Operator overview: Astgenne

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Astgenne is a 5★ Chain Caster who specializes in DPS and the welfare Operator of Dorothy's Vision, awarded from the Data Collection mission which requires the player to clear DV-4 with Astgenne's Token.png Astgenne's Token available in the Laboratory Recycling Depot for 200 Mysterious Reagent.png, 240 Mysterious Reagent.png, 280 Mysterious Reagent.png, 320 Mysterious Reagent.png, and 360 Mysterious Reagent.png. As a Chain Caster, Astgenne's attacks deal Arts damage to one target at a time with a range of 3×3 tiles and a 1-tile extension up front at Elite 1 like that of Core Casters, and can "jump" to up to three (four at Elite 2) additional targets in a radius of 1.7 tiles around the primary target and 1.8 tiles around the secondary targets with each jump dealing 15% less damage, and slows them for 0.5 seconds, in return for having below-average ATK and high DP cost.


Passion for Research slightly buffs Astgenne's ASPD every 15 seconds starting from when she is deployed, which stacks up to five times.


  1. Double Diversion makes Astgenne's attack deal more damage, can target up to two enemies, and jumps between four enemies even at Elite 1 when charged, which can store multiple charges at higher levels.
  2. Starlight Intersection extends Astgenne's range to 3×4 tiles, buffs her ATK, and makes her attacks hit up to two targets while active.
    • Starlight Intersection allows Astgenne's attacks to hit many more targets, especially when compared to other Chain Casters, which can potentially grant her a huge multi-target damage output.
    • Naturally, Starlight Intersection is mediocre against a single enemy.

Operator Module

The CHA-Y Module, Unassembled Clock, removes the damage penalty in each jump of Astgenne's attacks in addition to increasing her maximum HP and ATK. Once upgraded, Passion for Research's interval is reduced and its maximum stack count is increased.

Base skill

Rhine Tech α increases Factory productivity by 15% while Astgenne is assigned to one. At Elite 2, Rhine Tech α becomes Rhine Tech β with a higher productivity boost of 25%.


Astgenne is a solid Chain Caster who can cause untold harm to groups of enemies with her conducting and multi-target attacks.

Together with her sister, she too will shine like her as twin stars in the dark sky guiding for the lost.