Operation story: CB-EX1

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Gang Fight Tactics
Previous CB-ST3
Lungmen Streets

After operation

The true playwrights behind the farce gather in the now-abandoned bar. At sunrise, old friends stand side-by-side, watching a new future slowly dawn.
<Background 1>
Butler Please wait here a moment,
Mr. Rat King.
Rat King Thank you very much. You are dismissed.
And excellent marksmanship back there, by the way.
Butler The praise is much appreciated. And do forgive my rudeness, but you were not injured at all, were you?
Rat King Of course not. However, if you ever had any genuine murderous intent towards me...
Butler Then I never would have had a chance to pull the trigger. You need not be so humble, sir, the Master of the House and myself are well acquainted with your past.
Rat King Ah, time is a cruel mistress. Tonight once again reminded me of that fact.
When one toys with the power to terrify others, one risks seeing himself swallowed whole. Playing with those children full of piss and vinegar saw my precious coat destroyed.
Butler Only your coat?
Rat King Needlework is awfully difficult for me.
You have completed your task, Messenger. Return to your master, let him feel at ease that his thing is done.
Butler Indeed. But the Master of the House may well want to see you in person. For now, I shall take my leave.
[The Butler leaves.]
Rat King ...Hm. This place is a disaster. Clearly the work of that penguin.
...Ooh, there's an intact bottle of booze here. Mm, looks like some quality stuff.
Would you like a drink?
Wei Yenwu A bottle that the Rat King himself deigned to bend over and pick up? How could I refuse?
Rat King Listen to you, Chief Wei.
Wei Yenwu Chief. It's been a long time since I heard you call me that.
And here you are, participating in this little game yourself. I thought you would just pawn it off on Penguin Logistics...
Rat King An old man should look like an old man, be kind, and join in fun with the children.
Wei Yenwu Heh heh. I still don't feel like you're truly aging. Maybe it's because your daughter looks more and more like you every day. The young you.
Rat King I don't know how far she can go. Sometimes we need to let them go, but I think we haven't done a very good job on that front.
Wei Yenwu Even if they choose a dead end?
Rat King Even if they choose a dead end.
Hah. But then, what path truly takes you that far? And who decides? The Catastrophes?
Wei Yenwu ...Maybe you really have gotten old, Lin.
Rat King You know why I pay so much attention to that little Messenger? It's because I think they may have something in common.
...Now that I think of it, maybe you shouldn't be here in person, Chief.
Wei Yenwu There are some "Lungmen citizens" who are "casually passing by," we are well aware.
Rat King *Sigh*
Wei Yenwu Even the Rat King sighs.
Rat King There are many things that merit a sigh. I just happened to pick one, with gusto.
...Maybe it is time to retire.
Wei Yenwu That's no good. Lungmen still needs her Rat King.
Rat King But she can do without Lin. Neither of us are as we once were.
No matter. I will persevere until the day Lungmen is ready to go without the Rat King.
That'll be the day my daughter is truly grown.
Wei Yenwu Is that what you think?
Rat King I am her father. And the Rat King of the slums. And once, I was your friend, Lin Gray.
Maybe I can't make a decision. Maybe I've already made many mistakes.
Wei Yenwu ...You are still brooding over the past, Lin.
Rat King When you took Lungmen back for us, I promised you I would stay in the shadow of Wei Yenwu. You need not ever again touch these filthy old alleyways.
...Yes. It's been so long. I made that promise, and we have a Rat King.
Wei Yenwu You've sacrificed much.
Rat King Spare us the crocodile tears. As if I was innocent? When were we ever innocent?
Wei Yenwu ...You kept your promise, old friend. But you also did not hide your misery.
Is that because of your daughter?
Rat King I could not make it clearer to you why I would use such a roundabout way of expelling those Siracusans.
Wei Yenwu There are many troublesome foes. At least I can trust you.
Rat King Trust and exploitation are of a kind. Each have a time and place. We must be practical.
Wei Yenwu ...You used to hate this kind of talk.
Rat King It's remarkable. We have had so many long-awaited reunions tonight, and yet not a single one has been satisfying.
Wei Yenwu Don't talk like that. Look, we're two old friends enjoying some scintillating conversation just after Sauin. Let's just relax.
Rat King As you wish. Phew, it's gotten cold. I don't suppose you had time to light a candle for our old comrades in arms?
Wei Yenwu That doesn't take much time at all. As soon as you left, there I was.
Rat King ...I just can't imagine Wei Yenwu bringing flowers to a grave all by his lonesome.
Wei Yenwu I won't attend your funeral, but maybe I'll bring a bouquet to your grave. Then you'll know.
Rat King ...Could you recall a person who saved your life, and for the trouble was never again able to walk?
Wei Yenwu There are more such people than we could count. The ones who fought side by side with us, gave their lives for us.
And I will never forget any of them, even for a second.
Rat King ...Your eyes never change. Maybe, just maybe you will live a long time.
Wei Yenwu There's a trick to these things.
Rat King Either way, you have to live a while longer.
Wei Yenwu I'll take that as a Sauin blessing.
Rat King Hm?!
[Emperor attempts to kick the Rat King...]
Wei Yenwu
[...only to be stopped by a Forte gentleman.]
