Operation story: CR-5

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Male Siestan icon.png
Male Siestan icon.png
Community Resident
Nobleman A icon.png
Old Male Siestan icon.png
Bodyguard icon.png
Casino Dealer
Bodyguard icon.png
Female Columbian icon.png
Dossoles Guard icon.png
Mayor's Bodyguard
Nobleman B icon.png
Eager Investor
Nobleman A icon.png
Adulating Collector
Male Bolívarian soldier C icon.png
Commanding Officer
Male Bolívarian soldier B icon.png
Fully-Armed Soldier
Female Bolívarian Soldier icon.png
Armed Soldier
Blank icon.svg
Voice on TV
Blank icon.svg
Voice Behind the Door
Blank icon.svg
Voice Behind the Window
Dossoles Street
Slum Towers
Mansion Room
Underground Club
Galería Krysztauowa
Galería Krysztauowa Interior
Dossoles Cruise Ship Deck 1
Penthouse Roof Evening
Old Warehouse
Leithanian Back Alley
Slum Towers

Before operation

News of the rehearsal has made it all across Dossoles. Miłosz has found Ela and is hoping she can persuade the community to postpone the arts festival, but both the community and Reynell have their reasons to run the festival on that exact day.
<Background 1>
Voice on TV Last night, a pair of giant wooden puppets appeared in the street art community. Their magnificence shocked everyone who had the opportunity to see them.
These fine puppets were created by one of the local artists, and during yesterday's rehearsal, they waltzed and fluttered under the moonlight.
We can see from the video how they danced so elegantly under the artists' control. Almost as if they were alive!
The neighborhood is known for violence, gangs, and homeless, contributing to a high crime rate. It's an area that most usually steer clear of. But despite the risks, the performance last night attracted lots of visitors.
Now, let's go to our reporter on the scene and see what the attendees have to say.
[A tourist approaches a hawker watching TV.]
Tourist Yo, Boss, un helado, por favor.[note 1]
Hawker ...
Tourist Boss?
<Background 2>
Voice on TV Señor[note 2], what were you doing when the two puppets showed up?
Voice on TV I was jogging at the time. Suddenly, I saw a huge face between two buildings. I was so shocked, I fell to the ground.
But then I mustered up my courage, walked over there and watched the whole performance...
And when it was all over, my legs couldn't stop shaking. I wasn't scared this time, though. I was stunned.
Voice on TV Okay. Thank you again for your time, señor.
Haha, from the way he's walking, it looks like he was telling the truth. Now let us turn the camera over to some of the artists who live here.
Maybe we can ask them why they made this pair of giant puppets? What stories will they have for us?
Casino Dealer Señores, señoras[note 3], please place your bets.
Tourist Shh...
Casino Dealer Excuse me?
<Background 3>
Reporter Oh, look at the little girl who just walked by. She's one of the main players here. Señorita[note 4], a moment, please?
Tecno Hmm...?
Reporter I hear you're the mastermind behind this performance. For you to take on such a major role at your age...
Tecno Yeah yeah, get to the point. I'm busy.
Reporter Sure. What's with the two puppets?
Did you go through all that trouble to draw attention to this community?
Tecno Heh, a few years ago, two buildings in our neighborhood burned down in a fire. None of you turned your attention to us.
Reporter A fire...?
Tecno (Quietly) Nobody remembers... I knew it.
The puppet show is to commemorate that fire. It's to commemorate our friends who left us that day. That's why we arranged to open our festival on the same day as the fire.
Reporter But Galería Krysztauowa is also scheduled to have its widely anticipated opening ceremony that day. Is there any pressure from that at all?
Tecno Maybe a little before the rehearsal, but basically not at all now.
<Background 4>
Voice on TV The performance on our opening day will be even more sensational. I don't think an art museum can hold a candle to our performance.
No matter how they spruce up their gimmicks, their opening ceremony is only there to tell us one thing—
That Reynell can do business.
[The TV suddenly cuts off.]
Reynell Why did you turn off the TV, Miłosz? I was watching that.
Miłosz You should get some sleep.
