Operation story: CR-4

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Victorian Boy icon.png
Small Child
Male Kuranta A icon.png
Operating Crew
Perro Punk B icon.png
Operating Crew Director
Perro Punk A icon.png
Community Guard
Perro Punk A icon.png
Alert Community Guard
Female Iberian A icon.png
Male Londinier A icon.png
Astonished Resident
Male Victorian A icon.png
Confused Resident
Male Victorian A icon.png
Community Resident
Blank icon.svg
Trembling Voice
Underground Club
Siesta Beach
House Room
Slum Towers
Mansion Room
Leithanian Back Alley
Clear Skies

Before operation

The arts festival runs into a few obstacles, and Team Rainbow helps them out. Meanwhile, Reynell invites someone over to repair an expensive music box that belonged to his mother.
<Flashback starts here>
<Background 1>
Diaz No. There's absolutely no way I'm letting Reynell's lackeys join our festival as long as I'm here.
The festival is just around the corner, and I have to make sure nothing goes wrong.
Tecno But they've already returned the medicine, and Reynell is fine with it too...
Diaz We don't know what they could be hiding up their sleeves. Can you promise me that their intentions are only good?
Tecno ...
Diaz Why so quiet, Tecno?
Tecno Papá, I know they're Reynell's people, the papers are full of pictures of them and Reynell together. There's no arguing that.
But that day... when my Oripathy flared up, I fell to the ground and couldn't move. I was all alone... I thought I was done for.
Just as I was about to accept my fate, they showed up and saved me, and brought me back to the neighborhood.
I felt the same kind of despair in that fire many years ago, Papá. Until you came and saved me from the flames.
Diaz How's that the same thing? I'm a firefighter, Tecno. Saving you is my job, and I wanted nothing more than that. But them? Are you sure they have no ulterior motives?
Tecno I'll get someone to keep an eye on them if you're worried. Can't we just let them watch, Papá? Please?
Diaz Why are you being so stubborn, Tecno? If you vouch for them... you'll be the first one blamed if something really goes wrong.
Tecno Come on, Papá. I won't let them make any trouble.
Diaz *sigh* Why do you always start acting so spoiled every time we argue?
Tecno Oh... please, Papá, please...
Diaz Fine. Stop batting your eyelashes, it doesn't work on me.
Tecno But it used to...
Diaz Is that so? You didn't have such outrageously colorful hair then, you didn't drape yourself in black yet, and didn't make clinking noises with every step.
Ya estuvo suave...[note 1] *sigh* What's wrong with dressing up all pretty like you did before?
Tecno Hmph...
Diaz Enough. Quit your pouting and get their leader to come find me for a quick talk.
Tecno Should I tell her to come here?
Diaz No, we'll chat on the beach.
<Flashback ends here>
<Background 2>
[Ela meets Diaz at the beach.]
Diaz Miss Ela. Do you know why I'm here?
Ela Probably not for the beach.
Diaz I'm sure this beach is nothing compared to the amazing views you must enjoy working for Reynell.
Ela Hard to say. A clean beach behind an alley full of trash makes for a surprisingly pleasant view. The way the light hits is much prettier than how it shines on the neighborhood.
Diaz Nothing much we can do about that. There's too many buildings with uneven heights there.
As for the trash... it used to be even worse. I had to bring a team here myself to clear it all, and now any aspiring litterbug faces my wrath.
I believe anyone visiting Dossoles should always get a chance to enjoy the beach.
Am I right, Miss Ela?
Ela I didn't come here to litter, Mr. Diaz. Only to enjoy the view, same as you are now.
I like how clean and quiet it is. No rowdy tourists or casino ads in sight.
Diaz That's because the wind is so strong here, no one wants to develop the area.
Ela I can see it in the trees. Their leaves only grow where the wind doesn't blow.
They're resilient, and they still thrive even though la brisa[note 2] is so strong.
Diaz You mean el viento.[note 3]
Ela Sorry, I'm not good with your local language.
