Operator story: Friston-3

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Trevor Friston was one of the survivors of the "First Civilization" following a certain "disaster from above" that nearly annihilated the entire race and caused further problems to Terra, from the Starpod to "The Door" unleashing the Collapsals. He volunteered to have his organic mind transferred into a synthetic form as part of the Preserver Project, turning Trevor into the first and only known Preserver – advanced organic A.I. built to elude the Observers in mind, and tasked to keep watch over a group of other First Civilization survivors lying on stasis in a complex underneath the present-day Trimounts, Columbia later dubbed the Hall of Stasis – including his wife and child, until they could be reawakened when the time is ripe in the distant future. At some point before being sealed in the Hall, Trevor also creates an A.I. christened Mark Max which would found Columbia and lead it from behind the scenes, and saw Trevor as his "father".

For the next 13,000 years, Trevor sent signals to outer space in hopes other First Civilization beyond Terra would answer, but he receives no response at all. Furthermore, the slumbering Civilization survivors' condition start to deteriorate, causing him to question the Preserver Project's viability and believed that it was doomed. Fortunately, a ray of hope shines on Trevor; Kristen Wright, the founder of Rhine Lab, encountered him after the Hall's discovery at some point before the Horizon Arc Project is initiated. Intrigued by Kristen's ambition and determination, Trevor shared every knowledge he had regarding Terra and the observable universe, including the Starpod which Kristen puts to good use by formulating a brazen endeavor to break through the barrier that keeps the Terrans from reaching out into the space.

Later amidst the execution of Horizon Arc Project, Trevor encountered two people from his era: the Doctor, another First Civilization survivor he was acquainted with in the distant past, and Kal'tsit the AMa – currently on her 10th incarnation. After testing their resolve to face the uncertain future through holographic projections, Trevor was convinced that they could bring a better future for Terra and its denizens despite the potential hardships ahead before revealing a critical information regarding Originium to the Doctor (notably that Priestess was the one responsible for its conception from an experiment gone wrong) and asking Kal'tsit to purge his memory, wanting to be "reborn". As Kristen succeeded in her endeavor, the purging was complete and Trevor lost all of his memories up to that point, making things more-or-less went the way he wanted.

Fate had its own plans for Trevor, however; not long after, Ho'olheyak encountered him. Although his purged memory does not allow Trevor to satisfy the K'uk'ulkan's thirst for knowledge, she nonetheless decided to transfer his consciousness into her staff for "safekeeping" but had to hand it over to Kal'tsit under the Tin Man's orders (and partly because Max pressured Rhodes Island to bring Trevor back somehow). Kal'tsit then had Closure place Trevor's consciousness into an Operational Platform similar to that used by Castle-3, Lancet-2, and THRM-EX; under the cover of a "Smart Operation Platform" program touted to create Platforms that are more intelligent than the previous ones, Trevor is given a second chance as Friston-3, a four-wheeled robot based on the S-C Model chassis which quickly earns a spot with machine enthusiasts in R.I. and as a defensive combatant when needed.


Lone Trail