Reynell I don't want to. I'm not tired at all.
Miłosz Sleep.
Reynell Miłosz... Why are you frowning like that? Why aren't you happy for me?
Miłosz Go to sleep, Reynell.
Reynell It's been more than a decade. The birthday present that should've been mine is finally back in my hands. I'm delighted.
Miłosz Really? Look at what a mess you are now. Say what you want, I'm not convinced.
Reynell That music box was supposed to be mine... Before my birthday... she said she'd give me one.
But that old bastard wasn't happy about it. How could she have made a piece with absolutely no economic value?
She's a genius, a star. Her works are meant to be sold at exhibitions for high prices. It wasn't meant to sit on a boy's bedside table, never to be known by the masses.
Miłosz But it's made it back to you. After so many years, it returned to its rightful owner.
Reynell I love it. Even though it's been modified beyond recognition, I love it.
What about her, Miłosz? Will she like my gift?
Miłosz Everything you've given her, she couldn't bear to let go.
Reynell ...
Miłosz Why aren't you saying anything?
Reynell ...I do want to sleep now, Miłosz.
<Background 5>
Diaz I saw you on TV. You shouldn't have showed off like that for the media.
Tecno Papá, you're the one who suggested we make the giant puppets. If you were going to worry about showing off, you should've thought of that sooner.
Diaz *sigh*, Tecno. I just got a letter from the government.
The letter says that if the arts festival is a success, a group of Leithanian cultural exchange representatives will come to our puppet show.
Tecno You mean... we might get government support?
Diaz It's more likely we'll end up at their beck and call.
Warlords, merchants, politicians. There are plenty of men with their eyes on this plot of land. We're getting too much attention in too short a period of time. It's too much pressure.
Maybe this just goes to show how useless I am.
Tecno Don't say that, Papá. Before you got here, nobody cared if this place burned for a whole day and night. There wasn't even anyone here to report on it.
It's because you've been here for us that we got to live peaceful lives the past couple years. All of us know the work you've been putting in for our sakes.
Everything you've done, you did so we could walk under the sun again, no?
We're another step closer to our goal now. What are you worried about?
Diaz ...
Let me think about it some more... Tecno...
I can't let the rest of you walk under the sun without any protection.
<Background 6>
[A reporter approaches Miłosz.]
Reporter Señor Miłosz, have you and Señor Reynell seen the street art community's puppet show?
You chose to hold Galería Krysztauowa's opening ceremony on the same day as their arts festival. Certainly their successful rehearsal has taken away much of the attention that deservedly would have been yours.
Do you feel any pressure?
Miłosz Please make way, ma'am.
Reporter Señor Miłosz, please answer our questions!
Miłosz Sorry, but we are not planning on taking anything from the press today.
Reporter Señor Miłosz, is your silence an indication of the pressure you're under?
Security That's close enough, señora.
[Miłosz leaves.]
Reporter Señor Miłosz!
<Background 7>
Miłosz Is Miss Ela here yet?
Security Yes. She's waiting in the exhibition hall.
Miłosz I need to talk to her. Make sure nobody disturbs us.
Security Yes, sir.
<Background fades out and in>
Miłosz Miss Ela, sorry to keep you waiting. You'll have to forgive me. The outside is packed with reporters.
Ela Mr. Miłosz, why did you call me back from the art community all of a sudden?
Miłosz You're getting along well with them, aren't you?
Ela Yes, I am.
The people there are vivacious.
And even though some of them are sick, their urge to create is as strong as ever.
People who call themselves artists are a dime a dozen, but I have to admit that the people there truly love art.
Miłosz What about Reynell? What do you think of him?
Ela He... He's an interesting man.
Miłosz Is that all?
Ela I'm afraid I can't see any of that in him.
Miłosz You once told me that Mr. Szczepan's paintings made you uncomfortable. That's because you have never met him. The discomfort that his personal presence brings to others is a hundred times greater than that of his paintings.
If it wasn't for him. You would've seen those qualities in Reynell.