Diaz Miss Ela... you say you just want to watch us, and it's not like we have anything to hide. But you should remember to keep your hands to yourself at all times.
Tecno likes hanging out with you, and the community is happy to have your people here as well, so I'll play the bad guy here.
If you betray her trust and hurt her feelings, I'll make sure you pay the price, even if it costs me my life.
Ela You care very much for Miss Tecno. Isn't she just your subordinate?
Diaz I never married or had children. Since I saved her from a fire, she has essentially become my daughter.
That's all I have to say. I'll leave the rest for you to decide.
[Diaz leaves.]
Ela What a roundabout way of showing paternal love.
<Background 3>
[Doc is reading a book about Oripathy.]
Doc (Whispering) An infectious disease caused by an industrial mineral that people here can't live without. It manifests discreetly, has a variety of symptoms and so far, cannot be cured...
(Whispering) I can't imagine what it would be like if something like oil was infectious...
Tequila Did you say something, Señor Gustave?
Doc Oh, nothing. Just rambling to myself.
Tequila Here's the medicine and equipment you asked for. Anything you need?
Doc I think this should be enough.
Tequila Since the loss of the doctor in charge of this neighborhood, there's been a shortage of medical help here. Everyone's glad that you've been lending a hand.
Ah, that's his notebook on Oripathy over there. He was Infected many years before he eventually... *sigh*
Doc I can tell from just his handwriting that he was patient and meticulous in his work.
Tequila All of us do miss him very much.
Oh, also, about the people you were looking for... I sent a Messenger to get your request out quick.
I only met them a few times before, so I'm not too sure if those operators are the same ones you've been looking for, but... having hope is better than having nothing, right?
Doc Certainly. I can't thank you enough.
But... a Messenger?
Tequila That's right.
Doc Do you not have international calling here?
Tequila International...?
[Someone knocks on the door.]
[A young Feline boy enters.]
??? Señor Ernesto, I have an appointment today, and it's now.
Tequila Oh, it's you, Ellie. This is Señor Gustave, our new doctor.
Small Child Hello, Señor Gustave. Mama made some bread for the new doctor, so this is yours.
Doc Oh, please thank her for me. What kind of bread is it?
Small Child A ker-sont.
[Doc stares in surprise before smiling.]
Doc Non, my little friend. It's croissant. You say it like this, "cwuh-son".
Small Child Weird... no one says it like that...
Doc Trust me, that's the proper way.
Tequila Eh? Don't most people usually pronounce it like "ker-sont?"
Doc Non, non... I can't believe this is happening.
Small Child Are you okay, doctor? You don't look so good.
Doc *ahem* No, I'm fine... have you been feeling unwell at all lately?
<Background 4>
Tecno Hey, you two! That arm needs to be a bit higher, so it can connect to the shoulder later.
Operating Crew You got it!
Iana Making two puppets dance together... ambitious.
Tecno It took us half a year from concept to making the actual thing, but it looks like our efforts haven't been in vain.
Iana Did you plan all this?
Tecno Me? No, the original idea came from Papá.
Iana M-Mr. Diaz? I can't believe he'd actually...
Tecno The year that fire happened was particularly dry. When the dance hall went up in flames, the blaze was so intense that people couldn't escape.
It was Papá then who insisted on fighting the fire and saving us despite the orders he had. He tried his best, but couldn't save everyone...
The fire scarred us all, and nobody wants to talk about it. We can't dance the night away like before. Not with all that pain still inside us.
But within the last few years, people have slowly regained the desire to dance.
Except for Papá... he still feels guilty over the people he couldn't save.
Iana And yet he still went and proposed this...
Tecno Papá says he can't dance with everyone, but he can at least be the one that gets everyone together.
Iana You know what, Tecno?
I was shocked when I first got here. Chaotic city planning has the place crammed with illegally built structures and jam-packed with people. I thought the whole place was a giant fire hazard.
But there are lots of fire-fighting facilities in your streets and alleys. You've got quick evacuation routes and plans in every building.
And then I thought, whoever runs this place is actually pretty capable.
