Operation story: DV-4

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Female Columbian icon.png
Bar Patron
Mercenary icon.png
Columbian Mercenary
Male Columbian icon.png
Columbian Pioneer icon.png
Pioneer Team Member
RL Guard icon.png
Rhine Defense Section Employee
Male RL Staff icon.png
Rhine Lab Tech
Rhine Lab HQ
Test Site Perimeter
Rhine Lab Corridor
Hotel Room
Columbia Streets Night
Columbia Alley
Test Site Laboratory

Before operation

Ho'olheyak shows up at the bar to stop the former scientist from revealing too much. The Doctor and the Rhodes Islanders give chase, but find themselves once again waylaid by power armor. Back at the test site, Silence and Elena dig into the experiment data and find its goals increasingly suspicious.
<Background 1>
Saria ......
We don't know you.
Honey and Poison.png
Ho'olheyak Really?
How sad.
One Siestan Iced Tea, please.
For this gentleman.
Drunkard Burp...
Saria What's the matter?
Ho'olheyak He's shivering. Must be the air conditioning in the bar.
Have another drink, it'll warm you up.
Drunkard Er, no...
Ho'olheyak Oh, I forgot. Your tastes have changed.
Your favorite drink was Siestan Iced Tea, back when you could still hold a scalpel. Strong enough to make you forget Loken Williams's abuse.
Now, he has a hundred and twenty-two years left on his prison term, while you... you're free.
Drunkard Free... you're talking to me about free?
I've been uploading my biometric data on a monthly basis, just like you told me...
Ho'olheyak Shh.
Let's not talk about work here.
We come to the bar to relax, don't we?
Or would you rather drink with these two? One whose face shows no expression, the other whose face can't be seen at all... than with your old friend?
Drunkard Old friend? Hah, that's rich.
The reason I've become this, it's all because...
Ho'olheyak Here's to freedom.
<Background 1>
Drunkard ......
They left me no choice, Saria.
Saria –!
Drunkard You're on your own.
The man picks up the glass and gulps down its contents.
He stares into space with a particular expression. It is hard to say whether it's one of anger, or one of despair.
A moment later, he falls from his chair.
His legs spasm as though shocked by electricity, while his left hand grasps at his right arm.
His fingers dig deep into his own flesh, as though trying to rip out the electronics that have caused him so much grief, along with his past sins.
Bar Patron Oh my god. What happened to him?
Call an ambulance!
[Saria checks on her acquaintance.]
Doctor Is he sick? / Something in the drink?
Saria Epilepsy.
Blood test shows abnormal chemical composition.
That injection I gave him will help. He'll live.
That drink...
Ho'olheyak There's half a glass left... I'm not the type to waste.
[Ho'olheyak drinks the rest of the liquor.]
Saria You drank the rest?
Ho'olheyak As you just saw.
Saria ......
Ho'olheyak Still don't get it? Check out your friend's teeth.
Second molar on the left.
[Saria checks the acquaintance's teeth.]
Saria ......
A false tooth.
Ho'olheyak He did one final operation on himself before he left Loken Watertank.
Saria You knew it all along.
Ho'olheyak I should have removed the variable myself. One tooth wouldn't have affected his work.
But I didn't.
I believe we in Columbia should have the freedom to embrace death.
Saria Doctor–
Take the patient, and give us some space.
Doctor On it. / What are you...?
Saria We have a problem and we need to deal with it.
<Background 2>
[A Rhine Lab technician rushes to Ferdinand.]
Rhine Lab Tech Sir, the new test results are out!
Ferdinand Let's hope it justifies this commotion.
[Ferdinand reads the results.]
Ferdinand ......
Sixty-seven percent?
Rhine Lab Tech W-We tried our best.
Ferdinand What about the retests?
Rhine Lab Tech H-Here they are.
Ferdinand Get me all the numbers.
Rhine Lab Tech Yes... sir.
[Ferdinand reads the additional information about the tests.]
Ferdinand ......
Rhine Lab Tech Sir...
Ferdinand I'll be damned, the old goat wasn't playing.
It's all up to Ho'olheyak now... she'd better take care of Saria.
<Background 1>
Ho'olheyak I'm honored that the former head of Rhine's Defense Section thinks I'm a problem.
Saria Who are you?
Ho'olheyak We've never met, Director Saria.