Nothing is beneath Szczepan as Kazimierz's most famous artwork dealer, be it verbal attacks, threats of violence, or economic suppression.
He will do whatever it takes to make the artists working with him follow his every command. Not even his wife, Reynell's mother, could escape this fate.
Ela That's a pain no creator could bear. It must have been an agonizing marriage.
Miłosz You're right. She even destroyed her own work as a form of protest, but only a week later, the damaged portrait was sold at auction for an astronomical price on account of its so-called profound philosophical meaning.
Ela She should've left.
Miłosz She couldn't. She couldn't leave her child to the arrogant bastard, especially a child that very much resembled herself.
Ela (Deep breath)
Is there a reason you're trying to get me to sympathize with him now, of all times, Mr. Miłosz?
Miłosz You're a sharp one, to the point that it's frustrating.
Galería Krysztauowa's opening ceremony is set to be held on the anniversary of Reynell's mother's passing. The day has a special significance to him.
Perhaps you and your team can help him out a little. Just a short while will do. If you could work it so the two events are even just one day apart.
Ela ...
I'm sorry, Mr. Miłosz, but I can't.
If you've seen the news, then you know what that day means to the community.
Miłosz Miss Ela... You should do what you can. This isn't a request. It's a reminder.
It doesn't matter how emotional or stirring their puppet show is. It will be overshadowed on the day the Galería opens.
<Background 4>
[Miłosz enters Reynell's office.]
Miłosz You're awake.
Reynell Were you outside?
Miłosz Yes, I met with Miss Ela.
Reynell What did she say?
Miłosz She refused.
Reynell I'm not surprised.
Miłosz Why did you ask me to call her back here?
Reynell The puppet show would be in good hands if she were to run it... And then, perhaps there would come a day when it forms an iconic performance that represents this place, as they hope it will.
Miłosz But it won't be on that day.
Reynell I almost sympathize with them. They're spending so much time, effort, and energy on this...
To tell the truth, if it wasn't for the scheduling conflict, I would even go see the performance myself. Compared to the junk that the art buyers are gobbling up downstairs...
I'm a lot more interested in their creation.
Miłosz It's been some years since you last said you liked a particular piece.
Reynell Right. Let them be. It's just a shame...
No matter how overwhelming a piece of art is in the beginning, it can't compare to a magnificent death.
Miłosz The last explosives are in place. I will make the final adjustments tomorrow to ensure that everything goes as planned on the day of the ceremony.
Reynell Thank you for everything you've done, Miłosz. For me.
Miłosz ...
No thanks necessary. Did you know, Reynell? When you talked about destruction just now, your eyes were sparkling...
Just like when you used to talk to me about creation.
Reynell It's just similar, that's all.
Miłosz But it's more than enough to me.
[The phone starts ringing.]
Reynell Who is it...? Why now?
Miłosz It's fine. I'll go get it.
<Background fades out and in>
Reynell How's a single phone call taking so long?
Miłosz (Mouths) He won't shut up!
Reynell (Mouths) Who is it?
Miłosz (Mouths) That captain!
Reynell (Mouths) What does he want?
Miłosz (Mouths) What else could it be? The community!
Reynell Whatever. Give me the phone.
Hello, Mr. Mateo? Yes, I'm very busy right now. If you need anything, we'll talk later.
The man briskly hangs up the phone and rips the line out.

After operation

After finding himself manipulated by Reynell multiple times and under pressure from the Coalition government, El Capitán finds himself at the end of his rope. He makes up his mind and unleashes a most cruel plan.
<Background 8>
[A bodyguard approaches Mayor Candela.]
Candela Booker, is something the matter?
Mayor's Bodyguard Ms. Candela, the Captain is growing restless.
Candela Reynell's toyed with him for so long, and he's restless only now?
Mayor's Bodyguard Our man just sent word. He's planning to use violence to deal with the street art community.
Candela Violence in my domain? Where did he find the guts?
Mayor's Bodyguard Someone in the Coalition government supports him. He has the power to deploy all of the Coalition's military resources within the city.
Candela Well, these bastards are certainly learning to extend their reach...