And I'm doubly sure of that now.
Tecno That goes without saying...
Hey, what's going on over there?
Iana What happened? I think that arm stopped moving.
<Background 1>
Operating Crew Director What's going on?
Operating Crew This is bad, the arm got tangled with the puppet's body cables when it moved.
Operating Crew Director Can we detach and reposition it?
Operating Crew No, it's jammed pretty tight.
Operating Crew Director Where, exactly? I'll get someone to untangle it.
Operating Crew It's an awkward spot... between the third and fourth floors, far away from the windows.
Operating Crew Director Use a safety harness?
Operating Crew Maybe... we'll give it a try.
<Background 4>
Iana Isn't it kind of dangerous to send someone down from the eighth floor like that? That's much higher than the puppet's head.
Tecno They don't have other options... They can't find a spot to anchor their ropes on lower floors.
Iana Can you not move it with a remote control...? Oh, that building's outer walls don't have any good spots for easy climbing.
Tecno We handcrafted these puppets and their internal structure is real complicated... only someone super familiar with them could handle this.
Be careful...
Iana Almost... just a little bit more to the left—
Tecno Oh no! The technician fell!
<Background 1>
Operating Crew Phew... he's fine, he has a safety harness on.
Operating Crew Director Can he try again?
Operating Crew I'm afraid not... that drop has his legs shaking uncontrollably.
Trembling Voice No, hermano... I really can't do it, I'm afraid of heights... I, I...
Operating Crew Director But you're the one who's the most familiar with the puppets' internals... anyone else would just find it near impossible to fix...
Trembling Voice No... it was so scary, when I fell... I really thought I was a goner...
Wh-Why not call Tecno? She... designed it, after all...
<Background 4>
[The crew member rushes over.]
Operating Crew Tecno! Tecno!
Tecno Is he alright?
Operating Crew He's fine, but he's scared out of his wits. So the boss was hoping you could try your hand at it...
Tecno I don't know a thing about the insides, though.
Operating Crew Huh? Didn't you design them?
Tecno I mean, I only designed what they look like, I wasn't involved in the actual production.
Operating Crew Then... wh-what should we do?
[Ela runs over.]
Ela Tecno, mind letting me and Fuze have a try? We both have experience with heavy machinery.
Tecno Huh? Miss Ela, you're already done talking with Papá?
Ela Give us a chance, Tecno.
Tecno But didn't Papá say...?
Iana I can help out too, Tecno. We all have some engineering experience, so I'm sure we can do something.
Tecno I... I...
Operating Crew You're not afraid of heights, Señorita? That's the eighth floor... Knowing theory isn't exactly enough.
Ela I once dropped out of a twenty-story building, mister. This'll be a piece of cake.
Tecno No, you can't do that... You stay here, I'll go up myself.
Ela Tecno?
Tecno I'm sorry, Ela. It's not that I doubt you, but I promised Papá I wouldn't let you participate, no matter what.
Ela But will you be able to fix it, Tecno?
Tecno I'll try my best.
[Tecno leaves in a hurry.]
Iana *sigh*...
Ela Can you do me a favor, Meijer?
Iana Of course. What is it?
Ela Those guys over there with their eyes on me? Get them off my tail if they follow me, I need to find Fuze.
Iana Oh, so Papá Diaz sent some backup.
I can do it, but where are you going?
Ela Up there. There's no way Tecno can handle the big guy.
[Ela follows after Tecno.]
Iana Ela! Hey!
Alert Community Guard Damn it, where did that lady go?
Iana *sigh*
Sorry, Mister, but I need your help with something!
Alert Community Guard Huh?
[Ela whacks the guard...]
Alert Community Guard Ugh...
[...and he collapses.]
Iana You can't just sleep here.
<Background 5>
[Miłosz enters Reynell's office.]
Reynell Miłosz?
Miłosz That mechanical restorationist from Iberia is here. Are you ready to see her?
Reynell Of course, bring her in.
[The restorationist enters.]
Restorationist Señor Reynell. May I ask what it is you need me to see?