But I've heard of you.
One of the co-founders of Rhine Lab, graduate of the Trimounts Institute of Technology, who left academia after earning her PhD in biomedical engineering to become the head of the Defense Section.
Everyone associates Rhine Lab with Kristen Wright, but few have heard of you.
Have you never resented that, after all these years?
Saria That's unnecessary.
I made my choice, I took up my duty.
Ho'olheyak I know.
You think yourself a firefighter, but what you really love is the feeling of charging into a fire, am I right?
You like fighting.
That doesn't mean you're a warrior. You have no thirst for challenge and destruction.
That's why you never fit in with the scientific community.
Five years ago, you received a grafted plant from Muelsyse, who taught the vines to dance.
You accepted the gift. Thereafter, you were in your office by seven every morning, trimming the sprouts that had grown overeager.
Saria You've been spying on Rhine Lab?
Ho'olheyak Maybe I just heard some office gossip.
Saria Then maybe you missed the part where Muelsyse turned the offices of three directors into Sargon rainforests.
Or how much trouble it caused Defense.
Ho'olheyak Well then...
How much trouble did the Diαbolic business cause you?
Saria ......
For all the garbage you've talked, there's one thing you got right.
Ho'olheyak Hm?
Saria I don't shy away from a fight.
[Saria attack Ho'olheyak, who managed to put up a good fight against the Vouivre.]
Ho'olheyak Beautiful Arts.
Did you use that trick against Control?
Saria You're too curious for a mercenary.
[Saria and Ho'olheyak resumes their fight.]
Bar Patron Hey, they're fighting!
Are they drunk? Where's a bouncer when you need one?
Mechanist ......
Bar Patron Are you the bouncer? Get them out of here!
Mechanist Sorry, I'm just a mechanist.
Hitting the road would be the smart choice here.
[A rumble can be felt in the bar from the fight between Saria and Ho'olheyak.]
Bar Patron Shit! The ceiling's coming down! Go! Go!
[The patron runs away as Mechanist checks on the Doctor.]
Mechanist Are you okay, Doctor?
Doctor I'm fine. / I'm more worried about the informant.
Go help Saria, Mechanist.
[The fight between Saria and Ho'olheyak continues.]
Ho'olheyak So eager to stop the fight...
Won't you stay a while longer?
There aren't many in Columbia who could take a hit from you and stay standing.
Saria With skills like yours, there aren't many who could afford your fee.
This doesn't have much to do with Volvort Kochinski. And your style isn't military.
You're eager to kill the trail of the silver reagent.
Your employer could be Ferdinand, or it could be...
Ho'olheyak ...Control?
Even now, you still won't turn your suspicions towards her?
[Saria and Ho'olheyak clashes.]
Saria Too many questions to let you go.
Mechanist Saria!
Saria takes note of her position and that of her colleague. The enemy's path of retreat is cut off.
There is no need to drag this out. She unleashes her Arts without hesitation.
An enamel wall appears out of thin air, and Saria takes aim at Ho'olheyak's vitals.
[Saria launches an attack at Ho'olheyak.]
Ho'olheyak Looks like the time for talk is over.
Saria You're not dodging?
Ho'olheyak Don't need to. I'm not in the habit of taking long shots.
Saria's fingers should have found her opponent's abdomen.
But she does not feel the warm touch of soft flesh.
There is no sign of pain on Ho'olheyak's face.
She leans forward, her lips nearly touching Saria's ear.
Ho'olheyak Believe it or not, Saria, I just wanted to chat.
I'm curious about you... about Rhine Lab.
Saria You hurt my friend the moment you showed up. Doesn't exactly put me in a chatting mode.
Ho'olheyak Hehe... I have a job to do, after all.
One last parting word for you.
Don't be too eager to make an enemy of me.
Don't be too eager to make an enemy of anyone.
[Ho'olheyak flees by jumping across a hole in a nearby wall.]
Saria ......
Mechanist She got away? Why... is there a hole in the wall?
Saria That was me.
Mechanist Did her Arts misdirect you?
Saria It was some technique, but not Originium Arts.
She changed the air composition around her, interfering with my Arts, and causing my attack to miss its target.
I've never seen anything like it before.
<Dialogue branch starts here>
Doctor Muelsyse...
Mechanist Muelsyse's disappearance may be her work too.