Mayor's Bodyguard Should we do something to stop this plan of his?
Candela Let's not, for the time being. That art community's always been a whimsical bunch, making trouble for the city government. They'd be doing me a favor if they managed to take care of our problems there.
But you need to keep a close eye on them. Mateo's a short-sighted and greedy man. With this much power in his hands, I doubt his intentions will stay all that pure.
Mayor's Bodyguard That aside, Ms. Candela, will you be attending the Galería Krysztauowa's opening ceremony in a few days?
Candela *sigh*... Another boy who loves looking for trouble... I'll pass. Have someone send a congratulatory gift.
Mayor's Bodyguard Please excuse me, then.
Candela Wait a moment. I have something else I need Ernesto to take care of for me. Remember to pass this on to him.
<Background 9>
[A large crowd is partying at Reynell's penthouse.]
Eager Investor Reynell, do you remember me? We met a few years ago.
Reynell Yes, you're... Hold on, don't remind me. It's on the tip of my tongue.
Mr. Norris, right? We bid on the same Minoan statue three years ago.
Eager Investor Your excellent memory has left a profound impression on me. You kept talking about the statue that night. You recalled even the prior collectors who had owned the piece.
Reynell Right. That's one of my qualities... Remembering just about everything.
Eager Investor It's been a while, but you've changed a lot. You're much more like your father, now that you've matured.
Reynell It's too bad he left us all too soon, before he could see all that I'm accomplishing now.
Eager Investor Don't be sad. Even if he isn't here to witness it, he's no doubt proud that his son's achievements are exceeding his own.
Reynell Heh... I sure hope so.
Adulating Collector Mr. Kowalski, I've been looking for you.
Reynell Hey, Chetty, how have you been? An Iberian fresco just made it into the exhibition hall downstairs. You've been going all across the world this past year collecting these masterpieces, haven't you?
Adulating Collector That was last year. This year, I'm planning on buying as many Yanese ink wash paintings as I can.
Reynell I didn't expect your investment outlook to change so quickly.
Eager Investor You're getting the wrong idea, Reynell. It's not our outlook that's changing quickly. It's Mr. Chetty whose mind is changing all the time.
Reynell Sounds like fun.
Eager Investor (Quietly) He just remarried this year. From what I hear, the lady is very into ink wash paintings.
Adulating Collector On that note, let me get straight to the point, Mr. Kowalski.
I want to get rid of those frescoes, and fast. Do you know a way to clear them out? Mary isn't keen to keep Catherine's collection.
Reynell I should be able to facilitate that. I'll do what I can.
Adulating Collector Please, don't be so humble. You're Szczepan Kowalski's son. Years ago, your father took less than two weeks to round up all my...
[Ela is patrolling around when she accidentally bumps into Reynell, spilling his drink on him.]
Ela Oh, sorry, Mr. Reynell. I didn't know you were standing there.
Adulating Collector What's your problem, woman? Don't you see the three of us?
Reynell Gentlemen, this is my bodyguard. I will reprimand her in a moment.
Ela Do you maybe need a change of clothes?
Reynell Of course I do. I can't stand around drenched in wine. Please excuse me, gentlemen.
<Background 4>
Reynell Thanks for that. If one more person had approached me there, I would've suffocated to death.
Ela No need to thank me. Just doing my job.
Reynell I thought you wouldn't be here today. The art community's puppet show is tomorrow. There must be lots to take care of there?
Ela Our contract is still in effect.
Reynell What a touching spirit of obligation... So, what about after it comes to an end? Where will you go?
Ela What's that on your back...?
Reynell Oh, my scars? Nothing to worry about. Just the price I paid for certain betrayals.
Ela Once the contract is over... we'll leave Dossoles and search for our lost teammates.
Reynell In that case, I guess it's not likely we'll meet again.
With a stubborn employer like me, if it wasn't for the contract, you would've left long ago, right?
Ela I'm something of a troublesome employee too. I'm pretty surprised that you've managed to put up with me all this time.
Reynell ...
Ela Thank you for your help. I hope everything works out for you in the future, Mr. Reynell.
