Operation story: CB-EX2

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Unintended Consequences
Previous CB-EX1 (Story)
Mafioso icon.png
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen Back Alley

After operation

Gambino and Capone, both wounded and fleeing from Lungmen, meet again on the trail. However, their duel is interrupted, as usual, by an unexpected guest.
<Background 1>
Mafioso Mr. Rat King.
Rat King Oh, it's you.
Mafioso What of them?
Rat King I said as much, this city has no need of further bloodshed. If they can escape, let them escape.
To miss your old master is noble. And you spent your loyalty to buy the rights of your fellows to live on. That was a charitable act. But you must not get greedy in your requests.
Mafioso ...Y– yeah. But after that, that was way out of step with Lungmen's rules...
Rat King You learn quick.
I have heard that long before Siracusa became what it is today, there was a time when the mafia there had some unwritten rules kept for survival's sake.
The people obeyed them, the people accepted them, and in turbulent times, the mafia came to be the most trusted group in society.
Then, they sold out, they traded in violence, and we came to where we are today.
Lungmen has its laws, and I have my own code.
Even Penguin Logistics has a set of rules for how they do whatever they want at all times, although they're all wildly different.
Mr. Rat King, if the boss back then... if Mr. Gambino didn't pull his sword on you the first time you met, would things still have turned out like this?
Rat King I gave him a chance. Both before and after that moment. It was far more than just that.
But from time to time, and especially in business, first impressions are very important. You understand?
Mafioso ...I understand.
<Background 2>
[Now with the entire Lungmen criminal underworld out for his blood, Gambino tries to escape from Lungmen.]
Gambino ...*Pant pant*.
There is... the exit! It's close!
...Who's there?! Come out!
[The turncoat, Capone, reveals himself.]
Capone So you ain't dead. That's a surprise. Turns out the Rat King ain't so thorough.
Gambino ...The wound you gave me still aches, Capone. I'm real glad you came to face me yourself.
So I can kill you with my own hands.
Capone All of Lungmen's after us. I really don't wanna waste time on you.
So let's get this over with.
Gambino You're gonna pay for betraying the Family...
[Someone approaches Capone and Gambino...]
??? Haha. Family. Family, huh.
That word sure brings me back. Hey, have either of you seen Texas?
Capone Th- that smell...!
Gambino ...a Lone Wolf. What are you doing in Lungmen?
[...who is revealed to be Lappland.]
Lappland Well, Texas is here. Need I say more?
By the way, can you really call yourselves a "Family" after you bolted from Siracusa to get away from all the responsibilities of being a Family? Can you still call yourselves "Sicilian?"
Would the one who plundered your proud and glorious history... Miss Sicily herself, would she agree?
Gambino Shut up! Don't ever speak of her in front of me!
You're nothin' but a traitor! Who are you to call us...
Lappland That's enough, ass.
Oh, you're wounded? I smell blood. Wolf's blood. Mmm, is that what they call the smell of home?
Texas is different now, huh?
Really really different. A couple old friends from Siracusa come knocking on her door and she lets them leave Lungmen alive?
It's so inhospitable. Downright shameful. But it's okay, I'll finish the job for her.
Maybe if I bring her the corpses of a couple paisans from Siracusa that'll get her nice and worked up. Ooh, yeah, that's a great idea...
Lappland You think she can escape? From the shadow of her Family, I mean? From her past?
Gambino ...Capone, stand firm.
Capone Hah. Now we're gonna fight side by side? What happened to your honor and Family?
Gambino Call it self-preservation.
Capone Hmph. You scared?
Gambino Let's just say I don't want her to be the one who kills me.
Capone ...Good point. If I'm gonna die, I'd rather make it to an open casket.
Lappland Hahahaha! Are you trembling?
You're going to fight me when you can barely stand up straight?
All right, sure. Watching the life leave your eyes as you struggle to live sounds like a good time.
I'm going to count to ten.