<Dialogue branch>
Doctor Could she keep a caster from getting at water molecules?
Mechanist Maybe.
I've thought about it. Heating air in a specific direction is pretty mundane. It wouldn't have been enough to disable Muelsyse.
<Dialogue branch ends here>
Saria Doctor, I propose we go after her.
Whether it's the intel she has access to, or the strange techniques she uses...
This Liberi is extremely dangerous.
<Background 3>
Rhine Defense Section Employee Officer? Where are you going?
Mary I didn't know I had to report my every move to you.
Rhine Defense Section Employee Records show you took the key to a vehicle...
Mary Just borrowing an asset.
By all means, report it to your miserable director.
Rhine Defense Section Employee Officer...
Mary What is it? I don't have all day.
Rhine Defense Section Employee Mary Banner. You grew up in the town of Steelham, north of Trimounts. Sonny Romano was your neighbor and middle school classmate.
Mary You've been investigating me?
Rhine Defense Section Employee Romano was registered as Infected four years ago. He ended his internship at a law firm and returned to Steelham. His insurance payments stopped six months later.
His name resurfaced on the crew manifest for this Pioneer Team, three years and seventeen days later.
Where was he during that time?
Mary How would I know?
Rhine Defense Section Employee Preventing problems before they occur is part of our job.
Mary If you thought you could scare me by raffling off some old records, think again.
It took me five years to get to where I am now. Did you think I don't know how to deal with some corporate worms?
Rhine Defense Section Employee Ahem. I have never doubted your ability.
Mary Then don't make me feed you to the tuskbeasts.
Rhine Defense Section Employee Maybe you don't believe it, but I just wanted to give you some friendly advice.
You remind me of my former supervisor at times. I had a lot of respect for her, but she allowed her personal sentiments to destroy her future.
I don't want to see you repeat her mistakes.
Mary Ha... sentiments?
Maybe this could save some people...
But it can't save one out to get herself killed.
Rhine Defense Section Employee ......
[Mary leaves in the borrowed patrol bike.]
Rhine Defense Section Employee This is an emergency communication.
Paging Director Clooney.
<Background 4>
Elena Log 17. Location, zone 9 corridor.
No change observed in target's position from the previous log.
Base particle structure is stable.
[Elena tries to establish outside connection, but...]
Still no signal. Can't get anything out.
(We can't tolerate any more delays. The plan needs adjustment...)
(I have to get these reports to the boss once we have comms back.)
[Silence walks in.]
Silence ...Elena?
Elena *cough* *cough*
Silence What are you doing here?
Elena I... I just wanted to move a little, catch my breath.
Silence I understand that you harbor certain feelings towards the Pioneers... but it's better to stick together.
The last attack was ten minutes ago, not far from here.
Getting separated would be dangerous, if those things appear again.
Elena Alright, I'll go back.
Silence One second.
Before you do... don't you have anything to say to me?
Elena I don't know what you're talking about.
Silence The Pioneers are not in the most stable condition. Angering them will put Joyce in danger.
I understand why you didn't want to tell the truth in front of them.
But it's just the two of us here.
Elena You wanted to ask about the experiments?
You're not a project member. You'll need to request permission from the company...
Silence Stop dodging the question.
Elena ......
Silence I know you're hiding a lot from me.
I'm not angry. We're friends, and we're colleagues. Rhine Lab has strict rules on confidentiality, and all of us are used to hiding our opinions, rules or no rules.
Elena Olivia, I'm not...
Silence You're not doing it on purpose.
I know. How could I not?
There aren't many Infected in the company. When you first came and greeted me at lunch... an Energy Section colleague pulled you aside and whispered to you that I was Infected.
You visited with me anyway.
Elena I don't care about those stones on your body. Who doesn't have a flaw or two? Not the ones gossiping behind your back, at the very least.
Even afterwards... I never cared about the stones in my own body!
Silence That's the Elena Urbica I know.
Elena I...
Silence You knew something was not right with the experiments here.
You knew what those silver things were.
They're endangering our lives, and those of many innocents outside.
The Elena I know would not let something like this happen.
Silence What made you keep quiet?
Did Ferdinand...
Elena Olivia... this is my job.
Just like Helen and so many other researchers who work for Rhine Lab... this is where my dreams can come true.