Reynell The music box, on the table.
Restorationist Oh... the famous designer Alizja's sensational masterpiece from fifteen years ago... it is truly beautiful.
I can feel a sense of comforting tranquility...
Just look at the carving of the female figure on the lid. Serene and beautiful, her eyes full of compassion, with a faint hint of bitterness on her lips. Truly an indescribable work of beauty.
Reynell You can spare me the details, madam. I've spent the past several days with it, so I'm well acquainted with its form.
Restorationist The drum is badly damaged, and I'm not sure it can be fully repaired.
Reynell It's fine, that was my doing. I don't need it repaired.
There is a music score in the center of the box, and I hope you can make a new drum to play that.
Restorationist A hidden compartment?
The man picks up the music box from the table and turns it upside-down. He lodges a fingernail into the seemingly tightly sealed bottom panel, and it opens to reveal a folded note inside.
Reynell carefully unfolds the note and places it on the table, its yellowed hue showing its age.
It is a neatly handwritten music score.
Restorationist How did you know about this hidden compartment?
Reynell Oh, I was there when my mother worked on this box. I saw her put the note in there.
<Background 6>
[Ela and Fuze head into a back alley.]
Fuze Are you sure about this? Going up to the eighth floor from here and then rappelling down?
Ela Of course, it's the quickest way to get to our target.
Fuze Also the most dangerous way.
Ela You don't trust me to keep you from falling?
Fuze No, I do. But we are not welcome here.
Such a public move will only make us a target for criticism when they decide to make us their enemies.
Ela You're talking more than usual.
Fuze And you're talking less sense than usual.
Ela I just don't want their idea to go to waste.
Fuze Why are you so concerned with these delusional artists?
Ela What's wrong with delusions? It just means jaws will drop to the ground when they actually succeed in their impossibly difficult self-imposed challenges.
Fuze When you put it that way, all our operations are just like that.
Ela And who would say otherwise?
Fuze ...
You need to move fast when you land. People are after us and they'll catch up soon.
But don't rush yourself either. I'll buy you enough time.
Ela ...Thanks.

After operation

Team Rainbow works with Tecno to fix the malfunctioning festival puppets. The dancing puppets' first rehearsal blows minds.
<Background 7>
Fuze Tecno seems ready with the equipment she's wearing, but her constant ear-scratching tells me otherwise.
Should we act now?
Ela Hold on, we'll wait for her to land first. I don't want to crash into her when I go down.
[The crew are lowering Tecno down with a rappel.]
Tecno Hey, hey, hey! Slow down, you're dropping me too fast!
Ela She thinks that's fast?
Fuze She's like a tiny feather falling slowly in the air.
Ela This isn't the best time to be laughing yourself silly.
Fuze She's in position.
Everything's in place, you can go.
Ela grabs the safety rope with both hands, twists her body out of the window, and stands on the outer wall trying to balance her suspended body against the wind.
She waits until the wind gradually dies down, and frees a hand to straighten her cap that had slanted in the wind as she flashes a smile to Fuze.
Soon after, she lets go of the rope with her remaining hand and disappears out the window, leaving only a rope sliding quickly from the windowsill.
Fuze Phew... alright, seems like they managed to connect.
<Background 8>
[Ela rappels down next to Tecno.]
Tecno Waahhh—! Why are you here too?!
Ela Quiet, and pay attention. You almost cut a major cable.
Tecno What happened to those people following you?
Ela Shook them off.
Tecno Didn't Papá tell you not to get involved...?
Ela Yeah, he did.
Tecno Then why did you come?
Ela To make sure you don't mess up this project.
Tecno Why you...! Are you talking to me like that just because you know what to do?
Ela Well, do you?
Tecno Er...
Ela I did a quick scan of the puppet's arm controls on the way down here, the hydraulic driver is the one causing the problem. Hand me your tools.
<Background 7>
[Several people are running up the stairs.]
??? They're right above, hurry!
We would have caught them a long time ago if that woman didn't get in our way.
Fuze Heh...
Time to deal with my troubles.
