Operation story: CB-3

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Mafioso icon.png
Little Boy
Little Girl
Lungmen Park
Lungmen Streets
Lungmen City Night

Before operation

After falling, Bison meets the mysterious messenger Mostima, who claims to be a member of Penguin Logistics. With the help of Mostima, the two blend into the crowd, avoiding the eyes of the Mafia.
<Background black>
Bison The shots are coming from above? Are they up on the overpass?
How high is the angle of attack? Where could they be shooting from?
Doesn't matter. First I've got to—!
<Background 1>
Bison Nng—!
I- I'm okay. What's this...? It's sticky...
A Sauin candle? Real lucky these were here...
??? You got one stuck in your horn too.
Bison Huh? Oh, thanks. I guess I better yank it... out—!
??? Don't move, candle boy.
Quiet. Take cover behind that crate.
<Background fades out and in>
[Two mafiosi appears.]
Mafioso We lost Fronzo's signal. Oughta be around here somewhere!
Mafioso Penguin Logistics is here too. Tell the boss as soon as you spot the target.
[The mafiosi leaves.]
??? You can come out.
Bison Oh, okay...
I appreciate your help, but you really don't wanna get mixed up in this. You better go somewhere safe.
??? I'd love to. It's been a while since I had a trip to Lungmen. But a job's a job...
Considering how I found you, I'm guessing your deal with Penguin Logistics isn't going so well?
Bison ...you could say that.
Err, who are you, exactly? I get the feeling you're not a typical passer-by.
??? Calm down. Let's just say I'm not your enemy.
Whoops, they're coming back. Hide.
<Background fades out and in>
[More mafiosi shows up.]
Mafioso A Mamma mia! Those Penguin bastards got Fronzo! What're we gonna do?
Mafioso B That Bison kid's all alone. This could be our big break.
Mafioso A Can we really just yoink him in the middle of downtown Lungmen?
Mafioso B Mr. Capone says as long as we do it nice and quiet-like, hold off on the guns and bombs, Lungmen won't make a fuss.
Nobody's gonna go looking in those filthy old alleyways, eh?
Mafioso A Then we'll be the backup, you find the kid. Capiche?
<Background fades out and in>
??? Well, we can't stay here. Let's get going.
Let's see... over there. Let's say hello.
<Background fades out and in>
Croissant Ya find Bison yet, baws?
Emperor I'm wearin' shades, not binoculars. Gimme some space!
Aight... I see 'im. Waving at me.
Exusiai Well let's go get him, then come back and ask this guy what they're up to.
Mafioso Mmmf— Mmmh—
Emperor Nah.
Looks like our lucky little Bison had a smooth landing. He can get hisself back here.
Croissant Um... he took a forty-foot drop onto a smooth landin'? How's that?
Exusiai And the bad guys are kinda hunting for him. You sure we shouldn't go get him?
Emperor She's got him.
Exusiai ...She's back?
Texas Exusiai, stay focused.
Mafioso There they are! We gotta spring Fronzo!
Exusiai Sigh. There's just no end to you people.
<Background fades out and in>
??? I think we lost them.
So what's Texas and the girls gotten themselves into this time? Who are they fighting now?
Bison Can I really trust you?
??? I guess I better introduce myself. I'm Mostima. A Messenger for Penguin Logistics.
Mostima I think that makes me your colleague, for now. I usually work alone though.
Bison ...Mostima. I've heard that name from my father before.
(Not to mention a Sankta with black horns... the rumors were true. Better not ask about them though...)
Mostima Oh...? Good things I hope?
Bison Erm... how should I say...? Just baseless rumors...
And after you saved me like that, I have no reason to doubt you. Sorry.
Mostima Don't worry about it. You got nothing to apologize for.
Bison Thanks... Now we should share our intelligence... although I'm still pretty confused.
Basically, Penguin Logistics is in some kind of conflict with an arm of the Siracusan mafia.
Mostima Right. Got it.
Bison Huh? You got it already?
Mostima I don't need any more. You need to stop thinking so much. Trust your instincts. That's the Penguin Logistics way.
Bison Oh. So the trick is to just stop thinking, huh...?
Mostima They're a very special bunch. Common sense doesn't really work here.
Bison ...What about you, Mostima?
Mostima Are you always this direct with people?
Bison I– I think so.
Mostima We need to get moving.
Follow me.
<Background 2>
Mafioso Eyo, you found the target yet?
Mafioso There's too many people. Hey, I'm walkin' here!
Mafioso C'mon, let's check somewhere else.
<Background fades out and in>
Bison ...I don't think they saw us.
Mostima Just keep going like this, and we'll figure out a way to meet back up with the others.
Bison Right.
Mostima Hm.
Bison Wh– what is it?
Mostima If we keep going like this, we'll end up...
Bison G– getting caught by the mob?!
Mostima So that's where it was. It's been so many years since I've been back to Lungmen. All the signs are different.
Right... are you hungry? I'm trying to decide between matcha and chocolate.
Bison ......