You said you were once thankful to Director Parvis and Rhine Lab. I...
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 5>
Recite the star chart.
I don't want to see your physics test scores. Full marks or zero, they don't matter.
You're an Urbica. Studying such uselss things insults the name.
You disappoint me, Astgenne.
<Background 2>
This is all you have to show for a month's work?
You have talent. But neither does anyone else in Columbian science.
You have determination, but it has yet to be tested.
You're diligent, but there's no direction to guide your hard work.
The world is waiting for you to change it. Every chance you waste is potentially a massive loss for yourself, and the era you're living in.
I chose you from thousands of candidates. You had better not prove me wrong.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 4>
Elena Ferdinand is the goal I strive for.
Silence What did he promise you? Your own project if you help Director Franks complete this experiment? Or...
Elena Olivia... you're like my sister, treating me like a little kid sitting around waiting for candy.
I know you have a lot of misconceptions about Director Clooney. Your investigations over the years have caused him a lot of trouble.
But none of that matters, it's not my place to defend him.
But he could have refused Rhodes Island's intervention. And yours.
He wants to change Rhine Lab, change Columbia... and I believe all he needs is a chance.
Silence You trust Ferdinand that much?
Did you know that Rhine...
[The sound of a fall is heard.]
Silence Who's there?
Elena Did those things catch up to us?
[A pioneer walks in, pointing his weapon at Elena and Silence.]
Silence It's the Pioneer Team!
Pioneer Team Member Stay back!
The captain was right... we're just lab beasts to you...
Silence You've got it all wrong...
Pioneer Team Member Still trying to trick us?
I won't fall for that again! Everything you did for us, it's all fake!
Silence Calm down, er... Myers, was it?
Myers, if you won't listen to us, maybe you'll listen to Sonny.
Pioneer Team Member I don't... I don't want to die here...
There's no end to this damned corridor... it bears down on you and chokes you out. It's like the walls in the Infected containment zones.
Let us go... please... I'm begging you...
I... I'll kill her if you don't!
Ptilopsis ......
Silence Joyce!
Elena How could this be...?
No, let Joyce go... don't hurt her!
<Background 6>
[Mechanist traces Ho'olheyak's path following her escape.]
Mechanist The tracks show she passed through here.
Saria Can you tell which way she went?
Mechanist The alley up ahead.
Saria Let's go.
Doctor Wait. / We have unanswered questions.
Saria Did you learn anything new, Doctor?
Doctor Did we win that fight?
Saria I'm not concerned about the outcome of a single battle.
Mechanist ...I get what the Doctor is saying.
That Liberi isn't strong enough to beat us.
But she's not so weak that she couldn't hold out for a few minutes.
Doctor She could have gotten away before Mechanist arrived.
Seems like she was waiting for Mechanist and I to arrive. / Seems like she intended to leave a message behind.
Saria She's luring us into the alley.
Mechanist Should we still go?
Doctor Yes.
<Background 7>
Columbian Mercenary We're ready.
Ho'olheyak On it.
Columbian Mercenary They'll be coming, right?
Ho'olheyak I know Saria. She'll come, even if she knows it's exactly what I want.
Columbian Mercenary I'm still a little uneasy... that power armor...
Are you sure we don't need permission from Ferdinand?
Ho'olheyak We could always go back to plan A, if you want.
Columbian Mercenary You mean... never mind, forget that I said anything.
Ho'olheyak This is a test.
Our employer wants to see our results.
Columbian Mercenary I hear footsteps.
Ho'olheyak Alert the recon team. Begin the operation.
Columbian Mercenary What about us?
Ho'olheyak We're out.

After operation

Back in the city, Saria is about to destroy the power armor, only for the Doctor to stop her at the last minute, saving Muelsyse within. At the test site, the group finally makes it into Dorothy's lab, at which point the Pioneers level their crossbows at her.
<Background black>
The cramped space is filled with black, which blocks out light, air and sound.
The mouth cannot scream.
The scorching heat of Originium blocks the windpipe, preventing even a whisper from escaping.
There is no fighting.
Cold hard steel clamps down on the limbs, preventing any attempt at movement, never mind resistance.
If only tears would flow from the eyes. Mother always said tears were powerful weapons.
But the eyes are not cooperating.
They have seen too many mountains fall and too many rivers dry up over the centuries. They have seen too many loved ones die.
