Operation story: CB-2

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Female Lungmenite icon.png
Female Tourist
Male Lungmenite icon.png
Male Tourist
Mafioso icon.png
Curious Lungmenite
Easygoing Lungmenite
Strolling Lungmenite
Back Seat Mafioso
Mafia Driver
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen Highway
Lungmen Park

Before operation

After sustaining heavy damage, the Penguin Logistics squad hops into a vehicle to give chase to the enemy, and unfortunately land themselves in an auto accident.
<Background 1>
Croissant *Cough cough* Everybody okay?
Bison Just managed to block it—
Texas Nice reflexes, you two.
Exusiai Whew, they really blew it up, didn't they?
Emperor ——*indescribable penguin sounds*——
Croissant (Wh- what's that? Baws's makin' all kinds of crazy sounds!)
Exusiai (Hey, wasn't that box of vinyl records some kind of black market Columbian collectible thingy?)
Croissant (I reckon yer right. What're we gonna do? I ain't never seen the baws all choked up like this before...)
[Several mafiosi are seen fleeing the scene.]
Exusiai What do you mean— Hey! They're getting away! Those guys in black!
Bison Wait! If they were here setting that trap, why didn't they just ambush us? This isn't adding up. We need to take a minute and come up with a plan before—
Exusiai Texas!
[Texas starts the engine of a car.]
Texas Get in.
Emperor ...Listen up.
You can expense your speeding tickets tonight.
They gotta pay... for my vinyl recoooords!!!
<Background 2>
Croissant Got 'em! Dead ahead!
Emperor Exusiai! Pass me my Lil Homie!
Exusiai You got it, boss!
Bison Is that a gun?! But how are you going to pull the trigger...?
Emperor Hah! See for yourself, little man. Let our firearms expert tell you about it.
Exusiai That's forty-two layers of logistics-grade cardboard, seamlessly glued together with industrial adhesive, driven by the finest rubber bands. It's really a magnificent piece.
Bison You mean... it's a toy?
Exusiai It's more of a slingshot—Ow! Err, it's a peacemaker!
Emperor You can't use live ammo in downtown Lungmen. That's the law.
Texas And yet this is the only time the boss seems to care what the law says.
Emperor If nobody follows the rules, our whole society goes to hell, you feel me? Texas, put the top down!
Texas Be careful. Don't want you hitting your head on a traffic signal like last time.
Emperor Do I look that tall to you?
Exusiai Support sniper in position, boss!
Bison W- wait a minute, there's a lot of other cars on the road. Don't tell me you're just gonna—
[Exusiai and Emperor opens fire at the pursuing mafiosi.]
<Background fades out and in>
Mafia Driver They're shootin' at us! Return fire!
Back Seat Mafioso How am I supposed to aim with you swervin' all over the place?!
Mafia Driver Hey, are you hit back there?!
Back Seat Mafioso I'm bleeding, they got me, I need a bandage— No wait, what is this, rubber?
Mafia Driver A what?!
Back Seat Mafioso It's rubber, but it broke the glass! Shake 'em off, quick! Gah, that hurt!!
<Background fades out and in>
Exusiai Clean headshot, boss!
Emperor Sic 'em, Texas!
Texas I'm speeding up.
Bison Slow down! Watch out for that big rig— Aie!
Croissant Yer gonna wanna hold on tight. Texas's whipped up wilder'n a Forte in a twister right now.
Emperor Exu, blow their tires!
Exusiai On it!
Bison She's gonna pop their tires with rubber bullets?!
Emperor I have spoken. So let it be done.
[Exusiai fires several shots at the mafiosi's cars...]
Bison Texas, can you talk some sense into them?!
Texas (Looks away) ......
Croissant Forget it. They're havin' a good time.
Exusiai Check this out! It's gonna do a cool flip!
[...before shooting their tires.]
<Background fades out and in>
Mafia Driver Hey, I can't move the steering wheel!
Back Seat Mafioso Shit, bail out!
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Wait! Going this fast, we're gonna get pulled in!
Exusiai Hah.
[The mafiosi's cars flips after their tires were blown up...]
Exusiai All right, now the multi-car pileup is all yours, Texas!
Texas Gee, thanks a lot.
[...causing a chain reaction which disables the pursuing cars in a "pile-up accident".]

During operation

Exusiai Why is this crazy mobster attacking Lungmen's Command Terminal? Can you sell it for parts?
Emperor Even when the bad guys wreck up public property, they still come at me with a bill. And it's comin' outta your pay.
Croissant Huh?! Didn't you say we could expense everythin' tonight?!
Emperor If it's preventable, it ain't covered. That's common sense.
Defend the terminal. And if you can't defend it, put these punks in the ground!
Unless you want to have tea with the LGD.