After operation

Bison and Mostima, while wandering around seemingly without a care in the world, are attacked by the Mafia when they pass by a candy store. In order to throw off their tracking, Bison jumps onto a cargo ship, but Mostima goes missing.
<Background 2>
Fillet Phew... It's getting late. Time to go home and sleep...
This is a great place to run a seafood stand. I can't believe how many customers came through. Hm? Is that...?
Waai Fu ......
Fillet Hey.
Waai Fu I'll break this arm if I have to.
Fillet It's me, it's me! Let go!
Waai Fu Huh? What are you doing here?
Fillet I just closed up. I'm on my way home.
You're the one who's here spacing out— Well, I guess it's not spacing out if you can flip around and snap my neck like that...
Waai Fu Did you hear that car accident just now, up on the overpass?
Fillet ...aren't you supposed to be studying?
Waai Fu One must strike a balance between recreation and labor. If I spent the whole night before the exam cramming, I'd go in there with my brain totally fried.
Fillet Yeah, sure.
I heard some customers talking about it. I hope nobody died.
Waai Fu Same... but I heard something at the office. I guess there's some real unsavory characters mixed up in this...
Fillet Let's get this out of the way: I have nothing to do with any killers, gangs, or anyone in that world. You know that, right?
Waai Fu Everybody knows your deal— Or maybe I should just say, with this attitude of yours, it's natural to be a little suspicious?
Fillet ...right. I get it.
Waai Fu And there was a gas explosion on a highway in the outskirts just two hours ago.
A gas explosion on a highway? That's a pretty convenient explanation.
Fillet Hey, you're not thinking...?
Waai Fu I told you: one must strike a balance between recreation and labor.
Fillet ...right. I get it.
So is this recreation or labor?
<Background fades out and in>
Mostima There we go. They can't do anything downtown like this. Too many people.
You ordered the matcha, right? This one's yours. My treat.
Bison I don't see any mafia-looking guys, but... aren't we letting our guard down a bit too much?
Mostima What are you talking about? This place is a FIVE STAR recommendation. That's way more awesome than some mobsters.
You been able to contact Texas and them yet?
Bison No, it was so fast...
Mostima So what's to be all nervous about?
Bison ......
Mostima Your ice cream's melting. You gotta calm down already.
Bison Er, it's just... nobody could have predicted this. I should calm down.
Mostima These mobsters came aaall the way from Siracusa to Lungmen. We can bet they're not here for Sauin, right?
Bison ...They definitely have some other goal. One of them is me, but beyond that, I don't know.
We're in a good position. We managed to lose them. And with just the two of us versus however many of them, we have the advantage in scouting them out...
Bison But how do we proceed? Should we start hunting them? No, the better move is to reconnect with Texas...
Mostima Heh. You seem a lot more like an ordinary Messenger than Texas and the girls.
Bison Oh, sorry, was I talking to myself?
Mostima No, you're right.
We know the mob is up to something, we can't just go off half cocked.
But sometimes you gotta trust in the girls. I know they can be a little out there, but Penguin Logistics is a tough cookie.
It's kind of weird to call a logistics firm "tough," but... Forget it. It's not like I've got any room to complain.
Let's just take a walk, enjoy the scenery. And maybe by the time we run into Texas and the crew, they'll have this whole gang war all wrapped up?
Bison ...erm, really?
<Background fades out and in>
Mostima Ah...
Bison Mostima?
Mostima You see that candy store?
Bison It's really more of a stall than a store.
Mostima Hm, it is pretty old.
I came here on a trip to Lungmen years ago.