They have become dry, like the land after a nomadic city has passed through.
<Background 7>
Mechanist All six power armors disabled.
Saria Is that the last one?
Mechanist Looks like it. We were delayed thirteen minutes.
Scans show a seventh!
[A self-aware powersuit revealed itself...]
Strange power armor
[...and charges toward the Doctor.]
Mechanist It's headed your way, Doctor!
[The powersuit is closing in...]
Strange power armor
[...but Saria holds it back.]
Saria I'll take care of it.
You did not see how Saria moved. All you know is that she was standing in front of you before you knew it.
You know she never carries a Rhine-made shield on the streets of Columbia.
She turns herself into a shield.
The enamel barrier growing from her crossed forearms blocks the power armor's attack.
Saria Pest.
You hear Saria mutter under her breath.
That is how she views such rogue Columbian technology.
Her expression tells you what her next move is.
Saria wastes no time dealing with pests.
Her hand closes upon the chest of the power armor, where a dark hole would soon appear.
The power armor would be destroyed, or more aptly, die.
A thought comes to your mind.
Doctor Saria, no!
She may or may not have heard more than the first syllable, but she does, in fact, stop.
It is the result of trust that you have accumulated over the course of many battles.
Her fist only scrapes the core, but the shockwave is enough to shatter the power armor's outer shell.
You see something amongst the flying metal shards that looks different.
It looks like... strands of hair.
Mechanist Doctor! Look ou–
Saria It's...
Ghost in the Shell.png
The power armor tips over.
As it further disintegrates, you see more hair, then a speck of skin, then an eye.
The eye is looking at you.
You see many emotions flash across it: anger, fear, bewilderment...
As the shell falls away completely, you realize it is begging for help.
You extend your hand.
<Background 7>
Doctor Hello, Muelsyse.
<Background 4>
Sonny What's happening, Myers?
Pioneer Team Member I... I don't know, sir...
Sonny Let Doc Moore go.
Pioneer Team Member Doc...
Ptilopsis ......
Pioneer Team Member I can't.
Sonny Disobeying a direct order?
Pioneer Team Member Why are you on their side, sir?
Didn't you say we needed to harden our hearts and do what we had to do? Didn't you say we were just their test subjects?
This was all your idea. I... I liked Doc Moore.
Sonny I never thought you'd be the one to turn against me first.
Sam, maybe, or somebody else... but you, Myers, you always listened to me.
Pioneer Team Member To a fault, you said.
I listened to my boss at the plant and ended up with Oripathy. Then I started listening to you when I got here.
You're all smart, got an education. Figured I couldn't go wrong listening to you.
But now... we're all gonna die.
The whitecoats are gonna kill us, Sonny! They think they got it all under control!
Elena ......
Pioneer Team Member Search her if you don't believe me. I'm damned sure she's got a voice recorder on her. She's here to log us, and the silver monsters.
Sonny Dr. Urbica, if you know a way out of this, it's time to get talking.
Silence Elena...
Elena Olivia, I may not have told you the details of the experiment...
But I'll never lie to you.
I never lied to you either, Sonny, Myers.
I... I don't know how to deal with them.
I studied them and recorded their behavior because I wanted to solve the problem we're facing... like I said, it's part of my job.
Silence Hm...
I think Elena's telling the truth, Myers.
Would you give Joyce back to us?
Pioneer Team Member Ha... haha....
The Pioneer stares at Ptilopsis. Suddenly, he raises his hand.
Silence lets out a mute cry. Her drone rams the Pioneer, sensing its master's will.
But all he did was take something from Ptilopsis's hand.
It was the treatment band that he put on her only a few hours ago.
Ptilopsis ......
Pioneer Team Member What... what have I done...?
Doc Moore...
You regret it, huh? The kindness you showed me?
Someone like me doesn't deserve kindness.
The doctor returns to the side of her friends, still quiet, beautiful, pristine.
But there is no way out. This lab is a tomb, built specially for them.
There is no hope. The band is like a handcuff the company has shackled them with.
They will never find freedom, unless...
The Pioneer stuffs the medical wristband into his mouth.
Sonny Myers!
Pioneer Team Member S-Sir...
Sonny What are you doing! Spit it out, now!
Silence The band...
Elena It contains multiple doses of painkillers.