Reynell You didn't bring me a gift, did you?
Ela Yeah, an album. I bought it from an artist at the community.
Reynell The name here seems to ring a bell... Oh, I remember now. He wrote a 27-minute song last year just to curse at me.
Ela I didn't know that... I just thought that you should take a listen to his songs.
Reynell No matter. No need to fret. I already got my revenge.
Ela What did you do?
Reynell I bought out the rights to a fair number of his songs from his previous company. Then, I gave them to the band he reviles most to cover.
Ela I'll leave the album here. If you want to listen to it, knock yourself out. If not, then so be it.
<Background 10>
Mateo Yes... He did indeed rip out the phone line when I called a few days ago.
Please give me a little more time. I will do whatever it takes to get my hands on that plot of land... Our development project will move ahead as scheduled.
Sir, I'm sure you know how loyal I am. It's not that I don't care, but this is a little tricky.
The businessman who has development rights there isn't being very cooperative. We can go soft or go hard on him, but it won't matter.
I've tried going straight to the community myself, but the people there are tough to crack. We've tried, and failed.
No, it's not an excuse. It really is where things stand right now. Besides... It seems there is another faction within the Coalition government that's backing Reynell. I don't want to be rash here.
Yes, I'm incompetent for not having found anything on them. This is why, if I may be so bold, I'd like to ask if you have... any clues at all? Say... Who would want to steal this slice of pie from your hands?
No, I'm not questioning your position within the Coalition at all. It's just a possibility.
You want me to proceed without a care to this... I-Is this really okay? If I offend anyone with these actions...
Very well, if you say so. I won't betray your expectations.
[Mateo puts the phone down.]
Commanding Officer Capitán[note 5], not even that gentleman knows who they are?
Mateo He doesn't, but he also doesn't care. He gave me the highest command in Dossoles, hinting that I must take care of this quickly.
Commanding Officer What about Candela?
Mateo He says he will take care of her.
Commanding Officer If we have his full support, then this will surely be solved without issue, but you... you don't seem very happy?
Mateo Think about it. What kind of subordinate needs his superior's full support to finish something?
Commanding Officer A trusted one?
Mateo Hmph... It's a useless one, of course.
I was hoping to put on a great performance bringing this development plan to fruition, but now he'll probably just think of me as an idiot who needs him to clean my messes.
Commanding Officer Once we get that plot of land and all this over with, he might just not care anymore.
Mateo I wouldn't be so sure of that. He's got this kid working for him who's been rising through the ranks. Supposedly, he's sending him here.
If I don't want to be replaced, I have to do more than get my hands on that land. I need some extra accomplishments.
Commanding Officer Do you have any ideas?
Mateo Of course, and I've had this in mind for some time now. Reynell's been jerking me around like I'm a fool. If I don't return the favor, that would just make me a wimp.
Now if I could swallow up his art museum, too...
There are two days until his opening ceremony. With this little time...
Looks like I'll have to take the cruelest, riskiest route for this.
<Background 11>
[Tequila is looking through some transport logs.]
Tequila Weird... This is too weird...
[Someone knocks at the door.]
Catapult Ernesto, I saw the garage lights on. You haven't gone to bed?
Tequila Arleta? Come in.
[Catapult enters.]
Catapult Still working on the community stuff? Everyone's been so busy the last couple days.
Tequila *sigh*... If only. I'd be so much more passionate... I'm working on repaying a favor.
Catapult The favor from finding the medicine last time? Anything I can help with?
Tequila What are you talking about? No, it's a personal thing.
Catapult Brother, don't try to do everything on your own. If you need me for anything, let me know before it's too late.
Tequila Relax. It's nothing big at all. You should go get some rest.
Catapult Whatever... You've always been like this, keeping just about everything to yourself and never showing even a hint of what you're thinking. Nobody can help you at all.
Tequila You're overthinking it, Arleta.
Catapult How's this overthinking it? You keep acting like that, of course this is what I'm gonna think. I'm going. You get some rest soon.
[Catapult leaves.]