??? (Eurill) Marvelous flying kick, Mr. Emperor, but let's show the Rat King a bit more respect.
Good evening, or is it good morning now, Chief Wei?
Wei Yenwu It was an eventful evening, Mr. Eurill. There were some twists and turns, but everyone got what they needed.
I thought you'd be waiting in the VIP room for everything to resolve itself comfortably.
Eurill To toss my son into imminent danger while I wait warm and comfy in the VIP room for Chief Wei to report back? Does that sound like me?
Emperor Who're you callin' imminent danger?
Rat King Take it easy, Emperor.
Emperor I ain't even started with your mummy lookin' ass, old man!
Rat King What's to be so upset about? It's just one little hole in your belly I put.
Emperor Little?!
Rat King Put a little gauze in it. Are you dead? You can't die. Where's the harm?
Emperor *KACHAK* You ruined my favorite tee, old man, cost me a shitload of paper, and then you come around and do me like this? Hmm?
Eurill Let it go, Mr. Emperor, my company will cover all of the day's expenses.
Emperor You shut your mouth. This ain't about money.
Answer me this, Eurill, why'd your man shoot a blank at the Rat King, but this stanky old bastard made a real ass shish kabob outta me?!
Rat King I couldn't resist.
[Emperor, still mulling over what the Rat King done to him before, shoots him with Li'l Homie, but misses.]
Rat King ...You're playing a dangerous game here, Emperor.
Emperor My hand slipped.
Eurill Now now. Chief Wei is present. Let's clear the air of this murderous energy.
In any case, the evening's total economic damages don't come anywhere near those of a single Catastrophe, so where's the problem?
Rat King Penguin Logistics is a fine place to cut your teeth. All those young ladies, the so-called Messengers, certainly don't make an easy go of it.
But if I might offer one piece of advice: be careful it doesn't backfire.
Eurill Hah, of course! But this is my son we're talking about! Mountain Dash never backs down from a challenge!
Emperor You got Mostima, and all of Lungmen really, playin' tutor to your boy. You got me and this ol' stank-ass rodent as your tools. Can you really afford all this?
Rat King Tools? Nonsense.
I couldn't have foreseen those Siracusans would be so difficult to reason with. I thought they'd work with me after a good rapping on the knuckles.
Emperor Bullshit. You had 'em all figured out the moment you laid eyes on 'em.
Rat King Well I never.
Wei Yenwu ...Heh. How lively.
From time to time, you take a deep breath in the outskirts and the air has a very particular taste to it.
As for the Siracusans, no matter how wild the game got, your particular hand was always going to see it turn into something great.
Rat King It won't always be so. You know this better than I. But they have yet to contend with Wei Yenwu.
You may want to be mindful of Siracusa's movements.
Wei Yenwu Of course.
Emperor It's too bad. The crusty old mouse couldn't bring you the goods, Wei Yenwu.
Eurill ...Mr. Emperor, such words could hurt one's feelings.
Now, for the offense caused to the Rat King, planned though it was, I do offer my deepest apologies.
Rat King Your man is a very impressive shot, or at least, he's good at portraying one. It makes a man wonder about his background.
Emperor Real sad. Coulda been a lot more realistic.
Rat King ...You really just want to see the whole world burn.
Wei Yenwu Mr. Eurill, in consideration of the cooperation agreement between Lungmen and your company, it would be wise for you to keep your son away from the center, for the time being.
Eurill Hah hah hah! Compared to the potential value of this little venture, that's no trouble at all.
Wei Yenwu And Mr. Emperor, I trust you understand why it is Lungmen has always turned a blind eye toward the activities of Penguin Logistics.
Emperor Are you telling me it's not because of my outstanding business acumen and immense personal charisma?
Wei Yenwu ...Eheh. Indeed. And I believe you see it clearer than anyone.
Emperor *Yawn* Leave me out of it the next time you wanna do something like this! I'ma send you all an invoice and a bill or two. And you can be sure they're comin' with lots of zeroes.
Eurill Ahahahaha! That's our Emperor. He never misses a chance to extort a dollar. Maybe I should take a page from his book.
Rat King There are few who would dare to extort the whole of Lungmen. That book is a tough read.
Eurill Now then, Chief Wei.
Wei Yenwu Yes, it's probably time for a change of venue. Everyone has their own business to attend to.
Emperor Huh? You plannin' another elaborate, multi-layered plot with six traps, eight twists, and four turns?
Eurill Would you care to invest? Together, we could move the logistics industry up to a new level. From Lungmen, we could take on all Terra!
Emperor Nah. Honestly, I think your company's branding is as crusty as that old rat.
Eurill Ahahahaha! That's the reason! How regrettable!
But now I think it was your turn to speak?
<Background 2>
Wei Yenwu Thank you, Lin.
Rat King It is not yet time for thanks.
Wei Yenwu I'm not just talking about today. It's been many years.
Rat King ...The sun is up.
Wei Yenwu It 's the first time for me to see the sunrise here. The last time we stood shoulder to shoulder like this, was a time of terrible bloodshed.
Rat King The way the tenements in the slums wrap around each other, causing the shadows to criss cross over themselves, it's not the kind of thing you should get used to.
Wei Yenwu Then, after all these years, what is it you see here?
Rat King ...Changes, Mr. Wei.
On that road we walked...
...there is long since no one behind us.