His heart can't possibly take it. It'll kill him!
Pioneer Team Member I've seen guys swallow these...
Sonny They're all dead!
Pioneer Team Member The dead are the lucky ones...
Sonny Spit it out, damn you!
I'll hold his jaw. Sock him in the stomach, Sam!
[Sonny hold the pioneer with the other to get the treatment band out of him.]
Pioneer Team Member *cough* *cough*
Sonny One more time! I see the treatment band!
Elena Olivia, let's help–
Silence ...Joyce.
Ptilopsis ......
–Program start.
Elena She's awake?!
Ptilopsis It's so dark...
Why is it so dark outside...?
Elena Dark? But all the lights are on.
Joyce... are your eyes okay?
Ptilopsis ...Light.
Light... need light... warmth...
Elena Can you hear us?
Silence She can't.
Elena What's going on?
Silence I don't know, but none of that sounds like Joyce.
Elena Her condition...
Silence I know her. She's never sounded like this, before or after the operation.
Elena You're right.
Silence You're surprised. You don't know what's happening to her.
That means the situation has long gone out of your control.
Elena... it's time to talk about these experiments.
Elena Did Dorothy...?
I don't want to see anyone get hurt because of our work. Especially not Joyce.
Maybe you're right. We should have worked together to solve the problem.
Gentle Female Voice It's ok, Elena. No need to hesitate anymore.
I invited all of you here. You have the right to know the truth, both Dr. Silence, and my Pioneer friends.
Sonny You were... spying on us?
Gentle Female Voice I was concerned.
Someone needs to close the doors while you stop to talk.
Sonny You stopped the silver monsters?
Gentle Female Voice Don't call them that, Sonny.
They can hear you.
Sonny ......
Gentle Female Voice Elena, my dear assistant, there's one more thing that I require of you.
Bring them to me.
What you don't feel comfortable explaining, I can.
And you know my lab is the safest.
<Background 8>
Greyy No hostiles left outside.
They all followed Mr. Sonny and Dr. Silence.
Communications are still out.
Looks like jamming across all standard frequencies. Mechanist might have been able to do something about it...
[Someone walks in...]
Greyy Who's there?
Mr. Sonny?
??? Freeze.
Greyy That voice...
Miss Mary?
[...who is revealed to be Mary.]
Mary Looks like you've got a decent memory.
Greyy Why... why are you here?
Mary Where is he?
Greyy He... you mean Mr. Sonny?
Mary Tell him to show himself and stop hiding behind a child like a coward!
Greyy Er, I'm a grown man...
Mary Just barely.
Out with it, boy. Where are they?
Greyy The Pioneers are in a building nearby...
Mary Do you know your ears twitch when you're embarrassed?
Greyy Er... huh?
Mary Just kidding.
But you're a little too trusting, aren't you?
This will go a lot easier if you tell me everything you know.
Otherwise, since you're the one who fixed the power supply, I can arrest you for obstruction of justice.
If I can't catch the real perp, I guess you'll have to do.
Greyy No, please... don't...
I-I don't want to cause trouble for the Doctor.
Mary Then what are you waiting for? Start talking.
Greyy I'm not sure if you'll believe me...
We were attacked by a bunch of silver shapeshifters, the likes of which we've never seen before.
<Background 4>
Sonny So, she's inside.
Elena Yes. This is Dorothy's lab, and the heart of the complex.
Sonny You sure?
Silence What's the matter, Sonny?
Sonny Nothing.
It's wicked stressful, getting so close to the truth.
Remember what I said, Sam. Be ready.
Pioneer Team Member Yes, sir.
Sonny Can you open the door, Dr. Urbica?
Elena Of course.
Silence (Elena.)
Elena (Huh?)
Silence (Something feels off with the Pioneers.)
Elena (But we've come this far.)
(You convinced me that we're all here to solve the same problem, Olivia.)
Silence (I'm not so sure anymore...)
Sonny Clock's ticking, Doctor.
Gentle Female Voice Same here.
Come in, please.
Elena's hand never touched the scanner.
But the doors of the lab open to the true master of the house.
<Background 9>
Dorothy Hello, everyone.
I'm the Director of Rhine Lab's Originium Art Section, and the overseer of Test Site 359.
Welcome, all, to my laboratory.
Sonny So we're here at last...
Sam. Get her!