Tequila (Deep breath)
Letting you help out isn't the same as letting you get involved in this mess. Don't blame me for this one.
[Tequila keeps flipping through the logs.]
Tequila Weird. How did such a large shipment of explosives disappear without a trace as soon as it entered the city?
There's another shipment on the 28th... and another one on the 3rd of next month...
There were also a few shipments of brewing ingredients around the same time. Is that how they made it in? No, the routes don't match up. There were four inspection checkpoints. There's no way they could've gotten through without being discovered.
[Tequila suddenly thinks of an idea and flips the pages.]
Tequila Unless... the shipments were never going to be inspected in the first place.
So precious that no one dared to check them?
Luxuries... Fine wine?
That's... not precious enough. Probably something that could easily fetch hundreds of millions of dollars?
No... I have to go check out this Galería Krysztauowa.
Background-Lungmen Back Alley.png
Voice Behind the Door Ugh...
Voice Behind the Door Oh, what's going on? You've been holed up here, crying the whole time?
Voice Behind the Door Luck hasn't been on my side today... I came across all these weird transpositions. What's the bass clef? I'm a trumpeter! What the hell was the composer thinking?
It only occurred to me when the rehearsal began that my score has a long multirest with only a couple notes in between here and there.
Voice Behind the Door Was there a grace note above the rest?
Voice Behind the Door No... It's just a bunch of whole rests over a hundred measures in a row. I counted all the way up, and I realized I must've miscounted because I entered too soon.
It was a very loud note. Everyone stopped and looked at me... Does whoever wrote the music know what a trumpet is?
Voice Behind the Door *sigh*... Get some rest. Tomorrow will be better...
Voice Behind the Door You sure...?
Background-Leithanian Back Alley.png
Voice Behind the Window Our arts festival is tomorrow... Gah... I'm so nervous.
Voice Behind the Window If you can't sleep, mind helping me work on my draft?
Voice Behind the Window I thought you finished your draft a long time ago.
Voice Behind the Window Yeah, I did, but the app froze on me when I was wrapping up yesterday. I went out for dinner while waiting for it to unfreeze, and by the time I got back...
Voice Behind the Window Ahhh—! Stop it. That's enough. Say no more!
Voice Behind the Window Wait, stop—! Stop moving around so much when you're clutching your head! My tablet's over there!
[The tablet falls onto the floor and shatters into pieces.]
Voice Behind the Window It's gone... It's all gone... How come I'm so unlucky today...?
<Background 12>
[Bolívarian soldiers march into the back alleys.]
Fully-Armed Soldier Report. The crossbowmen have the high ground. No one has spotted us.
Standing by for orders.
<Background 13>
[A resident is wandering around the slums.]
Community Resident Haah... What a busy day this has been... What time is it? Good, still got time. I'll head to the city for a drink.
Who would leave such a big rock out in the middle of the road? So inconsiderate.
Urgh... What's with everything today? Nothing's going right. I gotta find a fortune teller tomorrow and do something about my rotten luck.
[A soldier stops the man.]
Armed Soldier Sorry about this, señor, but you'll have to go back. No one is allowed outside.
Community Resident Who are you? What gives you the right to stop me?
Armed Soldier Turn around, señor.
Community Resident Hey, who are you people? Who sent you?
Armed Soldier That's close enough, señor.
Soon, more soldiers in uniforms, all with stern expressions and armaments, emerge from all the streets and alleys around them and surround the neighborhood.
A few black trucks drive between them, churning a flurry of dust.
The men start unloading the trucks' contents masterfully. The sky may already be getting dark, but the objects they unload are shiningly bright.
They start to unfurl rolls of barbed wire in front of everyone, enveloping the whole community.
Community Resident What are you doing...?
Armed Soldier Señor, this is just a routine fire inspection. No need to be alarmed.
We will... greatly appreciate your cooperation.


  1. "An ice cream, please" in Spanish
  2. "Mister" in Spanish
  3. "Gentlemen, ladies" in Spanish
  4. "Miss" in Spanish
  5. "Captain" in Spanish