After operation

In a nearby park, stall owner Fillet is chatting with his friend Waai Fu, where they greet a mysterious "Sankta" guest. Elsewhere, Bison, who pursued the enemy without permission, is attacked by a mysterious sniper and falls off the overpass.
<Background 3>
7:16 PM \ Clear
Lungmen Central Park, Finball Stand
Fillet Your finballs.
Female Tourist Oooh, such springy mouthfeel. Pretty good.
This place definitely earned that recommendation in the Great Foodie Guide!
Fillet Glad you like it.
<Background fades out and in>
Male Tourist ......
That finball guy kinda gives me the creeps.
Female Tourist I know what you mean. Like, you're selling finballs, why do you have a big knife on the counter there?
Male Tourist The Foodie Guide says the owner is an old man called "The Godly Finball Uncle."
He couldn't be some kind of triad or something...
Fillet Hm? Did you want something else?
Female Tourist Oh, no.
Fillet ...customers have been so weird lately.
??? I'm sure it's got nothing to do with that "Resting Triad Face" you've got going on.
Waai Fu And this is what you wear to work? Think about how this makes Uncle Tung look.
Fillet Welcome back. Done with work?
Waai Fu You could say that. The office said you took some credit. How much?
Fillet 32.60, rounded. You want to try one?
Waai Fu Where'd that come from? I don't have any change on me.
Fillet Consider it a token of my appreciation for doing so much to look after my business.
Waai Fu All right. Don't mind if I do.
It's tasty and all, but isn't this Uncle Tung's stall? A tribute made with borrowed goods is one without meaning.
Fillet You always have to get your digs in. This one's on me...
Waai Fu Okay then. You've definitely gotten better. I wish the other punks took things as seriously as you do.
??? Evening. I'll take some finballs.
Fillet Coming right up.
Mostima in the Market.png
??? Take your time. I'm just enjoying the view of the river. Usually don't see it from this far away.
Smells nice. The Great Foodie Guide never gets it wrong.
Waai Fu ......
Fillet ...order up. Here's your change.
??? Thanks.
Fillet Please come again.
<Background 3>
Fillet Waai Fu? What are you looking at?
Waai Fu It's just that girl kinda weirded me out... do Sankta grow horns?
Fillet Must be some Sauin makeup or something.
Waai Fu They looked real. Whatever. Idle gossip is an unbecoming habit.
Fillet What's next on the agenda? Back to the office?
Waai Fu Studying. I've got a test in two days.
Fillet You're spending Sauin studying?
Waai Fu Sauin is supposed to be about shepherding spirits into the afterlife. Our society has totally corrupted it with consumerism. Respectfully, I will abstain.
Not to mention, I don't get paid that much. I need to get my grades up and nab a scholarship.
Fillet Yeah, that sounds about right for you...
Waai Fu It's their fault for being so out of touch. Don't lump me in with them.
<Background fades out and in>
??? Hm, I've still got some time. Where should I go next? Let's see, looks like there's some good eats around here...
[An explosion is heard on the overpass nearby.]
Curious Lungmenite Woah! What's happening up on the overpass? A car crash?
Strolling Lungmenite Doesn't seem like a regular crash. Let's go check it out.
Easygoing Lungmenite Another street fight? Count me in!
[Another explosion his heard.]
Mafioso Friggin psychos, get away from meee!
??? Oh... so soon?
Looks like I'm on the clock already.
<Background 2>
Bison Ow... I was thrown clear...?
Mafioso A Thank heaven for guard rails. Otherwise we'd be a puddle down there.
Hurry up! Pull me out!
Bison They're trying to get away! Stay on them!
Exusiai Mmmff! This... airbag... it's smooshing me!
Emperor Hold still! You're gonna crush my Lil Homie! Yo! Croissant! It's comin' outta your pay!
Croissant It ain't me! I can't move at all with Texas on top of me!
Texas Oof.
Bison Then I guess it's up to me—!
Exusiai Bison! Wait!
Bison Everyone's crowding around. If they get away now we'll never catch them!
<Background fades out and in>
Mafioso B Pull me out already! That Forte kid's coming!
Mafioso A I'm trying!
Bison Don't move!
[A sniper fire narrowly hits Bison at his shield, staggering him...]
Bison So... heavy...
[...and another shot narrowly misses him.]
Croissant A sniper?!
Emperor Yo, Texas.
Texas On it.
<Background fades out and in>
[More sniper fire misses Bison.]
Bison (They missed. Bad shot?)
(No, they're trying to hit the fuel tank—!)
Mafioso A Huh, what's going on? Who's shooting at the Forte kid?
Mafioso B Focus! The wolf's on her way too! Pull me out already!
Wait, what's that smell? It's fuel! Hurry!!
Mafioso A Brother... it's what it is.
Mafioso B You son of a—!
[The sniper shots hit the mafiosi cars' fuel tanks...]
Bison Damn! I can't—
Ugh. Too late.
[...causing them to explode.]