<Background 1>
Operating Crew Boss! Good news, the cables are free!
Operating Crew Director So soon? Alright, get Tecno back up and we'll get back to assembling the puppets' limbs.
Operating Crew She says she wants to stay in there.
Operating Crew Director What?
[Tecno's voice booms over the transceiver.]
Tecno I said, I want to stay here! I'll help out with the installation from here!
Operating Crew Director Ah, I'm glad that you want to help us out, but can you promise you won't bother Miss Ela over here?
Tecno Say that again and I'll fly right up and smash your face in!
Operating Crew Director *ahem* Miss Ela, do you mind if she stays here, for my face's sake?
Ela Of course, Tecno is a loyal friend. She doesn't want me to risk my life all alone at such a height. How can I feel anything other than gratitude?
Tecno *cough* *cough*!
<Background 4>
Astonished Resident Hey, look! The puppet's arm is moving again!
That's Tecno over there... but why's someone else with her?
Confused Resident Who is that? An engineer? A technician? Tecno's assistant?
Astonished Resident An assistant? For real? Tecno never liked other people getting involved in her designs.
Confused Resident Let me take a look again... Nope, something's blocking my view. Hey, you over there! Can you tell who it is?
Iana You talking to me?
Confused Resident Yeah, you've been looking that way for a good while now. Can you make out who's with Tecno?
Iana You mean Ela? That's a little complicated—
Astonished Resident Woah, am I seeing things or did that one just hit Tecno on the head...? The last guy who did something like that almost got a finger bitten off.
Iana Uh, I guess you could say she's... a friend of Tecno's?
<Background 7>
[A guard chases after Fuze...]
Community Guard Damn, you slipped away so fast.
[and punches him.]
Fuze Mmph...
Community Guard Huh. A tough one, staying silent after tasting one of my punches.
Get out of the way, unless you plan on dying here!
Tecno Ahhh—!!
Community Guard Hold on, Tecno! We'll be right there, that woman won't touch another hair on your head!
Tecno Get your hands off me! What are you up to?!
Community Guard Get away from the window!
[The guard shoves Fuze away.]
Community Guard Tecno! Are you alright?!
Tecno Wh-Why are you up there?
Community Guard Papá sent me to watch these foreigners and I heard you screaming, what did that woman do to you?! I'll be down to help right away!
Tecno Uh, no, it's nothing, I'm fine... I just... just...
Ela I only bopped her on the head.
Community Guard Did it hurt?
Tecno No...
Community Guard Then why did you scream?
Tecno I... uh, anyway, I'm totally fine, you guys go back and tell Papá everything's okay. I'll watch her and nothing will go wrong.
Ela Tecno. Pass me the soldering tools, thanks.
Tecno Here you go.
Community Guard (Whispering) She's... willing to play assistant...?
Fuze See, they're working so well together. Everything's okay, right?
<Background 1>
Operating Crew The puppets are all done, boss!
Operating Crew Director Phew... is everyone ready? Amigos, this is the hardest part.
We must give them a pulse. Give them blood, vitality, life.
Operating Crew I've been ready for a while, boss. Give the order.
[The director makes an announcement on the speaker.]
Operating Crew Director Hello, everyone. After more than six months of hard work and dedication, we've overcome our obstacles and finally arrived at the end. Thank you all for sticking with it.
Listen up, everybody. Our first rehearsal is about to begin.
Come on, girls. Let's bat those eyelashes.
<Background 4>
[The giant puppets begin to move.]
Community Resident They're alive.
Iana I've pictured this many times.
From the flyers, design drafts, and what everyone was saying... I figured I'd have to compromise on my design, that the pair could never be what I wanted them to be.
Community Resident What about now, looking at them with your own eyes?
Iana All I can say is... it's beyond what I could've imagined myself.
Iana is once again struck by their beautiful faces and delicate construction as she looks at the two puppets blinking away.
They looked like beautiful art installations when they were standing still, but their movements have now transformed them into the two most beautiful girls in town.