Back then... I didn't have any Lungmen dollars on me. Honestly, I must've looked a sight. But still, I found myself drawn to the candy.
Bison O... kay.
Mostima That's what a Messenger does. We get into trouble on our long and arduous journeys.
C'mon, let's take a look.
Bison ......
Little Girl Wow! It's a twinkly star!
Mister, how did you pull a star down here?
Old Man Sorry, but that's a secret I'll have to keep.
Little Boy That's not a star! It's just a candy with some food coloring!
Little Girl But I've never seen such a pretty candy before... you sure you don't want one?
Little Boy Y– you're such a pain! Don't they have any cotton candy?
Old Man Of course we do. Here, give me your hand.
Little Girl Oh... but I don't want cotton candy. I want that one...
Little Boy I hate fruity candies! They're too sweet! And they turn your tongue weird colors!
Old Man Just take what you want. No charge. For Sauin.
Now it's getting late. You kids hurry home and get to bed!
Little Girl Thanks, mister!
Little Boy Hurry up! I wanna go to the toy store and check out the limited Sauin knights they got!
Old Man Kids these days have so much energy.
Did you want something? We've got these lovely Victorian gumdrops. Real imports. And they come with a candle for Sauin.
Mostima Hmm...
We're in no hurry. The night is young.
Old Man Ho ho. And so are you. You two must be here for the downtown Carnival.
Bison (Mostima, who is this guy...?)
Mostima ...you enjoy the nightlife, sir?
Old Man Not with these old bones I don't. But the candy I sell tends to make its way there for me.
Mostima Is there something special about this year's Carnival Gala? Looks like a lot of foreign guests in town.
Old Man Things have been quiet in this town for too many years. The people are definitely itching for the Carnival.
The Carnival brings in all kinds of characters showing up getting into all kinds of trouble. And that's pretty fun, isn't it?
Mostima Yeah, for sure.
Old Man The point of Sauin was always to see off the souls of the departed. If the living are having a good time, that's a decent sacrifice.
You really don't want anything? Last time, you stood outside with your face stuck to the display window. I thought I was gonna have to peel you off.
Mostima Wow, you remember me? That's kind of embarrassing.
Old Man Hah. How could I forget?
Mostima I'd love to. But I really can't be eating too many sweets before work.
Old Man That's too bad... Ah well, have a good evening, kids.
[The Old Man is revealed to be the Rat King, without his coat.]
Old Man Do come again, when you have time.
Mostima Yeah. Of course.
Bison ......
<Background 3>
Mostima The Carnival, huh? I heard it's the biggest festival event for Lungmen in years.
Bison Sorry, I just had something on my mind...
Mostima It's pretty obvious what you'd be thinking about at a time like this.
But boy do you love thinking too much. Just go with your gut sometimes.
Bison My gut... even a Messenger like you says to trust your gut?
Mostima You play it case by case. Like right now we're up here on a bridge, and there's a cargo ship passing down below us.
Bison Okay?
Mostima And we got three disguised mobsters coming at us from both directions.
Bison Wha!
Mostima It's too late now. They've been watching us for a while.
Since the candy store.
Bison We– we're surrounded?
Mostima There's tourists all around us, so we can't fight.
But I'm not sure these guys have any hangups about that.
Bison ...so what do we do?
Mostima Jump.
Bison I'm sorry?
Mostima Jump. Now.
Bison Off the bridge—?
Mostima There you go with that thinking again. Hop over the railing. Take a leap of faith. Like so—!
Bison W– wait a sec—
<Background fades out and in>
Bison Welp! Somehow I feel like this isn't my first time in freefall....
It's... candy? Why is this freighter hauling candy?
But at least it looks like we lost them, Mostima—