while I don't know where said adventurer is now, he was considerate enough to leave behind a map.