Iana is unable to glimpse their eyes as their thick lashes lower too quickly for her to get a good look.
Suddenly, one of them lowers her head, turning toward Iana. Her lower eyelashes lift without dropping back down, and their gazes meet.
A pair of vermillion pupils.
Iana Why are her eyes orange?
Community Resident It's the morning sun reflecting in them. She'll dance under the sun as much as she likes.
Iana Oh, so it's the sun making that color.
Community Resident You know, we originally wanted to have their eyes in black because it'd be easier. But Tecno disagreed, she thinks black is the worst color to pair with the sun.
[Iana is silent for a while.]
Iana No, she's got it wrong.
The worst color to pair with the sun is actually white.
The puppets begin to stretch their limbs as the crowd cheers on. Moving each joint takes a group of people and all their strength, shouting as they pull the rope in unison.
<Background 1>
Operating Crew Director On pull! Uno, dos, tres, pull!
Operating Crew Gargh—!
The puppets lift their knees, and take a step forward.
Operating Crew Director Alright, everyone! Uno, dos, tres, release!
Operating Crew Eargh——!
The puppets wave their arms and brush them against their sides.
Operating Crew Director Okay, uno, dos, tres, again!
Operating Crew Hyah———!
They walk briskly through the residential buildings along a path made by the spectators, occasionally bending down to fit below the skyways.
They eventually stop in the neighborhood's central square.
<Background 7>
Fuze One, two, three! Argh—!
[Fuze pulls Ela up from the window's edge.]
Ela Thanks, friend.
Fuze Want to find a better spot to enjoy the show?
Ela I'm good, the view from this window isn't bad.
What time is it...? Yes, almost here.
Background-Slum Towers.png
As the sky gradually darkens and the twin moons rise from the far side of the city, the moonlit concrete floor appears to resemble a frozen lake in winter.
As the two puppet dancers twirl on the ground, the moonlight highlights their bodies as they move to the castanets' rhythm, alternating between straightening and twisting.
Music pours out from the skyscrapers, roofs, alleys, and even some dimly lit windows.
This is an impromptu ensemble performance, without a rehearsal or conductor.
The sounds flow freely along with the puppet dancers' choreography.
Their skirts catch the notes landing at their feet, transforming them into a part of their beautiful dance.
The tall puppets lower their heads, watching those at their feet.
Those people, small and light as a feather, follow in their dance steps.
They leap into the air and come back down to the ground.
<Background 7>
Ela Still think I wasn't talking sense?
Fuze (Shakes head)
It was well worth it.
So you were willing to help them out because you envisioned something like this?
Ela No, I never thought of it that way. It wouldn't have been fun otherwise.
<Background 3>
Tequila Woah, amazing. Who taught you the harmonica?
Small Child It was Mama, she can do anything, she can play this, she can dance, she can draw, she can even bake super yummy ker-sonts.
Mama is my favorite person!
Doc I have the utmost respect for this superhuman woman, but I must insist—it should be pronounced "Cwuh-son"!
Small Child ......Quaso?
Tequila Hahahaha—!
Doc Ugh... forget it.
I'm going to get some coffee.
<Background 5>
Restorationist Señor Reynell, I've finished inspecting the box, and it'll take a few weeks to repair it.
But I've managed to reproduce a portion of the drum according to that hidden score. Would you like to hear it?
Reynell Yes...
A melody pours out of the box, bringing Reynell back more than a decade, to a time when he hid behind a door to eavesdrop on the tinkling coming from his mother's workshop.
Restorationist Judging by this little bit I've restored, it must be a lullaby.
Reynell An extremely simple tune.
Restorationist Yes, I was surprised when I first heard it, because I recall that your mother crafted elaborate melodies into her older works.
Reynell She wrote this piece herself...
She's no professional composer, but she, as a mother, wrote this simple lullaby for her child.
Nothing special about it.
Restorationist But it must be special to that child, at least.
Reynell ...
Restorationist Señor Reynell... you've been staring out the window this whole time, is something there?
Reynell Nothing much, just watching the moons rise.


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